Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • Corven Ren
    Corven Ren Posts: 25
    Just tried again myself, got to the story page but then crash again.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Still crashing for me (IPhone 5 iOS 8.3)

    But I came up with a way to play:

    Downloaded Andy (GS: "Andy Android")
    installed MPQ
    Synced with facebook

    It does need a "beefy" PC (since you basically emulating a Android device inside a PC), but no issues playing - and the sync/account reset issue wasn't a problem.
  • verbeek98
    verbeek98 Posts: 14

    Working on 3rd day of no play here.....My alliance id being patient with me so far but who knows how long.

    Is there any update at all??
  • Jarru
    Jarru Posts: 2
    I have just experienced this. iPhone 5 the worst part is that when it boots you out, your team loses their strength and stamina.
  • Doc L wrote:
    So, I'm assuming I now won't have it fixed till at least Monday... Pve, no chance to finish matches. DDQ, losing out on the big enchilada which I can't finish as the time is too short. Pvp, I can't enter as it would be pointless. This is just pretty sad now, I'll keep logging in and trying, but I've already lost a Vision DDQ and the chance at Carnage (or even Magneto) from pve.

    I'm hoping this will be the exception to their we do not work on the weekend rule.

    I find the way they respond to support tickets to be verry rude. They do not work when the majority of the players are playing. If a theature or diner were to stay open on the weekend but have no employees there would be Mayhem the same applies for an ftp. My other issue is that if you reply more than once you are essential told to shut up (in a politically correct way that I find more rude Han just saying it in plain language, talk like your costumers do, stop talking down to people.)
  • Deathclaw
    Deathclaw Posts: 59
    Yeah, so far i'm out 2 Deadpool Dailys, and assuming its a cover I don't need, thats about 4k ISO. The kicker is yesterday was Vision, the only 3 star character I DON'T have. So that really hurts.
    Me and my team are out the Daily Login reward since about a third of us are on iOS. About 100 ISO
    I couldn't compete in the last PvP event, which when I usually place top 50 at minimum, thats another 1k ISO and HP plus covers.
    I've lost the season reward progress from not being able to do a PvP event.
    I can't start the Carnage event, and i'm one of the lucky ones who didn't start it before this mess.

    2 days in and its probably denied me about 5-10k iso and some covers. Please fix this.
  • Hey hey, great times.

    This bug has cost me Vision, any placement in Bullseye event, any chance at Carnage, any shot at SqGirl, probably any shot at the R&Groot event, not to mention something probably close to 100k iso.

    Do I feel kinda dumb for spending money last sale...

    ROLL BACK THE PATCH! I'd rather have Teisatsus firing like crazy than be simply unable to play.
  • I have submitted a ticket 3 days ago, but thought I would add to this list as well:
    - iphone 5c, most current ios update
    - can't make it through any fight except the very first prologue, which can be ended in one match 3, otherwise I get kicked out to my home screen menu
    - lost standing in Bullseye PVP (at least would have made top100), Season rankings, sidelined from my alliance, 2 Deadpool Daily Quests that I would have otherwise gotten without issue.
    - I refuse to enter the Groot pvp or the Brotherhood ISO8 pve just to not be able to play, but otherwise I would be playing for minimally top 100 in pvp (have consistently reached 1K, so would be aiming for those rewards) and top 50 in pve (at least 1 Carnage cover). I skipped the Juggs Heroic.

    I appreciate that the Devs are working on the issue and I look forward to the fix. Once that is done, I hope they will address compensation on an individual basis, noting previous & recent performance in all events and awarding compensation appropriately.
  • Wish that we could get some kind of update on this
  • Bcorm
    Bcorm Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    On day three of being unable to play. No answer from support.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wish that we could get some kind of update on this
    On the weekend?? Craziness!
  • The game trolled me this morning. Let my play the first four nodes of deadpool daily. Naively I got my hopes up only to have it dashed on the big enchilada. After six crashes I gave up.
  • Okay, three days now I have not been able to play.

    Username is Siladaan

    I am on Android and I have an LG phone.

    Ever since the recent update I have not even been able to get past the startup screen. I see Vision and Hulkbuster, the loading logo and then the game goes black and then crashes. I have tried about twenty times with the same result.

    I have misses now Three *** covers from Deadpool's Daily Quest (Scarlet Witch and Vision were among them I believe, really wanted those) along with the taco tokens and Iso-8 that is associated with completing all the missions. I have also missed three SHIELD re-supplies. Furthermore, I don't have a chance to try and win Carnage. Having recently spent real money on this game, I am quite frustrated at not being able to play at all. I've never paid for a game that I couldn't play before and I am not happy that this is the case with MPQ.
  • Gagutz
    Gagutz Posts: 104
    Today I tried my Ipad.

    Plugged into the wall


    Not plugged in

    Got 2 matches in completely (very fast ones) total and 5 crashes. Either way made no difference.

    Out of health packs and characters to test more.

  • Yeah, completely unplayable at this point. Hopefully a solution is reached soon. If not, well, time to move on to other games and activities to pass the time. It's a shame to because the game is really fun when it actually works.
  • Username: Simington

    iphone 5c user still crashes on almost all events ive wondered it it was certain events or tile matches that did it but it appears to be totally random hope its fixed soon after the mess with the utron event and now this my patience with this game that used to be alot of fun is wearing thin
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2015
    The App Store has an update that says it fixes the crashing issue. I'm still downloading it so I haven't tested yet to confirm it works.

    Update--I just played 10 matches in Prologue without any crashes. The update seems to have fixed the issue!
  • Demiurge_Kevin
    Demiurge_Kevin Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Hi everybody, there's a new version of the game out on the App Store that should be available now or very soon. If you've been seeing crashes, please check out the new version and post here to let us know if it helps. Thanks!
  • So far so good with the new update, thank you!
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Played 5 matches with no crashes thus far. I wouldn't give it the "all clear" immediately, as this is a very small sample, but it's looking promising.