Lightning Rounds - New heroes!



  • Awesome, people have been asking for this for ages.

    Something a bit new that actually works!
  • Nemek wrote:
    WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    Speak for yourself, I'm liking this new LR a lot (as long as it doesn't completely replace the other one).

    Yeah, I saw that there was the oft-requested hero lightning rounds starting up. Immediately figured some on the forum will complain no matter what. This is nothing but good news.

    I get the feeling that the devs can do no wrong by your standards.

    Must be nice to have someone like that.....
  • I like it BUT, like you guys, almost all my heroes are max covers (I only need Widow and Hulk).....and of course just guess who I wouldn't get LoL
  • Nemek wrote:
    WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    Speak for yourself, I'm liking this new LR a lot (as long as it doesn't completely replace the other one).

    Yeah, I saw that there was the oft-requested hero lightning rounds starting up. Immediately figured some on the forum will complain no matter what. This is nothing but good news.

    It's absolutely not good news that it's now much harder for up-and-coming players to complete their roster. I could place top 50 fairly consistently in the villain LRs, but breaking top 25 against people with even better teams is going to be impossible.

    If the reward system weren't nerfed, then sure, I'd love it.
  • I like these new rounds because I can finally play without boosts again and I am getting attacked without a tank team. I do not want those big tokens up at the top. I want to play matches to generate ISO and I want to suffer so many attacks and retaliations that my MMR goes to a reasonable place in other tournaments.

    This works for me in a way that the tweaks to Heroic Mode and Thick as Thieves did not.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can actually do pretty well in these (not that i really need it, 4/3/4 gsbw is the only character i don't have maxed) with my 120 hulk / 100 punisher / 80 IM40. I think im just going to iso farm / tank these and make a couple of large pushes from time to time.
  • Am I in the right place? I thought this was MPQ. But this seems to content, for an admittedly fairly generous definition thereof, and not exactly pants-soilingly awful? Splendid!
    jozier wrote:
    These events will be cool I guess, but they've handed out most of these heroes as placement rewards over and over again. Hopefully that means villains will be placement rewards more often as well.

    I already have a 5/3/5 BW, 4/4/4 Hulk (so hopefully I get my black), 5/5/3 IM40, 3/5/5 Punisher, 3/5/5 Spider-Man, 5/3/5 and 3/5/5 Patch lol.

    I think a lot of people are in similar boats with respect to having these heroes completed.
    I think your experience sitting at the bleeding edge awhile and hanging around here has left you a questionable grasp of what an average roster looks like. Suppose it depends what you mean by "a lot of people". Even that aside, I doubt too many have all of these maxed yet.

    This would be a neat way for people trying to get their first few complete 3*s that they might use much outside LRs to go after them, if it weren't for the fact there will already likely be 25 or more people in most rounds using three 100+ buffed heroes, so good luck to them if they're using a loaner, the mis-specced Thor they can't let go of, & **Widow ('cept in the other Widow's rounds; those get their 40 Moonstone). We'll see. Maybe the people who don't much need the narrow 3* token will try to manage rating for the heroic, or use these for mass tanking.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghast wrote:
    I like these new rounds because I can finally play without boosts again and I am getting attacked without a tank team. I do not want those big tokens up at the top. I want to play matches to generate ISO and I want to suffer so many attacks and retaliations that my MMR goes to a reasonable place in other tournaments.

    This works for me in a way that the tweaks to Heroic Mode and Thick as Thieves did not.

    I think MMR is currently different for every tournament
  • I like the tokens if only because I'm inevitably busy during the LR that has the Villain I actually want (coughhoodcough). This way, it doesn't matter what LR i fight in, i've got a chance at getting any hero. Although I'm probably gonna get nothing but Punisher and spidey blues and yellows....but that's another story.
  • Woo for new stuff, rewards are... I don't like the randomness. Before it was like "Oh snap, it's <X> tournament, time to make a hearty try!" Now it'll be "Oh, time to take a shot, push hard, and hope for the best when I place high."
  • Are these still running the same buffs as the other LR's? Because that's something I hoped they would do away with. There is no joy in churning through teams of Hulks and IM40's that have +20k hps.
  • Riggy wrote:
    This is great. BWGS with 7k health is gross. Teamed with a 10k IM40 and a 9k Hulk and this is awesome.

    Jesus christ. My hulk will rule this event. I have a 5 black hulk and just waiting for that 1 free green cover for black widow. Then the sniping can begin.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh lord, my tank team of 51 hood / 51 doom / 28 gsbw is actually winning defenses >.> no more hood on defense ever again.
  • Rich Get Richer...
  • You just know aswell that you will get a ton of spidey covers that you dont want to use until the nerf but the nerf wont happen till exactly 8 days after the end of the event.
  • Hm. This does seem more in danger than the villain rounds of feeling like a 4-day rotation of continuous 300% buffed Thornament. Buff looks like flat 200% for everyone. Spider-Man at 10k HP? Sure! He wasn't boring enough at five, after all. Jesus. Obviously, as long as you're using nothing but the buffed folks it cancels out, but ew. Hulk at 20k is just less likely to make you accidentally set off Anger and actually do anything, though I'll grant you might fall asleep before he dies if you're not using Punisher.
  • Madjam wrote:
    You just know aswell that you will get a ton of spidey covers that you dont want to use until the nerf but the nerf wont happen till exactly 8 days after the end of the event.

    Build a 3/3/3 in the meantime and keep him in reserve to be rebuilt then! icon_lol.gif
  • My highest of them is fully skilled Patch at level 64, next I think is Punisher at 28....and spiderman who I could train to 41 (but he has 0 blue). Unless I get superlucky with MMR I have feeling no top 25 possible.
  • I'm guessing we'll be seeing the heroes in LR for a while with the villians as the cover prizes for the standard tournaments, and that's probably a good thing to encourage more variety.

    Given Patch and Punisher is on the buffed list I don't see an issue with IM40/Hulk given offense is generally buffed equally the same. Would suck if you don't have one of those 3* DPS, but I thought the point of LR is that you should use only the featured characters if you have them at all at a reasonable level.
  • Atren wrote:
    My highest of them is fully skilled Patch at level 64, next I think is Punisher at 28....and spiderman who I could train to 41 (but he has 0 blue). Unless I get superlucky with MMR I have feeling no top 25 possible.

    I don't think competition is going to be that bad since the top end prizes are no longer guaranteed covers, unless someone just wants to smash people with their high level Patch/GSBW.