Ultron Run 1 Issues - UPDATE 5/4 12:30p EDT



  • It's obviously not ideal

    New MPQ Slogan?

  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    During Earths Mightiest I encountered the FIXED in R74 shield purchase error and my available 8 hour shield was placed on cool down forcing me to purchase the 300hp 24 hour shield
  • Hi, thanks for the update.

    I personally had two issues last night.

    1) After defeating Ultron Round 5, the points sat at zero for the last hour or two of the event and did not start Round 6, nor did the related mission unlock in the Ultron Prime story. Despite this I was still able to play matches, including battling Ultron (for no points) and the 5 special matches.

    2) About an hour after the Ultron event ended, I no longer was able to play matches; as soon as I would select my characters and press fight, the game would freeze with the little waiting symbols flashing. This is still occurring for me right now 10 hours later.

    Losses are not as bad for me as for some, I definitely lost out on one recruit token and possibly a blue Quicksilver as I would only have had to beat Ultron a few times to get to 750k points, but that's still a pain considering the amount of hours I put in to get there.

    Thanks again, love the game when it works. =)

    PS. I do have screenshots of the 0 point issue with an hour left as well as a few minutes left, if that helps just let me know.
  • Thank you for the continued communication. I am confident round 2 will go smoother, and that you all will find the right balance to make sure people walk away happy with the new event that is quite rewarding, introduced several new mechanics and formats, and was really quite fun and challenging despite the issues.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    I was locked out of the Earth's Mightiest PvP for shard 1. I got maybe 3 matches in and missed out on my usual progression and match rewards.

    I sent a ticket to CS, please follow up.
  • jcarrey4
    jcarrey4 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Missed out on Identity theft. I normally score 550-600 points per PvP, and I ended up with 74.
    Missed quite a few refreshes on OsCorp
  • Ok you are evaluating ... fine .

    But not able to connect in , the last so 5 hours of ultron event locked everybody out of playing , why not freeze all events ? Pvp loss , heroic pve loss , DDQ lost and no doubt lot of people couldn't reach last rewards of ultron , what's hard too understand ?

    We where all screwed lol .

    For feedback , after 2 hours from not reaching the game could make a fight against sentinels in Quicksilver node and game crashed soon after end of battle , who I had win , and I didn't see my reward.
  • W4LAndre
    W4LAndre Posts: 73 Match Maker
    I consider myself and my alliance lucky that we were able to complete Ultron 8 and I was able to do all of the Primes before the issues last night. I didn't reach 1 million, but I'll chalk that up to both not being able to connect to play in the first 3 rounds and that I had things going on over the weekend that didn't allow me to play as much as I should have to reach 1 mil. I'm not overly concerned about that, another QS would have been nice, but all things considered, I'll call that one a wash.

    My other concern is that I managed to finish in 70th place in my Earth's Mightiest slice last night. As of this morning haven't received the awards for that. Ultron run1 showed me how great GSBW can be so that extra cover of hers was something I wanted, that and the precious, albeit meager, 25 HP and 500 ISO. I won't go around complaining about this to anyone who will listen and I certainly won't be inciting any Baltimore-esque riots over this. I only hope that for not only myself, but the community as a whole that was affected by this, they make it right. I have no demands for compensation, I just hope that all of those who earned things that were affected by the server issues are done right by those in charge. To me this seems reasonable. Issues aside, that Ultron event was fun and I'm looking forward to the next one.
  • I've said this earlier, but I think you really need to delay the second run of the event until the server issue is fixed. This is more likely to get worse than better the second time around.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    I've said this earlier, but I think you really need to delay the second run of the event until the server issue is fixed. This is more likely to get worse than better the second time around.

    We believe we've identified the bottlenecks from the first run, and we'll have fixes in place before Run 2 starts. This doesn't mean issues won't arise, but it won't be the same issues.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Trying to trouble shoot distributing the load on the servers...

    What if you offered alliance event slices? You assign x number of alliances one slice, then y number of alliances the next slice, maybe breaking it up into 3 slices?

    Or maybe have an alliance commander be in charge of choosing the alliance slice for the group, something to distribute the load?
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    I've said this earlier, but I think you really need to delay the second run of the event until the server issue is fixed. This is more likely to get worse than better the second time around.

    If they don't hand out the SW cover resolution you definitely won't have the same problems because there's pretty much no point to even attempt the next run without SW so participation will plummet. Of course that's like cutting off your nose to spite your face there, so I hope they wouldn't do that.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    The only problem for me was that I couldn't get my black Black Panther cover from the DDQ. I was trying until 2-3 am (spain time) and coudn't connect or see any events. When I managed to connect this morning the DDQ was already refreshed, so I'm 1 black cover missing:(

    I know someday DDQ will reward another black cover, but it will be at least 3 months from now, and I've been sitting on 3 covers for at least a couple of months already. It would be nice if you could rerun the event or something.

    About ultron, I got the first cover of scarlet witch and was around 100k points of getting quicksilver first but coudn¡t `play more. I don't now if I would have been able to do so many points on the last few hours.
  • I came top 50 in the LR ending at 6:30pm ET - the rewards took an age to come through, and when they arrived, I got a message about being logged out. MPQ then restarted and the tokens didn't come through. Not sure if this was just for me or a wider issue. The time coincided with the wider server issues.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    The server issue from last Friday caused me to lose my IM40 blue from DDQ. I had submitted a support ticket for that already.

    It almost happened to me yesterday with Black Panther black, where I won it but did not receive it. To avoid what happened last Friday I kept trying to log back in to win it, which I did but I am still out of the IM40 cover.

    Also, when I got back in, I had beat Ultron to win the blue QS (750k pts) but after I beat him I earned 0 points and did not earn QS. To make matters worse, my alliance was also unable to push for the last SW award. We would of made round 8. Plus, the server issue from last Friday also caused me to miss the first 4 rounds of Ultron, I likely would have made the last progression to win QS green.

    Further, I normally play Tuesday PVP ending at 10pm. I could not get into the Avengers PVP to participate and I cannot play in slices 4 and 5 due to work. I would have likely won GSBW red and green covers. I had the same issue last week with the Mystique PVP. Fortunately I was able to get in last moment to win the 2 Steve Roger covers.

    With that said I lost out on: IM40 blue (support ticket sent last week), QS green, SW blue, GSBW green and red.

    I hope you guys will be able to compensate us fairly. I don't expect individual hand-outs but perhaps instead of a few event tokens that yield 2*s, maybe you can send a special 3* only token?
  • My PVE progression for SRCA is likely not going to happen, but it looks like you've covered that one.

    Oh, and guys? Could we seriously cut back on yelling at a developer who is available, engaged, interested and talking to us about solutions?

    If you need to rant/vent, there are a bunch of threads for that. The guy came in voluntarily and opened up this conversation, so could we at least show a bit of respect and give him the information he's asking for SO HE CAN HELP US?

  • I missed the first 2 rounds and also the end of the PVE prior to Ultron due to the first server issues, finishing round 6 due to the recent ones. Basically they screwed me out of a Steve Rodgers Blue cover from the PVE, the 2nd Quicksliver progression cover, and the 2nd Scarlet Witch cover for our Alliance.

    I know I can't back that up with actual facts- it would have needed gameplay that I tried to do and couldn't- so I'm guessing maybe we'll get a couple Ultron tokens which will inevitably be moonstone covers. icon_e_confused.gif
  • Oh, did I mention that with the server issues and still not being able to play almost 12 hours later, I have taken a lot of beating in the PvP event I was doing very well in, which ends in a few hours, with no way to fight back. I was more excited for those Grey Suit Black Widow covers than anything I got in Ultron... I'll be missing out on at least a red and possibly a green as well.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Additional issues:

    * Zero-point nodes
    * Ultron countdown timer being disconnected from actual Ultron node 8-hour refresh
    * Avenger nodes not reflecting already-awarded rewards (probably connected to the issue above)


    * You gotta rethink keeping the 20 iso default award on Ultron nodes. That's fine for normal PvE events, but... this is Ultron. You beat him, you should get something. Even if it's a regular token.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    When will RUN 2 of Ultron begin?????
    This is not at all clear.