How many players beat Cyclops?



  • nonnel
    nonnel Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    I've done 3 matches including he 4 star. There are close to 200 people ahead of me.

    So I'd say plenty of folks beat it.
  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    Can see up to 118 people in my bracket who've done it.
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    At the moment in my bracket (#1 niikiita)
    @ #152: 20603pts.
  • haosmoove
    haosmoove Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Beat it with 1/2/2 lvl111, on my 10th try. One of the 81 in my bracket with 29999 pts.
  • im #98 can see #102 with 29999, and #1 johan 077
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beat is second try with 5/5/3 level 120 and used both AP and damage boosts.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Main account: 553 build at level 269. Got it on my first try (used +2 G/B and full G/B damage boosts). I denied red as best as I could and waited for more red before popping a Surgical Strike since at the point I had enough black there were only 4 red on the board. Cyclops used his yellow ability and I followed up with the SS.

    Alternate account: 111 build at level 78 (Daily Reward covers only). Tried it once with no boosts, went how you would expect. It just doesn't have the damage capability to eat through the health on Cyclops.
  • I tried 3 times, and there's no way I'm going to be able to beat Cyke with my WXF. At lvl 94, my WXF has less than 4k HP and Cyke has 14K. My strongest move barely tickles him. Team-ups are out, and I already tried maxing my damage boosts and my color boosts with no luck. Not going to happen this time around.
  • I have a level 134 551 xf and I beat it on the first try. Boosted +2 G/B and boosted match damage and G/B damage.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    4 attempts taken using a lvl229 4/3/5 XFW, with 2 uses of AP boosts and +100% match damage. Was on my way to losing my 4th attempt after I saw the AI collect enough red with his last move which would have killed me, but the RNG gods decided to be kind to me for once and presented me 2 consecutive match 5s, which allowed me to collect enough black and green to fire off both his powers and drop him to 180hp, finished him off with a last match 4 with about 4k hp to spare.
  • Killinstinct
    Killinstinct Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Finished it with my 4/4/5 lvl 160 after 6 tries
  • 5/5/3 Xforce, lvl 200.

    Boosted 2 black/green and nothing else. First try, ended with 6k hp.

    Same thing as others said, I got black while he got yellow. I got my 11 black first so I ss'd. I went for more black while he went for more yellow. He cast his yellow and I SS'd again.

    Maybe I got lucky, but it didn't feel difficult.

    Now on the other hand, my Nick Fury is 1/2/1, so I don't expect to even try it. Which I also think should be most people's approach. If you got a 4* that is capable, you will probably win that DDQ. If yours isn't, skip it, and wait till one you can beat comes up. This isn't supposed to be a walk in the park.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Just to comment here for science, was unable to beat him so far with a 1/1/1 Xforce, level 78. I came very close twice, got him down to 778 hp, and 1900 hp, before he got to fire an ability and one shot me.

    Basically at low level, if they get a five match, you lose. If they fire an ability, you lose. I'll give it another 10 tries once my health packs are back, but I'd say that unless you have some real levels (level 100+ for sure) then you've got maybe a 1 in 50 chance with a lowbie wolvie.
  • I beat him on my first try. I have a lvl. 202 XForce Wolve 4G 5B 2Y. I used boosts 2+G/B, 2+R/Y and 100% power boost match damage. I didn't have many red tiles on board and If I did I would match them. As for yellow tiles I did get quite a few. I matched those and I used wolverines yellow ability incase he matched them while I was matching black for his surgical strike. He eventually matched my yellow tile and it hurt him and it was enough for him to activate his yellow to make red tiles but unfortunately for him I had already accumulated enough black to use his surgical strike. I used it and beat him. Oh and I did use his green twice, that ability didn't help me at all. FYI! Next 4* that you'll have to use is Nick Fury so start collecting boosts to help you guys out!
  • tdglory49
    tdglory49 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    At least 79 people beat it in my bracket. I did it with a 5/3/1 176 XF, so Cyc's red and black were both basically one-shot kills.

    Tried 4 times w/o boosts. Got him down to ~4k before losing the first two, then got slaughtered the second two.

    After XF/health packs regenerated, I used 100% match damage, 50% crit, and 25% TU. First try, Cyc got a redtile.png cascade early on, so bye bye. Second try, kept him from redtile.png + blacktile.png . Mutant Revolutionary -> Surgical Strike -> greentile.png cascade and an X-Force to finish him.

    So, definitely not impossible, but requires strategy with some good board luck. Will be interesting to see how it goes with a less covered 4* and a (probably) less powerful opponent.
  • ypsi
    ypsi Posts: 3
    alexnmbc wrote:
    In my bracket there's 124+ people on 20k+ points.

    Edit: #1 is Allforone

    Same bracket, I'm #4 beat with 3/3/5 185 XFW, 5x all power boost, 5x gb boost, and a 20% against X-men legacy boost that's been sitting around unused since forever, all on my second try.

    Edit: I'm totally screwed if I have to do this with any of my other 4* as the rest are sub level 125 >.<
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since it started with XF (one of my two covered, leveled 4*'s) I beat it first time taking very little damage. A very lucky board (Cyc never got any black, very little yellow, and never fired off red), G/B and rainbow boosts.

    But I hear it's really hard from team-mates without that Maxed 4*. Sounds like this should be much, much easier - a 4* transition, not a 5* transition. Folks without max 4* can get these tokens once a week (or more) in PVE....why can't folks without max 4*'s get these tokens once a week in DDQ?!?
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Beat it easily with lvl 250 Xforce and a couple boosts so no complaints here, from reading other peoples post though I think it would be fair If we were allowed to use TUs though, especially if the AI is allowed to
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Went with 2x Boost All, 2x Boost Black/Green, 5x Green/Black damage.

    Killed him in turn 4.

    Not going to be so easy with most of my other 4* characters sitting in the Lv70-120 range with 1-4 covers!
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Beat with lvl 165 3/3/4 on 11th try with full boosts and 2 lucky cascades.
    Infrared leads my bracket and I can see down to #81 and all have beaten cyc down to that spot.