Ultron Run 1 Issues - UPDATE 5/4 12:30p EDT



  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    There were several in-event issues. I'm not sure if some are server related or design issues. Here are a few that I can remember:
      Pins giving zero points. I seem to recall this happening during the whole event on and off, not just during the server burps
      Pins not giving rewards. On a few occasions, the pins - I want to say it was always the QS pins - didn't give the rewards they were supposed to. This happened during the server storms.
      More than 7? Is it the sequence that skills fire off for the sentries that makes it look like the math is wrong on their info cards. For instance, Gunners fire at 7 special tiles not when there are more than 7.
      Ultron's heath hitting zero and the next round not starting. Sometimes I noticed a handful of points (200 or so) on the count given outisde of the node, while inside it said 0.
      Leaderboards. I'm sure this was by design to cut down on server traffic, but not being able to see your 20 man alliance makes things v difficult.
      Not enough points for everyone. This one has been covered fairly well.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    It's not a question of falling behind. Even assuming you missed out on the SW rewards, QS has been through a pve & pvp debut. So if you're telling me that you don't have a single Quick Silver cover in your roster, for whatever reason, then you missed out on clearing a ton of essentials nodes and corresponding shots at Ultron. You can't blame server issues for that, unfortunately.

    Add: in my alliance there were a number of members who couldn't clear all the essentials. But still they did what they could to hit the central node and help the alliance clear all 8 rounds and get the SW covers. If you are in an alliance where there is less than 100% participation in AvU event, then you need to reconsider your membership in that alliance.
  • madsalad wrote:
    Thamanator wrote:
    I did not see anything in the initial post about all of the zero point issues. Are you guys not aware of them? At least 40 forumites received these problems and actually bothered to post in the bugs section. I received the standard trite message about how "so many people had this happen, we can't give you compensation".

    It would make me feel a little better to see that you are actually aware of this bug... especially since it was so "widespread" according to customer service... icon_rolleyes.gif

    I never reported the 0 point issue as I assumed that nodes that were replayed were replayed for 0 points. I also didn't want to bring up that my nodes frequently reopened prior to the 8 hour cooldown (usually in the 6 hour range). I also thought that might have something to do with them awarding 0 points (as they didn't reach full cooldown).

    You were incorrect. There was a thread about the essentials. They operated on a different cooldown than Ultron himself. I am ssuming from what you said that you only got +0 on essentials then? I got +0 on the main Ultron node and Ultron Prime as well as the essentials. I have pics to prove each! not that it matters... SUPPOSEDLY so many people suffered from the same thing I can't get personal compensation! ROTFL

    Seems legit. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • safaridan
    safaridan Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Much like everyone else, my alliance also missed out on clearing R6, and the witch we could have received. Connection problems and the lack of points scored after beating ultron causing the problem. Now we will go into the next phase with a bigger handicap.
  • puppychow wrote:
    It's not a question of falling behind. Even assuming you missed out on the SW rewards, QS has been through a pve & pvp debut. So if you're telling me that you don't have a single Quick Silver cover in your roster, for whatever reason, then you missed out on clearing a ton of essentials nodes and corresponding shots at Ultron. You can't blame server issues for that, unfortunately.

    Add: in my alliance there were a number of members who couldn't clear all the essentials. But still they did what they could to hit the central node and help the alliance clear all 8 rounds and get the SW covers. If you are in an alliance where there is less than 100% participation in AvU event, then you need to reconsider your membership in that alliance.

    This is sort of true. However there were people who fell into the MMR 'balancing" that did not even have a legitimate chance at QS covers prior to the event. I know this because I am one of them. There was not a single event, that he was offered in, where my matchmaking even remotely winnable. I had the most ridiculous opponent scaling I have ever seen in each of the events he was in. As well as the KK green before it. All because they decided to "fix" the "broken" matchmaking.

    Now, in their defense, it is actually fixed now. And I would see is even better than before... of course I sold my Xforce, and that may have skewed my results a bit. He was one of my top 4 characters.
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    Thanx for acknowledging. These issues kept me out of the Earth's Mightiest, the Heroic sub event, and Lightning rounds, not to mention the Ultron Event. Kinda bummed.
  • Smith13
    Smith13 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Didn't have start up issues, but had ending issues. At the rate I was going I would've at least gotten the first Scarlett Witch and maybe the second as well. I have multiple health packs saved for these type grinds. I was a little cheesed by what happened then I thought, this is par for course. I'm over the yelling and complaining. I take the game for what it is and don't expect much more than what we get. I haven't spent a dime in quite some time and won't until I see some improvement...and I have spent many dimes in the past.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Started Ultron 2. Got into 2nd Round, just beat Ultron.

    Zero points. Commlink Disrupted.
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    Beat Ultron, comlink disrupted. I think this was quicker than last time.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    lol i think servers down again, no worries they got it this time ... right?

  • Skorche
    Skorche Posts: 47
    Only issue I see with starting the event before compensations is that my alliance was about to unock 1st SW cover. Means my alliance mates will be going in to the next event with no SW Cover. Our efforts will be Halsted to get the hulk buster from the start. Jus leaves a bad taste in my mouth For what should of been an otherwise enjoyable event. Bugs and all.
  • Started Ultron 2. Got into 2nd Round, just beat Ultron.

    Zero points. Commlink Disrupted.

    Same here...
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the server is down again because of Ultron, but I did get through 3 essentials, but the game is not recognizing that I have SW. I was only able to get into 3 essentials. I can no longer get into MPQ currently. If you got in did the game recognize that you had SW in her essentials?
  • Connection issues since yesterday, can log in today however I don't have any events to play. I'm missing out on red cap cover and 1sw cover. I'm angry yes because I water way too much time for nothing.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    wymtime wrote:
    So the server is down again because of Ultron, but I did get through 3 essentials, but the game is not recognizing that I have SW. I was only able to get into 3 essentials. I can no longer get into MPQ currently. If you got in did the game recognize that you had SW in her essentials?
    There's a thread about this here:


    Looks like a bug since you can manually select SW and take her into battle.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can get in now, but everything is gone. and i mean everything, including my alliance.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    April 29, 2015 - 9:55 AM PST

    Regarding AoU Run 2 server issues affecting some players this morning:

    The engineers are working on a fix and hope to have it in place within the next 15 minutes or so. We're working hard to get this fixed for all players ASAP.

    Thank you for hanging in there!
  • Jasonzakibe
    Jasonzakibe Posts: 89 Match Maker
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]April 29, 2015 - 9:55 AM PST

    Regarding AoU Run 2 server issues affecting some players this morning:

    The engineers are working on a fix and hope to have it in place within the next 15 minutes or so. We're working hard to get this fixed for all players ASAP.

    Thank you for hanging in there!
    Clearly there was no indication we'd have these issues again. Clearly everything was fixed and working right after round 1. What an incredible fluke! You guys have the worst luck.
  • revizion
    revizion Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    So much for those fixes, huh?

    Missed Round 1 because of server issues. AGAIN.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    JVReal wrote:
    Thank you for the update Kabir.

    Here is my assessment of the impact of the server issues from last night and the Ultron Event.

    I think you need to break the groups down:

    1) Those that didn't get progression because Ultron was gone after clearing Level 8
    2) Those that didn't get to play AvU the last 5 hours due to Server issues, who would have likely hit progression/beat Ultron lvl and the Prime it unlocked.
    3) Those who couldn't participate in Heroic grind for the Red Steve Rogers due to server issues
    4) Those who couldn't finish the PVP that ended during the time the servers were down due to server issues
    5) Some Iso for those who couldn't even fight in the lightning round because of the server issues
    6) Those who could not compete in the Deadpool Daily event for the coveted Black Panther Rage of the Panther cover

    You're missing several groups. Server issues have plagued d3 since the start of the AvU event. There was a lot of downtime right at the beginning and intermittently throughout which impacted not only the event itself but all concurrently running events. D3 owes its player base for all the above and a lot more.