Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch

ShanePHallam Posts: 94 Match Maker
About every other match, the game crashes in match and restarts. I have restarted my phone, stopped all other apps from working, etc. This has happened in both the "Stay on Top" PVP and Heroic PVE. It just started today (June 4th,) Sometimes it happens at the beginning of the match, sometimes in the middle. I lose points in the PVP and my heroes come out hurt.

I'm on an IPhone 5 version 8.3. Not sure what is different or what I am doing wrong :/

EDIT: Maybe it is the update? Looks like my phone just updated MPQ automatically today.


  • I'm having the same issue- I updated the game today, and now every time I try to play a game, I'm kicked out of the app halfway through and come back to find my heros hurt. I'm on an iPhone 5 with v8.3 as well.
  • Same here. Since R77 Every match I play the game crashes. Cost me 200 points in Bullseye PvP. 4 crashes RIGHT before I kill the final person on the other team. Literally one move from killing them, 4 consecutive times.
  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Confirming the same here, JUST manually updated and tried to start 2 matches. Both crashed back to my IOS home screen within 10-20 seconds. IPhone 5.

    A "KILLER" update indeed icon_e_wink.gif
  • grifterx777
    grifterx777 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    The same thing is happening to me. 3 crashes so far since the current update. I don't want to have to use health packs just to do DDQ, lol. Having to start nodes over with less health due to this isn't fun.
  • Mango9
    Mango9 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I guess I'm not the only one. So frustrating !!!
  • I just downloaded the update and now the game crashes for me during matches, it has happened twice so far and now I have to wait for my characters to heal back up.
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey All,

    I have reported that iPhone 5 devices are experiencing crashing. What other devices are experiencing this issue?
  • Zumdahl
    Zumdahl Posts: 19
    Add me to the list. Game crashes a few moves into a match. Support ticket created, lost a few health packs and positioning in the PvP event.
  • grifterx777
    grifterx777 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Hey All,

    I have reported that iPhone 5 devices are experiencing crashing. What other devices are experiencing this issue?

    I play on my iPad. I just tried again. I started the game, clicked on a node in DDQ, game starts and as I'm about to make my first match...crash.
  • Pleefs
    Pleefs Posts: 122
    Yet another one experiencing this issue since the update... icon_e_sad.gif
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Iphone 5 same thing, every single match... You devs keep **** the bed don't you...
  • Crashes for me too. Playing on iPad 3rd gen
  • Drift9
    Drift9 Posts: 5
    Yeah, same deal for me here. crashes very reliably. Running on iPad 8.3. On the plus side, if this keeps up it will keep me from stressing out about trying to get Carnage in the coming event, so there is that...
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    iphone 4s here. I only played one match to test, but seems to be fine.
  • iPhone 5c here, crashed during each of the three matches I have done since updating.
  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    For me the same 4 times in a row, iPad with iOS 8.3. Game is unplayable now...
  • sakamoto81
    sakamoto81 Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    same problem here on ipad icon_e_sad.gif
  • Hey All,

    I have reported that iPhone 5 devices are experiencing crashing. What other devices are experiencing this issue?

    More specifically I just noticed something interesting. My game only crashes mid match when i'm connected to wi-fi when I connect to cellular data the game runs okay. But since i'm limited on data plan I'd rather not use it to play.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Yep. iPhone5 here. 8.3. Only one other app running in the background - iMessage. I was one move away from finishing off the first node of the Iso-8 Brotherhood node and got kicked out.
  • I am a 580+ game day player.

    I have been waiting for Carnage for almost 2 years and here is my chance to get it.
    15 crashes and my whole boosted roster is now dead and out of health packs...
    I am insulted and upset with this new patch, as now I am out of the running to gain this character.
    I am running out of patience...
