Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • Perhaps I'm being silly, but as a solution: shelve the event for ALL players until this issue is addressed. Lost boosts and such are less important overall than being able to place well and win desirable covers. Stop the event, restart it after the bug is addressed.
  • Gagutz
    Gagutz Posts: 104
    As pissed as I am....

    We have to understand... there is no perfection in the gaming world.

    Every time your router goes out...

    Every time you experience annoying lag...

    A major issue like Playstation Network Being Hacked and you Cannot play for weeks....

    Glitches, Bugs, and Annoyances are all apart of our reality. We are gamers until we die.

    We **** so much because deep down we are addicts and love this game, it is downright painful going through this kind of withdrawal and frustration...

    On the other hand

    All D3 has to do is generously compensate us and assure us we will be taken care of for this disaster. We will be greatful for generosity as most of us invest a lot of time and money into this game. I know I was especially pumped up hearing that Carnage is coming out... But... unless my alliance gets a cover reward... I am out...

    It happens... and this sucks so much.. but keep your customers HAPPY D3 by doing the right thing...

    For now... go into another game or step out into the real world... lol.

    Keep us posted

    Thank you and sorry to all you players suffering who make this such a great and competitive game to play.

  • Nathaniel684
    Nathaniel684 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Hi Guys,

    Again i've tried playing but cannot. Always crashing!!!!!
    Trying to play the PVE to try and get Groot as reward but instead just getting my heroes injured!!

    There are a lot of people out there playing and i do hope u guys find a solution to that.

    A shame i won't be able to compete to get Carnage just because of that!!!

    Hope that all the players' concern are taken into consideration and hope that a memo is issued about that
  • xellessanova
    xellessanova Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    I actually managed to complete all of DDQ this morning using my iPad, but when I try the Bullseye PVP it crashes every match. I'm on a different wifi now, if that makes a difference.
  • Game crashes after new update......I tried both on wifi and data and makes no difference. My heroes are downed and ran out of Health Packs....not only that but I've missed out on PVP/PVE events and now am I going to miss DDP event too? I play on Iphone 5 and ingame name is Wolfspwn. Please solve this issue soon!
  • How will we know when there is an update from the admins for this forum? I uninstalled and reinstalled, no luck. I'm not going to go through 11 pages so far of comments for an admin reply. It's been well over 24 hours and no fix. Is thinking we will get compensated for this a laughable joke?

    I'm extremely upset for the wasted time and missed opportunities. I put $20 into the game every few months and no other game I know that people pay for would accept this kind of system issue for as long as it's existed. I can only imagine how upset others are that put money into this game.
  • I've been reading all of and I'm happy to know its not just me the update is killing. I'm really mad about the fact I know I have no shot at carnage or being able to win any pvp matches. This crashing **** is making play the less and less and carnage is one of my favorite characters. They really need to fix this and I don't know what they can do to compensate for this. I'm just really disappointed.
  • Same problem here. At least 10 times just today.
  • I have 8 crashes and counting and it's from pvp, pve and dd. I have an iPhone 5 v8.3. I've lost pts, health and my mind clearly since I'm still trying with it continuously dropping matches.
  • Still crashing almost every match.
  • Same as everyone else game crashes half way through any fight i try to run. I am using iPhone 5C iOS 8.3
  • Has nobody read this thread? Why are you picking on the devs?

    They can't find the issue but they are searching in a panic. You act like they enjoy this, or at the very least don't care about it.

    I'm so tired of people telling the game developers to "fix a few lines of code," like they have the first clue what that means. They make it sound like the devs know which lines are wrong, but maybe they're tired or stoned, and they'll get to it later.

    Get this through your head: the devs are not your roommate, and this glitch is not a sinkful of dishes. It's the smell of rotting food you still can't locate after cleaning the whole apartment. It's the rat that scratches at my walls even though I can't figure out how he got in there. It's the disease from every episode of House.

    Don't give the devs a hard time. They're already having one.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Has nobody read this thread? Why are you picking on the devs?

    They can't find the issue but they are searching in a panic. You act like they enjoy this, or at the very least don't care about it.
    I'm not a software developer so maybe the answer to this is painfully obvious but why can't they just "rollback" to R76?
  • I actually managed to complete all of DDQ this morning using my iPad, but when I try the Bullseye PVP it crashes every match. I'm on a different wifi now, if that makes a difference.

    Same here. I got through all the DDQ matches this morning (didn't work yesterday), but the Bullseye event and the Brotherhood event are still crashing.

    I'm on an iPhone 5, running 8.3.
  • Speaking for me and me only:

    All I would like is to be able to compete fairly in the event. I cannot do that at present thanks to the bug. Neither can many people. I think it preferable to simply suspend the event and the PVP for the immediate future. Once the bug is found and addressed, PVP could resume and the event can start over. It is the least unfair solution.
  • Is there any word on when we may see something? A roll back, fix or A LOT of freebees to make me feel better about missing out on some of my more favorite covers. It just took 4 hours to get my daily restock, due to all the crashes. I'm hoping to have enough luck to finish the Deadpool event for the Vision Cover today.

    I understand things go bad, just a little word that about what is going on and when we may be up and running again would mean a lot to such fans of the game like myself.

  • 2 days in a row, at least i complete to gain my vision cover today, BUT my season score now is a mess, from rank 10 to rank 120, only score 400 points in bullseye pvp, all the effort that i did in the last 2 pvp scoring 1.2 k or more and scoring in simulator was for nothing. No reason to keep playing this season at least for single rewards.

    Next time if you guys want to make some changes do it at offseason. or at least try and try all your updates before launching. I know this is a game, but come one we spent money in this one.... icon_cry.gificon_cry.gif
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    I'm not sure if this helps the Devs but I've found there are brief moments when I can play through 3 or 4 games without any crashes. Happened to me this morning after I woke up and again just now. I'm not sure if it's due to the number of players at that given moment or just random luck.
  • Same boat. Just wanted to post in case they only compensate those being vocal. I want 50k hp if you each get it (wishful thinking).

    iPhone 5, 8.3. Had to play on Samsung tablet.
  • AstinTO
    AstinTO Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Been experiencing the same thing, filed a ticket, etc.. BUT, I played a bit around 4am EDT this morning, and didn't crash for 5 or 6 straight games (then I quit). I don't know if it was the reason, or just random luck, but between each match I recruited from the basic tokens.