4* Deadpool Daily play discussion - advice and strategy
Boss battles should be difficult. And not everyone should be able to beat them on the first try.
Even some members of the SSOLU had to fight cyke 2x.0 -
I won on my second try, after losing the first with no boosts. It was very close, and I was lucky to get SS off right on time. Second try I boosted with:
Rainbow +2
G/B +2
Rainbow Damage * 100%
I have a 355 X-Force at 205 (I raised him slightly after losing match 1). Legendary token was Invisible Woman green (needed it, but kinda disappointed given what I also need).
I have only one other 4* who is slightly playable, so I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to beat this again any time soon. I get that this round is supposed to be challenging, but not allowing team ups while the AI gets one is ridiculous. You are pretty much guaranteed a loss if the AI gets any moves off.0 -
My max covered 181 xf won on a second try. The key is to match red, yel, tu, in that order. Slowly build up bk ap until you have a red dominant board; surgical will remove all red tiles and knock cyclops out of the game.
But yeah, giving the AI a thor red tu is totally miserable/frustrating experience.
I agree that the weekly ddq node isn't meant for everyone. If you have a minimally covered xf, you have almost zero shot at winning this tough matchup.0 -
I'm happy I managed to scrape by but this was real dumb and 100% luck for me. If the point is for people to transition to 4* I really hope they scale down the tuning next time as without 8-9 covers minimum this is near impossible and even then its all about luck and boosts. It should still be hard but for folks transitioning to 4* (assuming they even have the required character) a lot probably only have a couple covers each which won't cut it at this difficulty. Once DDQ gets past the older 4* this is mostly benefitting the folks who are already well in to 4* bracket who may not even need 4* covers and are just hoping for a chance at the 5*. I'm only missing a couple 4* characters but besides sue storm all of them stand 0 chance against this difficulty due to only have 1-3 covers each.
I got it on my 6th or 7th try. Lvl 168 2/ 4
/ 2
with +2 green black, +2 all, +100% match damage. Both Optic and Omega were 1 shots against me. Got real lucky with board placement and drops to deny him red and black matches as long as possible. Cyk matched enough for Optic on the next turn so I should have been dead but I only got him because the killing shot was a 4 tile black match. Fight ended with XFW around 900 HP.
0 -
Sherlock1 wrote:Before starting, let me precise that i don t have a consistent 4* roster: only have level 166 HB and 130 IW fully covered, and my level 130 XF has 12 covers.
When i read some reactions, i dont understand: were all the legendary tokens put in game supposed to be won by everyone?
From what i remember, it has been said that legendary tokens would appear and be a first step to improve easier 4* characters: it s the beginning, and maybe later legendary tokens will become more present and accessible to more and more players.
I m pretty sure that soon, 4* pvp will occur regularly, which will satisfy many players, so let s be patient
Moreover, legendary tokens are accessible to a lot of players:
- For those who play pve (rookies, semi advanced players, and others), there is the final pve progression token: many of us who play regularly pve shouldn t forget that reaching such peak doesn t require full grind all along the event, but regular play and especially on the last days of the event (where subs worth more points). For instance,several players made 130k to the previous Hulk pve, which almost twice what required to get legendary token in current pve, meaning that a lot of players made it to 70K last time
- For those who are tired of pve, and are more focused on pvp, there is the final pvp progression token: it s a challenge to make it to 1300, but usually, those burnt of pve have consistent rosters (3 *+) and can have a real nice challenge to make it
- For the big rosters vet and the whales, there is the final fight in Deadpool Daily Quest: not that easy even for the vets, as recent 4* characters may not be well covered enough to make the fight easy...
Now, i agree with one improvement: please remove TU for the AI, pleaseOtherwise, where is the issue? I think these 3 tokens are challenging for the majority, and many of those who cannot reach any of them will probably be just very recent players with no roster (and they don t need legendary token, which will take them one roster slot for a character not needed yet), and some others will be players who play too rarely or few minutes a day (sorry for u, i confess)
We should be happy that so "many" tokens are deployed in all categories of the game, allowing us to have a shot in earning something who can improve significantly our roster and our game, until the moment when we will have several 4* pvp (hang on, fellows), and other option to win the holy grail, a 5* character!
One last thing: miracles are still possible, some people with not that great roster can make it from time to time to 1300 in pvp, and a level 130 XF can defeat a 270 cyclops: they are legendary tokens, so for now, let s appreciate getting a few from time to time, they not standard ones!
Good luck everyone!
so... D3 is going to give us the opportunity to get more 4* covers. great!
I think most here would be fine with the difficulty of achieving that (but perhaps even a tad less so).
I think most here would be fine with how infrequent that opportunity is.
but in my opinion, have those opportunities both be SO difficult and SO infrequent is just way too much. it's just a slap in the face0 -
This was my observation from the 5* release thread, where the 4* DDQ was announced:
"When I first started reading, I was disappointed. I kept reading and saw there was to be a 4* DDQ, so I felt a bit better. Then I read some more details about the DDQ 4*, and now I'm disappointed again. You open up a new, higher tier, when most players can't get into the previous highest tier. And your initial attempt to ameliorate that situation, doesn't appear that it will be at all effective. If I still have to get multiple 4* covers by other means, in order to have a chance in the upcoming DDQ 4*, then I am no better off than I was before. Disappointing."
After its gone live, my disappointment has only deepened. My WXF is 2/0/5, been unlucky on getting any black covers. I spent 60k iso to get this character up to lvl 168, just to see if I might have a chance. All I can possibly do is hope to Recovery him to death, and that's not a particularly viable strategy. Not going too well.
It appears my original thoughts on this were pretty spot on. If this was intended to be any kind of transition, its an utter failure so far. FFS, D3....what were you thinking?0 -
PhoenixDream wrote:Whiners gotta whine.
Deny yellow, use yellow to keep your Xforce alive, stock black then use it to remove all red from the board, win. It's just as simple. I won on my first try.
Also, remember you can use boosts. Like, you know, stacked damage boosts.
Not just a case of deny yellow. Deny yellow, red, black oh and team up tiles. Whiners gotta whine because unless you have a very useable X-Force it is bordering on impossible even using max rainbow damage, max red/yellow damage and a boost that gives 20% damage against X-Men.
I understand it has to be hard but allowing a team up that generates yellow to feed red is beyond absurd when 1 Optic Blast will OHKO you.
At level 140 X-Force Wolverine is by far and away my best 4* character and if this is the standard I really don't see how an unplayable match is going to help me with a 4* transition.
Good idea in theory but sadly poorly executed, sorry D3 but you need to go back to the drawing board for this one.0 -
The problem is not only the challenge that is nothing like they said it would be, but once again the ones getting the prize are not the ones that need it most.
Just like #1/1k/1.3k on pvp, T5 and T25 (and more recently even T100 in some brackets), the ones getting it are the guys with the most (if not all) 4*s on hand alredy. They don't need the 3* covers, don't need any or most of the 4* covers and yet are the ones who can reliably get those prizes.0 -
I have 18 maxed out 3 stars and very few 4 star characters. I was hoping this 4* DDQ would help advance my game. It clearly does not.
I feel like there is nothing for me to do in MPQ anymore. Receiving 4 star characters is still out of my reach, even with playing two hours every day.0 -
A note to everyone regarding the absence of tu's for players...if we were allowed to use tu's people would just super whale the node making it extremely easy to get a token that you really need to "earn". The AI is granted a tu because we can use ap/dmg boosts...these are my thoughts, no official word from D3 but this would certainly make sense...0
Wow, so much hate!
I love this new node. I have four usable 4* characters, and thanks to this event I should be able to get 4 legendary tokens when they cycle through. That should help me build up some other 4* characters, or finish out a couple usable ones that aren't quite fully covered, or with a little luck grab a 5*. I think a lot of people misunderstand the intent, and/or don't understand that legendary tokens aren't meant to be things that are just given away easily. It's not like the 3* DDQ where if you have the character it's easy to get another cover FOR THAT CHARACTER to continue to progress. Now you need to have a particular 4* developed so that you can use it to hopefully get a DIFFERENT 4* character. And it's hard. It's supposed to be.
I beat it first try with my max covered 180 XFW and no boosts. I immediately recognized that a single ability from cyclops would down me, so I just didn't let him do that. I denied red/black HARD. That doesn't mean I took all the red and black matches. That means that I manipulated the board to move red tiles away from each other. I avoided making matches where new tiles would fall near red/black ones. I saved my XF abilities for times where enemy red/black matches were unavoidable to shake up the board. I saved my SS until after he used his yellow and the board was littered with red tiles. I had my yellow ready to go for a shakeup, but didn't need it. I recognize how easy it is to get unlucky, take a single blow from cyclops, and have to start over. But most of you with 166 XFWs should be able to beat this.
Oh, and I agree with everyone that Cyclops getting a team-up, but not being able to use one yourself is total ****.0 -
Philly79 wrote:A note to everyone regarding the absence of tu's for players...if we were allowed to use tu's people would just super whale the node making it extremely easy to get a token that you really need to "earn". The AI is granted a tu because we can use ap/dmg boosts...these are my thoughts, no official word from D3 but this would certainly make sense...
all you say is true, however they stated teamups WOULD be allowed and without a single word to the contrary the event went live and ALL teamups were blocked. if they were concerned about whales, block whales.
and its not like whales are infinite, it takes ten days to charge a whale and the 4* ddq is every 5 days. you will run out. i did manage to beat the node and im still pissed.0 -
One thing the devs accomplished from 4* DDQ is all the new players registering accounts on D3 Go! I don't recognize 80% of names in this discussion0
PhoenixDream wrote:Whiners gotta whine.
Deny yellow, use yellow to keep your Xforce alive, stock black then use it to remove all red from the board, win. It's just as simple. I won on my first try.
Also, remember you can use boosts. Like, you know, stacked damage boost?Punisher5784 wrote:BUT THE AI CAN USE T/Us! Of course it's Thor Red so it makes yellow for Cyclops.
This is an absolute joke. I understood it would be challenge but you basically need a fully covered 4* to beat this which completely defeats the purpose of winning a Legendary token. Most players only have X-Force as their most covered, myself included with a 4/2/2 build.
I couldn't even put a dent into Cyclops health, I never had enough time to build up my powers because every board was filled with Red, so I have to deny that. My green barely does any damage.. I can ramble on and on about this..
So much for earning 4*'s "easier"
Edit: I went back to sleep after wiping three times. I woke up hoping it was a dream... it wasn't
When i read about DDQ was gonna have 4* node, i thought great maybe peeps with 6 cover would be able to compete, maybe hard but still do able. but D3 thought otherwise and hit us with a balance of power buffed opponent.
I think they should tier opponents so if u have fully covered and maxed level 4* u get to fight a 450 Silver Surfer. lets see if whiners gonna whine.0 -
I guess one could argue whether or not that team-up is good or bad for the AI. In this case, I think it is good for the AI, since there is almost no way to get your Recovery Tile out there on the board before he launches his team-up tile.
However, if you could get it out there soon, that would be a potential detriment to Cyclops, auto-matching on yellow-tile generation, then getting hit for a bunch of damage...
Of course, if that doesn't kill him, he'll get all Revolutionary on you, then melt your face off.
I can see how the semblance of balancing may have been in there, but it definitely skews towards the AI.
I do want a challenging fight. Heck, giving us XFW required and two additional characters would have made that a challenging fight.
Maybe what needs to happen is dropping team-ups entirely, having a required character, giving us a 3-person team, but limiting the characters. Like, only one 4*, and the team you assemble must fit with the theme of the match, like only x-men players, or only villains, or something like that.
Like the Vault, it is a good idea, but could be implemented a little better.0 -
It seems like some scaling based on the character's level (rather than a flat maxed 3*) would be appropriate. My XFW is 2/0/1 (looks like I entered him wrong on my roster) and I was killed purely by match damage (okay, there were a couple of unfriendly cascades) before I could even get a single Recovery off.0
You can't say people misunderstood the intent when they did a piss poor job at explaining it. They should have just said if you don't have a well covered char, you don't have a shot at it rather than beating around the bush.
Just call it what it is, it's a way to reward people who have whaled. Yes, you have some people who have been largely f2p who have great 4* covered but by and large it's people who have sunk good amounts of money into the game.0 -
Ok, the biggest issue with the entire arguments posted is a simple one.. Boosted Cyc is one of the single deadliest characters in the game. They will not all be this hard.
There is going to be a strategy against every opponent, i am proof that a way underleveled and undercovered XFW can indeed beat this with some luck. Do not give up!0 -
There have been a few good suggestions so far but how about... no boosts or TU's for anyone but a scaled enemy that is in a range (just) above your 4*.
So.. it's not super easy and you might/might not loose a couple of times but with an ok board and sensible playing, the token is yours.
Yay? Nay? Other?0 -
Philly79 wrote:A note to everyone regarding the absence of tu's for players...if we were allowed to use tu's people would just super whale the node making it extremely easy to get a token that you really need to "earn". The AI is granted a tu because we can use ap/dmg boosts...these are my thoughts, no official word from D3 but this would certainly make sense...
The AI is also granted +104 levels, that tends to compensate for a lot of things, especially when the damaging abilities scale so well.0
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