Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • I've channeled my inner lawyer and sent support an absolutely SCATHING email...and used nothing but purely professional language throughout while still managing to get my frustration and disgust over this situation across. Considering the extent of my knowledge of expletives and ensuing frustration with the fact the it's now nine days since I saw anything past the Hulkbuster/Vision title screen, I'm pretty proud of myself, I must say. Given the lack of dialogue from developers, and lack of actual support regarding this issue, the outcome remains to be seen, unfortunately. Here's hoping, I suppose.
  • how has this problem not been solved after like 3-4 patches
    alkways crash like 2-3 games and lose progress in both vs and story
    makes your game hard to play and never has a mpq employee nor d3 person address this problem AT ALL
    how do you expect ppl to comtinue playing your game?
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    edited June 2015
    10 damn days.
    10 damn days!
    10 DAMN days!!
    10 DAMN DAYS!!!
    T-E-N- - - -A-M-N- - - -D-A-Y-S-!-!-!

    And surely, as it's Sunday, they won't be releasing anything untill tomorrow.
    This means 11 DAMN DAYS!


  • Corven Ren
    Corven Ren Posts: 25
    10 damn days.
    10 damn days!
    10 DAMN days!!
    10 DAMN DAYS!!!
    T-E-N D-A-M-N D-A-Y-S-!-!-!


    I feel you frustration. but you should have done it like this to emphasize

    10 damn days.
    10 damn days!
    10 DAMN days!!
    10 DAMN DAYS!!!
    T-E-N D-A-M-N D-A-Y-S-!-!-!

    I have probably lost all the covers I had in my roster by now as I think they were all under 9 days. I hate the fact I lost any chance of getting Carnage, as well as ll the iso-8, taco tokens and possible 3 start from the Deadpool daily!!!! This is the only game I actually have and play on my device, and they dont even have the decency to post anything here to let us know **** is going on.
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    And you know what, I didn't ask for any special reward I was not going to get, I was honest and true.
    But at this point I'm going to lose quite a lot:

    11 daily prizes for playing (they can check how many days I've been playing consecutively a give me what's on the schedule)
    11 taco tokens (not counting if I got the requested charcter or not)
    18700iso8 (11x1700iso8) from Deadpool's Daily (step 1 -500iso8-, 2 -200iso8- and 3-1000iso8-)
    8000iso8 at least as prizes from events or versus single fights
    22 regular tokens at least as prizes from events' single fights

    Can you make a comparison between this and what they gave?

    Overmore, aren't we Android users experiencing more problems than other users as we aren't playing since 8 days more than them?
    Don't we deserve more compensation?
    If they're gonna give 1500iso8 and 250hp for two days (untill they released the iOS fix), they should be giving 5 times more to us: 7500iso8 and 1250hp.
    Or even more if they're getting late some more days.

    Don't you think so?

  • I was informed of the r78 patch which is ready but won't be released till next week
  • Gah!! Another week? I can't take this much longer, man... icon_e_confused.gif
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Keep at it guys and have faith that they will take care of you. I had another sync issue yesterday and they MORE than compensated...once the patch is released (and working) maybe reply to their email with a suggestion of what you are requesting for comp (within reason). It has worked for me twice in the last week, something you guys need to realize is that it is only a push of a button for CS to release an item or items. Just be polite and professional, you may be surprised what you get icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Well, I wrote them and I'm still writing them because I don't want to let this thing fall down.
    I always write politely, even if I'm upset and so I'm doing by now.
    I explain my mind, explain all the weak points about their reasons but untill now they just reject any kind of request.

    They just say nothing more is going to be given.

    And I never asked for anything more than something I really would win, no gold covers, no special characters, nothing like this.
    Just daily rewards and regular prizes I win everyday because I'm true and honest and I know I would never be certain I will win anything even if I'm in top 5 when I stop playing.
    I just want what I lost for sure.
    I surely have some game stats tied to my user they can check and verify so to know if I really deserve what I'm demanding.
    I'm not afraid of that.
    I'm sure I'm asking less than what I would win normally.

    On the other hand they could easily make a comparison beween the time passed between first R77 release and iOS fix and time passed since R77 and R78.
    What they gave as first reward (crumbles) has got to be multiplied for the ratio between these two values.
    It's simple math and it seems quite fair for both us and them.

    More damage more reparation.
    Other users are 13 days far from us and we're losing lots of cool possibilities (plus maybe our place in allies which means more damage as we get less prizes)

  • Same boat here, support confirmed this morning that I am no longer in an alliance, but they also said they could help me get back into the alliance I was in. I don't see how if it's full, but it's possible they know something I don't. I also agree about the difference between the compensation that they already gave and what we've missed out on thus far, I wouldn't ask for anything other than what I know I would get, i.e. the rewards for DDQ times each day I've missed now. I think that's fair.
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Latest news are:
    The update should be arriving within the next week. Hopefully sooner, but patch dates are not entirely under our control.
    But here's what's hopeful:
    No further compensation beyond what has already been issued will go out while the issue is still being worked on. Once the issue has been confirmed as fixed for you, we will happily discuss possible further compensation at that time.
    This makes me think they could think about a real compensation after they fixed the problem.
    Hope so.

  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Make sore that ya'll are screenshotting EVERYTHING! Especially with your drop down menu of the time and date.
  • for me, it's been 15 days and I still can not play. it is long without being able to increase its character

    impossible to launch the application.

    Does anyone have information about it for a correction patch for android

    help, thank
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    thanos35 wrote:
    for me, it's been 15 days and I still can not play. it is long without being able to increase its character

    impossible to launch the application.

    Does anyone have information about it for a correction patch for android

    help, thank
    It was somewhere here that it is planned for R78 patch and that it should be next week :/ Put we cannot be sure of that.
  • I do not understand I downloaded the new update and it still crash
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    thanos35 wrote:
    I do not understand I downloaded the new update and it still crash
    Yeah... Unfortunately nothing has changed yet :/
  • Support sent me this in an email on Tuesday. Today is day 20 and counting since I've been able to play.

    Greetings D3 Go! Customer,
    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support. We wish to profusely thank you all for your continued patience. Recently, some issues have arisen that the developers are currently working to correct. We understand that it has been a frustrating experience, and are more than happy to explore the possibility of compensation for the issues. In the meantime, however, we ask that you refrain from responding to this message as we are going to place your ticket on hold while we work to resolve the ongoing issues. Once everything is up and running (which should be in the next day or so if not sooner), we will reach out to you in this email and you may enumerate your compensation requests then. If you have not already done so, please be sure to update to R78. You will hear from us shortly, and we thank you again for being so patient.
  • I guess that's encouraging, that something is going to be done in the next day or two...

    I hope you guys get to play soon!
  • I guess that's encouraging, that something is going to be done in the next day or two...

    I hope you guys get to play soon!

    I guess "in the next day or two" is relative, considering it's been four days since I received that email and I'm still effectively locked out of the game. I do appreciate your kind sentiment on our behalf, though. icon_e_wink.gif
  • for me, it's been over a month that it is impossible to play.

    do you think that one day the problem is solved, I desperate

    no information on the progress of problem