Avengers vs Ultron Run 2 Score Targets

Demiurge_Kabir Posts: 69
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hey everyone,
For Run 2 of Avengers vs Ultron, we raised the score targets because we were releasing a new 4* character. After Run 1, we checked the score targets and based on participation in Run 1, felt that completing Run 2 was an attainable goal.

The number of players we expected to complete Rounds 1-7 was accurate. In Round 8, no team made it past 30% of the score target, except for two incredibly valiant teams that completed the event. This implies that a lot of players couldn't see the finish line and threw in the towel, which is not what we wanted to happen.

We'd like to do a couple things to make it up to the players near the end:
  1. For everyone that completed Round 7 and made it into Round 8, we're throwing in an additional prize, an Ultron Reward 10 pack. These will go out in a daily patch, so expect them to arrive sometime late tomorrow.
  2. For the teams that completed Round 8, we'll be giving you a 4* cover of your choice. Please contact support in-game by tapping the Help button under Settings with your request.
Finally, we'd like to tip our hat to the 40 players that completed Run 2; you saw a very high bar, rose to the challenge and stayed committed until the end. Much respect to all of you, and thank you for playing Marvel Puzzle Quest:

Death Knight
Team Wade
Rico Dredd
Lena K.
The Mojo

TL;DR: Score targets are hard, and we set this one too high. We're sorry. Please enjoy some additional rewards.


  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Thank you for that... icon_mrgreen.gif

    I am very proud of our alliance which made it to Round 8 as it took a massive effort from everyone over the 4 days of the Ultron event. This will be a well earned way to underline our achievement along with all the other alliances that were able to make it that far.

    By the way, my hats off to the 2 alliances that made it all the way...that is an unbelievable milestone that required both amazing dedication & true team effort! icon_cool.gif
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Next time i have to swap to an alliance which is able to finish of an event like this - which this event promotes!
    No round 7 compensation sucks
  • Adrock1020
    Adrock1020 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    I feel like this, along with the round 1 compensation is definitely adequate. Thank you for fixing this!
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Hats off for the rewards. Very nice. However I think it would be more fair if they were reversed that complete round 7 get the last hulkbuster. Complete round 8 get an extra 10 pack
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    sigh....I told my alliance they would compensate. But we don't even qualify because we didn't finish round 7.

    Holy ****, you needed to finish round 7 for compensation?

    And you're really saying your numbers were on target?


  • Thank you for the fun event and prizes! #2 Death Knight
  • D2KM_
    D2KM_ Posts: 134
    Thank you for the information/compensation Kabir and for acknowledging the pts were a weee bit too high icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Congrats to the 2 groups that actually completed round 8, thats some amazing work right there!

    I am pretty proud of our merc alliance, TinCan Kickers. Made it to round 8 with only 18/20 people. We rock! icon_e_wink.gif
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    raisinbman wrote:
    sigh....I told my alliance they would compensate. But we don't even qualify because we didn't hit round 7.

    Holy ****, you needed to finish round 7 for compensation?

    And you're really saying your numbers were on target?



    Raisin, we did hit round 7, we missed finishing it by 1.5 million.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    Thank you Kabir! Some well deserved recognition to the top 40. I know that our line chat looked like an online math class for Ultron#2, especially when round 8 was revealed!
  • Xeonic-Ice
    Xeonic-Ice Posts: 176
    Congrats to those that finished, that's quite an achievement.

    Pretty lame that you only get compensation for completing round 7+ though. Our alliance blew through run 1 of Ultron with almost an entire day to spare. Run 2, we were about 3 million away from finishing round 7. Easily avoidable by stating ahead of time that this run would be more difficult. I know I "only" had 1.3 million points in run 2 so I don't deserve anything... that just sucks.
  • The Best earned its name.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bit disappointed that there's nothing coming for round 7 non-completion, but I know that some members didn't put in the effort to get us there, so I suppose that's an us problem.

    Major kudos to the 2 alliances that did finish. Nice that Colognoisseur gets 1000 iso for his efforts.
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    Congratulations to everybody who completed the event! Y'all worked really hard for it, and definitely deserve the 4* cover of your choice.

    Demiurge_Kabir, any chance you might be able to share net numbers for:
    - number of people who completed Round 7 during Run 2
    - number of people who completed Round 8 during Run 1
    - how that compares to your pre-event predictions
    - number of people who completed Round 7 during Run 1
    - how that compares to your pre-event predictions?
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Really. Mother flipping NOTHING. Not a freaking thing. Because my alliance didn't finish round 7, we get NOTHING. Because my alliance split our top scorers in to two brackets we get NOTHING. Because you intimated that you could change nothing for the 2nd run of the event we get NOTHING.

    That is absolutely INSANE.

    I just. I can't even. WHAT THE MOTHER FLIP.

    So yeah, go ahead and pat yourselves on your back. You guys...

    I worked harder for that past PvE than I have in almost every other event and instead of awarding us for our efforts you give us the finger.

    I realize it's not personal, we're just numbers to you after all.
  • jffdougan wrote:
    Congratulations to everybody who completed the event! Y'all worked really hard for it, and definitely deserve the 4* cover of your choice.

    Demiurge_Kabir, any chance you might be able to share net numbers for:
    - number of people who completed Round 7 during Run 2
    - number of people who completed Round 8 during Run 1
    - how that compares to your pre-event predictions
    - number of people who completed Round 7 during Run 1
    - how that compares to your pre-event predictions?
    they said round 1-7 in Ultron 2.0 were on target, so it sounds like next time this is run it'll be the same and round 8 will be less of a tinykitty

    Which means you'll have to merc if u want 3 4* if this is given like this again
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2015
    After Run 1, we checked the score targets and based on participation in Run 1, felt that completing Run 2 was an attainable goal.

    Often, that's not the best metric. I'm not sure how many many total wins against Ultron was needed to defeat rounds 1 through 8.

    When every person in a 20 member alliance needs to work perfectly and spend an hour grinding through 10 games every three hours for 4 straight days, sometimes you have to ask yourselves -- Would this be fun to do ourselves?

    EDIT: Ah, here it is. Ultron run 2 vs. run 1 analysis by mouser.
  • Wow...only 2 alliances pulled it off.

    I have to say congrats. That was a ridiculously high target, and ones that did it pulled it off. Nice job!

    Also, appreciate the extra rewards! The efforts to make it to Round 8 were not in vain =D
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    While I appreciate the Devs efforts to compensate those who gave up when they realized finishing round 8, there should be some compensation for people who didn't finish earlier rounds. X-Men 4, for instance, didn't start with a full group, because so many members had finished the first run of Ultron with more than a day to spare. Only when it was discovered that Ultron's health jumped so much in round 7 did they try to add members. In the end, they fell short of completing round 7 by 100k. It seems unfair that alliances that scored 100k higher -- in other words, alliances that completed five more Ultron nodes -- get a 10-pack, but the team that fell just short got nothing.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tip of the hat to my old alliance-mates in the Deadpool ring for pulling that off. Well done, you guys!

    And I'm very glad my team got to round 8 with half an hour left now!
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Thank you for the feedback. The 10-pack is unexpected and appreciated. I'm curious, though.
    This implies that a lot of players couldn't see the finish line and threw in the towel, which is not what we wanted to happen.

    Isn't that what you would expect to happen, no matter where the health was set in Round 8? I know we'd done the math by the time we got into Round 8, and almost all of us stopped because we knew it was literally impossible for us to beat Round 8. Once the Round 8 health was known, there were only a few alliances who were in a position to reach it, and the rest of us knew we were mathematically eliminated.

    The Ultron event was a great change of pace from the normal PvEs, but after more than a week of it, I sort of needed a change of pace from the change of pace, and the concurrent PvE or PvP was a much better use of our playtime.