4* Deadpool Daily reactions



  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am really trying with this node.

    Even levelled up my X-Force to as high as he goes which goes against my keeping everyone at the same level philosophy.

    I am ok for health packs but fast running out of boosts.

    Starting to get very pissed off and going to stop soon (and time runs out in 40 mins).

    This is not well thought through, devs. Sorry, it's just not.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having time to cool my jets I think the biggest thing that has riled people is that IceIX stated that a single covered 4* would find it hard (can't find the quote), but the reality is even a 3 covered 4* would find it nigh on impossible.

    This node is not to help kickstart the 4* transition but to help those who are already on well their way. Like a lot of players I have a good half dozen 4* characters with only 1 or 2 covers on each, I have to accept that this weekly node is not designed for players like me. Probably for the best as they most likely don't want free players like me hanging around anyway icon_e_smile.gif
  • Well, my level 188 4/3/2 XF has been trying all day, and on one memorable occasion got him down to 800 hp before he decapitated me for the 1200th time.

    You're right, Marvel Puzzle Quest, I don't deserve to play with your shiny new toys.

    It was rude of me to even ask.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    I was trying to find SOME positive in there, hence my comparison to the growing pains of Big Enchilada. But yeah... sure, jump on that. Whatever. Many of us agree that it was a terrible way to begin the event. It shouldn't be one where people are trying over 30 times with a fairly well-covered X-Force.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    I beat it, but Xforce is one of my few fully covered 4*s.

    I agree that the node should be challenging, but if other nodes are similar then there are going to be a lot that can't be beaten down the line for me.

    As evidenced by 5 minutes spent on the forums here, having a juicy 4-5* token dangled in front of you and being told.... "Oh, so close! But this is not for you!" is a terrible user experience.

    So, I'm happy that I got a token and it's a positive change that they're adding more ways to get 4* to the game. It's a definite step in the right direction.

    On the other hand, it's really going to suck when, after waiting 5 days for that token, the required character comes up as Jean Grey or Mr. F and I'm left with my thumb up my butt waiting around for another 5 days.
  • Buret0 wrote:
    I think the problem is putting this in DDQ. The users have been so coddled by how easy DDQ is that they can't take a challenge or the idea that not everything in MPQ needs to be as easy as DDQ has always been.

    The way this was implemented has nothing to do with challenge and all to do with luck and resource grabs (boosts, health packs, HP). I have a 120 XFW 5/1/2 and I had NO chance - I never got Cyclops down under 10k - I denied black and red but he always managed to get black and red off a pink or green match with his ridiculous cascades. I have a small handful of 4* characters with 5-7 covers (IW, NF, 4hor, XFW) and this new addition will not help me progress at all in the 4* transition. It will help those with fully covered 4* to get more covers. It is a struggle to get 4* from PvE and PvP (and I have 13 fully covered 3*) .

    The 4* DDQ should be similar to the 3* one - with the original DDQ, earning a 3* token everyday will still take you at least 6 months to cover 6-8 3* characters properly (that does not include levelling) - which to me is slow enough but at least you feel like you are making progress. There should be no harm in handing out 1 legendary token each week - with 13 covers per 4* you could cover four 4* (with the right luck) in a year. That should be reasonable without having to make this impossible and based on luck.

    The only thing this game has ever really given us to help is DDQ 3* - every other change has been about how much money they can soak from you... this one is no exception. After spending a few hundred dollars, I do expect to receive a little more support from the developers in helping the transition along.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    The is another hero points grab once again. First true healing, then let's give every free levels, and now impossible hard node where if you already have a 4* roster develops u might have a chance to beat this nodes. So if u want to try with under covered under leveled character buy boosts and if you want to bang your head again this node buy health packs. so that was D3's ploy once again, spend hero points if you want to play longer.

    "this too shall pass"

    I agree - but in another portion of the game. It probably means more health pack sales. It probably means more whales to boost all the 4*'s.

    What it really means: they can release a 5* and a 4* at the same time, thus increasing character release rate sort of "secretly" (since there isn't an event where you get the 5*), which means you have to spend even -more- HP to get roster spots. Roster spots are already out of control, and extra character releases doesn't help that.
  • I see no harm in leaving the node there for the entire vault rotation. If you can beat it easily you will do it once and it will remain locked, but if you have a hard time and need more and more tries, but eventually getting a lucky cascade and doing it, why not? It also gives more time to manage the packs with pve and pvp.
  • I don't care that it's hard. I care that it seems entirely doable, but one wrong move or just an unlucky cascade and you're eating dirt. I don't like building up a good head of steam despite matching a ton of useless red and seeing him tick over to 10 ap and he is just waiting for you to do something so he can kill you and knock off for lunch. I don't understand why XFW has such low hp anyway. If I was fighting Cyclops with, say, Thing at the same level, I could eat an optic blast and have a shot at taking him down. Not a great shot, but certainly a lot better than the WELP I got with Wolvie.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    I hope you are right that this will be one of the most difficult 4* nodes, but unfortunately I am pessimistic. I see a 20 min battle with Profesor X vs Cmags at 270. I see king pin vs Dare Devil, bullseye vs Electra, Gamora vs Star lord all being brutal 4* battles. IW vs Doom will be tough, and the new 4* will be tough no matter who they face. Carnage Vs Spider-Man might be the easiest battle since Spider-Man has no damage abilities. Overall there are going to be some brutal matches in this 4* event and the fact the AI is higher level and we don't get a team up, and most of the transitioning player base is under cover 4* is just a little extreme from how the Dev's talked about it.

    nah, they will boost 1* spidey to 270 to fight carnage. I hope you like critical tiles!

    And they will give him a venom devour team up and code it to only activate if there are 6 web tiles on board.
  • clay_peterson
    clay_peterson Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    ShionSinX wrote:
    I see no harm in leaving the node there for the entire vault rotation. If you can beat it easily you will do it once and it will remain locked, but if you have a hard time and need more and more tries, but eventually getting a lucky cascade and doing it, why not? It also gives more time to manage the packs with pve and pvp.

    I came here to suggest this very thing. Some of us can only play after work, and dinner, and once the kids go down, but before we have to go to sleep. That's a pretty narrow window. Which means that, once I spent every health pack I had trying to beat Cyclops, I was basically done because I didn't have a large enough window to let the health packs recharge.

    But if I were able to play this node the next day, and the next, and the next, then I would might actually be able to find that lucky cascade to win.

    I think a lot of the complaints on here would be mitigated by people having more time to play.
  • When they add a battle that not even someone who's been playing for just short of a YEAR can't possibly beat, you know they really only want your money. I have a solid roster of complete 3* characters, and a lot of 4*s with only a rank or 2 in their abilities. The only 4* I have with more covers than x-force wolverine is Sue Storm, and I can't see her beating anyone alone. Come day 365 in a couple of weeks, this isn't fixed and I'm done.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    I see no harm in leaving the node there for the entire vault rotation. If you can beat it easily you will do it once and it will remain locked, but if you have a hard time and need more and more tries, but eventually getting a lucky cascade and doing it, why not? It also gives more time to manage the packs with pve and pvp.

    Or if it's going to be really, really difficult to beat - just have one every single day. Then folks don't feel so upset they can't beat it and have to wait another five days.

    Shoot, if you ran one every day most people still could only beat maybe one a week. This one had very likely the highest beat rate, since XF has been out since almost the beginning.
  • every day then that means hundreds would be getting 30 tokens a month

    but i do agree leave it all week long why not... i want more chances
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    When they add a battle that not even someone who's been playing for just short of a YEAR can't possibly beat, you know they really only want your money. I have a solid roster of complete 3* characters, and a lot of 4*s with only a rank or 2 in their abilities. The only 4* I have with more covers than x-force wolverine is Sue Storm, and I can't see her beating anyone alone. Come day 365 in a couple of weeks, this isn't fixed and I'm done.
    Invisible Woman, if you can get the invisibility to work, and protect the hell out of that tile, should be able to win against... probably Dr. Doom? So do Mr. Fantastic and Thing fight Doom too, or will Thing fight Human Torch? I'll have to double check her invisibility. It should make her immune while whittling and crushing Doom.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    every day then that means hundreds would be getting 30 tokens a month

    but i do agree leave it all week long why not... i want more chances

    Hundreds that likely have spent hundreds/thousands to already get all the 4*'s covered and leveled....so they don't need the covers. icon_e_wink.gif
  • An everyday node at that difficulty seems appropriate actually.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    I see no harm in leaving the node there for the entire vault rotation. If you can beat it easily you will do it once and it will remain locked, but if you have a hard time and need more and more tries, but eventually getting a lucky cascade and doing it, why not? It also gives more time to manage the packs with pve and pvp.
    The problem with this is I don't think they can actually do it in the given event structure. They would have to pop it out to a completely different event that lasted 5 days, or else it would reset every day along with the rest of DDQ and you'd have people getting one token every day.

    I agree with the sentiment though, so maybe they should just pop it out to a separate event. It has the "feel" of DDQ with the required character and great reward, but you could easily rebrand it into something more like the ant-man event (or Xmen style danger room training which is actually more similar to what this node actually is) and leave it up for the full 5 days. Space on the story events tab is at much less of a premium now that prologue has it's own tab.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    every day then that means hundreds would be getting 30 tokens a month

    but i do agree leave it all week long why not... i want more chances

    Hundreds that likely have spent hundreds/thousands to already get all the 4*'s covered and leveled....so they don't need the covers. icon_e_wink.gif
    So paying players don't deserve to have any benefits thrown their way?

    And just to show you're also kind of wrong...I'm completely f2p, my lowest covered 4* has 5 covers. I would probably have a tough time with those, but many of them I could just rack up a bunch of legendaries to help cover the rest and make sure I get them all.

    XF - 5/5/3 240
    Fury - 5/5/3 240
    4hor - 5/3/5 240
    KP - 4/3/5 200
    HB - 3/5/4 200
    profx - 5/2/0 168
    antman - 4/3/3 147
    xpool - 5/1/2 115
    elektra - 5/3/4 100
    Starlord - 5/4/4 70
    IW - 3/5/5 70
    Carnage - 5/2/3 70

    I'm sitting on 250k iso, so I think I could probably make quite a few of these viable for winning the DDQ node which would help me cover my 2/1/3 JG, or 2/1/2 Thing, 2/3/1 falcap, etc.
  • When they add a battle that not even someone who's been playing for just short of a YEAR can't possibly beat, you know they really only want your money. I have a solid roster of complete 3* characters, and a lot of 4*s with only a rank or 2 in their abilities. The only 4* I have with more covers than x-force wolverine is Sue Storm, and I can't see her beating anyone alone. Come day 365 in a couple of weeks, this isn't fixed and I'm done.

    My only question for you would be why at 365 days into a game do you feel that you should be guaranteed the same rewards and power level as someone who has been playing for 650+ days? Right now 4* is the premier tier (Top 10%) in the game as there is now reliable way to just jump into the 5* tier (you can't win a guaranteed 5* or buy the tokens to unlock one). If 4* covers became as accessible as 3* covers are right now, how does that help the game? High-leveled 4* are meant to serve as dividing line and a desired incentive in the game, a carrot and a stick. It should take time or money to reach the top level of the game otherwise players become bored as the game will quickly descend into the same old battles in PvP or the same old progression rewards in PvE.