Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • CNash wrote:
    Played 5 matches with no crashes thus far. I wouldn't give it the "all clear" immediately, as this is a very small sample, but it's looking promising.

    Agreed, but it's better than crashing every other minute, lol.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Made it all the way through DDQ, including the Big Enchilada without a problem. Good work with the fix, guys.
  • Gagutz
    Gagutz Posts: 104
    Half Hour playing with no crashes.

    Thank you Devs for the Fix!
  • 9fingers
    9fingers Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    This fix seems to have fixed the previous fix of fixes.

    Thanks for getting it done.

    Now, about those carnage rewards and season pts in my compensation...

    If the devs want to make this right, they should work out all the rewards people effected by this error could have earned, and hand them over. Simple. Everybody happy.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Played 6 matches so far on my ipad2 with no crashes. Usually 6 matches would produce 3 crashes.
  • So far so good. No crashes since new update. Lost a ton a rewards over these three days to say the least though. Though I am grateful for the fix.
  • No issues here since downloading the update. Played 10 or so matches, all good.

    Username is adgy-san.
  • 9fingers wrote:
    This fix seems to have fixed the previous fix of fixes.

    Thanks for getting it done.

    Now, about those carnage rewards and season pts in my compensation...

    If the devs want to make this right, they should work out all the rewards people effected by this error could have earned, and hand them over. Simple. Everybody happy.

    Won't happen. We expected the same when the Ultron event crashed the game for days, what we got were a few tokens and some Iso, I believe. But there's no way they hand out carnage so don't hold your breath for anything resembling what you might have won.
  • Bcorm
    Bcorm Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Will there be an update for Android uses? I
  • The game developer and help desk always say how they deeply apologize and appreciate our patience. So, they need to DEEPLY compensate people. Put your money where your mouth is! Enough lip service!!!!!!!
  • Cable_eel
    Cable_eel Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    No problems anymore. Just want to say thanks to the dev team for working late and through the weekend.
  • Zanadin
    Zanadin Posts: 8
    Haven't crashed once since the update, 10+ matches, thanks for pulling the extra hours to get this fix out to the players.
  • Still crashing on android. Will crash right after the "win carnage" pop-up.
  • Why can't they fix the update for the android users haven't been able to play for 3 days now you as a company do not take care of the android users but if i was a iPhone or ipad user you would bend over backwards to help from a forced update to a nom stop forced close for 3 days lost all my rankings and couldn't even get into the carnage event think you all for your non support my id is phill007 and i have been playing or was playing for close to 600 days you should as a company check out your facebook page and see how your paying customers feel about the no help the android users
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    I'm good, thanks for fixing it up!
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    There's no update for Android.
    My game just keep crashing right after the splash screen with Vision and Hulkbuster IronMan.
    Maybe you could let translated version for later when software problems are fixed.
    Please focus on that.

  • We all know from past experience that the compensation won't come close to equalling everything we could have accomplished/gained the last few days, so how about this idea:

    I definitely missed out on the Scarlet Witch, Vision and Black Panther covers in DDQ I so desperately needed. Also, the 1500 Iso-8 and 2 Taco Tokens for each day. So how about they give us some bonus Iso-8 and taco tokens for our troubles and REPLAY the missed covers in a few days. I'd just be happy to have the chance to earn them myself.

    As for the Iso-8 Brotherhood, they obviously aren't going to hand out Carnage covers, so what if they simply started the event over again once it ends? Would give everyone a fair chance to earn the rewards. (And wait until all platforms have been patched to replay this as well)

    As for the season events, I'm not sure how to handle this one. Maybe they could extend the season by 3 days and give us some health packs so we can make up for lost time?

    Just my two cents. Let me know what you think!
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    I've pulled off 3 DDQ nodes without a crash after applying the update this morning.

    So far, so good. However, I remain in the camp of those wondering about compensation, but recognize there may be no answer before Monday.
  • hferg
    hferg Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I've been having this problem for FOUR DAYS now!!! What is the problem here? Are you guys not able to find the problem or are you just waiting for the Carnage event to end before you do a roll back?


    While you guys sit on your butts and (apparently) do nothing, players are sitting here losing event points AND MORE IMPORTANTLY HERO POINTS!!!!!!! This is RIDICULOUS!!!!! It's making me not want to play the game any more, EVEN AFTER YOU FIX THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!
  • for android , Nothing ??

    I can't play since 4 day, I can't load applicationI can't opened game.

    i love this game, I'm playing every day since the beginning ,

    the last 4 days are very hard

    I hope so , i can play soon