Reporting Cheaters



  • any of the 'high' scorers here see this JUGGERNAUT2 from XMEN1 all of a sudden pop up in season5 worth tons of points just demolishing competition suddenly?

    i will make this short and sweet, JUGGERNAUT2 from XMEN1 is a cheater with a full hacked roster.

    XMEN were unable to 'Q' he/she/it the past few PVP's(the special PVPs in between S5 and S6) and nobody knew why. Everyone was dumbfounded, maybe because he was sand boxed after the season?. he/she/it has been on XMEN since season4 and all of a sudden season5 he/she/it is a big high scorer and is in XMEN1.

    from my knowledge he/she/it did not even have more than 4-5 166's all last season, damn sure he/she/it did not have close to those three 270's and all of a sudden he/she/it has this roster yesterday!

    He/she/it has since either quit XMEN1 or been kicked, or sandboxed for good, no idea which. He/she/it is basically is a confirmed cheater. are there any other cheaters in XMEN? who knows, maybe not, maybe yes. but this doesnt do any thing positive for their rep.

  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is there any way someone with the roster below could've scored 48859 in the Deadpool event? They were #5, I was #6. I lost by 906 points. 2 or 3 minutes before the end of the event, I was only trailing by 300 or 400 points, so I went for the node that had the Devil Dino. Not sure if mine counted, as I finished around midnight. Level number in front, covers behind. I find it hard to believe, although I assume that in their nodes, their opponents were ranked a lot less. Not sure if they had Punisher before, or if that was the reward for being Top 5, all 3 covers.

    2 star

    54 Thor 233
    47 Storm 313
    46 Ares 232
    41 Wolverine 114
    31 Spider-Man 231
    25 Hawkeye 211
    18 Black Widow 111

    3 star

    50 Thor 002
    45 Punisher 111
    43 Colossus 110
    40 Black Widow 010
    40 Doctor Doom 10
    40 Falcon 010
  • lukewin wrote:
    I find it hard to believe, although I assume that in their nodes, their opponents were ranked a lot less. Not sure if they had Punisher before, or if that was the reward for being Top 5, all 3 covers.

    D3 believe that any rooster should be able to win in PvE and this is why they scale the levels of the nodes - My alt Rubberband testing rooster see sub 20's. So if they do this perfectly any one should be able to win if they have the essential node character. But looking at rooster they had Lazy Thor which netted them Colossus in the Juggs Heroic. They then had Colossus of the essential nodes in Deadpool vs MPQ wining them Frank's covers. So I would guess it entirely possible.
  • Talking about cheaters....I wonder if someone who has 2 full x-force (and Fury and Insible women level 270) ands lots (almost all) of 166 are really honest in this game ?
    I've been playing for 255 days and seing these kind of players 1 st in PvP is quite annoying.

    And you should have a look to the Alliance which are always first....The X-men, The X-men 2...Maybe there are all just very rich, who knows icon_e_wink.gif

  • Some people just spend lots of money on this game and seem to have a huge lot of time on their hands.
  • Rico Dredd wrote:
    Some people just spend lots of money on this game and seem to have a huge lot of time on their hands.

    1. Rich people (or people who just do not care what they do with their money): spend lots of money, probably have a good amount of free time.

    2. People on disability - lots of free time (usually), can earmark parts of their fixed income for the game depending on their living situation.

    No judgment on the second one - if I had a debilitating physical or mental issue and I had disability income, I'd play games a lot. I would hit every sub every 2.5 hours because a) I could and b) it's fun to be one of the best in something.

    No judgment on how people spend their money, too. Although gaming addiction is a very relevant thing and people need to watch out, fo sho.
  • Nefesh
    Nefesh Posts: 82 Match Maker

    Is it even possible? not to say about octopus, colossus, beast...
  • Nefesh wrote:

    Is it even possible? not to say about octopus, colossus, beast...

    Edit: It's Slobofix. Spends a ton on the game. Whale.
  • Can you guys check out xmenace2 they are playing with 21 alliance members having an unfair advantage.
  • Can you guys check out xmenace2 they are playing with 21 alliance members having an unfair advantage.

    hen an alliance is recruiting and has multiple pending members for that one coveted spot, it may list the alliance as having more than 20 people. This is not cheating - this is the way the game is. 21 scores don't get factored into the final event score.
  • yama82

    long discussion about him/her
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please do not post reports of suspected cheaters in this thread. Look at the first post in the thread for instructions.
  • Want to find cheaters, just look at the leaderboards when an event starts and look at the ones who have 8000 to 10,000 points in like 30 minutes.
  • pribian
    Reporting player:kokomam
    Roster of only 2* lvl 70 yet is #2 in new pve. Only 1 loki cover.
  • over_clocked
    pribian wrote:
    Reporting player:kokomam
    Roster of only 2* lvl 70 yet is #2 in new pve. Only 1 loki cover.
    Weaker rosters often have an advantage in PvE as long as they have the essential characters since their scaling levels of enemies are usually much lower.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please do not post reports of suspected cheaters in this thread. Look at the first post in the thread for instructions.
  • Generally speaking, not a problem. Weve never had to tell anyone theyre reporting too much yet.

  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    not a suspected cheater, a definite one. He has 2 more 4Thors on pg1

  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    mjh wrote:
    not a suspected cheater, a definite one. He has 2 more 4Thors on pg1


    Not a definite one, maybe a definite whale though.

    But as it's been said time and time again, people need to follow the instructions in the OP on how to report suspected cheaters, instead of calling them out publicly.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    By the way, if all people need to do is follow the instructions in the op, perhaps a mod could repost those and then lock the thread?
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