Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • Day 2 and still no better. Was in top 10 in the pvp when this started and now down to 70 and haven't even been able to start the Carnage PVE or even the Deadpool Daily
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker

    Unlocked my phone this morning, MPQ was still running, so I checked the Daily Deadpool reward... Vision! Awesome!

    Started the 1* fight as a test...

    okay... this is good... success so far, but it's a short fight.

    Let's up the ante

    Hard-closed the game, and relauched.

    Started the Vision DDP essential fight, crashed before I could finish analyzing the board and make a match. icon_e_sad.gif

    I am seriously tempted to try launching it on my PC (inside "Andy" - an Android OS emulator) just to get the DDP rewards... but since my wife experienced the recent account reset glitch (which took two full weeks to restore), I'm not that desperate yet... maybe by this evening.

    I needs me my Daily Deadpools! icon_lol.gif
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    ... It would make more sense for them to temporarily take the game down than to let it keep going, allowing some to prosper and some to be penalizd by sheer luck of the draw. ...
    I doubt this is likely. It sucks for us that are affected, but I'm sure the vast majority of the community is fine... it doesn't make sense to take down the game for a minority.

    Now if it was an exploit, or glitch that affected everyone, I'm sure you're right.

    In this case, we get screwed for a little while.

    But, let's not forget... it is just a game, maybe time to put the phone down and do something else. :-/
  • EDL666
    EDL666 Posts: 73
    edited June 2015
    I'm pretty sure enough info has already been given but just in case it helps:

    I'm on iPhone 5, iOS 8.3. It crashes at soon as I launch a match on Wi-Fi. Although, if my phone is plugged in, it's more stable and it doesn't always crash. And if I play on cellular data, it's super stable and doesn't crash at all

    EDIT: It just crashed on cellular data... Well it's more stable than crashing as soon as I launch a match...
  • The Superior Wilson
    The Superior Wilson Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    iPhone 5. Add me to the list. Constant crashing.
  • alaeth wrote:
    But, let's not forget... it is just a game, maybe time to put the phone down and do something else. :-/

    Yea... seeing this as a blessing in disguise. Taking a break from all the stressful PVE grinding. Only going to try to complete the DP daily missions until fixed.
  • I've got iPhone 5c. Constant crashes since update
    Lost at least top 100 place in Bullseye event + solo/alliance rankings in PVE Brotherhood
    Not to mention health losses
    Don't wanna sound like kid in a tantrum but "WWHHAAAAAAAH"!!
  • SG Jaycurl
    SG Jaycurl Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Also experiencing the issue.
    Username: SG Jaycurl
    Device: Iphone 5
    IOS version: 8.1.2

    I was able to play a number of matches and experienced no crashing last night on my 2nd-gen iPad, however.
  • You know, I don't normally complain. But I usually get in the top 50 in the story events. Especially 4* events. I was extremely angry to notice that I kept getting crashed as I was playing the ISO-8 Brotherhood storyline, and worked through 4 missions on the Peru campaign, when the crashing begun. I looked this morning hoping the event had started over due to the issues. Nope, got credited 500 ISO-8. I hope you guys have the decency to start this event over. Btw this also occurs on the PVP events. Which I also work hard on. I have submitted a trouble ticket, I hope I am compensated in some form. At this point I don't care how, considering usually if I get tokens they are for 2* characters and it makes me feel like I wasted my time anyway. I love the game, I play it religiously. Please right the ship.
  • For anyone that cares about this sort of thing: I was able to get my daily reward and not lose my streak by playing an extremely short match. I went into the first open level of PVE against two level 1 characters and was able to beat it before the game crashed. I would be pretty annoyed if after 500 continuous days of playing at least 1 match that I lost my streak. I'd definitely quit at that point, so at least there's that...

    And now I hate myself for giving so much time to a phone game icon_e_sad.gif
  • Adding my name to the list of people getting non-stop crashes. Iphone 5, user name: Disseminator
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Argh! This didn't post properly either, crashing before I could! The irony...

    I'm now #500 and something in pve, as it has cut out ~ 8 times last night, and several more times today. It's less today, because I actually can't be bothered to go on, knowing most matches will end in a crash, me 'retreating', and my heroes injured. I may as well not bother with this pve anymore, I'm certainly not going to close the gap on #50 already, which sucks.

    For technical purposes, I have an iPhone 5C, 32GB, no issues with any other apps, email, Internet etc. Just this one, crashing mid-fight, with no warning. It's just so frustrating, especially when you make Carnage the essential for the next pve...
  • Bunks905 wrote:
    Just tried playing again, still crashing. Could we maybe at least get an update on how things are going with your fix for this issue... Going to totally miss out on the first sub now.

    Any information would be much appreciated by more then just me. Hopefully this gets fixed soon or else I'll be losing out on more then just that event

    Sorry, what? You're asking them, if they are still working on the problem at 3 in the morning, to stop working to tell you how hard they're working? How about we just let them work?
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Just played the 1* DDQ and finished it! Yay! first game of the day that managed to end!

    Second round was going pretty well, and CRASH. Getting into compensation-town. Hey, I missed 12 hours of PVP before the end due to it. That's about 200 points that dropped me a spot or two (taking into account that 50% of the players were also locked out, that's still generous) and all iPhone users will be held back in season. I'm hoping I can finish DDQ tomorrow, since this is the first week in a looooooong time where I actually want the covers (secret, most vets don't need a majority of 3* covers). I haven't entered the Carnage thing yet, so it's not a problem for me, but for anyone who already entered? I feel you.

    In a game that asks for daily participation, 24 hours off hurts a lot of players.

    Doesn't D3Go have a rewind button for updates?
  • 'I reported the same issue yesterday. I played long to get a good ranking on the Juggernaut story, just to see my rank drop really sucked. Hurts more to not even get a chance to play the Iso-8 Brotherhood story mode to at least try and get Carnage, Magneto (Classic), or even the green power cover for Dark Avengers Bullseye. I even tried playing the Deadpool daily and got my butt handed to twice by the one star challenge. So now in going to lose out on Vision as well. Ive been playing just over 220 days and until yesterday, haven't put this game down. My wife gets mad at me cause I play it so much, lol. Seriously, please fix the problem. Its a good game and its a shame so many are being affected by it.
  • Snikt37 wrote:
    For anyone that cares about this sort of thing: I was able to get my daily reward and not lose my streak by playing an extremely short match. I went into the first open level of PVE against two level 1 characters and was able to beat it before the game crashed. I would be pretty annoyed if after 500 continuous days of playing at least 1 match that I lost my streak. I'd definitely quit at that point, so at least there's that...

    And now I hate myself for giving so much time to a phone game icon_e_sad.gif

    Remember, you don't lose your place in the daily reapply. It's total number of days played, not consecutive days.
  • This is beyond frustrating, as your character lose energy with each crash. Yet, these developers will issue everyone a standard "we are sorry". How many thousand times do we need to hear that. If you are not going to actually try to remedy your mistakes, then just STOP sending out the standard apology letter, as it means NOTHING To the players after the 1000s times. Just fix it and go on.
  • As usual, they will DO NOTHING to compensate us for their errors. How many thousands of "we are sorry" emails will they send, but do nothing about it. If this is a real business, they would go bankrupt do to poor customer service. Just please spare us the apology emails. Fix the problem, and stop giving some mediocre compensation.
  • Yeah I tried to play the pve essential node and a couple others and 10 times it booted me out. So not fair. You guys just know how to keep the hits coming with your updates. Now, I'm gonna have to skip the pve and won't be able to get Carnage and my roster is more than capable of placing top 10 or higher. And thankfully I'm glad I got my account restored after the "rare inversion" problem that completely erased my account. It's like when I just don't even wanna play anymore cause of all the **** I try and will myself to give it a go and something always happens. Way to go D3. You guys are beyond hopeless with this stuff.
  • Nathaniel684
    Nathaniel684 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Hi there,

    Are you guys planning a fix to the game. It always crashes at the most important part of the game else it crashes before starting.
    I, who spend almost 3-4 hrs on the game am already loosing a lot of possible points and rewards.