Avengers vs. Ultron Event and Connection issues



  • This is some ****. This is the one game I have spent money on and the devlopers keep changing the game and characters, now I was top 10 in the Mystique event and all of a sudden the server crashes, I had also started playing the Ultron event. What bothers me most is I keep getting alerts letting me know I have been defeated in the Identity Challenge event thus loosing out on time and awards earned. How is this fair that others are playing while some like myself are locked out?? What is going to be done about all the time lost on events we can not get access to???? icon_evil.gif
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Server back down AGAIN!!!!!
  • tranceazn
    tranceazn Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Went back to login and I noticed my screen was loading with the %. As soon as it reached 100% it lead me to the Dark Avenger screen without the Ultron, DDQ and other events not named Dark Avengers. Hope they fix this soon!
  • 9fingers
    9fingers Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Yeah massive problems 2pvps, season and new pve... It's actually a punishment because of all the complaints over bagfarce. They're just showing us it can be worse!
  • mhorham
    mhorham Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    6:45 pm eastern time the server is down again
  • Give me back borkforce, and I'll give you back your server hamsters.

    I just want to dance. Without pants. And do a hero stance.
  • mookie01
    mookie01 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Must be a db issue. i see no events... pvp or pve and it appears i have no alluance. Hope this is temporary.
  • I still have no events showing and it is nearly 7pm est... no daily challange, no season events, nothing except standard story mode.
  • Nice to see I'm not the only one icon_razz.gif

    No PVE, PVP, no Alliance icon_e_sad.gif
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I feel like a dog that lost its favorite chew toy. Like most took a big hit on Identity theft and now taking the hit on the ultron event. Top three pointer of my top ten pvp alliance and I can't play really hope there is some kind of reciprocity for this delay in rectification of the server errors.
  • I was playing fine when I got kicked off. I can't log into my fb to access my game. Please fix it soon. I'd hate to have to start from scratch. I don't buy coins I earn them . and would probably stop playing if not fixed
  • Heck, I can't launch the entire game. It just says to check my internet connection.
  • Kaazz
    Kaazz Posts: 230 Tile Toppler
    I also beat ultron once and one sub node, then it went back to beginning, with ultron unlocked and essentials locked again. AND NOW THE DB IS COMPLETELY DOWN - no events, no pvp, no PVE, no dpdq, no chat. C'mon, you guys, fix this! I'm not playing until you get these issues resolved once and for all! It's too frustrating, otherwise. icon_mad.gif
  • Nymr83
    Nymr83 Posts: 74
    This is an absolute joke. Just cancel the event and admit you failed. At least then evryone can finish their current pvp or pve. Try the event again between seasons when nothing else is happening.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Apostrophe wrote:
    Heck, I can't launch the entire game. It just says to check my internet connection.
    Me too. Can't even milk the prologue for 20 ISO anymore.

    I got in once for just long enough to see my alliance on the 3rd round of Ultron, yet I havn't gotten a chance to punch him in his stupid fat robot face for messing with my game! I wanna play too!
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    BLASPHEMY! Playing this PVE had me so pumped! It's fast paced and different... then the damn servers crash after a few hours again and gives me the feeling that what I just completed was for nothing and may not have even counted! Fix it! icon_mad.gif
  • Still told to check my internet connection. I was able to connect twice but told that no event is available. This is going on for at least 3 hours now. Using Steam, I'm in Germany.
  • I'm still having disappearing events most of the time. I don't know if I would have played more at the end of the PVP that ended half an hour ago or not, but I didn't really have the option either way.
  • I'm on a Galaxy S4 and for bout 4 hours have not been able to get on and I am currently in full wifi I'm on the west coast so for D3 servers it's bout 730. And are we going to a compensation thing cuz I think I missed the end of Mystique event and I was rank 20 or something and was working on getting Steve Rogers only need 1 more blue and 2 yellow to be maxed out.
  • 5:30 CST:

    Same thing here. I played a couple rounds in the Ultron event, and now suddenly have lost access to my alliance, to all PvP events and leaderboards, and to all PvE events except the prologue. Help ticket submitted.