Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch
On a road trip and I stupidly thought this app would work well enough to get me through it. Instead of acing the events and getting in the top 10-20 for Carnage I tried to fix this faulty app. It's always something with this app and I'm done. I was an idiot and took my uncle's advice that to really enjoy this game you have to spend $20 and get a roster. He's deleted the game and next time it crashes I will too. I get 1500 ISO-8 thrice daily and 250 hero points every other day. I would give up the 100k ISO-8 I have now if I could be assured that this app that regularly ranks high on the top grossing apps list would get a tech guy that would troubleshoot an update before forcing everyone to update.
Out of all the Marvel apps this is the only one with constant problems.0 -
Prof Krusty wrote:That blows. Sorry you had that happen. Mine hasn't been that bad a single time, but over 4 weeks of crashing and frustrations, I feel ya!
Blade PVP and now a lightning round have both reset on me now.. like i never joined them.. At least the Blade one, i had only done seed teams and 2 random lowbie matches.. so not a big loss, i will just join a different bracket..
If the shield sim resets on me, i'm done though.0 -
Seriously, have you received the email from D3?Your request has been solved
Good news, everyone! We’ve had an issue causing the game to crash during matches. We recently resolved this for iOS and are actively working on a fix for Android.
It's 7 days or so I can't play and they want to "refund" me with 250HP and 1500ISO?
I can make it on any day just with Deadpool.
And I read a lot of people are getting this "refund", even if they didn't experience any crash or posted any ticket.
So where's the refund if you're giving it to everyone?
I'm not satisfied at all.
And this just to be polite.
This thing sucks even more as through the days pass.
+0 -
Yes it does, as another android user it really sucks. Btw what happens when a cover you have in your roster expires. I had 3 that are expired by now.0
Feel your pain guys I'm android to and still can't get on. what annoys me tho is I know for a fact I had over 30 chars that have now expired two being 3 star colossus. Selling all them comes to more then 1500 ISO 8.0
I am also in deep shock. New patch hasn't changed anything - my game still crashes after the loading screen. This is will be a week already when I can't play...0
For my part, I still do not manage to start my application, it's been 7 days since I can not play any info and despite my request by mail to D3
I am really disappointed by the lack of communication and response (the only is to watch the forum)0 -
When I sent them my ticket they came back with that compensation message and said this case has now been resolved how did you think we did. I was like what first how did you resolve it I still can't get in the game its sill crashing right after the loading screen it's getting to a point now I'm starting not to care tbh.all us android users who still are not getting on the game get same compo as everyone else they should at least double it for us.0
I am simply adding my voice to the outrage here:
I don't think this issue has been handled well, at all (and this is being nice). The communication has been lacking, and the compensation is more insulting than soothing. I know they are renowned for mediocre compensation and throwing out platitudes as though they do something, but this is just infuriating. 7+ days loss = 1 days worth of compensation, regardless of potential. I was making a list of all the things I've been losing out on (only noting down things which I considered 'guarantees'), and this doesn't come close at all. I fear to think what someone better than me is missing out on.
Well, I am 7 days down and counting.
'Sorry' doesn't cut it this time.0 -
I have been an avid reader of these forums since I really started getting into MPQ last October. Unfortunately, the reason I decided to finally register and participate in the forums is to voice my justifiable disappointment in the way MPQ has handled the crash situation.
These were my thoughts before any known compensation was issued (apologies for the length but there's a lot to get out):
Initially, instead of waiting the whole problem out, I felt like I had no choice but to log in and do a fight, crash, do a fight, crash, crash, fight, fight, fight, fight (whohoo! It's working!), CRASH, crash, crash, crash, crash (oh no)...just to salvage anything in these contests..all bc of the history of compensation, or lack thereof, MPQ has provided in past issues (this issue being the motherload). And while this problem persists I also feel like I have to prepare for a court case defense of screenshots, videos, etc bc I know I won't be rewarded, nor others, for the prizes we deserve. No, a gold token will not be suffice..nor 2 or 3 or even a 10-pack..just because the odds are terrible. It's like getting cash back for a mistake that was made and that cash turns out to be counterfeit.."Sorry, no refunds for our mistake!" The "winning" argument that is going to be doled out to all ticket submitters is "While we unfortunately regret this incident, we cannot predict what score you would have ended with, therefore we cannot give out specific compensation such as a 2nd-5th place Carnage (or that purple Nick Fury from the juggs PvE) that also screwed the very best players over from getting. Now I can't speak for everybody's situation; you know what type of reward you truly had a shot at getting before this whole debacle occurred. And unfortunately, I feel players are going to be asking for a little more than they know they had a chance at getting (go ahead, fight for it, I'm not stopping anyone) But because of that, I think a flat compensation for everyone is in the works. This might be the biggest decision MPQ ever makes because I've scoured the forums and a lot of hardcore veterans...several hundred day old players are rightfully annoyed..and they drive the money wagon. A lot of alliances, although they know it's not their crew member's fault, have to make tough decisions to cut ties with good players over this iOS/android problem; the landscape of the game is changing because of this. (And yes, I get's a stop reading if this is sounding a little to dramatic vs real life for you) But yes, a big part of MPQ's fate is hanging on "what viable solution can we give our players?" Some wounds never heal but give us a 40-gold pack (gasp!)..yes, do doesn't cost you a dime..and I think a majority of the players will be placated..Whether they want to add 10K ISO, 500HP ( retrospect)...I can care less..although if you do the math......Me, personally, I just wanted my purple Nick Fury..I was in 2nd place at the start of my last subevent for juggs and that means victory bc I know the way I play..I wait the 8hrs and kill them to 1pt each for the very proving that to MPQ is going to be harder than (insert pun here)...but I'm going to try..I have screenshots of the end of that subevent and every ensuing hour as my score remained idle during this problem up until the end when I fell down to 8th..yes, I know this resulted in ppl falling to 3rd, 11th, 26th, 51st, 101st, 151st...I feel your pain, I've been there too. But trust me..guaranteed top 2 to 8th burns just the same. Silly me also has results screenshots of every PvE imaginable over the last 6 months..not narcissism, just like to remember and have something for alliances to recruit me..and they are almost all 1st or 2nd for 3* PvE and 5th-10th for 4* PvE...will those screenshots help my case? The ball is in your court MPQ..decide wisely or invest in some hard drive space bc the emails are coming...
UPDATE-- Now that we know what the compensation is, I can say without hesitation that you, MPQ, have failed miserably in rewarding it's players with what they rightly deserve. The glaring words, "we will not compensate you for anything else or for anything you would have earned" is the biggest slap in the here are my thoughts now:
So I won't get my 4* Nick Fury for being in 1st place at the start of the last subevent right before the start of this whole crash? ..nor a top 10 Carnage even though I'll be in 11th place after missing 2 whole days!? Obviously I would've been in top 10...ridiculous! So let's see, Juggs was what..a 3 day contest?? be top 2 YOU NEED to put in at least 6-8hrs a those in 1st (or near any prize cutoff) put in over half a day and get screwed over the crash?!...and after having the system crash the first two days of Carnage...I'm busting my hump for the next 5days (30-40hrs) for a potential 11th place only to know I won't be compensated if I JUST miss the cutoff by a couple of hundred pts?!..I'm fighting this! I have so much time-stamped screenshot evidence to back up my claims! It doesn't take a genius to see time-stamped screenshots and video of a game crashing over a period of days and see their final score just missing out on a prize cutoff to not stop and think "gee, he/she would have surely made it without the crash issues." There was even an MPQ response on the forums that mentioned "individual assessment" concerning compensation evaluation..and I see even non-crash players are getting this refund..really?! I have had the chance over the last 250 days in this game to meet and share ideas with a plethora of great players that have lost so much over this; those who have had up to 30 3* characters expire because they couldn't even log-in all week, friends who have missed out on every DDQ this week as well as those who spent more than 250HP only to have the game crash. I won't go to much into 1500 ISO...let's see, you can earn 1000-2000 ISO just by doing the first 15min of each lightning round that occurs every two hours from Tues-Thurs..depressing, insulting compensation to say the least. So I urge everyone who experienced crashes and missed out on a reward by at least a day's length of points (keep in mind the crash was multiple days) to fight this!
So here I am left wondering when the players, the reason why this game is still running and developers are stuffing money in their pockets, are going to stop being stabbed in the back?0 -
What's worst by now, is they also asked us to know what we could have lost during non-playing timelap.
They probably weren't going to give it anyway.
So why ask?
Why let people think you're doing it the right way?
+0 -
Yes. I completely agree
I constantly feel that the replies I get from their customer service are a joke (at my expense); the chewed-up reiterated pieces of text that masquerade as support and concern, the feign pieces of advice that have nothing to do with queries and problems.
Don't forget to leave your feedback for the developers and customer service. Let them know of any satisfaction and dissatisfaction, about how they have handled this issue and other issues previous. Give voice to our concerns and disappointments. Hopefully they will listen. At least to help stop this stuff happening to others, and warning others about it. I am not saying to give them abuse, but to tell them in a controlled and considerate manner how we feel. Spread the word.
Personally, I'm out. This is me done. This is terrible handling from any game developer. I would not want to be responsible for the decisions made here, and I want to know how they justify them.0 -
I guess I can understand their argument of what may or may not have been earned in the 8 days of not playing. But what about Deadpool points? I woould have earned 24,000+. That's one Whales! Whales! Whales!0
When I got the email asking if I was satisfied, I ripped em a new one, and didn't cuss once...mad as I am about not being able to play for a week and counting, I'm pretty proud of myself for that! Lousy joke, I know...trying to make the best of a totally **** situation.0
Question to fellow-android-not-able-to-play-players
When you received two days ago information about closing the ticket and question if you are satisfied - what have you done next?
I have of course replied "Bad, I'm unsatisfied" with comment that the game still crashes and they should not close my ticket yet. But since then I haven't heard anything from them.
Does anybody have any news/replies? Maybe we should submit new tickets?
I have just replied to their last response and asked about the progress and some official statement...0 -
smoq84 wrote:Question to fellow-android-not-able-to-play-players
When you received two days ago information about closing the ticket and question if you are satisfied - what have you done next?
I have of course replied "Bad, I'm unsatisfied" with comment that the game still crashes and they should not close my ticket yet. But since then I haven't heard anything from them.
Does anybody have any news/replies? Maybe we should submit new tickets?
I have just replied to their last response and asked about the progress and some official statement...
I sent them a message saying look I know your not gonna compensate any more but what about all my chars that have expired. I had over 30 including two 3 star colossus. They said they would refund any them if I could say where I got them and what colour I mean really like I'm gonna remember that it was two weeks sent them a message last night saying I don't remember where I got them or what colour it was two weeks ago.i said tbh I don't care anymore I haven't been on for a week and counting they would be no good even if you did refund me could you let us know about a patch for android.0 -
Rob1987 wrote:smoq84 wrote:Question to fellow-android-not-able-to-play-players
When you received two days ago information about closing the ticket and question if you are satisfied - what have you done next?
I have of course replied "Bad, I'm unsatisfied" with comment that the game still crashes and they should not close my ticket yet. But since then I haven't heard anything from them.
Does anybody have any news/replies? Maybe we should submit new tickets?
I have just replied to their last response and asked about the progress and some official statement...
I sent them a message saying look I know your not gonna compensate any more but what about all my chars that have expired. I had over 30 including two 3 star colossus. They said they would refund any them if I could say where I got them and what colour I mean really like I'm gonna remember that it was two weeks sent them a message last night saying I don't remember where I got them or what colour it was two weeks ago.i said tbh I don't care anymore I haven't been on for a week and counting they would be no good even if you did refund me could you let us know about a patch for android.
Update got a message back
Jun 11, 16:58
Greetings D3 Go! Customer,
Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.
The developers are currently working on a fix for Android, we appreciate your continued patience until a fix is released. Please keep your eye on the Google Play App Store for the update.
Well, friend, can we simply offer you x2 Colossus covers of your choice? Would you find this an amicable resolution?
Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:
If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.
Best Regards,
D3 Go! Customer Support Team (AJG)0 -
I've been blasting their Facebook page pretty this point I'm so frustrated with them, I just don't know what else to do. My experience with customer service left me wanting to never contact them again, which in all honesty, feels like that was the intended result. The lack of communication from their end is what upsets me the most, I think...makes it seem like they just don't care. I can't be the only one beginning to think this.0
DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!
Respond to their emails and tell them SPECIFICALLY what casualties you suffered during the outages. Send them screen shots / grabs / pics. Be kind, but persistent and firm.
It may take some weeks or months, but they WILL meet you halfway at a desirable solution.
:+D0 -
I provided a screenshot of me finishing just outside the top 5 for the carnage PvE even though I missed 2 entire days...they apologized profusely but refused to give me compensation...I'm at my breaking point because I spent about 6-8hrs a day the last 5 days of that contest just to get to that point0
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