How many players beat Cyclops?



  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    Took me a few tries. His red is nasty boosted!!
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    At the time of this posting, I am the only member of my alliance to pass it.
  • Look I get that this is supposed to be hard, I don't mind hard. But impossible?! I feel like I'm fighting a war with toothpicks against a wall of fire! It just pisses me off that he can wipe me with just one hit AND the fact that he gets TUs too, yet I don't. If it is going to be like this, then its going to be almost impossible for people to get a Legendary, unless they are extremely good at PVP, (I am not) or they put in countless hours for PVE. Which sucks balls!

    Im not asking for it to be made easy, Im just asking for a bit of a chance. Come on guys please fix this.
  • Beat it first try.

    Rainbow AP +2, Black/Green AP +2, Damage Boost 80%

    Barely lost any health... bad boards for me and AI. Fired SS w/ a lot of red out and took Cyc down to under 4K health. Then XF and match 4s to finish the job.

    Never sold my XFW. Spec 3/5/5, level 255.
  • 20+ tries but finally got him.
    Beat it with lvl 132 1/3/3. No boost
    Earned Prof X from token.
  • #1 in my bracket was 'Thechump'

    Lowest one that beat Cyclops in my bracket that I could see was #237
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Tried about 10 or 12 times with my 4/1/1 X-Force with boosted B/G x2, 10% B/G damage x5 and a couple of times with 20% damage x5. Best I did was get him down to 1559 points before he blasted me. Tried a couple of more times but don't have the ISO or HP to purchase the big boosts.

    My biggest complaint is that Cyclops brought a team-up but we can't. What the tinykitty is up with that??? I understand that the devs want to make it tough but that is so one-sided!!! At least let us bring one Team-Up!!!
  • as this event draws to an end i have now tried over 50 times to beat him using all my taco tokens, all my hp and every boost. Have gotten him to 2000. have a 3/3/2 x-force

    will keep trying. they have still said nothing about this. If I don't get a token from this, i walk away
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    With a 147 Wolverine I just couldn't do enough damage. Why Cyclops also gets team-ups I don't know, seems like overkill since team-up tiles are worthless to you. It also adds another layer of randomness because if he gets a strong team-up attack, you I can't keep him from making any red, yellow, black or team-up matches.

    The fact is he really was on his way to beating me to death on matches alone (map had very little yellow for either of us). I didn't think I had much of a chance but I figured I try it once.

    If these are going to be all 4*s vs bumped up 3*s I don't think I'll be running it much..
  • My XF is lvl 211 5/3/4 and I beat it on my 4th attempt. 2 G/B and Rainbow color boosts and 100% Rainbow damage boost. I got a good board and a couple lucky cascades into crits. I am currently in 34th and am able to see that at least 39 people did it. I checked the top 10 roster and the highest XF is lvl 229 and the lowest is 152. Only 3 were fully covered.
    I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I only won because of a lucky board. But Cyke is a low cost monster so I think I'll reserve my judgment after seeing how the next couple turn out. One thing I am sure of now is that the enemy SHOULD NOT get to use a t/u.
    Oh for the record I got Antman blue.
  • Cskellz
    Cskellz Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    I only have a 1/1/1 X-force (LvL 78) and the best I could do was get him down to around 7600 health, and that was with extreme luck.

    Tried to keep the red, yellow, and black away as long as I could, and kept throwing yellow countdowns to restore health, and using green and black power.

    You need a lot of good boosts, and a lot of luck to win.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Wife had trouble beating him with her 2/2/1 wolverine at 111.

    I gave it a shot and was able to do it on the 2nd try with boosts. This match really isn't as bad as it seemed initially.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having read through the whole thread, it's hard to get a sense of how well players did in general. It seems that at least 30% of participants in the brackets reported managed to beat Cyclops. But how representative a sample that is, who knows.

    For Roaches, 3 of us beat it, and 2 of them were me. No-one else has an X-Force with more than 6 covers.

    Perhaps one of the devs can give us some insights when it's morning on the East Coast USA. If possible, it would be interesting to know stuff like:

    Lowest / median total number of covers that won
    Lowest / median total number of black covers that won
    Lowest / median level that won
    Maximum / median number of attempts
    How many players tried, how many players succeeded, how many succeeded without using boosts

    And how did that compare to the pre-event expectations?

    :edit: just some stuff
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    It took me 29 tries, all my boosts, an additional 21 levels onto XFW, a bunch of ISO and health packs and most of my sanity..

    But eventually my 3/3/5 lvl 151 XFW stomped a mudhole in Cyclops and walked it dry.
  • chaos01
    chaos01 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Took me two tries with a 5/5/1 lvl 167. Got a very lucky board with no boosts (don't ever use them)
  • Here we go Ice, any chance for us to know the %s of success?

    What % could and tried, what % beat it. How much of those were 200+, 150- and those interesting thing.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    4th try, 128 XF. Not easy, not impossible. If you couldn't do it, you're not ready for the 4* transition. (vote downs are gone, so I have no fear of saying that)
  • Square wrote:
    4th try, 128 XF. Not easy, not impossible. If you couldn't do it, you're not ready for the 4* transition. (vote downs are gone, so I have no fear of saying that)
    But this is not 4* transition.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    Square wrote:
    4th try, 128 XF. Not easy, not impossible. If you couldn't do it, you're not ready for the 4* transition. (vote downs are gone, so I have no fear of saying that)

    Not being able to hit 1000 in PvP shows that I'm not ready for a 4* transition. Not being able to beat this lv 270 Cyclops (which i did with my lv 111 Xverine) simply shows how unfavourable the matchup is to those who have poorly-covered, low-level 4*.
  • Unknown
    edited September 2015
    Square wrote:
    4th try, 128 XF. Not easy, not impossible. If you couldn't do it, you're not ready for the 4* transition. (vote downs are gone, so I have no fear of saying that)
    Not being able to hit 1000 in PvP shows that I'm not ready for a 4* transition. Not being able to beat this lv 270 Cyclops (which i did with my lv 111 Xverine) simply shows how unfavourable the matchup is to those who have poorly-covered, low-level 4*.
    Exactly. A 4* transition means competition on pvp for 1k and pve for T2. Those can be done by 166s. Hell, the two times I wanted I hit 1300 with no usable 4*, only using the boosted 3*s. It was 600 hp (with half of that back from progression and ranking rewards). 350ish hp for a blue Jean + red HB? Sign me in.

    But this node has nothing to do with 4* transition because it asks specifically for a usable 4*..4* transition uses 3*s, 3* transition uses 2*s, 2* (quick) transition uses 1*s. This is more a 5* transition because uses 4*s.

    Edit: here is how I see the game is right now.

    1->2* is via tokens, low pve and pve progression.

    2->3* is via tokens, pve and low pvp ranking (at least T100).

    3->4* is via 1k and occasionally T2 on pve.

    The problem is that the other sources of 4*s are locked into 1300 and #1 on pvp, and those as almost never doable for 3* rosters. You could sacrifice your season and alliance prizes and try gambling a new bracket near the end but then you could fail and don't even get one, while fighting for a T100 often means two covers (alliance and individual reward).

    Also only the top percentage of the players, the T5 on pvp and T10 pve, are getting the valuable 3* covers on buckets and they don't need those. They become iso in an instant, save for new releases that aren't happening for while now.

    Yeah 3* rosters make to T10 all the time but on pve brackets have 1k players and 10 get those. 75% of the players getting one 3* from pve have to work with one or two covers (again, alliance), and for mid or late transioners those could as well be useless covers.

    At the moment, late 4* and 5* transition have more space than the 3->4* one. A player in that top percentage is getting 1300 and #1 on pvp and T2 on pve. This is 6x 4* covers every 5 days on pvp alone, and most of those do not need the covers, they become iso to level the newer 4*s that just came out and those players already have 9 covers from placement reward alone, plus two from 1k and 1.3k on pvp progression.

    The whole reward structure cant reward the ones who need the rewards properly right now. There should be separated events options, two of the same running at same time, each player choose if they want the iso/hp/4*/legendary path or iso/hp/3*/4* path.