How many players beat Cyclops?

Moon Roach
Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Anyone in your leader board with exactly 14999 or more than 15000 points must have beaten Cyclops.

In Wolveroach's bracket of 1000, with #1 BigRed76, I'm #62 and can see that #66 has 27440. So at least 66 of that bracket have serious leet skillz, or are lucky and / or persistent.

I'd be interested in knowing how unbeatable Cyclops was to the players who don't frequent the forum. So, if you have information to share, please do. I'll collate it after today's event has finished.

:edit: What kind of information? In your bracket, who's #1, and wherever you are, what's the lowest position you can see that's over 15000 points. I don't think many people would do only the Cyclops node.

Of course, a dev could just give us the information (what percentage of the player base attempted the node, what percentage of those beat it) once today's DDQ is over...


  • I was using a level 200 Xforce 255 setup and scraped through it with sheer luck..

    I managed to do it on my sixth attempt after numerous cascades in Cyclops favor.

    If cyclops gets enough red to fire off optic blast it was game over for me. I've been playing just under a year now and have recently joined the forums so thought id give my feedback.
  • First in my bracket is AntalAin, 152+ people beat it in this bracket (the farthest I can see).

    I did it with 445 lv115 WXF, 12th attempt.

    I have no idea how but a guy beat it with a lv74 011 WXF.
  • alexnmbc
    alexnmbc Posts: 38
    edited September 2015
    In my bracket there's 124+ people on 20k+ points.

    Edit: #1 is Allforone
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    I only beat the 1* and 4* node to see how many definitely beat it. Not sure how long I want to wait because I need the LCap blue for my dupe and it ends during my pve grind. BigRed76 my #1 and I am 129, with one other below me at 130 same score
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    fully covered L255 XF

    wiped 4 or 5 times...hard.

    finally decided to try boosts.

    greentile.pngblacktile.png x2
    rainbow x2
    100%+ dmg


    tried one last time. made it.

    unbelievable. this is extremely poor on their part. I commented about their UI blocking you from hitting the "accept" button and accepting members into your alliance. shows lack of testing and I got a warning. This is just more evidence that testing is not their strong suit.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    At least 190 people in my bracket have won the fight. All I can see below that is 15000s, so there are almost certainly others who just fought him and haven't gotten any more points.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    It took four tries with my 5/4/3 wolverine. I leveled him up from 74 to 155, wiped twice, then leveled him up to 166 and beat it.
  • I think bracket totals as far as you an check with leader nick (to know if others giving info are on the same bracket) is what op seeks here. Individual inputs are hardly helping IMO.
  • W4LAndre
    W4LAndre Posts: 73 Match Maker
    I got it on my first try with my 3/3/4 lvl 209 XF. I boosted +2 G/B, +2 R/Y, and +100% match damage on all colors and I had all kinds of luck. Scott didn't get get to use his red or black at all, and the time he got yellow off, it somehow yielded no red matches for him and I had a surgical strike chambered. He also matched a recovery tile which was the thing that finally put his health below mine. That was tough though. Had there been a different board and I probably would have gotten my **** handed to me. XF is by a wide margin my best 4*, and I haven't touched him since his nerf. I have a feeling the rest of these are going to be much more challenging and I'm sure I'll wipe more times than I'll succeed. For a while at least, I'll bask in the glory of winning and pulling a Surfer from my legendary token. With a lucky day like this I guess I can expect nothing but Moonstone in all 2* or better tokens for the next few months.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Was this a hard fight?

    You deny black and yellow and then ss the red from the board. I do have a covered lvl 250 xf but still
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm glad to hear players with way more WXF covers than I have (mine's 2/2/2 and can't dish out enough damage to dent him) are having as much trouble on this node. Maybe if they'd unlock team ups? I'm guessing they don't have a way to do that while simultaneously restricting you to one character right now.
  • Took 3 attempts but managed it with 4/5/4 XFORCE Lvl 240 and some boosts.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can check the leaderboard to see how many people matched or beat your score. Only people who beat Cyclops will have scores above 15000.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    In the bracket with dkffiv as leader, at least 70 people had done it as of two hours ago. Difficult as it was for many of us, clearly hundreds, probably thousands of people are succeeding. My complaint isn't that it was difficult (though I'm disappointed to realize I'll probably be able to do it with fewer characters than I was hoping); my real complaint is that it wasn't fun.
  • Blinkxi
    Blinkxi Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    I did it on the 6th try with lvl 166 3/2/3 WXF.

    Leader was Zidius with at least 98 people having beaten it
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    i was #110, LVL 166 xfw 5/3/2

  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2015
    5/5/3 level 270 XF

    Used Green/Black AP TU, 20% match damage TU and green/black match damage TU.

    Won the battle on my first attempt with just under 8000 health left. It was still pretty close since Cyke had 12 black when I still had 8. Thankfully I matched black fist and took him down.

    I really like how team up's are restricted from this challenge since that would trivialize it with people just super whaling each week. From what I've seen on LINE and read on here the challenge seems adequate given how useful the reward can be. Plenty of people with unfinished XF's are making it through but it's clearly difficult.

    Seems clear to me this is intended for those who have been in the 3* transition phase for a while now and need that push to reach 4* tier. People with 9 or so covers on the featured character. Looking forward to seeing if they can keep that level of challenge consistent for each 4* ddq.

    My only gripe:
    The match is described as a bitter one-on-one duel and yet the enemy brings in a TU when you can't. This would makes sense with certain characters lore wise but I don't see Cyke as one of those characters. I'd drop the AI TU just to keep things truly 1 vs 1.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    beat it. first try. no boosts (I expected the team-ups to auto fill, so didn't bother with boosts - imagine my surprise!)

    I did get lucky, however, in that as soon as I got enough black for SS, he pulled a mutant revolutionary icon_e_smile.gif

    Cyclops: "Time to show off my leadership skills. More red team!!!!"
    XF: "Hi bub!"
    Cyclops: "oh tiny tiny tiniest of kitties (or #%#@%*#*%#**&!!!!!!)"

    FYI: I do have a 5/5/3 XF though, at level 221, and strongly empathize with all those who do not have this, or other characters optimally covered, as this would have been impossible for me otherwise. I expect a beat down with my Nick Fury 2/4/0 next round icon_e_smile.gif
  • sc0ville
    sc0ville Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    553 xf at level 222

    Beat it first try with no boosts.

    Collected Black and Green, allowed Cyke to collect yellow but not red. Waited for him to fire off Mutant Revolutionary then I SSed him down to 1k health and finished him off with green.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    That was fun. As others have said hit, him with SS after icon_cyclops.pngyellowflag.png. Manage the tutile.png / redtile.png pairs while you deny redtile.png and blacktile.png. However, you will lose a few times due to bad luck, especially if icon_cyclops.png can one-shot you with either power.

    So, here's my gripe. I have all the 3* characters fully-covered, and so, I rarely play 3* DDQ anymore. But all my 4*'s except X-Force and IW are severely under-covered. So, that means I'll play 4* DDQ --- how often --- once every few months when X-Force and IW are up to bat?

    Either give me more options like 2 available 4* characters, or just let it run all week. Actually, just let it run all week.