Lightning Rounds - New heroes!



  • 8 attacks...all Spidey insert anyone...367 points...

    Well, that was fun
  • I need Hulk's cover, meh... giving tokens instead of covers. Not gonna try in this LR, just gonna get to 100 and tank. 5k Sniper rifle to all is awesome though, wouldnt be surprise people's start complaining.
  • Well, gsbw nerf all but confirmed now lol. She survived nerf docket in part to neverbeing boosted. Now she will be every week. For me, this is an awful change ...unless 1. Thing happens....and that is if the storyline pve becomes villains dor a while now. I can live with my mmr probably placing me with lvl 30 grey suit/70 spidey/80 punisher or something vs all 141 if in.return the villains I spent time on have thier day somewhere else. If not, then this is tantamount to a large nerf to all villains. If it is whole sale swapped, then I don't mind at all (beyond not wanting to deal.with 20k hulks and 10 k spidertanks)and it will be a nice change of pace (not for the lr but for the bad for me..but if its good for others then mhee). Also I think all I need of these is 2 black hulk lol

    Also...dat nerfed reward structure.... Kinda Ruins it regardless. Hey hey devs...we said EXPAND the rewards..not shrink them...not re not are not listening at all...siiiiigh.

    I wanted change but to New characters...not these old hat heroes sigh.

    OP...YOUR THREAD TITLE LIES!!!!!! Make it say "different" instead of "New"
  • Rich Get Richer...

    The LR's have always been for the 'richer' user. You shouldn't bellyache, there are plenty of 'poors' that are benefitting from the MMR system according to the top ten lists of the recent PvE and PvP tournies.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Atren wrote:
    My highest of them is fully skilled Patch at level 64, next I think is Punisher at 28....and spiderman who I could train to 41 (but he has 0 blue). Unless I get superlucky with MMR I have feeling no top 25 possible.

    I don't think competition is going to be that bad since the top end prizes are no longer guaranteed covers, unless someone just wants to smash people with their high level Patch/GSBW.

    Maybe it's just because it's the first day, but I can't even break 200 points in this LR, while managing top 50 in the villain LRs was easy enough. The problem is there are soooo many people with all 100+ boosted teams, and they all want to compete for a chance at getting the one or two covers that they need. In villain LRs, the 100+ villain teams would often have everything they needed from a given round, so they would sit out or try for top 50 and allow newer players to pass them. This new reward system is really, really terrible.
  • Maybe once people realize they are busting their **** for 90 minutes straight to take a pull at a slot machine (to win the one or two covers they need), they won't be so excited. But I assume every will have to find out for themselves.
  • While I'm annoyed we have to place so high, this format still works a lot better for me since I've got a bunch of powered-up but not complete 3* heroes (53rd-70th level), and need every single covered offered except a few (Patch G & R, Hulk G, Spider-Man Y, Punisher Black) - anything else is going to help me. I've never been able to do anything other than ISO farm in LR up until now; I have an actual shot at placing in these, at least potentially.

    I'm probably going to more-or-less abandon everything else and focus on this for the next two days.
  • Celerity wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Atren wrote:
    My highest of them is fully skilled Patch at level 64, next I think is Punisher at 28....and spiderman who I could train to 41 (but he has 0 blue). Unless I get superlucky with MMR I have feeling no top 25 possible.

    I don't think competition is going to be that bad since the top end prizes are no longer guaranteed covers, unless someone just wants to smash people with their high level Patch/GSBW.

    Maybe it's just because it's the first day, but I can't even break 200 points in this LR, while managing top 50 in the villain LRs was easy enough. The problem is there are soooo many people with all 100+ boosted teams, and they all want to compete for a chance at getting the one or two covers that they need. In villain LRs, the 100+ villain teams would often have everything they needed from a given round, so they would sit out or try for top 50 and allow newer players to pass them. This new reward system is really, really terrible.

    I guess people just want to smash people with their level 100+ heroes. Out of the heroes the only covers I need is GSBW and really only the green, so that's 1/18 chance and doesn't seem like worth using the time. Yes I can use some more IM40 covers but not like I have the iso8 to build him up to usable level anytime soon. If people want to spend their time smashing hopeless teams, I guess it's their choice.

    But even if it's rewarded like the old way, I imagine there's always going to be someone looking for the last cover to finish their hero, since all the hero featured are quite useful in general, unlike the LR characters where 3 of them are only seen during LRs, and 1 for some reason is never high enough to be actually used (The Hood).
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Celerity wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Atren wrote:
    My highest of them is fully skilled Patch at level 64, next I think is Punisher at 28....and spiderman who I could train to 41 (but he has 0 blue). Unless I get superlucky with MMR I have feeling no top 25 possible.

    I don't think competition is going to be that bad since the top end prizes are no longer guaranteed covers, unless someone just wants to smash people with their high level Patch/GSBW.

    Maybe it's just because it's the first day, but I can't even break 200 points in this LR, while managing top 50 in the villain LRs was easy enough. The problem is there are soooo many people with all 100+ boosted teams, and they all want to compete for a chance at getting the one or two covers that they need. In villain LRs, the 100+ villain teams would often have everything they needed from a given round, so they would sit out or try for top 50 and allow newer players to pass them. This new reward system is really, really terrible.

    I think they key will be getting in in the first ten minutes and hitting the crash test dummies. B@conM@gic is your key to success.

    And I think with Hulk, Patch, Punisher and IM40 there have been enough event rewards that the people with 100s generally have them maxed. These rounds seem tailored more for the upper midrange player rather than the elite or newbie.
  • poomermon
    poomermon Posts: 300 Mover and Shaker
    While I have more 3-star hero covers than villains this tourney is still no go for me. Lvl 100 Punisher and lvl 60 spider-man do not help much when some people have 3 maxed out heroes. I can win the fights no problem but it takes time to chew those thousands of hit points in every match and since my roster is not really intimidating people will target me if I manage to get high enough. Top 50 was impossible for me in villains tourney and top 25 even more so in this tournament. I guess the tournament is just not aimed at me so I let the top players have their fun.
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    Maybe once people realize they are busting their **** for 90 minutes straight to take a pull at a slot machine (to win the one or two covers they need), they won't be so excited. But I assume every will have to find out for themselves.

    Yeah, the only cover I badly need is GSBW green and that's 1/18, so I'm not going to make much of an effort at it. Now if people need all kinds of covers they can certainly go for it. I'd think the guys with overwhelmingly powerful rosters should be in similar predicament where they only need 1 or 2 color-character specific covers and should realize that the chance of getting what you need is extremely low. If not, well, smashing teams that have no chance of beating you can be fun too.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    mechgouki wrote:
    WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    I have to agree.

    For those who disagree, remember that you now have to score 25 and above for 3 star covers.

    In an unbracketed 3000+ player competitive round. Whoopee doo.
    yeah this. for the players that don't have any maxed 3star (or even 2star), this tourney is awful.
  • Agreed this isn't for high end players, I could field a team of all 100+ buffed characters but only really want black Hulk. Pretty **** payout
  • poomermon wrote:
    While I have more 3-star hero covers than villains this tourney is still no go for me. Lvl 100 Punisher and lvl 60 spider-man do not help much when some people have 3 maxed out heroes. I can win the fights no problem but it takes time to chew those thousands of hit points in every match and since my roster is not really intimidating people will target me if I manage to get high enough. Top 50 was impossible for me in villains tourney and top 25 even more so in this tournament. I guess the tournament is just not aimed at me so I let the top players have their fun.

    The increase in HP is offset by the increase in offense as well, especially if you have The Punisher. I'm not seeing the problem here. Hulk and IM40 always took a long time to kill without boosts as well. They might be twice as hard to kill but your Punisher also does roughly twice as much damage.
  • 15 minutes to go and I am about 10k with 0 points. Should give idea how many playing it at least once.
  • Phantron wrote:
    The increase in HP is offset by the increase in offense as well, especially if you have The Punisher. I'm not seeing the problem here. Hulk and IM40 always took a long time to kill without boosts as well. They might be twice as hard to kill but your Punisher also does roughly twice as much damage.

    Yea, but if you're a mid-tier player, you might only have 4 or 5 covers of the Punisher.

    It's the same issue mid-tier players ran into the old lightning rounds, but they at least had a better shot with the old Thorverine combo (and C.Storm, before she was nerfed).
  • Kikujiro
    Kikujiro Posts: 157
    My MMR is through the roof as in No Holds Barred. I´ve Patch, OBW and Ares at 85 as my most leveled characters.

    Facing 3x lvl 141, skip, 2x lvl 120+ and lvl 100+, skip, 3x lvl 141, skip, 2x lvl 100+ and lvl 85, enter the battle, lose the battle icon_neutral.gif
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    Maybe once people realize they are busting their **** for 90 minutes straight to take a pull at a slot machine (to win the one or two covers they need), they won't be so excited. But I assume every will have to find out for themselves.

    I support this post 1,000,000%

    No guaranteed covers? Spare us the "rewards".
  • This is so great.

    I never had enough villain characs to compete in these, but now I've got a fully buffed, totally killer roster.

  • Can anyone around rank 25 tell us about what the cutoff seems to be?