Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • Iphone 5s

    Continual crashes in PvP and also DDQ since the update

    username Cuneglas

    iOS 8.3
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    mouser wrote:
    Lopan15 wrote:
    Um not just iPad 4 users. My iPad 2 continually crashes. I just double checked after miles posted it was ONLY affecting iPad 4 and iPhone 5 users. Sure enough, first try at sim pvp it crashed before I could make my first move. IPAD 2 not working as well!!!

    Do you have an older iPad 2? Or a one of the newer iPad Mini 2 or iPad Air 2 models?

    I've got an old iPad 2. Never have had any problems before.
  • I can't even get the game start before it crashes. I'm using an LG phone. Not impressed. I'm missing out on a Scarlet Witch cover in Deadpools's Daily Quest. Very Not Impressed
  • Q-Bert1

    iPhone 5
    Crashes almost every game.
    Screwed up and started the Carnage event right after "upgrading". Now I'll never get Carnage. My 11 year old friend has a Samsung Galaxy 5 and he's in like 4th place because so few people can compete. He has like 8 characters on his roster.
  • So my game crashes on my iPhone 5 with 8.3, but I'm able to play on my iPad since I've not added 8.3 to it at this time. Great time for a crash glitch
  • I have had nothing but repeated crashes in every pvp and pve event all day long, I have been using an iPad 4 and iPhone 5c, I have lost several hundred points in pvp and now have no chance at a top pve finish, looks like this has been going on for 14 hours plus, come on guys.......
  • In game name is mrflopwelligan.

    iPhone 5 crashing before I can even get into a PVP match.

    Just got knocked out of top 100 in the bullseye event. Can't get in to fight my way back up and I'll lose that grocket yellow cover.

    And I'm pretty well **** for the carnage event.
  • wgruyter
    wgruyter Posts: 4
    I have the same problem - ios8.3 iphone5 - Logged support case - no useful update so far... icon_e_sad.gif
    So far, I have not found a workaround/way to prevent it. It's always at the start of a new match....

    Downside is (as already been stated by SEVERAL people): Not only do you loose the event-time now, you're getting punished with a loss in health, b/c the game thinks you're cheating and 'retreating' from a match...
  • Same problem. Every time I start a game it shuts down. 12 times so far. Since updating. Wish there was a way to roll back to prev version. Tired of health hits and being forced to use health packs. At this point we should all receive some type of compensation. Ijs...
  • User: deemelo
    Same issue on iPhone 5
    Started around 12:30 pm Pacific time.
    Only been able to complete around 4-5 matches since then, at least 20 crashes.
  • lkellyl
    lkellyl Posts: 17
    I have done lost several pvp matches and other matches, used tons of health packs due to crashing in the middle of the game, it's really killing my pvp scores
  • the same thing is happening to me I went from rank 27 to rank 105 in one day we should get compensated for this mishap.
  • nick ingame: ugetnocookie

    Android keeps crushing 8 hours now.
  • renfox
    renfox Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    I'm having the same issue. MPQ app just vanishes mid-move. It started when I tried to do Deadpool's daily, the bottom node. kept crashing. I tried playing one of the introduction fights just to test and get my daily reward. passed without crashing. tried the one-star deadpool daily node, got thru that. tried the next node. managed that, crashed on the third. got thru the bottom node. It's hard to tell what might trigger the crash but it doesn't seem to be a bug on screen like firing off an ability, at least that I can tell.

    All playing is on hold. Cant do much. Bad timing considering there's a new 4* character up for grabs.

    I tried rebooting my phone as well as the tutorial steps. no effect. I'm using an iphone 4c. plenty of memory left.
  • This game is unplayable. I have always strived for a positive tone, and understanding. I even thank the developers for pushing an update out in the middle of the week, instead of Friday. I really, really hope that they strongly consider being FAR more generous. One way to do this "fairly" is to look at a player's history in previous PvE challenges (and PvP).

    I always top 10 four star PvE's. If the bug did not prevent me, I would have cleared Peru already.

    Please. To those in charge, (HiFi, Red Names, whoever decides compensation) please look at your recent track record. Many mistakes have been made when updates have been made to the game. I get that with complex systems, their will always be unanticipated consequences. However, in the past, players perception of a just reward has not been met.

    I know you guys work hard. I know it isn't your fault either. I do not wish to blame you, or flame you. I also know we as forumites are a very demanding, and exacting bunch of people. We complain alot. Sometimes it is valid, other times it is rude. I strongly urge you to think about how to please your players, in the face of repeated mistakes that have disrupted our ability to enjoy your product. I know their is a popular saying that gets said at times like this : "This too shall pass". Please don't let this "pass". Please show us a better way.
  • Same for me. iPhone 5c continually crashes during matches. Was in top 10 in the bullseye pvp and now in the 50's. This is getting ridiculous.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    smiley22 wrote:
    I'm trying hard to stay positive but I'm going to miss my much needed yellow BP cover by a mere 2000 points since I haven't been able to complete a match in almost 12 hours... Will also certainly have no chance at a top 50 finish and a carnage cover, and will therefore not have a shot at the next pve since I'll be missing an essential. For the icing on the cake I'm in a top 100 alliance and will likely be booted to bring someone else in for the bullseye pvp that I had only gotten one game completed before this fiasco.

    No big deal, just a game, but bear in mind this is a game I've spent more real money on than any game ever (including consoles, PC, etc). I also now completely wasted hours and hours the last 3 days in the juggernaut heroic for absolutely nothing. Time to step away and reevaluate my priorities.

    I hear that. Now 10pm, my time-slice event ended at 9...

    "Congrats, you finished top 150, here's your single IM40 cover." So bitter-sweet, I was on track to finish top 25. icon_cry.gif

    I honestly didn't know what to do with myself after dinner, I think I'm addicted. I ended up starting up my Steam acct version and started the Juggs event - managed to place 3rd overall with a **** 2* roster icon_lol.gif
  • I am also experiencing these crashes. I can't seem to get one level played. iPhone 5. I just wanted to finish the deadpool quests and now I'm gonna miss out on the scarlet witch cover just because I can't get a whole round to play. icon_e_sad.gif
  • pumpkin81
    pumpkin81 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In

    No crashes
    IPhone 5s 8.3
    IPad air 8.1.3
  • veneretio
    veneretio Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Just another iPhone 5 user reporting in. Unplayable. Hoping it'll clean up in time for me to salvage this PvP event before it ends.