Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • Name in the game is "Roomfortrey" and it's constantly crashing. Have 8.3 iOS on an iPhone 5
  • The same, I have been crashing every attempted game since the update on an iPad 2. Super frustrating.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Reporting back in with other tests:

    * starting a prologue match and not doing anything - no crash for 5 mins (phone auto-locked)
    * unlocked phone (continued to make dinner... lol) when I looked back it was crashed.
    * matched once and waited... within a couple minutes, crashed

    * Daily Deadpool icon_cry.gif
    * prologue
    * Juggs event
    * phone reboot
    All crash - so it's not related to boosted characters.

    On the plus side, it crashes within a minute or two, so it's easy to tell if it's fixed.

    Not sure what else to test. :-/

    Phone details:
    iPhone 5
    iOS 8.3
  • robotoperator and still crashing every other, if not every attempt to play.
  • Bunks905
    Bunks905 Posts: 9
    At least I managed to get enough games in to reach the bp cover reward. Was worried I wasn't going to make it and lose out on another bp right after I just got my last one from the ultron mishap
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2015
    Don't know if you still need this, but my versus name is the same as my forum handle: MikeG72. I'm crashing on the iPhone 5, 8.3.

    Edit: Another oddity which is a minor annoyance at MOST, but when I'm playing Iso-8 Brotherhood, it keeps trying to put Kamala Khan on my team even though she's not buffed and I definitely have not had her on a previous match-up. It takes like a second to switch to another player on my roster, but just something to look at, though it's way, way, way down on the totem pole compared to solving the crash issue.
  • Cable_eel
    Cable_eel Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2015
    in game name: CableEel
    iOS 8.3
    Agree it crashes with buffed, unbuffed. In PVE, PVP, prologue
    Crashes even if you start a game and make no matches. Doesn't seem faster or slower to me whether you make a match or not.
    Only seems to happen during a game though while waiting for me to make a move. Can leave it on the menu screen or if you finish an easy prologue mission fast enough then you can leave it on any of the ending or reward screens without crashing.

    Actually, I've been testing it in the prologue more because I use low level characters so I don't care about health packs and it always crashes within less than a minute. Just tried it in PVE Heroic Jugs though and made it through 3 nodes without problem. And then it crashed twice in a row. So who knows...
  • Same here. 3 crashes so far. I made it all the way to the end of Deadpool challenge and game crashed and I lost points. Game crashed again in PVE. PLEASE FIX
  • Game name:stephanielynn
    Playing on an iPhone 5

    Mine has been crashing since the update too!!
  • For me on I phone 5c the game appears to force close at around 2 minutes of game play I can browse non gameplay screens as much as I want, but when actually playing there are problems.
  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    I'm trying hard to stay positive but I'm going to miss my much needed yellow BP cover by a mere 2000 points since I haven't been able to complete a match in almost 12 hours... Will also certainly have no chance at a top 50 finish and a carnage cover, and will therefore not have a shot at the next pve since I'll be missing an essential. For the icing on the cake I'm in a top 100 alliance and will likely be booted to bring someone else in for the bullseye pvp that I had only gotten one game completed before this fiasco.

    No big deal, just a game, but bear in mind this is a game I've spent more real money on than any game ever (including consoles, PC, etc). I also now completely wasted hours and hours the last 3 days in the juggernaut heroic for absolutely nothing. Time to step away and reevaluate my priorities.
  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    In game name: jack.ops

    Still crashing, but I think some positivity is called for as well.

    I've noticed a lot of doom and gloom in the forums and while I realize it's frustrating right now it will be fixed.
  • Game still affecting me. Lost almost all my characters hit points or they were downed half way through the fights . Game crashed on me at least six times before giving up. Any details .......
  • Aevard
    Aevard Posts: 4
    PVP name is Aevard; iPhone 5, version 8.3 can't play anything, constant crashing across the board. Lost a ton of points in PVP, and can't participate in the PVE slice I joined.
  • Crashing for me too, seems like every other fight. Causing real issues with my alliance... User: kdeiboldt
  • Traedo

    iPhone 5c crashing

    Tried prologue. Crashes before o I one shot doom
    Bullseye event crashes right before I kill the last member of their team...
    Juggs can't start match
    ISO bro can't start match

    Lost 300 points in bullseye so far (was at 900) but none of the people who attacked me are available for retaliation.
  • Thanks, all. That's another good bit of data for us to work with.

    This is really bizarre; we can't reproduce the crash at all here in the office. We've managed to look through crash reports enough to make some guesses at some code changes that could fix the crash. We're going to build a new version of the game and send it off to our testers to see if they can tell if the crash is fixed.

    Unfortunately, right now, I can't give any assurances that we've found and fixed the bug. But we're working on it.

    The bad news is that if you're affected, there's probably nothing you can do to help the issue until we can release a new version with a fix. I can't give any kind of dependable timeline for that. I don't really have any good information at the moment, just a ton of apologies. This has ruined our night as much as it has ruined yours!

    We'll update this thread when we have any news. Signing off for now while we build the new version.

    Thanks a lot for getting to this as fast as you can it is really appreciated. i have sent the marvel puzzle quest team a message through the app asking if theres any way the people who have had this crashing problem can have extended time on the new iso-8 brotherhood for carnage. i have been looking forward to this character and it is now unfortunate that i don't have a fair chance in acquiring carnage because my game is constantly crashing, if anyone can give me info on this it would much appreciated. Thank You and keep making this game wonderful.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Lopan15 wrote:
    Um not just iPad 4 users. My iPad 2 continually crashes. I just double checked after miles posted it was ONLY affecting iPad 4 and iPhone 5 users. Sure enough, first try at sim pvp it crashed before I could make my first move. IPAD 2 not working as well!!!

    Do you have an older iPad 2? Or a one of the newer iPad Mini 2 or iPad Air 2 models?
  • Username: Brusk

    Crashing hard, all day long, everywhere. iOS.

    The Carnage is real.
  • Lots of crashes on an iPhone 5c. PVP: Desidirius