Avengers vs. Ultron Event and Connection issues



  • Nymr83
    Nymr83 Posts: 74
    Down again!

    It feels like 1995 and I'm trying to connect to AOL.
  • 3 hours left in event and the servers crashed again right in the middle of my ultron battle!?!?! Please fix this my alliance is right on the verge of finishing trial 6!?!?!

  • Changing 5 Star rating to 1 Star if they don't compensate for the two scarlet covers I could have gotten
  • BobMurdoch
    BobMurdoch Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Lost the first day and the last day with the down servers... How about extending three days to compensate?
  • YtsejamHP
    YtsejamHP Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Does anyone have a work around for iOS? We're about 40k now away from having our Alliance beat round 3.

    When the game does manage to load all we see are the normal Oscorp story missions. (not the Oscorp: Heroic)
  • Here we go again. One Ultron match away from getting a Scarlet Witch card and then I'm met with the electronic version of a middle finger and giggling in the background.
  • I've lost the last5 days. Bummed
  • safaridan
    safaridan Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Aaagghh! Wait for the 8 hr countdown for the final push and no connection? ! Can't get a witch like this
  • I am waiting for them to read these and give us an update! This is pretty frustrating, just knowing that someone is working on fixing it would be helpful.
  • Thalfen
    Thalfen Posts: 66 Match Maker
    Yep, same here. I posted a much longer description in another post so I will not cross post it here. Suffice it to say, dissappointed that this went so poorly at the end of the day. I was on the verge of a third QS cover and my alliiance has given up due to the technical glitches. We were doing very well too... For a bit...
  • So Mad was about to get the last 2 covers of quick silver and about to enter round 7 to get the Witch. Bad enough I lost playing time the first time, but to lose the last day as well is unacceptable.
  • DC1972
    DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    980,000 points early today and needed one last clear on Ultron lvl 8. Thought I had plenty of time and then the servers crashed. They should just give everyone one extra QS and SW to compensate if they don't extend.
  • severian00
    severian00 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Wasn't able to login on IOS, but then could. It locked me out of Ultron even though I had 2 nodes to still use in level 7. Decided to go hit up Oscorp and it wouldn't give me my points or rewards for battling. Rebooted and now back to training missions only. You'd think they'd have this stuff down by now.
  • **** I already lost the first day, now the last day as well. Unacceptable, was about to get the last 2 covers of Quick Silver, and about to get to round 7 to get the Witch. This sucks.
  • Just shy of unlocking last SW cover and haven't been able to log on for an hour and a half. No bueno.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    As frustrating as this outage is, I wasn't going to obtain much more than a few Tokens from the Essential Quicksilver nodes.

    We just finished the 7th round earlier today, and that took us 1.5 days. That last cover was sadly out of our reach.
  • They need to fix this before they run the Hulkbuster event. I know they don't want to do that, but the only responsible thing to do at this point is to delay the rerun of the event until they've sorted out the server problems.
  • I find time to play during busy schedule for final push in Ultron event and can't. Hope its not just fixed and timer stays where its at because that wouldn't be fair. I know bugs will happen, but i think when things do go wrong. Compensation of some kind would be great from a client satisifaction side.
  • AgentCoulsonLMD
    AgentCoulsonLMD Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    2 hours to go and game keeps crashing. When I get in, it doesn't record any score when I beat Ultron. I beat Ultron Prime (center circle) and received 0/0. We have about 20 battles needed and impossible to do because of connection issues throughout today and at the end.

    Need to extend the event.
  • Now the thread has gone haywire. I'm getting notified every 4 minutes, but no new post. Sadness.