Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • hferg
    hferg Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    The game was still crashing for me this morning, when I made my earlier post. However, I have been playing it tonight without a problem.

    Now I just need to find a way to get 900 Hero Points within the next week..... Actually, more than that, since I don't have Bullseye (Classic) yet, and I'll have to find a spot on the roster for him.
  • hello

    I play from the beginning on Marvel puzzle quest, since the new update it is impossible for me to start the game

    out of the download the application systematically farm, I can not play for 5 days.

    there has t it an update planned for android

    I'm on Samsung Galaxy s2

    thank you in advance for the answer
  • ShanePHallam
    ShanePHallam Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Thanks for fixing the iOS crashes. The game is working well now!
  • Ok I am able to play again but lost almost 3 days of the pve and two deadpool dailies. Doesn't count what I lost in the pvp, one event and season wise
  • pelaospeed
    pelaospeed Posts: 16
    Thanks all of you. I can play without problems in my iPhone 5 with iOS 8.3. The game doesn't crash anymore.

    I appreciate the time and dedication, for fixed that bug.

    Excellent work men.

  • Game was working for me again as well as of yesterday evening. Thanks for the weekend work to fix things. Like others I would appreciate some compensation, even if it were just the equivalent of a full Daily Deadpool run.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    A brief update from the developers regarding Android:

    Crashing problems affecting some Android users appears unrelated to the iOS crashing issue (which the R77.1 update addressed). The Android crashes are still under investigation and a fix is being worked on. Thanks very much for your patience.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Desidirius wrote:
    Like others I would appreciate some compensation, even if it were just the equivalent of a full Daily Deadpool run.


    Compensation is under discussion for players that have been affected by recent crashing issues and will likely be issued closer to the end of the week. Unfortunately, it can take some time to sort out who was affected, what is fair compensation and how to get it out to what may be a significant amount of players.

    Thanks for your understanding and patience while we work out the details.
  • Bcorm
    Bcorm Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Thank you, I was on roughly day 580 or so last Thursday when the update went out. I haven't been able to play for 5 days, missed the Carnage PvE, 2 PvP's so far and all the DDQ. The most frustrating part was no communication since the iOS patch went live.
  • rdevil32
    rdevil32 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Hi everybody, there's a new version of the game out on the App Store that should be available now or very soon. If you've been seeing crashes, please check out the new version and post here to let us know if it helps. Thanks!


    Now that the dust has settled abit, bar the compensation to be sorted out, would the devs provide a simple layman explanation on what exactly was the issue, and how this can and will be prevented in future?

  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    rdevil32 wrote:
    Hi everybody, there's a new version of the game out on the App Store that should be available now or very soon. If you've been seeing crashes, please check out the new version and post here to let us know if it helps. Thanks!


    Now that the dust has settled abit, bar the compensation to be sorted out, would the devs provide a simple layman explanation on what exactly was the issue, and how this can and will be prevented in future?

    To be honest I would appreciate they deal with other crashing problems first. Android users haven't been even able to start the game for 5 days now...
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    It's weird I just got a push alert inviting me to fight against Osborn from MPQ and when I tap on it, MPQ loads and crashes as usual.
    Does it make sense to you?

  • Compensation later in the week?... Will us Android folk be able to play by then?? I'm going to forget how to... Umm.. Match colors. I miss Deadpool. He misses me too!! Oh dear lord I just wanna play *cries*. Composes self. Ahem. Good luck finding the problem guys hope it's soon.
  • So i guess there is no update for android users they don't want us to play the game it is just for iPhone and ipad users but still no update almost a week now
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    It's weird I just got a push alert inviting me to fight against Osborn from MPQ and when I tap on it, MPQ loads and crashes as usual.
    Does it make sense to you?

    I had the same few days ago. It happened only once and never again. Makes no sense at all...
  • Gagutz
    Gagutz Posts: 104
    I just got compensation of 1500 iso and 250 hero points for the three day outage.

    What an insult....

    I want Carnage covers and more at the very least....

  • So the only cover I'm missing to max GRocket is the yellow one, and I missed the pvp with that as a reward due to the crash. Bear in mind I always top50 pvp or better. This is annoying to say the least.
  • So by browsing through the responses in this post, it took just over 48 hours for the ios patch (from ev acknowledgement of issue to posting about patch availability). I applaud you for doing that so quickly!

    However, my android issues still continue. I posted and sent a ticket on May 19th and while I've gotten email responses, its only been for more information on my end.

    it crashed numerous times during cover squirrel. The most painful was during a 60 point match when i was at 922pts. I was about to win (only SG left with 500hp and I was ready to hit her with a colossus red) when it crashed again. Missed out on top 25 and on the 1k progression. I'm now beyond frustration...

    On top of that, for the first time a crash earlier this morning just caused my phone to shut off, not just reset. I'm beginning to worry that the constant crashes and resets are getting worse...
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    it crashed numerous times during cover squirrel. The most painful was during a 60 point match when i was at 922pts. I was about to win (only SG left with 500hp and I was ready to hit her with a colossus red) when it crashed again. Missed out on top 25 and on the 1k progression. I'm now beyond frustration...

    Cover squirrel reset on me completely... i lost 2 days of progression.. just had to claw my way back from nothing, buy health packs, and shield to get close to possibly getting top 100, when i was sitting nicely in top 25 @ over 800 points.. and was going to finish a push for 1k today...

    barely made it to 670, which is where i ended after day 1 to begin with... i did get to get all progression rewards again though.. which amounted to nothing.
  • That blows. Sorry you had that happen. Mine hasn't been that bad a single time, but over 4 weeks of crashing and frustrations, I feel ya!