Avengers vs Ultron Run 2 Score Targets



  • pmorcs
    pmorcs Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    Nice work! Big congrats to Best & Tacos. (Also, you are nuts.)
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    After Run 1, we checked the score targets and based on participation in Run 1, felt that completing Run 2 was an attainable goal.

    Often, that's not the best metric. I'm not sure how many many total wins against Ultron was needed to defeat rounds 1 through 8.

    When every person in a 20 member alliance needs to work perfectly and spend an hour grinding through 10 games every three hours for 4 straight days, sometimes you have to ask yourselves -- Would this be fun to do ourselves?

    I did a complete breakdown of the # of fights necessary to beat Ultron each round for runs 1 & 2, as well as cumulative totals to do rounds 6/7/8 and the daunting schedule beating Round 8 required here:

  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Between the server issues for the second run (which you are failing to acknowledge) and the misinformation that was communicated (intentional or not) I feel like you are making a huge mistake by ignoring the players who "gave up" on rounds 6 and 7.

    I am still in shock that you are punishing alliances with 40+ members that tried to work together to split up their scorers to make up for the inability (which you said you would be unable to fix) to make changes to round 2's progression target.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Rich get richer.

    I managed 1.25 million points and my alliance didn't manage to clear round 6. We barely even got to round 6.

    Getting that kind of score, mostly in the first five rounds, meant clearing Ultron six times every eight hours, plus another 30 times for the nodes unlocking when you made it to the next round.

    Individual effort capped out at one million points and I cleared that both times, then kept going to try and get my alliance to the next round anyway.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    After Run 1, we checked the score targets and based on participation in Run 1, felt that completing Run 2 was an attainable goal.

    Often, that's not the best metric. I'm not sure how many many total wins against Ultron was needed to defeat rounds 1 through 8.

    When every person in a 20 member alliance needs to work perfectly and spend an hour grinding through 10 games every three hours for 4 straight days, sometimes you have to ask yourselves -- Would this be fun to do ourselves?
    Unfortunately, "Does the math work" doesn't seem to be a question asked when setting targets
  • Xeonic-Ice
    Xeonic-Ice Posts: 176
    Not to mention that the first run of the event screwed alliance members if some PLAYED TOO MUCH, locking out the main Ultron event. By the time we saw rounds 6-8 would have more health than the previous first run combined, it was too late.

    I am beyond frustrated at this point.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I appreciate the Devs efforts to compensate those who gave up when they realized finishing round 8, there should be some compensation for people who didn't finish earlier rounds. X-Men 4, for instance, didn't start with a full group, because so many members had finished the first run of Ultron with more than a day to spare. Only when it was discovered that Ultron's health jumped so much in round 7 did they try to add members. In the end, they fell short of completing round 7 by 100k. It seems unfair that alliances that scored 100k higher -- in other words, alliances that completed five more Ultron nodes -- get a 10-pack, but the team that fell just short got nothing.
    I am in meto/dhaden's alliance and we also played the first 2-3 days with 19 people. We were maybe one refresh behind our other alliance but when we all learned round 7 was going to be 11 million we did the math and didn't have quite enough heavy grinders to make it so we took our time with round 6 and still made it half way through round 7. Our other half managed to beat rd 7 on the final refresh so while quite happy for them, it seems ridiculous that such a small difference (one refresh behind and seeing the writing on wall) is now the difference between a 10-pack and nothing.
  • Just my two cents but D3 stop being so cheap!

    Every alliance desrves a bump up to the next level reward. ie Rd6 get 1 IM HB cover, rd 7 get 2x IM HB coverones, Rd8 get 3x IM HB covers. Rd9 get 3x IM HB + one of thier choice.

    Everyone who made it to rd5 or higher gets 1x 10 pack.

    Everyone should be getting 1k HP and 5000 iso for the server issues.

    Everyone who lost PvP covers due to being locked out or having shields expire because they couldn't get in, should have shields reimbursed and given 1st place cover, and anyone who make 800+ should also get 1k reward.

    These issues should never have happens with this cash cow game... I've dropped a small fortune on this game add have many others... time we are adequately rewarded for it!
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Pretty much in the same boat here, we found out how much hp ultron 8 had did the math and dropped out with less then 2 mil left on 7 because we knew it wasn't possible to finish 8 so we focussed on eots to get hulkbuster between this and the same day as announce r75 update that cost me 20k in ISO because I leveled someone an hour or so before the announcement. I really wish the team at d3 would have at least taken me out to dinner before screwing me so hard.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congrats to the 40 brave souls who pulled it off. You guys deserve that extra cover.

    My alliance made it to round 8, so it's pretty cool that we're getting a 10-pack as a reward for that (although that could still end up being 10 2*s if my luck with Ultron tokens holds). I kinda feel everyone who made it past round 6 should see a little something for their efforts too, though.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Tarouza wrote:
    we found out how much hp ultron 8 had did the math and dropped out with less then 2 mil left on 7 because we knew it wasn't possible to finish 8

    I don't understand why you would not go for the extra Hulkbuster cover if you still had time to finish Round 7? icon_eek.gif

    ...but now you are complaining to be compensated for not finishing Round 7 & get a Hulkbuster cover? Seems somewhat illogical to me mate...
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,395 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2015
    Hey everyone,

    [*]For everyone that completed Round 7 and made it into Round 8, we're throwing in an additional prize, an Ultron Reward 10 pack. These will go out in a daily patch, so expect them to arrive sometime late tomorrow.

    [*]For the teams that completed Round 8, we'll be giving you a 4* cover of your choice. Please contact support in-game by tapping the Help button under Settings with your request.[/list]

    TL;DR: Score targets are hard, and we set this one too high. We're sorry. Please enjoy some additional rewards.

    and to everyone else here have a big middle finger... once again the pay to play crowd gets the better prizes no big shock there

    i still never got my QS COVER had 398,657 pts contact CS and was told


    and still nothing about what will be done for the people whos PVE and PVP and Season you screw up. O thats right nothing will be done.
  • Xeonic-Ice
    Xeonic-Ice Posts: 176
    edited May 2015
    Hey everyone,

    TL;DR: Score targets are hard, and we set this one too high. We're sorry. Please enjoy some additional rewards.

    I feel that that line should have an asterisk at the end. *(most of you won't enjoy any additional rewards)

    Score targets are certainly hard when you calculate them on the fly without taking real life human beings, the fact that alliances were locked, and server issues into consideration. Honestly, and I know this will be unpopular, I think having no one receive compensation would be more fair than the arbitrary rules you've set for who deserves what.
  • The number of players we expected to complete Rounds 1-7 was accurate. In Round 8, no team made it past 30% of the score target, except for two incredibly valiant teams that completed the event. This implies that a lot of players couldn't see the finish line and threw in the towel, which is not what we wanted to happen.

    The problem was the first Run was way easy so people didnt realize that the second Run was going to be so much harder. As a result a lot of people were slacking the first rounds and lost up to 8 hours in many places. And when they realized they weren't on track for the final progression there was no way to make up lost points because of the hard 8 hour timer. Keeping up with an 8 hour timer isn't very difficult, so i feel if people had known they had to go berserk during the early rounds to get them out of the way a lot more alliances would have gotten the progression.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xeonic-Ice wrote:
    Not to mention that the first run of the event screwed alliance members if some PLAYED TOO MUCH, locking out the main Ultron event. By the time we saw rounds 6-8 would have more health than the previous first run combined, it was too late.

    I am beyond frustrated at this point.
    Xeonic-Ice makes a great point here, which is that all communication between run 1 and run 2 heavily pointed towards there being the same progression reward issues of the first run, which would indicate an identical rerun was on the way. I know our alliance, and from reading the forums quite a few others, intentionally took the first couple rounds a bit slower so more people could get the node rewards, but then after realizing points scaled up we all hit the gas and tried to get as far as we could. I know we aren't owed complete information about events before they happen, but not a small amount of people here think we were at least somewhat misled by developers statements regarding round 2. Saying nothing could have at least earned you plausible deniability and then it would just be on all of us who incorrectly assumed things would be the same, but actually stating that the same problem would be there in run 2 is certainly misleading.

    Ninja edit: just saw PPPlaya's post, +1 my friend. It's also interesting how much just a little slacking early on can snowball if you just miss your targets on a refresh.

    This also doesn't address the 2+ hours of server accessibility issues (I don't know how long they lasted actually, maybe it was longer?) that happened at the start of run 2, which caused a few of our overseas players to essentially wait >8 hours to start the event due to also being human and sleeping/working in different time zones. Missing a full refresh is no small matter and we ended up playing through round 4 with only 10-13 players cause the others couldn't connect and had to start later.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Xeonic-Ice wrote:
    Hey everyone,

    TL;DR: Score targets are hard, and we set this one too high. We're sorry. Please enjoy some additional rewards.

    I feel that that line should have an asterisk at the end. *(most of you won't enjoy any additional rewards)

    Score targets are certainly hard when you calculate them on the fly without taking real life human beings, the fact that alliances were locked, and server issues into consideration. Honestly, and I know this will be unpopular, I think having no one receive compensation would be more fair than the arbitrary rules you've set for who deserves what.

    The issue they are giving out reparations for is that round 8 ultron was too hard. My alliance, as many others, hit round 8, laughed, and moved on to PVE. If the target wasn't absurd we would be sitting with an extra HB, but I suppose a well deserved 10 pack will do instead.

    They gave 4 tokens + HP for other issues.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Dauthi wrote:
    Xeonic-Ice wrote:
    Hey everyone,

    TL;DR: Score targets are hard, and we set this one too high. We're sorry. Please enjoy some additional rewards.

    I feel that that line should have an asterisk at the end. *(most of you won't enjoy any additional rewards)

    Score targets are certainly hard when you calculate them on the fly without taking real life human beings, the fact that alliances were locked, and server issues into consideration. Honestly, and I know this will be unpopular, I think having no one receive compensation would be more fair than the arbitrary rules you've set for who deserves what.

    The issue they are giving out reparations for is that round 8 ultron was too hard. My alliance, as many others, hit round 8, laughed, and moved on to PVE. If the target wasn't absurd we would be sitting with an extra HB, but I suppose a well deserved 10 pack will do instead.

    They gave 4 tokens + HP for other issues.

    The 4 tokens and HP were for the issues with the first run and had nothing to do with the second run.
  • Can confirm -- we finished Round 7 about 8 hours off from what we would have needed for perfect clears to finish Round 8. We mathematically could not finish Round 8, so sent up the signal to say 'just do your Scarlet Witch clears and take it easy from here'.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2015
    Meto5000 wrote:
    Dauthi wrote:
    Xeonic-Ice wrote:
    Hey everyone,

    TL;DR: Score targets are hard, and we set this one too high. We're sorry. Please enjoy some additional rewards.

    I feel that that line should have an asterisk at the end. *(most of you won't enjoy any additional rewards)

    Score targets are certainly hard when you calculate them on the fly without taking real life human beings, the fact that alliances were locked, and server issues into consideration. Honestly, and I know this will be unpopular, I think having no one receive compensation would be more fair than the arbitrary rules you've set for who deserves what.

    The issue they are giving out reparations for is that round 8 ultron was too hard. My alliance, as many others, hit round 8, laughed, and moved on to PVE. If the target wasn't absurd we would be sitting with an extra HB, but I suppose a well deserved 10 pack will do instead.

    They gave 4 tokens + HP for other issues.

    The 4 tokens and HP were for the issues with the first run and had nothing to do with the second run.

    When we received them did it say that or is this an assumption? Did I miss something? I can't remember perfectly but I could have sworn it was a blanket statement when we received them in game.