So, Etiquette. Your Thoughts?



  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    puppychow wrote:
    Puerto Rico, I assume you have been talking to the crew on line, because you don't strike me as the type of person to presume to speak for others w/o checking with them.

    So far I've been hit 23x by Crewsaders. My last shield break I attacked Phraeg, but his professor x managed to throw his pink tile on board and stretched my 2 minute push into a 4 minute push. So I wasn't surprised to see a bunch of crews popping up. My fault for not finishing the match faster. icon_lol.gif

    If Crewsaders wanna to pursue a grudge against me, that's fine. But don't go around and paint yourself as punishing bullies because it's the reverse right now. Xmen were infamous because of the way they gangbanged people, and if Crewsaders choose to act like Xmen that's their right. Again, don't go paint yourselves as victims and insult people's intelligence. icon_lol.gif

    As far as the gangbanging offenders are concerned, Viral hit me 6x on day 1, Misstique hit me 6x on day 2 (plus a bit past midnight on day 3), and Shamsali hit me 4x. These guys (and gal) are getting lumps of coal for xmas. icon_mrgreen.gif

    And Lawyer is the spy on me. He broke shield at 11.30 pm (and I politely avoided sniping him), then a second time at 12.40ish. Even though he didn't attack me directly, he's helping to coordinate the hits and therefore Lawyer also deserves a lump of coal for xmas. icon_lol.gif

    As I said before, I have no interest in either first place or the 1300 cover. I already broke 1k and grabbed a cover I didn't need. I'm playing Fresh Cuts for the entertainment value. See you crew guys in a few hours! icon_cool.gif
    lawyers actually a girl lol just felt i had to point that out.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    I read through everything. I am now curious. Can someone please add me to a co operative room? Or are there rules to this as well icon_e_smile.gif.

    My lineID: maximus_p

    I usually just make 1k+ and shield then move on with my life. I would be interested to climb to 1300 if possible. Doing 1300 solo always seem impossible. After reading here i now know why icon_e_smile.gif
    they don't just let randoms in have yr alliance talk to some1 from another top alliance and go from there.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    puppychow wrote:
    Puerto Rico, I assume you have been talking to the crew on line, because you don't strike me as the type of person to presume to speak for others w/o checking with them.

    So far I've been hit 23x by Crewsaders. My last shield break I attacked Phraeg, but his professor x managed to throw his pink tile on board and stretched my 2 minute push into a 4 minute push. So I wasn't surprised to see a bunch of crews popping up. My fault for not finishing the match faster. icon_lol.gif

    If Crewsaders wanna to pursue a grudge against me, that's fine. But don't go around and paint yourself as punishing bullies because it's the reverse right now. Xmen were infamous because of the way they gangbanged people, and if Crewsaders choose to act like Xmen that's their right. Again, don't go paint yourselves as victims and insult people's intelligence. icon_lol.gif

    As far as the gangbanging offenders are concerned, Viral hit me 6x on day 1, Misstique hit me 6x on day 2 (plus a bit past midnight on day 3), and Shamsali hit me 4x. These guys (and gal) are getting lumps of coal for xmas. icon_mrgreen.gif

    And Lawyer is the spy on me. He broke shield at 11.30 pm (and I politely avoided sniping him), then a second time at 12.40ish. Even though he didn't attack me directly, he's helping to coordinate the hits and therefore Lawyer also deserves a lump of coal for xmas. icon_lol.gif

    As I said before, I have no interest in either first place or the 1300 cover. I already broke 1k and grabbed a cover I didn't need. I'm playing Fresh Cuts for the entertainment value. See you crew guys in a few hours! icon_cool.gif
    lawyers actually a woman lol just felt i had to point that out.

    Fixed. Your right, should be mentioned.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    puppychow wrote:
    Puerto Rico, I assume you have been talking to the crew on line, because you don't strike me as the type of person to presume to speak for others w/o checking with them.

    So far I've been hit 23x by Crewsaders. My last shield break I attacked Phraeg, but his professor x managed to throw his pink tile on board and stretched my 2 minute push into a 4 minute push. So I wasn't surprised to see a bunch of crews popping up. My fault for not finishing the match faster. icon_lol.gif

    If Crewsaders wanna to pursue a grudge against me, that's fine. But don't go around and paint yourself as punishing bullies because it's the reverse right now. Xmen were infamous because of the way they gangbanged people, and if Crewsaders choose to act like Xmen that's their right. Again, don't go paint yourselves as victims and insult people's intelligence. icon_lol.gif

    As far as the gangbanging offenders are concerned, Viral hit me 6x on day 1, Misstique hit me 6x on day 2 (plus a bit past midnight on day 3), and Shamsali hit me 4x. These guys (and gal) are getting lumps of coal for xmas. icon_mrgreen.gif

    And Lawyer is the spy on me. He broke shield at 11.30 pm (and I politely avoided sniping him), then a second time at 12.40ish. Even though he didn't attack me directly, he's helping to coordinate the hits and therefore Lawyer also deserves a lump of coal for xmas. icon_lol.gif

    As I said before, I have no interest in either first place or the 1300 cover. I already broke 1k and grabbed a cover I didn't need. I'm playing Fresh Cuts for the entertainment value. See you crew guys in a few hours! icon_cool.gif
    lawyers actually a woman lol just felt i had to point that out.

    Fixed. Your right, should be mentioned.
  • I want also to thank everyone who #checks and/or gives defensive wins!
  • I read through everything. I am now curious. Can someone please add me to a co operative room? Or are there rules to this as well icon_e_smile.gif.

    My lineID: maximus_p

    I usually just make 1k+ and shield then move on with my life. I would be interested to climb to 1300 if possible. Doing 1300 solo always seem impossible. After reading here i now know why icon_e_smile.gif
    they don't just let randoms in have yr alliance talk to some1 from another top alliance and go from there.

    Hmmm, not sure who to speak to. If someone here is willing to help, thanks a lot, otherwise no big deal..
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Am I the only one who finds it kind of ironic that MPQ-style PvP ends up being far more cooperative than competitive at the higher levels of play?

    Shield-hopping? Coordinated strikes via outside communication? Sniping as an actual "etiquette problem?"

    Makes me chuckle to realize that there are likely some naive folks out there who actually think PvP is supposed to be, well, player vs. player. icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif


    This is largely a product that the progressive rewards are more valuable than the placement rewards for top players. Given that circumstance, cooperation is more beneficial than competition. If there were no 4* progressions, and you could only obtain 4*s through t5 placement, the environment would change.
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    What about are You all talking here???

    PVP is just WAR. You can fight alone or together with people in Alliance, in BC etc.

    You can # check or not, but You must always count with consequences.

    Each player has his playstyle, one is sniping, other not, but snipers must count with answer..... small or big, depends from the side he hit.

  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    nic13 wrote:

    Methinks you take this game too seriously!!!

    And you got the numbers wrong! I didn't hit you that many times, I'm certain of that!!! I was distracted by someone else! How can you make such assertions in public! *maligned*

    P/s: I don't celebrate Christmas.

    I'm sorry. I have no clue who you are in-game. Perhaps you can enlighten me? Much apologies! icon_redface.gif

    As of this writing, I have been hit 34 times, 24 by Crewsaders and the rest by unaffiliated/normal folks. So yes, I do keep track. icon_e_ugeek.gif
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Mathrim wrote:

    Each player has his playstyle, one is sniping, other not, but snipers must count with answer..... small or big, depends from the side he hit.

    Good morning, mathrim! See I luv it when a xader stays on-message, and tries to portray this as retaliation against sniping. I've had multiple opportunities to snipe on Crewsaders in this Fresh Cuts events, and I've passed them all up. Heck, the ONLY times I managed to pull points off a Crewsader was against Viral Core via retaliate at around 6 hours after the event started. That's day 1, during a soft climb.

    I personally make a GREAT, DEDICATED effort to avoid sniping people (aside from Entrailbucket b/c he liked to snipe me so much). Heck, when I realized I had inadvertently sniped Puerto Rico in a previous pvp event (b/c he actually retaliated on me), I gave him an apology via pm here.

    So, if the Xcrew decide to hold a grudge against me personally, I'm fine w/ it. Painting your gangbanging against me under an umbrella of retaliation against snipers doesn't work though. That's the facts.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    lawyers actually a girl lol just felt i had to point that out.

    Oops! My apologies! icon_redface.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_cry.gif
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Morning xaders! I have confirmed that you guys are human beings who actually need to sleep! Shocking! icon_exclaim.gificon_question.gificon_idea.gif

    After I made a hop at 6 am this morning, I was waiting for an avalanche of hits from the xcrew. But nope, just one hit on me for under 20 points. Imagine that. Only one xader on puppychow watch duty during that hour. Frankly, I should be flattered that the xcrew is keeping such a close watch on me. icon_lol.gif

    But. . . all good things must come to an end. As I said before, I'm playing Fresh Cuts solely for entertainment value, since I don't need the 1300 or placement covers. Furthermore, I'm not a whale like you guys. I'm a poor, humble bloke who needs to save his remaining hp for the upcoming 4 star.png deadpool event. So, I'm doing you guys a BIG FAVOR and announcing that I AM DONE WITH FRESH CUTS. My 24 hour is on, and I'm moving on! icon_mrgreen.gif You guys can relax now! icon_cool.gif

    If you want to ensure that I remain your punching bag for the next pvp event, kindly let me know which shard you xaders are choosing! Good luck pushing for first place in Fresh Cuts!
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    lukewin wrote:
    When playing PVP, I do try to avoid players and alliances I am familiar with, just because there are usually other targets out there. Familiar names means I'm taking points away from an acquaintance, while unfamiliar names means I'm taking points away from a stranger. Would rather do the latter than the former. If I'm hit by players / alliances that are familiar, I usually just save the retal node if I think they're worth the points. If not, clear the node and move on. I know that there's gonna be attacks in PVP, so I accept the fact and move on.

    Believe it or not, I actually take this approach. During my soft climb, I check names and alliances to ensure that I don't hit anyone familiar. It's only when I'm around 800ish that I start hitting the big fellas. So this Fresh Cuts event is actually out of character for me personally. If a bunch of xcrew guys are having fun w/ this back and forth with me, I guess it's worth it. *shrugs*
  • nic13
    nic13 Posts: 87
    Yay! Congrats on finishing the pvp! Good job! Well done!
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    @ puppychow.. Holla at me on line.. We will settle this down.. No need to hijack the thread with what happened in this event.. Peace out..
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    *Mod Mode ON* Just a friendly reminder that it is generally frowned upon to call out specific players by name as it may be considered flamebaiting. Also, things seem to be heating up a bit so I'm asking you all to try to keep this civil as best you can. It is an interesting and worthwhile discussion and I would rather not have to lock it due to personal quarrels. *Mod Mode OFF*

    Pylgrim, I don't think you are being fair. While I don't deny that some of the behavior described here sounds like bullying and coercion, the alliances I have encountered who engage in said practices have been open to communicating and even arguably helping the purported victim of these attacks. Similar to you, an alliance mate of mine was playing pVp blissfully unaware of this unwritten code until he happened to hit a few players in a major alliance during a hop and was being considered for their hit list. Fortunately, we have a good friend in that major alliance who explained the situation to both his alliance and my alliance, and my alliance mate decided to join their battle chat and was able to attain the points he wanted without having to step over other high end players and those players could safely shield hop.

    Had he been obstinate and refused to participate, obviously things would not go well for either party. He would face constant bombardment and that alliance would have to waste time and resources keeping him down.

    I understand for some players it sounds like more of hassle than it's worth but for me and my alliance mates we appreciate having an organized system of cooperation that minimizes retaliations and point loss and maximizes point gains.

    Put more simply, a player has the right to refuse using battlechat and play as they wish but alliances also have the right to attack whoever they see fit. Neither is in the right or wrong. However, if your goal is to achieve a maximum amount of points for progression rewards while using a limited amount of resources and effort, the most reasonable action would be to communicate and cooperate with your peers rather than try to lone wolf it. Such is the current state of PvP.

    @fightthedream: How are people supposed to know all of this? I've played with a casual alliance on a mobile device for about a year and a half and I'm not an intense gamer, so looking for chats to improve my placement never would have occurred to me. I know MPQ is never going to flash a banner on app startup to tell you this, so how are people expected to know?

    This isn't playing the game at this point -- this is gaming the game. I can see how it's rewarding. I can't really see how it's fun.
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Also, this line sounds so... gangster?
    Had he been obstinate and refused to participate, obviously things would not go well for either party. He would face constant bombardment and that alliance would have to waste time and resources keeping him down.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    So, would a 10 min grace period after shield break simply fix this situation?

    Because this is a crazy amount of drama to have over shield hopping. I certainly don't agree that "enforcement" (or even just coordinated shield hopping) should be part of the game that players are expected to learn.

    Is this a fun aspect of the game? As an outside observer it doesn't sound like fun.
  • So...if I'm reading all this right, "etiquette" at the moment is mostly "big" alliances saying "We own the shard. You play by our rules, or we'll send the 'enforcers' to make an example of you." Right?

    Sounds like Mafioso tactics, honestly.

    This is how I choose a target:
    1) Hey, points!
    2) Oh, that name looks familiar...
    3) Alliance member, leave 'em alone.
    4) I vaguely recall you being a forumite...uh...have we spoken?

    I don't check your shields. I don't look to see if you're in a big alliance or flying solo. I don't care, particularly, whether you retaliate against me.
    And I don't expect you to do any of these things either.

    I end up where I end up.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    *Mod Mode ON* Just a friendly reminder that it is generally frowned upon to call out specific players by name as it may be considered flamebaiting. Also, things seem to be heating up a bit so I'm asking you all to try to keep this civil as best you can. It is an interesting and worthwhile discussion and I would rather not have to lock it due to personal quarrels. *Mod Mode OFF*

    Pylgrim, I don't think you are being fair. While I don't deny that some of the behavior described here sounds like bullying and coercion, the alliances I have encountered who engage in said practices have been open to communicating and even arguably helping the purported victim of these attacks. Similar to you, an alliance mate of mine was playing pVp blissfully unaware of this unwritten code until he happened to hit a few players in a major alliance during a hop and was being considered for their hit list. Fortunately, we have a good friend in that major alliance who explained the situation to both his alliance and my alliance, and my alliance mate decided to join their battle chat and was able to attain the points he wanted without having to step over other high end players and those players could safely shield hop.

    Had he been obstinate and refused to participate, obviously things would not go well for either party. He would face constant bombardment and that alliance would have to waste time and resources keeping him down.

    I understand for some players it sounds like more of hassle than it's worth but for me and my alliance mates we appreciate having an organized system of cooperation that minimizes retaliations and point loss and maximizes point gains.

    Put more simply, a player has the right to refuse using battlechat and play as they wish but alliances also have the right to attack whoever they see fit. Neither is in the right or wrong. However, if your goal is to achieve a maximum amount of points for progression rewards while using a limited amount of resources and effort, the most reasonable action would be to communicate and cooperate with your peers rather than try to lone wolf it. Such is the current state of PvP.

    @fightthedream: How are people supposed to know all of this? I've played with a casual alliance on a mobile device for about a year and a half and I'm not an intense gamer, so looking for chats to improve my placement never would have occurred to me. I know MPQ is never going to flash a banner on app startup to tell you this, so how are people expected to know?

    This isn't playing the game at this point -- this is gaming the game. I can see how it's rewarding. I can't really see how it's fun.

    To be honest, if you are a casual player you probably don't really need to know all of this (although I am not sure to what extent your casual). Unfortunately, the game does not come with a guide and a lot of the most useful information is here on the forums. I, myself, was not aware of hitlists and what not until fairly recently but it does not bother me that such practices exist. Why, you may ask? Because alliances exist.

    My alliance is a PVE only alliance so we don't have to worry about things like season scores, coordinating shield hops and what not but I ask you, if you wanted to be a top PvP alliance what would you do? The most successful PvP alliances are the ones that can communicate effectively with its members and now with other alliances so that they can maximize point gain. As a casual player in a casual alliance you may not understand the amount of time and effort a lot of these commanders put into their alliance. And while it may seem cutthroat or gangsterlike behavior for some, it makes total sense to me. Not only that, it's because of these high scoring alliances that any of us are able to reach 1300 at all whether it be from participating in battlechats or lonewolfing it.

    Basically if you are of the anarchistic mentality of every person for yourself, of course you are not going to like having unwritten codes of conduct imposed upon you. But you will quickly learn there is only so much one person can do. I support the current system because if you really stop to think about it it offers so much more in terms of point gain, social bonding and friendship. I now talk to the people I used to milk points of off, we share laughs and I no longer have to worry about whether I am denying someone a shot at 1000 or 1300 progression. Anyone that can break the 1000 progression wall knows how much it sucks to be so close and then have it all stripped away by hits. This system helps prevents that.

    My only concern is what will happen to this system should the devs start doing proper 4* PvPs with rewards and so. But change is the name of the game so we will all deal with it when that time comes.

    My question for the naysayers is: What exactly do you think alliances are for? Obviously there are different answers to that question and I think that difference is at the crux of the matter.