So how are 4* Tranistioners suppose to earn Legendary tokens



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    CoolB76 wrote:
    Are you the community bulldog that likes to come here and call people whiners for giving an opinion? And calling it insane!! You're f'ing insane if you think getting to a thousand points in an hour is just normal.
    You didn't give an opinion, you stated that getting 1k isn't possible without a massive time commitment, and I told you you're wrong.

    And I said inane, not insane, genius.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    CoolB76 wrote:
    So what you're saying is you still have no facts to provide.
    Here's a fact: I'm not going to waste any more time explaining basic **** to a **** moron.
  • simonsez wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:
    Are you the community bulldog that likes to come here and call people whiners for giving an opinion? And calling it insane!! You're f'ing insane if you think getting to a thousand points in an hour is just normal.
    You didn't give an opinion, you stated that getting 1k isn't possible without a massive time commitment, and I told you you're wrong.

    And I said inane, not insane, genius.

    And you still haven't provided any facts and are just being a dink. Get a grip, coming here with the attitude that what you say is gods word.

    I misread a word you wrote so you insult me. Nice. WTG big guy.
  • simonsez wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:
    So what you're saying is you still have no facts to provide.
    Here's a fact: I'm not going to waste any more time explaining basic tinykitty to a tinykitty moron.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    1k in an hour is possible, but it's not easy. it requires a good (fast) team and the right event (it's probably not going to happen in top gun with redwings swapping each other out every turn), and a bit of good luck.

    I think it's better to say that 1k is very doable with 2-3 hours invested per event, provided that you have a deep 3* or 4* roster. Whether that is a lot of time is a matter of opinion.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    1k in an hour is possible, but it's not easy. it requires a good (fast) team and the right event (it's probably not going to happen in top gun with redwings swapping each other out every turn), and a bit of good luck.

    I think it's better to say that 1k is very doable with 2-3 hours invested per event, provided that you have a deep 3* or 4* roster. Whether that is a lot of time is a matter of opinion.

    Thank you.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    1k in an hour is possible, but it's not easy. it requires a good (fast) team and the right event (it's probably not going to happen in top gun with redwings swapping each other out every turn), and a bit of good luck.

    I think it's better to say that 1k is very doable with 2-3 hours invested per event, provided that you have a deep 3* or 4* roster. Whether that is a lot of time is a matter of opinion.
    I think each pvp needs a 1-hr block at a strategic time later in the event for the big push. all the rest of the time needed to get to your hovering level can be done here/there/spare time like ddq. or the initial climb can be done all at once too, but not necessary. then any hopping you choose to do is short, 10 minute bursts, but on a schedule. I don't like pushing from 0, but I've never tried tbh. I like pushing from 600-700, it works for me.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    I'd say most people aren't Skrull Empire level, as I imagine those getting 1K in an hour are probably using max level hulkbuster, but PvP is definitely far less of a time sink than PvE. Without using a 4* I can usually get up to 800 points in an 1 or 1.5 hours depending on featured characters. Usually I'll just stop around there, but the last several I wanted to hit 1K so help with the DPD 4* node (not as much of a help as I hoped...) and that probably took me another hour on top as I'm not really used to doing it.

    I was only able to do it though because I knew from the forums about the basics of hopping. I couldn't tell / recommend to you about joining slices, fastest teams to use, scarecrow teams (I doubt there are really scarecrow teams without 4*s once you break 900), when to try to hop, etc because I haven't seen much enumerating those and what I have seen hasn't really jived with my experiences. Not sure how well people without access to the forum / a good alliance would do.

    If you only purchase one shield, you will make more than your HP back. I don't know that you'll be able to break 1K and shield on just a 3H shield, but you can probably break 900, shield, then hop up to the reward without spending any more HP than you gained from the event.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    most people aren't Skrull Empire level

    New quote for the recruitment posters. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    CoolB76 wrote:

    I use my tools. I earn them HP use them where I need them most. Getting 10 1000 points finishes in a season is not realistic without spending. I prefer to earn my rewards. There are a lot of things in life I spend money on. A game where nerfs happen regularly is not a smart place to spend money.

    I didn't even mention the 1k. 800 is extremely doable, but requires either a) protecting points with a shield or b) playing right up to the end of the event.

    The latter is certainly realistic for someone stingy with HP as yourself.

    But bigger point: Nothing here invalidates those that are explaining how easy 800/1000 are. It just requires something you're not willing to do. That's your choice, but that choice is independent of the topic at hand.

    FWIW, you could easily climb to 1k with your roster as described, given the strategy I proposed, and then freefall back. No spend, and 10 tokens per season. You won't get the 10k reward, but that kind of pales in comparison.
  • Man I hate when threads get long and you actually WANT to read what folks are saying. I got to page 4 or 5 and gave up.

    MY first thought? They chose the absolute WORST starting character, THAT is messing things up. It's not that he's top tier, but he builds up his red entirely TOO easily for it to be a 'fair' fight. Ironically the tipping point IMO was his TU, it did like 990 dmg, not game ending, but it added even MORE yellow to the board that helped build up his red.

    Next one is going to suck too, one fireball will do like 6000+ dmg if memory serves me correctly. One fireball will wipe my 9 covered Fury.

    Does that mean its broken though? They chose a high dmg character who is a self powered battery. Next week isn't too different, high dmg character, where one cascade will end the game, and we won't have SS to help or healing. But what's after that? What if its Elektra against She-Hulk? Sure her red will hurt, but its a much more manageable fight.

    I do think the curve is a bit steep, but I think it needs a slight tweak more than 'its too difficult'. Simply get rid of their team-up, or let us bring at least 'one' team-up to match. I'm fine with not being able to win every time, I don't think I'll ever get Legendaries from PvE (don't have time), and I'm not expecting to be able to do so consistently in PvP as I don't usually use HP for shield hopping, but that's me and my situation and I don't think its right to paint my constraints on the populous. With that said, additional work does need to happen on the 3->4* transition, its much improved, but this doesn't function to the same degree that DDQ did for the 2->3* transition, there are a good number of people like me, large swath or all maxed 3* with only a handful of 4*, most not useful.
    - Unreall
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Next one is going to suck too, one fireball will do like 6000+ dmg if memory serves me correctly. One fireball will wipe my 9 covered Fury.
    unless I missed something I don't think it will be fury vs torch. the fury node will be on the torch 3* ddq day - sunday. but I don't think they've announced the opponent. and that would be a crazy difficult matchup with none of the colors you need to deny are any that you could use. that would go well here. similar color matching (and making sure its a villain) would suggest doom or mystique or maybe doc ock.

    edit: the more I think about it the more doom makes sense. trap vs trap.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    Im from the uk and earned the token,i hate pve at the best of times so i didnt grind much either and still earnt the token by the end of the 6th day.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    I'm not sure I agree.
    I guess I can't really offer much of an opinion because I had a few maxed out 3*s by the time DDQ came into existence, but that daily reward has helped me build my 3* roster nicely. Without it the 2*-3* transition I was going on would have been a lot harder.
    And I didn't need a level 120+, 10 covered 3* in the fourth node to win. Just the bare bones single covered character with two muscular friends to hide behind. And as I got more 3* cover rewards it got slowly easier and easier. It already started off possible.

    This, though...was a slaughter. Granted my X-Force was covered 1/3/5 and level 166, but I doubt getting him to 192 would have helped.
    It feels like there were several options on the table as to how to make the fight challenging. One-on-one, maybe, or fighting a high level opponent, or fighting someone who's built to counter the guy you're using. And instead of picking one they went with ALL of them.

    I'm not against challenge, I'm not saying I expect to march in with my 1 cover Professor X and stomp on a level 40 Jean Grey, but if legendary tokens are designed to help with the transition to 4*, something D3 have been talking about for months, this certainly wasn't the way.
    Gettin him to 192 woulda helped enormously,and that 5 yellow woulda been a godsend:)

    Would his HP have been high enough to withstand Cyclops' red? Only time I needed to use his yellow was when there was no red, yellow or black on the board so I as getting chipped away with match damage.

    As soon as Cyclops got 10 red, the match was over.
    Yes my 170 took a red and was still standing.the trick is to deny red and black and tus if u took me a lot of tries to the point where i almost gave up but perseverance paid off.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    CoolB76 wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:

    I've got a maxed and covered wolvie x force and 12 maxed/covered 3 stars and this scenario has rarely worked for me without spending money and I'm ok with that. I'd rather earn rewards then buy them. Occasionally I'l spend my earned HP on shields but with the cost of roster spots I would rather save it for that.

    Everything is easier if you buy it.

    Everything is difficult if you don't use all the tools available to you. Using a 75HP shield to secure your points above 800 is hardly buying a reward.

    I use my tools. I earn them HP use them where I need them most. Getting 10 1000 points finishes in a season is not realistic without spending. I prefer to earn my rewards. There are a lot of things in life I spend money on. A game where nerfs happen regularly is not a smart place to spend money.
    I got 1k in every event last season,still not paid just sayin
  • TxMoose wrote:
    Next one is going to suck too, one fireball will do like 6000+ dmg if memory serves me correctly. One fireball will wipe my 9 covered Fury.
    unless I missed something I don't think it will be fury vs torch. the fury node will be on the torch 3* ddq day - sunday. but I don't think they've announced the opponent. and that would be a crazy difficult matchup with none of the colors you need to deny are any that you could use. that would go well here. similar color matching (and making sure its a villain) would suggest doom or mystique or maybe doc ock.

    edit: the more I think about it the more doom makes sense. trap vs trap.
    Ah maybe I read it wrong...
    IceIX wrote:
    Marvel Puzzle Quest Sneak Peek: Upcoming In September, 2015


    Human Torch (Classic) - Green / Legendary Token (Nick Fury) token_legendary.png[/list]
    Yep, sure did. Good catch. *smacks back of hand* BAD UNREAL.

    But my point still stands in the scheme of things, all 3* aren't a nightmare, and all of them aren't self-sufficient. What is a lvl 270 falcon going to do? A lvl 270 Loki or Hood? Even some of the stronger ones won't be evil - Cyclops is just a real strong solo character. He's got two big hitters, so you have to block two colors, not just one, and his third color sets up not just the first power, but strengthens his third power while also increasing cascade potential, so you end up trying to starve him of red and yellow, while keeping TUs in unharmful locations, AND matching all the blacks for XFW's big attack, which is only big if there are a bunch of those red tiles on the board.

    I'm not too ashamed to admit it, it took my lvl 209 *max cover* XFW like 4 times maybe 5 to beat Cyc, and it was all luck. He did his yellowflag.png , and it didn't cascade or give him any red, so I blew him up on the next move. But imagine going against Steve Rogers...keep red and blue away from him and just match away yellow, and you are fine. This was just one of the worst characters possible.
    - Unreall
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    Next one is going to suck too, one fireball will do like 6000+ dmg if memory serves me correctly. One fireball will wipe my 9 covered Fury.
    unless I missed something I don't think it will be fury vs torch. the fury node will be on the torch 3* ddq day - sunday. but I don't think they've announced the opponent. and that would be a crazy difficult matchup with none of the colors you need to deny are any that you could use. that would go well here. similar color matching (and making sure its a villain) would suggest doom or mystique or maybe doc ock.

    edit: the more I think about it the more doom makes sense. trap vs trap.
    Ah maybe I read it wrong...
    IceIX wrote:
    Marvel Puzzle Quest Sneak Peek: Upcoming In September, 2015


    Human Torch (Classic) - Green / Legendary Token (Nick Fury) token_legendary.png[/list]
    Yep, sure did. Good catch. *smacks back of hand* BAD UNREAL.

    But my point still stands in the scheme of things, all 3* aren't a nightmare, and all of them aren't self-sufficient. What is a lvl 270 falcon going to do? A lvl 270 Loki or Hood? Even some of the stronger ones won't be evil - Cyclops is just a real strong solo character. He's got two big hitters, so you have to block two colors, not just one, and his third color sets up not just the first power, but strengthens his third power while also increasing cascade potential, so you end up trying to starve him of red and yellow, while keeping TUs in unharmful locations, AND matching all the blacks for XFW's big attack, which is only big if there are a bunch of those red tiles on the board.

    I'm not too ashamed to admit it, it took my lvl 209 *max cover* XFW like 4 times maybe 5 to beat Cyc, and it was all luck. He did his yellowflag.png , and it didn't cascade or give him any red, so I blew him up on the next move. But imagine going against Steve Rogers...keep red and blue away from him and just match away yellow, and you are fine. This was just one of the worst characters possible.
    - Unreall

    L270 Falcon would be a major pain in the backside as opponent for Star-Lord, with Redwing eating his countdown tiles. You could save up to place more than one at once, but then you run the risk of Falcon dropping his own defense tiles and boosting the **** out of them with his yellow before that happens. It wouldn't be a quick defeat like with Cyke, but that doesn't matter if you're unable to do any real damage.

    Boosted Hood would actually be a tricky opponent against Fury, despite his relatively low HP, because his passive has a good chance of keeping those expensive powers from going off before he has either whittled you down with Intimidates and/or gathered enough AP for a very painful Twin Pistols.

    Loki is the most harmless of those 3, but I could see him being somewhat of a threat against Captain Falcon, turning those defense tiles into attack tiles with Trickery before you can Divebomb him into oblivion. Still, that could be worked around.

    I'm with you when you say that Cyke is one of the nastiest buffed 3* characters out there, but all of them could prove to be a pain against the right opponent.
  • Pilor
    Pilor Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    I found it interesting that the post from the dev had to do with how difficult the event was rather than how poorly it is designed.
  • Der_Lex wrote:

    L270 Falcon would be a major pain in the backside as opponent for Star-Lord, with Redwing eating his countdown tiles. You could save up to place more than one at once, but then you run the risk of Falcon dropping his own defense tiles and boosting the **** out of them with his yellow before that happens. It wouldn't be a quick defeat like with Cyke, but that doesn't matter if you're unable to do any real damage.

    Boosted Hood would actually be a tricky opponent against Fury, despite his relatively low HP, because his passive has a good chance of keeping those expensive powers from going off before he has either whittled you down with Intimidates and/or gathered enough AP for a very painful Twin Pistols.

    Loki is the most harmless of those 3, but I could see him being somewhat of a threat against Captain Falcon, turning those defense tiles into attack tiles with Trickery before you can Divebomb him into oblivion. Still, that could be worked around.

    I'm with you when you say that Cyke is one of the nastiest buffed 3* characters out there, but all of them could prove to be a pain against the right opponent.
    I never said a walk in the park, but 'do-able'. This is pretty much one match that supplants doing like 20-40 matches, so it should have the combined difficulty of those. It shouldn't be a 'free' 4*. I just think a lot of the knee jerk emotion is because of the difficulty (it was ridiculously hard), but the difficulty was 'spiked' harder than it normally will be.

    With that said, after struggling with Fury, I think there is a huge inherent flaw in the design, being forced to use a particular 4* makes the mountain ridiculously tall. My XFW is pretty much max short of health and dmg, so he can functionally beat a lvl 270. My 4 cover Kingpin? My 3 cover Ant-Man? One Cover Jean?
    - Unreall
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    CoolB76 wrote:
    So what you're saying is you still have no facts to provide.
    Here's a fact: I'm not going to waste any more time explaining basic tinykitty to a tinykitty moron.
    This kind of attitude and language (regardless of whether or not the profanity filter caught it) towards fellow forum members are unacceptable. You're taking a day off to cool down.