**** Deadpool (Uncanny X-Force) ****



  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2015
    One of the times I've hated fighting the normal deadpool is when paired with someone like Colossus. Made me think of here, While XFW is being thrown around a lot (and I can see why), I wonder how Thing will work with him. Common solution to beating Thing is to just hit him hard first, but that can get you killed with XFDP. Hit XFDP hard, and thing will sprout those wonderful protect tiles, and somewhere in all the 'get the protects off the board' action that follows, XFDP will slice you and heal back up anyways. I don't hav enough experieince with XFDP (just loaner) to know if things board shake up will trigger his purple, but its somethign else to consider.

    In simulator would anyone really want to fight Thing/XFW/XFDP?
    - Unreall

    Yeah this team Deapool-Thing could work, you protect yourself and hit the enemy team, and the thing has also a good ability for destroying a lot of tiles (it is not SS, but has a good chance of destroying three or four tiles).

    But instead of XFW, then you can add The Hood :O Who do you kill first? icon_razz.gif

    The problem of 3/5/5 build is that then red is really bad. In the second sub Deadpool had this build and red was so bad I never bothered. On the other hand 7500 + 4000 healing is a very good power, it is not IMHB level red, but it is better than the Thing and it is on par with Carnage (Carnage red is more destructive, but it does real damage to your team so I think both are on par).

    Black on the other hand, being a passive, if you have it at 3, you are going to use it, and it will give some free damage.
  • Buret0 wrote:
    I like 3/5/5 for now. If I'm going to go 5/3/5 or 5/5/3 eventually, it will be because I've found that pairing him with someone that makes a ton of Red gets his ability off more often. I think on defense in PvP you are going to want X/5/X and I just think that 13 Red is going to be tough to acquire without selling out on red generation (such as with Cyclops, Marvel, IMHB).
    All those overlap two colors, and the one I wouldn't use the red is cap marvel. Problem is that she would only tank yellow as he's got same color strength red>black and his tile damage goes higher.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    I think on defense in PvP you are going to want X/5/X
    I'm not sure it's going to matter on defense, since a player paying attention is going to target him first and not trigger the passive.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm even thinking keeping purple at 4 so those tiles don't trigger Deadpools passive in DPX vs DPX
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    I think on defense in PvP you are going to want X/5/X
    I'm not sure it's going to matter on defense, since a player paying attention is going to target him first and not trigger the passive.

    Unless he's paired with the thing who will make it very hard to take DP out. As good as XFORCE and DPX make good partners I think The Thing is better, plus he allows Deadpool to go 3/5/5 no problem if Thing is 5/3/5
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    I like 3/5/5 for now. If I'm going to go 5/3/5 or 5/5/3 eventually, it will be because I've found that pairing him with someone that makes a ton of Red gets his ability off more often. I think on defense in PvP you are going to want X/5/X and I just think that 13 Red is going to be tough to acquire without selling out on red generation (such as with Cyclops, Marvel, IMHB).
    All those overlap two colors, and the one I wouldn't use the red is cap marvel. Problem is that she would only tank yellow as he's got same color strength red>black and his tile damage goes higher.

    Yeah, you would have to force 4Pool to be slightly lower level to let her tank... problem is, she only tanks on O and the other team is going to be able to select 4P to hit hard. Hulkbuster isn't bad because he would be the active black for 4P's passive.

    Thing + 4P + Hulkbuster?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Unless he's paired with the thing who will make it very hard to take DP out.
    I still see berserker/trickery making quick work of this.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Unless he's paired with the thing who will make it very hard to take DP out.
    I still see berserker/trickery making quick work of this.

    Thing + deadx seems like a waste of 2 Very solid reds, but stacked "attack me first" powers is a useful trick. I still think xforce/deadpool + a red battery (maybe even im40) or a black battery (like doom) is superior. It has lots of very good actives, and true healing for some sustainability.

    And it's true that berserker trickery is a great trick against thing. But it's useless in PvP because it requires you to settle on a squishy defensive team of patch/Loki that is just as likely to kill itself.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    simonsez wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Unless he's paired with the thing who will make it very hard to take DP out.
    I still see berserker/trickery making quick work of this.

    Do you have to bring along your own loki every time you send out a Thing in PvP? Or do some people not change who they send to fight your team?

    There are often times when I've got a team that is working really well for me where I just won't bother changing out my team based on who I'm about to fight. I'll usually just skip unless they are worth an ungodly amount of points.

    Like in the current PvP I've got Cyc/Doom/Marvel going. I wouldn't change that team up just because someone was throwing a maxed out Thing at me. If I accidentally set off Thing's protect tiles, I would just fire off a Marvel Red to clear them out if need be (otherwise just keep doing my Blue Doom/Yellow Cyc/Purple Doom/Red Cyc/Black Cyc combos that have been destroying in PvP).

    On D I'm wondering if I should switch Marvel out for someone like 5/3/5 Mean Jean? I'm worried that Marvel isn't going to hold her own on D when people know not to feed the team by hitting her with AoE attacks.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Do you have to bring along your own loki every time you send out a Thing in PvP? Or do some people not change who they send to fight your team?
    There's no point in putting a Loki on your team if you're the one with the Thing, because the AI is only going to execute it properly strictly by accident.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    simonsez wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    Do you have to bring along your own loki every time you send out a Thing in PvP? Or do some people not change who they send to fight your team?
    There's no point in putting a Loki on your team if you're the one with the Thing, because the AI is only going to execute it properly strictly by accident.

    Well, aside from having Loki around to slow the other team down (mischief), Loki may very well use Trickery to take his tiles back if the other team doesn't have their own tile generation. It might also make the other team hesitate to use their own trickery if they know you've got one banked. They might wait until Loki is dead before activating their combo.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    They might wait until Loki is dead before activating their combo.
    No, the combo is going to kill Loki pretty instantly.
  • FloridaFan
    FloridaFan Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Just an observation... Deadpool was stunned by Symbiote Snare and I could have sworn his Countdown for What tiles struck for damage when matched by the other team. This was in the loaner Rooftop Lookout node of Juggernaut Heroic.
  • simonsez wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Unless he's paired with the thing who will make it very hard to take DP out.
    I still see berserker/trickery making quick work of this.
    Loki makes quick work of a lot of things in theory, but in practice? "meh".

    He's got I think the worse health of any 3*, and his black isn't 'low cost'. By the time Loki can get the 10+ blacks he needs along with the greens for Wolverine, we are talking like 20ish AP, its easy for pretty much ANY offensive team to have killed Loki (especially 3-4* or 4* land). On offense if you focus on green and black, then there are an abundance of red, yellows and purples on the board...two of which can lead Loki to his death before he can do anything of value.

    I'm not trying to say Loki is worthless, but one statistical option for beating a team, one that is HORRIBLE on defense, and will require lots of Health Packs to keep going due to low health, AND that is highly susceptible to cascades, just isn't a reason to 'void' the team. Its established, Loki can r3eally throw Thing for a loop and is terrific for Patch, so its two strikes for Patch/Loki, but that's about it. Even if we were to say 'yea, no problem, Patch/Loki could stomp that team', That's one team to fear, how many people are going to switch to that team to fight you? I can use Hood/Loki or Hood/S.Hulk to pretty much squash any HB team, doesn't make it worthwhile, between one cascade ruining my match, its just not a likely combination to fight consistently over and over. If on defense I can work my way to 2000 in simulator and only lose like 3-4 times to patch/loki...I'm fine with it.
    - Unreall
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also, does Loki really take out this team that quickly? You build up 10 black and enough AP for a four-digit hit, and aim it at Deadpool to bring out Mr. Grimm and his protect tiles. Then you use Trickery and turn the protects into strikes. Now....what? You have to keep hitting Thing, at least until he drops below Deadpool's health, because with those monster strike tiles out as soon as you make a match against anybody else he's going to pop out another set of protects and now you're back to square one. But every time you damage him with strike tiles out, X-Enforcer procs. And his HP is high enough that you're going to see a good number of those before you knock him out. Yeah, you'll likely win, but at minimum you're eating a health pack or two at the end, and if you have a hard time gathering black it's gonna be a long fight.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even if we were to say 'yea, no problem, Patch/Loki could stomp that team', That's one team to fear, how many people are going to switch to that team to fight you?
    I think you're looking at this backwards. I didn't say "Don't use Thing/XDP because Patch/Loki will stomp it". At least I don't think that's what I said. What I'm saying is that the Beserker/Trickery means Think/XDP isn't going to be the scary autoskip some might think they are.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    If the only good way to beat a team is with a duo that's going to get destroyed on defense itself unless the attacker wins very fast and shields immediately, I'd say that's pretty good. There's a reason nobody complains about Prof X/GSBW trivializing Fistbuster teams.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    FloridaFan wrote:
    Just an observation... Deadpool was stunned by Symbiote Snare and I could have sworn his Countdown for What tiles struck for damage when matched by the other team. This was in the loaner Rooftop Lookout node of Juggernaut Heroic.

    Yeah, his countdowns activate when destroyed so it doesn't matter if he is stunned, which is great.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    simonsez wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    They might wait until Loki is dead before activating their combo.
    No, the combo is going to kill Loki pretty instantly.

    Well, except that Thing will jump in front again if you have 4P + Thing + Loki.

    If you slow kill Loki with match damage, that's going to take too long. If you try and quick kill Thing, 4P is going to keep putting out his CD tiles. If you do Patch/Loki damage to Loki, Thing jumps in front and 4P drops his CD tile. In the mean time, Loki is going to keep slowing your AP generation down by keeping you to mostly match 3s.

    I guess I'm missing it, but unless you have stunned Thing, Loki is going to be tough to take out before he can use mischief to revert those stolen tiles.

    Patch/Loki combo... Trigger Thing intentionally with BR, he poops out some protect tiles, then you convert the enemy purple strike tiles into friendly protect tiles and the Thing protect tiles become your strike tiles. Thing will continue to get in the way until you kill him, which could be a couple of turns unless you have a bunch of abilities banked up in that third character that I don't know about. If you don't kill him soon, Loki will have the chance to steal your green strike tiles, your purple protect tiles, and those Thing tiles back again.

    It isn't a horrible combo... though, to be honest, 3Pool is more annoying with Thing and Loki.
  • sc0ville
    sc0ville Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    Also, does Loki really take out this team that quickly? You build up 10 black and enough AP for a four-digit hit, and aim it at Deadpool to bring out Mr. Grimm and his protect tiles. Then you use Trickery and turn the protects into strikes. Now....what? You have to keep hitting Thing, at least until he drops below Deadpool's health, because with those monster strike tiles out as soon as you make a match against anybody else he's going to pop out another set of protects and now you're back to square one. But every time you damage him with strike tiles out, X-Enforcer procs. And his HP is high enough that you're going to see a good number of those before you knock him out. Yeah, you'll likely win, but at minimum you're eating a health pack or two at the end, and if you have a hard time gathering black it's gonna be a long fight.

    Patch's converted enemy strike tiles into defensive tiles will cover pretty much all of the damage from DP's X-enforcer. As long as you don't match away the purple, you can kill Thing without worrying about X-Enforcer.