4* Deadpool Daily reactions



  • let them remove or lock it then. I am making a fair point and one of my only posts on this forum. Them locking and removing this thread will be telling of how much they appreciate me as a customer.

    To the poster 2 above and your strategy on matching up all of cyclops's powers before he does. thank you, that is brilliant. And in the realm of reality where that is just not an option, where I play, I get smoked. Better luck next time to be sure. Unless next time is next week and another of my characters I do not have fully covered. My covers are unimportant. I have 8. I should be able to play, fight and win regardless of how lucky or unlucky my cover drops have been for an 8 covered character to get a token. FWIW I have 3 black 3 green and 2 yellow. 10 games in a row, never got him under 8k

    MY negativity is my own, sure, and yes I am beyond dissapointed. I think clearly by the other anger thread I am not alone, and more people are upset than pleased at this DDQ, and I would imagine this is not the intended result. If it is than I dont know what to say about that.
  • I know right? Every slight is a "slap in the face". People's faces must really be red from all the slapping.

    A real comedian.

    That's how I feel, and I have a right to feel that way. Clearly many others do to and you would be in the vast majority, I can only imagine, if you think this DDQ 4* is what people expected / think is fair / want from the game
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    This is clearly a communication issue from the devs. If they had said this about DDQ:

    "This mode is for people who are done, or nearly done, the 4* transition to have a chance of getting Silver Surfer"

    Then people wouldn't have gotten as excited then angry at the whole thing. The only reason people are angry is that they believed they had a chance of accelerating their transition into 4* land, but that's not the case. This is purely a mechanism for people to get SS, that's it. Just accept that and it's easier to see what the Dev's were thinking.

    Again, I think it's a lack of communication skills from the devs. They just got people excited for no reason - hence the backlash.
  • To the poster 2 above and your strategy on matching up all of cyclops's powers before he does. thank you, that is brilliant.

    Again, as explained in the other thread... denying a color doesn't mean only straight matching that color. Actually, you can't deny everything just by matching those colors. You CAN increase your winning chances and prevent the AI from matching the colors it needs by moving carefully so that the tiles scatter around when falling. Denying red also means wiping out red by using your own black power. If your XF's black is good enough (4 or 5) and your yellow is good enough (3 or higher) you can beat this.
  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    against my 8 cover level 160 x force, im dead
    Depends on your covers, to a large degree.
    any of his 3 matches end the match and kill me. spent all my boosts, leveled him to 160 in the first place, just to get smashed
    A campaign of straight AP denial is necessary to secure the win. After that, luck helps.
    IM A PLAYER WITH A FULLY COVERED 3 STAR ROSTER WHO CAN NOT BEAT YOUR NODE WITH AN 8 COVERED 4 STAR. Not even CLOSE, not even half way. ONE match from him kills me
    Well, to be fair, the node really doesn't care how many three-stars you have.
    Considering hitting uninstall today for the first time since I installed it.
    Barring the above strategies, this might be the best way for you to deal with that node.

    And for the record, I'm really only here because, no joke, I love your screen name. The thick irony isn't hurting either, but it truly is one of my all-time favorite episodes.
  • I think the introduction of Legendary tokens has backfired as an idea.

    The 'story' PvE mode is now less tempting to play casually or even semi-seriously. Legendary tokens will mean placement scores for T150 or T100 are higher, and PvE already meant 3 or 4 hours a day to be competitive at the sharp end or around 2 hours a day just to get a handful of event tokens. I'm not really playing the Hulk PvE but the few nodes I have done seem to indicate that PvE is now even more of an all or nothing affair than it was before.

    DDQ's new node is only viable for people in the second half of a 4* transition.

    I've never had a 4* reward from a PvP and they've not made it easier to get one there. Adding an extra progression at the far end I've never reached is of no help at all. Worse: the availability of 4*s (and 5*s) through DDQ to already strong players has the potential to make a PvP climb even harder for a player who at or near the end of a 3* transition.
  • Look man I appreciate that you want to help people but there should NEVER be a match where one power kills you.

    Even the most jaded people defending D3 and this node should at least agree with that. I would not mind a challenging match but this is a flat out joke. Yes we can try to not let him get any of his matches, obviously but man.... its way too much.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    They've been silent, as they usually are when they implement a change no one likes after they've led people on for the millionth time into thinking they actually cared about player feedback or making the game enjoyable.

    So throwing this out there. I'm planning on deleting my roster this evening, but am holding off a) since it'll take some time, b) to think it over, and c) to see if the devs acknowledge how badly they screwed the pooch on this (the pooch being their players for anyone who didn't get that).

    When I check back tonight, I hope to see something more positive from them. To all the other MPQ'ers out there, hope you're doing well, despite how poorly you're treated by the devs.

    heres some tissues to go cry into .

    i really hope they dont change a thing about it. They never said it was going to be easy. Why the hell should it be easy. What do you want 10 to 20 4 star tokens every season and then in 3 to 4 months people be crying

    Theres nothing to do i max out my 4 stars boo hoo ooo..

    5 star too hard then go play VS and get the item at 1300 pts.. If 1300 pts is too hard for you to get then play double progression in PVE.. That too hard then your not ready to be moved over into 4 star land
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    What approach are you taking??

    First go around I got bopped.

    But I took him down in my 2nd try with +4 AP and cleared it with no issues.

    My X-Force is only level 230.

    Keep in mind they don't even have to GIVE these away, they could just charge a premium for them so be grateful we at least get the chance to earn them.

    they should charge to give them away Even at a 100 HP entry fee
  • Ice said it would be possible with a underdeveloped roster, so yeah, they did it and then decided to smack us down.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Ice said it would be possible with a underdeveloped roster, so yeah, they did it and then decided to smack us down.

    what is underdeloped roster though. to some it could mean 1/1/1 while he could of been talking 3/3/3/ or even 4/4/4
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:

    heres some tissues to go cry into .

    I am completely shocked you're not complaining about this
  • slidecage wrote:
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Ice said it would be possible with a underdeveloped roster, so yeah, they did it and then decided to smack us down.
    what is underdeloped roster though. to some it could mean 1/1/1 while he could of been talking 3/3/3/ or even 4/4/4
    IceIX wrote:
    Are we talking half way covered or just 4* with 1-3 covers because that's a massive difference.
    Here's my current roster, for reference:
  • Talahamut
    Talahamut Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    What are people crying about? Beat one possibly very difficult battle and win a guaranteed 4* or better?

    And you whine about this?
  • Talahamut wrote:
    What are people crying about? Beat one possibly very difficult battle and win a guaranteed 4* or better?

    And you whine about this?
    If it only was hard and not impossible in most of cases...
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    Quebbster wrote:
    Three clears a day in the Hulk event should be enough to get you to 70K. It sounds like you are missing an essential character though, so you'll have to do some extra grinding at the end of the sub to catch up.

    I've been averaging just under 3 clears per day (I had one, maybe two days at 2 and a couple where the third clear still had an hour before full regeneration) with all 3 essentials, and I might hit the Blade progression today. What are your nodes currently worth?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am disappointed with the 4* ddq node too. It seems designed for 4* players to get 5*, which makes legendary tokens about 80% useless.

    But maybe it's not SO bad. Cyclops is universally considered among the strongest 3*a in the game. So of course he is an absolute beast at level 270.

    But kingpin will probably have to fight daredevil, which isn't nearly as intimidating. Isn't it possible that other matchup will be less broken?

    (note that this is a devil's advocate position. As I have stated in other threads, I would prefer to see this 4* node calibrated down to veteran 3* player level, or else see other chanels for 4* acquisition added to the game.)
  • Took me like 6-7 tries and used up a lot of boosts doing it but finally made it. My XFW is level 180 4/2/5. Got a Thing Green for my trouble.
  • The newest top tier 5* characters can only be earned via new legendary tokens. There is a new event that affords the ability earn one of these tokens by winning ONE match, and the community freaks out because that one match is challenging.

    Yes. People are absolutely overreacting.
  • Talahamut
    Talahamut Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Talahamut wrote:
    What are people crying about? Beat one possibly very difficult battle and win a guaranteed 4* or better?

    And you whine about this?
    If it only was hard and not impossible in most of cases...

    Yes, it's hard for people with very good rosters. It's very hard for people with underdeveloped 4*. It's close to impossible with a worthless 4*. I think that's what it's meant to be... End-game content!