4* Deadpool Daily reactions



  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:

    See, now this is a reasonable and understandable response. Although I think it's more than a bit ironic that you're telling me to own being a 'jerk' when you're the one doing the name-calling and expecting the filter to tidy your language up for you.

    What triggers my personal jerk-radar is when people start bringing up, as you did, that their lives are much too busy to do better than they are doing in this game. Mostly because it seems like they either do expect the same rewards for less effort, or like it's a snub towards those of us who do actually manage to do better without pouring their wallet open.
    I don't have less of a life than you. During the week I'm balancing running a business and being a full-time single parent of my kids, and on weekends I spend time with my kids, family, friends, girlfriend, hobbies, and often have some leftover work to wrap up as well. That still doesn't keep me from getting 30-60 mins of MPQ time in here and there to hit that PvE run or get a pvp progression. It's fine if you choose differently or have different priorities, but don't make it seem like only people who have no life or are whales can get 4*s and legendaries.

    Your point about the previous presentation of this node not reflecting reality well is very valid, though.
    I do apologize for my language Der_Lex, its not typical.

    I too am F2P with a family and understand time and effort are required to counter not spending.

    I'm on day 351, cant wait for Devil Dino. I stopped grinding PVE because it was becoming too difficult with work and family, DDQ and PVP requiring less of my time and allowing me to play in the evening when the kids are in bed.
    My time is not more precious than yours, i did not imply that. My initial post was more in response to people acting like all the means of achieving Legendary Tokens are equally achievable.
    For my personal circumstances if i can hit 1k with 1 shield, 2 at most, i will, but cannot financially afford to spend on HP for the 1300 token. I was away this weekend for my Anniversary, therefore chose not to grind PVE as it was very bad timing.
    DDQ with low time req, and a moderate 4* build (as i perceived it) was the ideal way for me but caused much frustration and disappointment.

    I took your comment personally as you did mine, because we were not aware of each others personal circumstances.

    My best to your family and i wish you success in your business and in the game. You are not a tinykitty.

    Thanks, dude. Sorry if I was initially too harsh on you as well.

    We all get frustration moments in the game. Hell, I basically ragequit for months last year after a very disastrous PvE. And it took DDQ, selectable end times and the warm, open arms of my old alliance of awesome people to get me playing and enjoying the game again.

    Anyway, best of luck to you as well, and if you ever feel like comparing notes about getting the most out of limited MPQ time, feel free to shoot me a PM sometime (I don't want to derail this thread further). And happy Anniversary!
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Doesn't mean it's anywhere close to what ice said here in the forum for the entire player base.
    IceIX wrote:
    Philly79 wrote:
    What levels can we expect for the 4* in ddq?
    Still being tweaked, but expect "Level ouch". The idea is that you're going to need a real live 4* character in there, and a 1/0/0 70 is going to have an extremely difficult time of it.
    IceIX wrote:
    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
    Depends on the 4*. I've beaten many of the nodes with their current balancing with a copy of my current roster from Live. And as anyone who has seen my roster knows, I'm not living la vida 4* yet.
    IceIX wrote:
    Are we talking half way covered or just 4* with 1-3 covers because that's a massive difference.
    Here's my current roster, for reference:

    IceIX wrote:
    ...there are most definitely players doing it with a handful of covers, and more that are doing it with a relatively low leveled 4*. It's by no means easy. I did specifically say that we expect a real live 4* in there. I'm not sure I ever said it was supposed to be easy or something that anyone with that day's 4*, or even that a low leveled 4* could simply do. The closest I said is that I've managed to beat many of the nodes with my Live builds, none of whom barring maybe Wolverine are high leveled.

    In one reply says rostered low level PX can't win, but seems to indicate again that several can win. This is a roster with 127 (6 cover), 120 (8 cover), 115/111 (5 covers) as 2nd-5th best 4*'s. Certainly plenty of reports (and IceIX gave data) that these low level rosters -can- win these matchups...but there seems to be an incredible amount of frustration from those with 8 or less covers and levels that low. Winning many times with those levels/covers seems incredible, we'll have to see as the match-ups are revealed.
  • I feel like most the frustration in all of this comes from the fact this was under the banner of DDQ. DDQ was designed to allow for level progression through mostly skill and a small bit of chance. With a single 3* cover, decent roster of 2*, skill and little luck you could be begin generating covers for your 3* and the Iso to boost them. This new legendary challenge has little to do with an of those factors right now. IceX has hinted that the challenges will be different so we'll see where this all ends up.

    Today though a lot of people entered excited and were mercilessly crushed by something they felt they had no control over. This challenge came down to the strength of a single character (which has never been a factor in MPQ), in a situation heavily weighted against you as a player (very uncommon in PvE events in this game), with little-to-no time or reliable means to come up with a solution to the problem (24 hour window and no way to ensure covering or leveling a specific character without using an inordinate amount of resources).

    I think if this were more of a separate event along the lines of Growth Industry (which from my brief time on the board seemed like a pretty big success) I think people would have had different expectations and would have taken the stark reality of where they sit on the MPQ landscape much differently. As someone with a solid 3* roster I have grown accustomed to breezing through DDQ. The jump from The Big Enchilada to this challenge was not a small one. I got through Growth Industry on the first day with a decent challenge, overcome through skill and a solid roster, and thought this event would fall into that category. It didn't work out that way and I like many was left disappointed and angry.

    I've taken the morning and afternoon off from MPQ and have realized some of the anger is misplaced. A solid 3* roster still has a chance to get these tokens as the progression award in PvE and PvP. These conclude anywhere between 3-7 days, about the same average time as the every 5th day legendary DDQs. This means 3* hoping to progress to 4* still have a reliable means to get there outside of this challenge and not fall too far behind those completing it consistently (although it should be clear to us after today that we are further behind than we thought). Personally, I don't put that much time in PvP, but I almost always max out the progression goal in PvE. That's only clearing the nodes about every 8 hours, at about 30 minutes a clear, 3 times a day: once when I get up, once at work and once before bed (with maybe a quick push before the nodes close for the day). It's reliable and I can build my schedule around it without sacrificing too much time or responsibilities (work, wife, 1yo daughter and graduate degree studies).

    TL;DR this shouldn't have been a part of DDQ, solid 3* rosters can still earn legendary tokens through other PvEs, and let's give the developers an opportunity to show us what all they have planned before we, the mob, break out the pitchforks torches.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    Three clears a day in the Hulk event should be enough to get you to 70K. It sounds like you are missing an essential character though, so you'll have to do some extra grinding at the end of the sub to catch up.
    I've been double-clearing all my nodes and have been grinding them just before each of the sub-events closing. I've got two days left on the clock and in that time remaining I am still only going to barely reach the Blade cover at the half-way points mark to the Legendary token.

    Good luck doing three full clears on any PvE event if you play the PC Steam edition of the game instead of the mobile edition; no way to play mid-day.
    And good luck if you're sorted into a low point bracket, which makes the whole thing an exercise in futility.

    Getting legendary tokens from PvE?
    Not a stable option.

    The situation with DDQ will have to improve, or we're going to get a lot of stonewalled 3* players, similar to the 2*->3* plateau we were stuck with last year.
  • Rodolfo78
    Rodolfo78 Posts: 70 Match Maker
    I've sacrificed my 1/1/1 XFW to Cyke multiple times today. I have a feeling my personal scaling will come down soon. *crosses fingers*

    In all seriousness, I won't be able to beat this for months, but whatever. If I had to choose between DDQ as it always was, or DDQ with this extra thing that I might be able to do someday, I'd choose the latter. No need to cry into my pillow.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Finally cleared it.

    Lvl 140 3/4/1

    20+ tries, gb damage boost maxed, ry damage boosts maxed.

    Didn't buy boosts until i was regularly able to deny red successfully enough to get him down to half life, then it took me about 7 tries with boosts to win.

    Pain in the butt.
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I was really looking forward to this new node in DDQ to get the legendary token. I thought it'd be a cool new challenge, one characer against one character. I didn't expect it to be easy but I also didn't expect it to be quite this difficult based on what was said before.

    There's one aspect, though, that really soured me on the entire thing. Both in the way it's implemented and the lack of communication from the devs beforehand. And that's team-ups.

    First off, I was really disappointed to see that you couldn't use team-ups for the match. Disappointed, but resigned -- I get that you don't want people able to just super-whale the node.

    I have a level 230 fully covered XFW. My first try at the node, I had a red heavy board and really had no shot. Then, my second try, I eat an Optic Blast but get Cyke down and am about to kill him on my next turn. Except I get hit by a Thor team up and am killed. I was pissed off. Are you kidding me? I can't use team-ups but the AI can?

    So as of right now, what should have been a new, cool, exciting aspect of the game, has me feeling disappointed, frustrated, and a little angry. That's not good. The fact that team-ups wouldn't be allowed really should have been mentioned before this went live. This is a big factor in how people will approach the fight. And something about this needs to be tweaked. Either let the player use team-ups but lock out Deadpool (so there still won't be super-whales) or at the very least, get rid of the AI team ups.
  • I just fought cyclops for the 40th time. I have a 3/3/2 level 150 whatever wolverine. I spent thousands of ISO and now hundreds of HP on boosts to give him +6/+6/+6

    he has beat me 40 times. Once I got him to 2000+ health. That was exciting.

    They deleted my other thread in which I explained that if he matched any of his colours it was game over.

    anyway, 40 times. yup. Want my HP and ISO back, and time, wont happen. I have a fully covered 3 star roster. This token should be made for players like me. Feel horrible. Wont be playing another event until they address and fix this. Back to hearthstone!
  • My reaction was to delete the app and decide to quit. 7 covers, 20+ attempts, 1000HP spent on boosts.
    I'm on day 334 and I've spent some decent money on this game. I'm taking my wallet elsewhere. I hope us guys who quit will make life better for those of you who will continue playing. Cheers!
  • im right there with you some guy, if I don't get a token from this event or some kind of we screwed up apology post, or some acknowledgement from ICEIX for his flat out lie then I'm right behind you deleting this
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I think the problem is putting this in DDQ. The users have been so coddled by how easy DDQ is that they can't take a challenge or the idea that not everything in MPQ needs to be as easy as DDQ has always been.

    If more of these battles are against boosted 3*s, it is going to be tough. Cyclops has the most damage per AP of all of the 3*s and is the one that is most likely to destroy a low health 4* like XFW, especially one that doesn't do a ton of damage per AP until he gets a lot of covers. A boosted Cyclops can one shot a high level wolverine... that's frustrating.

    To me, this might well be one of the most difficult 4* to 3* matches that they could present. So everyone take a deep breath, chill out, and maybe you will get a legendary token the next time if you didn't get one this time. Or maybe you won't. Maybe this is like gauntlet and they don't expect everyone to be able to complete it all the time. I didn't come to the forums the first three times I played the gauntlet expecting to be handed the reward for completing it.

    Good luck, and may the board be with you.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    _RiO_ wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    Three clears a day in the Hulk event should be enough to get you to 70K. It sounds like you are missing an essential character though, so you'll have to do some extra grinding at the end of the sub to catch up.
    I've been double-clearing all my nodes and have been grinding them just before each of the sub-events closing. I've got two days left on the clock and in that time remaining I am still only going to barely reach the Blade cover at the half-way points mark to the Legendary token.

    ... then something is odd, Rio.

    I have been recording the value of each clear in the event thread: https://d3go.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=32727&start=60#p409333

    A single clear of each of the first 6 subs would get you 20.5 K. I expect the 7th sub to be worth around 5000 - 5500 / clear.

    A double clear of each sub; plus another double clear of each as your grind, should absolutely blow away the new max progression (70K). In fact you should almost hit 100K playing that way.

    Are you seeing lesser point totals than I am?

    Or missing essentials? Each essential character locks up 15% of the points available.

    Just to chime in... I'm in shard 1 and started the event about 12 hrs late. I have been doing 3 clears (8-9am, 5-6pm, 11-midnight) everyday and I'm on track to hit 70k soon. Currently sitting close to 60k after 2nd clear of the 2nd last sub. I expect to hit the 70k somewhere in the last sub. I did not grind at all. The rate was roughly 10k a day.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    It was a tough match - and I was unlucky in facing a few cascades that favored Cyclops - but I managed to scrape through on my first attempt.

    Here's what I think is worth mentioning:

    1. Cyclops is the strongest 3*.
    He accelerates his own abilities and, since his attacks are both essentially converting AP to damage, the only real counter is to hate-match his colors.

    I don't expect other weeks to be as hard simply because there's only 1 or 2 other 3*'s that scale as dangerously as Cyclops. There are other factors, of course; my 0/1/0 MrF is going to struggle against Doom.

    2. It's a tougher fight than what was expected.
    I enjoy a challenge, but it's clear a lot of people weren't prepared.

    I think I'd prefer that the fight keep the current difficulty but increase the frequency (to daily). Perhaps institute a limited number of attempts.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Likwise, I'm doing three clears a day, occasionally double-tapping essentials (usual schedule: start of sub at night, morning before work, after I get home) and I'm on pace to hit 70K midway through the last sub.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    just hit 70k at rank 44 lets see how bad i fall for not playing the last 40 hours
  • i remember on one of Q&A that people asking about adding 4star onto ddq, these what i expect: 1x restricted 4star + 2x 3/2/1star againts same enemies (4star with 2 3star) just like normal node no need for another survival and then the reward are chose one from green/black/yellow color xforce or 250hp.(not gonna happen lol)

    epic battle is good idea but it sound like something related to story, i hope that dev's make their own sub(or map?) just like antman event before but only last 7 day(or 5) and legendary token as reward and more in-depth of that giiven character/required, something like: mid-fight dialog, special buff/tile/ability that only occurring on that battle, changing background or maybe 1vs1 suddenly changed into 2vs1(cavalry incoming lol) or fight against cyclop until half health turn out to be. . . .mystique!!!

    i think what current 4star ddq was meant for 4star well developed into 5star-land, kinda contradicting with usual ddq where player could pass last survival node with 2star team(big help for who 2>3 or 3>3 well-developed roster)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    I think the problem is putting this in DDQ. The users have been so coddled by how easy DDQ is that they can't take a challenge or the idea that not everything in MPQ needs to be as easy as DDQ has always been.

    If more of these battles are against boosted 3*s, it is going to be tough. Cyclops has the most damage per AP of all of the 3*s and is the one that is most likely to destroy a low health 4* like XFW, especially one that doesn't do a ton of damage per AP until he gets a lot of covers. A boosted Cyclops can one shot a high level wolverine... that's frustrating.

    To me, this might well be one of the most difficult 4* to 3* matches that they could present. So everyone take a deep breath, chill out, and maybe you will get a legendary token the next time if you didn't get one this time. Or maybe you won't. Maybe this is like gauntlet and they don't expect everyone to be able to complete it all the time. I didn't come to the forums the first three times I played the gauntlet expecting to be handed the reward for completing it.

    Good luck, and may the board be with you.

    I partially agree with you. But I think your choice of language is very biased. Hard != good, and easy != bad.

    the original daily quest was great because it served almost everyone in the game.

    --1* and 2* players could finish the first couple of nodes, get some iso and tacos easily.

    --2*-->3* transition players could get even more iso and as they started acquiring 3* covers, it dramatically increased the rate of transition, and also provided iso for leveling.

    --full 3* vets and even whales with complete rosters also got a great way to collect cheap iso and respec their 3* bench as desired.

    --The only group left out was the 3*-->4* transition group. But that group was vanishingly small at the time, and even they appreciated the iso.

    The fact that it offered a high return on investment was intentional, and was awesome. It was introduced at a time when the huge number of new 3*s and 4*s, low token drop rates, and 3* vaulting meant that the old mechanisms of transition were breaking down (it might have taken 6+ months for a new player to build a single 3* f2p at the time). And whether it was "easy" is subjective. It wasn't easy for 1* rosters. It was fairly easy for maxed 3* and 4* rosters, and somewhat challenging for 2* rosters.

    The new 4* node is somewhat challenging for players with complete rosters, but very difficult (or impossible) for players just starting on their 4* rosters. So it is a great tool for the 4*-->5* transition crowd. But it still doesn't serve the 3*-->4* transition crowd very well (At least not early on. It will be a help once players start getting maybe 8 covers for a handful of 4*s. I would guess that's the critical mass).

    I think the biggest problem is that Ice's comments combined with statements like this one from Will in the 5* community announcement video
    We've been releasing more 4-Stars, so that gameplay at the 4-Star level is more rich and more varied. And in order to support that we've also increased the rate at which it's possible to get 4-Stars and the number of different places that you can get 4-Stars.
    created a reasonable expectation that the new 4* ddq would be like the original ddq was for 3*s: i.e. challenging for those not yet in 4* land, but reasonably doable for those with their toe in the 4* waters. Hell, Ice even said that he had managed to complete some of the 4* nodes even though he was
    far from living la vida 4*

    It turns out that having a toe in 4* land means having multiple 4*s at 6-8 covers minimum. That's like gating the 3* node in ddq at 8/13 level 114s. Even if you have 1 max 4* that lets you win every time they cycle around, that 1 event every 16 cycles, less new characters. each cycle is 5 days, so xfw won't cycle back up for something like 90 or 100 days. That's not going to speed up your transition.

    So there is still a gap in transition: how do you move from a full 3* roster to a functional midlevel 4* roster? I don't see an obvious way to fix it that doesn't include (1) buying 40 packs, or (2) grinding about 3 hours a day in PVE to get the legendary token prog rewards, or (3) spending 4+ months hitting ever 1k reward). That's an awful lot for demiurge to ask of their playerbase.

    Personally, I think that cyclops is a particularly nasty opponent. So maybe the other events will be easier and give those with fewer covers a better chance. But overall I think I would like to see the difficulty of these nodes cranked down a little bit, or else scaled somewhat to roster strength, so a 1/0/0 xfw doesn't get the same opponent as a 5/5/3 270. Or they could match what they did for 3*s and gate the legendary token node behind an essential 4* node.
  • I'm on day 365. I had quit for a while. I'm a free player. I have a decent roster of maxed 3 stars and (aside from Xwolverine) 10 1-2 cover 4 stars. I've never been able to get much above 850 in pvp. I don't have the time or resources to shield hop the ways I've read about; every HP I have goes into trying not to waste covers I get (I still have to throw away another colossus) I seldom can devote the time necessary to get the scores I'll need in PvE to get the legendary tokens that way. Up to this point, I've felt like I'm progressing at a reasonable pace; even though I don't have the large amounts of time to surge ahead, I can be moving forward. But I'm just starting to hit a point where I'm getting more 3*s that turn into Iso vs advancement.

    But I do have a 7-cover Xforce (2/2/3). I saw the monster and thought "well...if there's ever a chance I can get a token, this is it". I did a scouting mission. Let's see how bad this is.....OH GOD MY SOUL IT BURNS!

    Alright. This is still my only foreseeable chance. Let's do this. That's a level 147 Xforce with 6K HP. The goal? Do 15K damage before he gets 10 red AP. I load up every boost I can think of and prepare myself for some frustration. Burned through all 30 of my stored +10% to all damage (x5 each time) and everything else I could think of. I knew I'd need a string of luck. I did probably 15 matches and was an hour late for work. I had a couple 2K losses and 1 -167-. 167!!!! GAAAAAH. Never did I lose to anything other than that stupid 10 red AP; my yellow can out heal any of the incidental damage and he only once got 13 black....at the same time as 10 red.

    I get home ready to give it my last go. But now all my best boosts are gone requiring HP to restock that I don't have. Whatever...I'll go till I run dry. Dear god....why is there so much red?!? Death death death death.....turn 3 resign....death death...down to 3 health packs and a get a good chain of start. He makes the red, I clear it with black....this can be the one....I have the black again....clear red again....a double 4 match!....the 2 rows on top are a perfect mix of red and team-up tiles such that with his 7 yellow there is no way he won't get 4 red in a single go before I kill him....I make a match hoping for a miracle.....there is none. Sigh.

    Down to one health pack....2 more chances....open with a 5 black....into another 5 black....into a 5 teamup....into a 5 yellow....into a 4 green/3 black....this is what I needed. He gets 3 red for free...of course he does....deny deny deny....clear red....pop a yellow for damage....pop another yellow for damage....down to 2.2K....he's sitting at 7 red with an unstoppable red match for him next turn but not enough to kill him with black.....but there is that 4 black match....maybe it'll be enough....match for 600....a few more red drop.....he gets his 10...suck a black cheater...please be enough....SWEET JESUS HE'S DEAD!....it only took 27 tries....Maybe I can get Professor X....he seems like a really neat character....*click*....-.-....hello Silver Surfer!!! Man...I hope this doesn't punish me in PvP for having a 255 on my roster now.


    I gotta say, this was going to be a rant and in some ways it still is. I got lucky. I knew I had to. But that was my one best shot. The next 10 DDQs that come up (read 2.5 months) I won't have a remote chance in hell of doing as my options are L70 or so vs 270. I don't mind it being hard, but it really should be accessible to a maxxed 3-star character if the idea is to help progression...perhaps require a L166+ character instead of requiring 4-stars...if I could have brought Patch with all the red I had I would have beaten that in 1/2 the tries or less. I don't really see how I'm going to get the 4-stars I need at to go forward under the current model. Don't get me wrong, I know I don't play as much and shouldn't get them quickly, but to this point I've been able to play at my pace and get somewhere. I'd like to keep doing that. Because really, if I'm not advancing, then I get bored and quit again.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    I think it's ok. Cyc happens to be a tough character no matter what, but XF should be the most well covered 4* out there too. I think they had to take these points into consideration when tuning the difficulty. Make it a cake walk, and everyone expects a free Token once a week. We should wait and see what happens next.

    Just comparing the effort/reward ratios, this DDQ token is still easier to obtain than hitting 1300 in pvp. You wiped 15 times before you got it? That sucks, but remember, it costs a bare minimum of 2 shields, and an already competent roster to get that token in pvp (forumite legends aside). What I hope is that they scale the difficulty differently for newer, less wide spread characters. It would also be nice to let this new node persist all 5 days, just having one day is kinda messed up.
  • and if you wiped 40 plus times and still havent gotten it with 3/3/2 and have to come here and hear about how others beat it with lucky cascades?