Lightning Rounds - New heroes!

turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Just look at it! GSBW is first

Spiderman 3*

Placement rewards:
1-2 -- Courageous token 3x
3-8 -- C Token 2x
9-25 -- C Token 1x
26-50 -- Heroic 2x
51-100 -- Heroic 1x


  • Aw ****, you got it first.....
  • akboyce
    akboyce Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    That feeling when you get Dr. Doom to 100 and then this...
  • Who else is on the list?

    I knew they'd do hero lightning rounds eventually. I just hope they switch back and forth to keep things mixed up.
  • Powered up


    Ouch! let the stun locking begin!
  • No cover rewards for the new Lightning rounds.

    Instead, multiple anti-diabolical "Couragous" tokens awarded for top placement. Rewards from tokens are : GWBS, Patch, Punisher, Hulk, IM40, Spidey.

    So, it stands to reason, that these six heroes are the new LR powered-up heroes, in some order of sequence of events.
  • If they don't switch back and forth, I'm pretty sure Doom and Rags just got relegated to the bottom of everyone's roster.
  • Oof - rewards got nerfed hard. Now if you want a 3* cover, you have to place top 25, AND hope it's for the hero you need?
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the changes, however miss the villains!
    Weekly change of Villains/Heros would be nice!
  • These events will be cool I guess, but they've handed out most of these heroes as placement rewards over and over again. Hopefully that means villains will be placement rewards more often as well.

    I already have a 5/3/5 BW, 4/4/4 Hulk (so hopefully I get my black), 5/5/3 IM40, 3/5/5 Punisher, 3/5/5 Spider-Man, 5/3/5 and 3/5/5 Patch lol.

    I think a lot of people are in similar boats with respect to having these heroes completed.
  • I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........
  • WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    I have to agree.

    For those who disagree, remember that you now have to score 25 and above for 3 star covers.

    In an unbracketed 3000+ player competitive round. Whoopee doo.
  • Son of a . . .

    I'm cover-complete on every hero in the LR. As a matter of fact I think that's a perfect list of every 3* character I'm cover-complete on (+ Ragnarok). Now my dreams of developing my Magneto and Hood are taking a big step backwards. Guess I'm really going to need to focus on the current No Holds Barred for the Hook covers! icon_e_surprised.gif
  • WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    That's just, like, your opinion, man.

    Seriously, you have enough to complain about. Is this really worth it?
  • This is great. BWGS with 7k health is gross. Teamed with a 10k IM40 and a 9k Hulk and this is awesome.
  • WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    Speak for yourself, I'm liking this new LR a lot (as long as it doesn't completely replace the other one).
  • Hello? Anyone missing the picture here?

    Rank 25 and above for 3 star covers!!

    Hell yeah, I'm so jumping for joy....
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2014
    Yeah I'm actually for this change. It's not an improvement but a shift sideways.
  • Cool, something different.

    I think the only Hero I'm short covers on is Hulk.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    WilliamK99 wrote:
    I love how every single "improvement" they have made over last 3 weeks has made the game suck even more........

    Speak for yourself, I'm liking this new LR a lot (as long as it doesn't completely replace the other one).

    Yeah, I saw that there was the oft-requested hero lightning rounds starting up. Immediately figured some on the forum will complain no matter what. This is nothing but good news.
  • I'm surprised DD is not in there. Maybe he'll be the next powered up 2.5 day pvp event.