Avengers vs. Ultron Event and Connection issues



  • The biggest mistake here, aside from a complete inability to understand that a new, different and cool event with even cooler prizes WILL make all players attack the servers simultaneously causing them to crash completely, is of course the total lack of information on the part that yes, the points are limited and no, not all of you will reach one million.

    While they did inform us of several other things, they surely "missed" to inform us of this absolutely vital info. Lucky us it was "only" Cr*psilver, but still...completists get headaches easily.
  • Is anyone else missing all the events again. PvP and PvE?
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    And in these last few hours, we may be experiencing another "attack" on the servers. It's popping up again.
  • And I'm back to an empty game, minus the basic dark reign missions... T-minus ~5 hours remaining *sigh*
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Yup, just tried logging in and I am getting that "basic story mission only" error. Can't see DPD, Oscorp, Ultron, or PvP right now.

    We are less than 1,500,000 away from our alliance getting the first SW cover and now we can't get in.

    I've already got my million points and a SW from tokens, but a lot of my alliance were counting on getting the R6 Ultron Prime reward.
  • ook
    so am the unlucky guy who gets cut off at the end of the event ?
    we got 5 hours or a bit more left .
    and i just killed Mr.Ultron to earn me a QS progression cover . and boom my game cuts me off , goes to the loading screen , and when it goes back in , i cant see any events except the tutorial ones.
    nada ,even my alliance i cant reach now .
    it might be just me ,or it might be happening to many other ppl too now .
    so , should i wait and see what happens in 1 hour ? , or should i file a ticket for that lost reward also ? , or what should i do ?
    i'd appreciate any suggestion , constructive or otherwise .
    cause its a too depressing event up to now , that it makes u want to laugh oven more than cry at this moment .

  • I am having sporadic connection issues. Sometimes I can get in, sometimes I can get in with no events (other than the Prologue) and sometimes I cannot get in.

    This will make it very tricky to clear Round 6 and get the Scarlet Witch cover.
  • D3 will be kind and we'll get a little compensation.
    They have done before.
  • Hey there. I'm unable to load my game - says connection issues (Check internet connection) and it can't access Facebook data when I do get in, so it shows the basic story and that's it.
  • Clearing the cache worked for me.
  • JD Geek
    JD Geek Posts: 80
    We had less than a half mil to go. Easy to hit, but Grrrrrrr.
  • I logged on to hit a lightning round and have got nothing as well. Also, I had figured I might hit the PVP a little, since it ends in three hours, but not optimistic about that either.
  • I'm getting the "connection issue" again. No Story or versus. Just the prologue again.
  • Still experiencing technical issues with the event. When I log in, I only see the tutorial missions. This is crazy, first the event starts late and now it ends early. My alliance was close to finishing round 6 and now I can't even log in to help. Very, very disappointing.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    I'm seeing FB login error. On iPhone iOS.
  • I was able to play the Deadpool missions fine on my Android tablet, then when I started the Ultron event, it closed out, and now gives me the Story missions only.

    I've tried clearing my cache, rebooting my table, and am not sure what else I can do to get my game going. And I was almost to 500000. SIGH.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Only prologue here.

  • I lost all special missions. Just the tutorial ones show up
  • I know the devs have been making PVP unplayable lately, but I think this is taking things too far.
  • edgewriter
    edgewriter Posts: 68 Match Maker
    The only missions I see are are the training ones. Alliance chat is down as well.