Avengers vs. Ultron Event and Connection issues



  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Besides not being able to play the Ultron event I also am unable to get the DDE rewards. Was really hoping to add that 5th black power Black Panther to my roster...
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Again? After last problems, D3P has done nothing to solve it? Last time I could start from round 4, have missed couple of tokens. What will be now? I'm waiting for compensation.
  • Had a Gold Recruit Token today at 16:30 EST then couldn't claim it; totally went away and now don't have events or any of the non basic stories. What the heck???
  • I don't understand why the servers are down now when they've been fixed since the initial outage. I was inclined to give them some leeway since whatever, maybe there was a ton more activity than could've been forseen. But now? icon_rolleyes.gif idgi
  • Ridiculous! And at the worst time! I did not receive the first Quilsilver I earned at 500k then was locked out fr playing the game at all in order to earn my second Quilsilver cover. All after spending good money for covers to beat prime.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    At least you can see it. My wife and I can't even see the Ultron event. Oh! Or Deadpool. Or anything that isn't the base single player story set. So while our teensy private alliance wasn't nearly close enough to get Scarlet Witch, several of us were within striking distance of Quicksilver covers.

    That happens when the game can't connect to the server. After a while it gives up and lets you play in "off line" mode, which is basically the original 5 story events.
  • so, what happens to all the people that couldn't reach a certain level because they simply couldn't connect (like me)? Is it going to be just a "Well, too bad if you couldn't connect to our offline server, sucks to be you" or are you going to give us some sort of chance to get those prizes or anything at all to make it up for this issue.

    I know how hard it can be, but c'mon, you guys really **** up this time in this event, due to the connection issues, I lost around 2 days of play session.

    Still love you guys, <3


    I slightly mad player.
  • Servers down just a few hours before the Ultron even shutdown ? Really... Are you kidding guys ?
    After the start of the event where servers were also coughing a lot, it's not fair. I think I am in the same case than a lot of people, close to the Million point and team very very close to finish the last round !

    A 24h extension is a minimum acceptable for all these issues !!! Really disappointed, this event was a very good one, but the servers issues made it a real nightmare.
  • energythief
    energythief Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    12:26 PM PST and no connections or events. Ticket submitted. I would have gotten QS, SW and top 25 in Avengers PVP event. Let's see if their customer service is any good at all.
  • absolut821
    absolut821 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Haven't been able to connect to any pvp or pve events since yesterday morning. Lost out on 2 more Scarlet witch covers and possibly more 2* tokens. What is going on?
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    I'm very interested to see what the Devs' response is to this mess. Collectively there was at least 8 hours (beginning and end of event) where my 20 member alliance could not access the event. In those 8 hours we may have been able to clear the next Ultron Prime node for an additional SW cover, not to mention any members who were still working on progression goals.

    Time will tell I guess.
  • Well I am quite sure I could have gotten the third Quicksilver card if not for all the time down. At least I didn't spend any money on it. Life goes on.
  • I was awarded a Recruit Token for completing one of the Ultron Prime levels, but when I tried to claim it, the server shut down, and by the time it was back up this morning, the token was gone. Is there anything that can be done?
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Just cleared the first Scarlet Witch node and got the old Comm Link Disrupted message.

    Thanks guys. Off to a great start.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2015
    Whatever you guys did, it wasn't enough. Down here too. I hate to say I told you so, but, no, actually I enjoy saying it. I told you so.
  • Thalfen
    Thalfen Posts: 66 Match Maker
    It's happening again on the hulkbuster Ultron event. Connection to server down. Beat Ultron and got 0 points. Not an auspicious start. Very frustrating.
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Yep, no events for me again... Really wish I could start working for Hulkbuster...
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker

    Please consider all of the connection issues in relation to the time windows allowed for the events. How can it be possible to set achievements that are time based yet the whole community is already behind because of connection inadequacies? For those that are asking compensation, I disagree it should be covers, etc. The compensation should be expanded time to complete the event.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Got 3 sentry nodes in. Last sentry node said it awarded me 0 points (Hulk sentry node) and then connection issues.

    Huzzah and well met D3.
  • Yep. Hit Ultron once, went to make my baby some cereal, and came back to a familiar sight: only base fave story groups are visible.