4* Deadpool Daily reactions



  • scottee wrote:
    I disagree that it was meant to help start the 3* transition. They clearly meant it to help continue/complete the 3* transition, but they stated it's not for people starting out. They put in a cover requirement. If they had made it 4 covers required instead of 1 cover required, it would be pretty much exactly like the 4* node.

    People are not beating the new 4* node with 1 cover. But they are with 4-6 covers.

    You just agreed with me. The 3* version only required 1 cover of the featured character. Hence, it allows anyone with at least 1 3* to begin or continue their transition.

    The 4* equivalent would be requiring a featured 4* and allowing any 3*'s the player wants to use, but that's not what we got. What we got was a 4* node basically requires cover and level maxed 4*'s to have any chance. After something like the 8th try with my lvl 150 9-cover XF, I just stopped.

    It's fundamentally a different paradigm: 3* DPD is to help players build up their 3* rosters. 4* DPD is basically to give 4* players a tiny chance at earning a 5*.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    With the new Legendary token added to DDQ the 3-4* transition will be easier.

  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Whew, my X-force Wolverine is really been hitting the mat today. I just finished my 11th attempt and poor Wolvie didn't even get Mr. Red down below 12,000.
    Has anyone with a x/1/x Wolverinie managed to beat the node? Mine is level 166, 4/1/3, and the closest I've gotten is knocking him down to 5.9k with some truly amazing cascade luck. If the fight had been against a level 140 - 180 Cyclops I have the feeling that I might have been able to beat it.
  • I really don't understand the outbreak here...

    It's gotten to the point where I feel like the next post will be "I'm at day 133, how come I haven't had a legendary token for my daily login yet?!?!"

    Devs gave us a new way of earning a 4* or +. If you can't earn it this week and if you can't earn it the following weeks, then you're not transitioning into 4* land.

    My XForce is 551. level 160. I lost 3 times but my fourth time I got one helluva board. Was able to get lots of black AP and denied his red. I let him have yellow since i knew approximately where the TU tiles were. He placed lots of red and Surgical Strike did lots of damage. I beat the node and got my legendary token, which gave me an IW. I should be opening a thread on how the legendary token didn't give me my 5th HB Black cover...

    People actually wanna be earning everything overnight. Doesn't work like that. Work on your roster, try to get more 4*s and eventually youll start beating this DDQ node. And i don't even have high level 4*s. After XFW, i have my HB. That's all.

    Keep playing the game like you were prior to the introduction of 4* DDQ. When the time's right, you'll get there.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2015
    So I feel I am a 4* transition player as I have all 3* max covered and only 9 3* not at 166. If every 5 days we will be facing a 270 character then I will have major issues fighting 7-8 of the 4* Quests as 7 of my 4* have 6 or less covers and are significantly under leveled. I also see Profesor X having major issues for me as I might have 5 blue but only 2 yellow. He might go invisible but I will most likely be trying to match damage out hopping blind spot holds up.
    I like the one on one battle I just think taking on a 270 character who gets TU and we get none is a little extreme when this is suppose to be for players transitioning to 4* characters. Then again maybe I am misunderstanding what a 4* transition player is? So Dev's how many covers and what level should a 4* transition we be?
  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    Just disappointed that this only beatable for high end 4* roster, nothing more to say.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler

    Being able to find other topics is a terrible thing and must be stopped at once! Other, constructive discussion may occur and continue to be easily discovered! My outrage must be allowed to sprawl and drown them all out!!! icon_rolleyes.gif

    Hey I guess if they just deleted all the negative comments about DDQ it would be really easy to find other topics and have constructive discussions! Right???.... Right???
  • I got a slight chuckle from the fact that MPQ seems to think the is an "* EASY" battle for my 312 Lvl 113 XFW.
  • What gets me is that the game displays this match as "easy"

    I'm still going to keep trying though, as the closest I've got so far is getting clyclops down to about 4500 hp. My xforce is lvl 132 1/3/3.
    I will post if I end up beating this "easy" match.
  • Koko81 wrote:
    I really don't understand the outbreak here...

    It's gotten to the point where I feel like the next post will be "I'm at day 133, how come I haven't had a legendary token for my daily login yet?!?!"

    Day 349 here, but I appreciate your condescending attitude.
  • This is the dumbest thing ever i wasted 20 health packs and majority of my boosts and didnt got close one. Its impossible, he gets 10 red game over biggest pile of tinykitty this game has come out with
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why have a community manager when your playerbase will attack itself?

    People don't want legendary tokens for he 5% chance at SS, they want them for the 95% chance at 4 stars
    Very few have their entire 4 star roster complete.

    They are skipping passed the hardest tier to complete and you guys are defending it lol.

    This is funny to watch unfold at least.
  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Unrelated, but I am SO frustrated. I just started a brand new game of Metroid and can't even go straight to Mother Brain's lair.

    Eh, she's probably OP anyway and would wipe me out in two hits. I'm gonna go delete that stupid game.
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    Why have a community manager when your playerbase will attack itself?

    People don't want legendary tokens for he 5% chance at SS, they want them for the 95% chance at 4 stars
    Very few have their entire 4 star roster complete.

    They are skipping passed the hardest tier to complete and you guys are defending it lol.

    This is funny to watch unfold at least.
    As I said before, if this was the intention they skipped entirely a step of the transition.

    This is as good as giving 3x 3* covers for the ones on T5 pvp when those are the ones that need few to no 3* covers.
  • I'm also fed up. I'm requesting a refund from itunes as well.
    Here's all the ways they messed up:
    1. Flood the game with new 4* characters, but not add a way to increase roster size at better prices ($10 per slot now)
    2. Force me to level up 4* characters too high, which is super expensive and makes me throw off my Roster's average level. If I raise my XF wolvie higher than 120 it will also screw me up for all future single player events.
    3. This whole 4* DDP fiasco. All this money I've spent to build up my 3* roster is for nothing? Screw this.
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    Why have a community manager when your playerbase will attack itself?

    People don't want legendary tokens for he 5% chance at SS, they want them for the 95% chance at 4 stars
    Very few have their entire 4 star roster complete.

    They are skipping passed the hardest tier to complete and you guys are defending it lol.

    This is funny to watch unfold at least.

    I would like Ice to explain if this is for the 3* group going to 4*, or the 4* going to 5*. I think far too many people are assuming this was their 'easy way' to 4*'s, when it is more likely a way to offer a chance at a 5* to those who already are in the middle or done with the 4* transition.

    This gives people who are fully 4* covered something to do and a chance to better their roster, while the rest of the game (through giving packs and winning rewards) helps the 3* to 4* transition.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    superjoust wrote:
    I'm also fed up. I'm requesting a refund from itunes as well.
    Here's all the ways they messed up:
    1. Flood the game with new 4* characters, but not add a way to increase roster size at better prices ($10 per slot now)
    2. Force me to level up 4* characters too high, which is super expensive and makes me throw off my Roster's average level. If I raise my XF wolvie higher than 120 it will also screw me up for all future single player events.
    3. This whole 4* DDP fiasco. All this money I've spent to build up my 3* roster is for nothing? Screw this.

    If you have no intention of leveling anyone past 120, then the 4* transition will never be for you.

    The point of 4*s is to go beyond the 166 cap for 3*s into the next tier of gaming. If you plan on staying soft capped at 120 forever.. then i would honestly skip the 4* DDQ node, and get tokens from Story Mode, which is where you would thrive.
  • A 3* roster can't get #1 and, unless wasting $$, can't reach 1300 on pvp. 1k is the most reliable way to get a 4* here.

    On pve, top progression is also doable but #1-2 is again out of reach most of the times. I have a dozen 166s and only hit that top rank once when playing a newbie bracket and for Reed, which most really didn't wanted that much.

    This leaves DDQ vault and legendary node as the other way to grab a 4*.

    I think it's way, way too few ways for a real 3->4 transition, so few that the legendary node wouldn't be fixing the issue but at least lighten it a bit more.

    Yet seems that it was made for the late 4* transition, stepping on 5*s alredy. The same ones getting 1300 and #1 on pvp and 3x 3* covers that are turned into iso instantly.
  • It's just funny how everything has become upside down with this game:

    PVP: all alliances vs system
    PVE: every man/girl for themselves against each other
    Top Tier Rewards: everyone SHOULD receive

    Meanwhile I'm here and all I'm asking for is a button to easily level my characters.

    Koko81 wrote:
    I really don't understand the outbreak here...

    It's gotten to the point where I feel like the next post will be "I'm at day 133, how come I haven't had a legendary token for my daily login yet?!?!"

    Day 349 here, but I appreciate your condescending attitude.

    Wasn't trying to be rude or anything, just getting annoyed at how everyone wants everything easily. I'm at day 347 myself and prolly won't be able to complete all the 4* nodes in DDQ, but doesn't mean I want a freebie from D3 neither.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    It really isn't about wanting freebies, although - yay, freebies! Like most MPQ snafus this is all about managing player expectations. For some reason, they really seem to bork that up.