Reporting Cheaters



  • Eyenerd
    Eyenerd Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    Will they deal with cheaters before the current pve event ends tomorrow? Ticket already sent yesterday but no reply yet...
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Eyenerd wrote:
    Will they deal with cheaters before the current pve event ends tomorrow? Ticket already sent yesterday but no reply yet...

    Probably not, they don't work weekends.
  • DieMyDarling
    DieMyDarling Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    So I'm not necessarily an expert on how this game works sometimes, so can somebody tell me if this is cheating?

    On the Simulator event last week, in the first round I was first in Hard and fourth in normal. I was only tenth in the main event though, and the first three or four people in the event were not ahead of me in Normal. So is this somehow possible or were they cheating? I had no idea there was cheating until I saw this topic today, and now that seems hella suspicious.
  • So I'm not necessarily an expert on how this game works sometimes, so can somebody tell me if this is cheating?

    On the Simulator event last week, in the first round I was first in Hard and fourth in normal. I was only tenth in the main event though, and the first three or four people in the event were not ahead of me in Normal. So is this somehow possible or were they cheating? I had no idea there was cheating until I saw this topic today, and now that seems hella suspicious.

    The sub brackets for the simulator were 200 people; the main brackets were 1000. As a result, the people ahead of you in the main were in different subs than you were. There is no reason to think this was cheating.
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    ...And how do I recognize cheaters?

  • Unknown
    For the current (June 5 2015) ISO-8 Brotherhood single player matches, the leader of the board I am on has an underdeveloped roster (Several 4 star chatacters with only 1 fighting attribute and several 2 star characters at less than lvl 76) and has over 4000 more points than I do. Even if they were receiving team help, I can't see how the 4000 point lead is mathmatically possible given depletion of points over time. For me who plays a lot and has built up 63 charactets this sucks that someone could appear to spoof or cheat to the top of a leaderbord.
  • Unknown
    For the current (June 5 2015) ISO-8 Brotherhood single player matches, the leader of the board I am on has an underdeveloped roster (Several 4 star chatacters with only 1 fighting attribute and several 2 star characters at less than lvl 76) and has over 4000 more points than I do. Even if they were receiving team help, I can't see how the 4000 point lead is mathmatically possible given depletion of points over time. For me who plays a lot and has built up 63 charactets this sucks that someone could appear to spoof or cheat to the top of a leaderbord.

    This comes up every PVE. New players are seeing much lower scaling than experienced players in PVE. Their opponents are probably all under 100th level. There are always newer players at the top of PVE because their opponents are much, much easier. If it's their first PVE, they may not be seeing anybody over 50th level.

    PVE isn't fair. Newer players aren't seeing the same kind of opponents older players are. It's just the way it works. There's no reason to think anyone is cheating.
  • Unknown
    I do put in some money and found that it is not easy to get 3 stars and 4 stars cover but it is possible.I really do have suggestion to weed out cheaters. For those getting 4 stars and 3 stars fully max their character ban them and what D3 need to do is ask them for receipt from d3 if they are found legit unban them if not well too bad for them.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    You may be jumping the gun on calling out players just because they have fully covered 4*'s. If you have a decent roster and can hit 1000 in pvp events, there is a 4* cover...if you finish in first in pve there is you can see once you have a decent roster you can compete and get 4*'s rather easy. I took a look at the little puke mentioned above and there is no way in hell that he could have amassed that much hp. With less than half of the available roster there goes essential nodes for higher placement to earn hp. It would cost $500 to get 100,000 hp in-game so with that being said you cannot tell me that a kid (looks to be about 12-13 years old on his FB profile, although he claims to be 34) had an extra $4000 laying around to spend on MPQ. If so, then more power to him I guess but that figure is based on him only having 800k which he has more AND fully covered chars...devs really need to take a look at this person's account.
  • OminoBuffo
    OminoBuffo Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    i have sent a ticket for probably cheater... but the question is:

    ticket ask for:

    1) OS Type (iOS - Android)
    2) OS Version Number
    3) Device Type (smartphone/tablet name)...

    But i'm a Steam user (pc)... so i select iOS for 1st and write Steam (PC) for other.

    Its correct or i have to do something?
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Not sure if the device type matters since you would have no way of knowing.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    MojoWild wrote:
    By the way, if all people need to do is follow the instructions in the op, perhaps a mod could repost those and then lock the thread?
    I'll look into that.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Please do not call out individual players in the forums. If you suspect someone of cheating please contact Customer Support with any relevant information and we will look into it:

    Thank you for helping to keep MPQ fair for all players!
This discussion has been closed.