Reporting Cheaters



  • Yeggy
    Yeggy Posts: 81
    I do apologize for cluttering the forum by making an unnecessary thread. I did not pay attention and failed to notice this one.

    So I'll post this here, from: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3033
    Reporting Cheaters

    Postby D3PCS » Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:40 pm

    Hey All,

    By now, I am sure many of you have had the opportunity to make use of (and hopefully enjoy) the ability to look at the current rosters for your fellow community members in-game. In addition to being a feature we hope improves the overall experience for players, it can also be a tool in the ongoing war with cheaters.

    If you spot someone on the leaderboards that you suspect may be cheating please feel free to contact us with your concerns. While your concerns can be submitted using the in-game reporting feature, please also make note of the following link, as it may give you a more direct line to our support group: ... quests/new


    1. First of all, where is this "in-game reporting feature"???

    2. Second, I've checked the top 10 for Heroic Mode (Oscorp) and I've already seen 2 players on top 10 that don't have the required characters to even play in the tournament. Roadkill79 and Hiresh.
    Required Characters:

    Black Widow (Modern & Grey Suit)
    Iron Man (Model 35)
    Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)
    Storm (Classic)
    Hawkeye (Modern)
    Spider-Man (Classic)
    Invisible Woman

    I took screenshots of their roster and the top 10. You can see they are at #6 and #8 at the time of the screenshot being taken. I put it in my google drive folder. ... sp=sharing

    So please, prove me wrong, did I miss something? Unless these guys played till they got top 10 and then deleted one of the required characters I see no way for them to even participate in the tournament, as both of them only have 2 characters they can use. Iron Man + Daredevil for Hiresh and Iron Man + Black Widow (Modern) for Roadkill79.

    I did a report through the link given by the original post for Roadkill79 and then found noticed Hiresh.
  • AdamMagus
    AdamMagus Posts: 363 Mover and Shaker
    Spadini wrote:
    Is cheating really that prevalent? When I look at the top players in my bracket, almost all of them have rosters that are plainly inconpatible with the points they managed to gain.
    Are you sure, devs I mean, that the roster viewing feature is working properly? And if it is, is it really so hard to see that some people could not possibly not be cheating?

    My girlfriend and I play and I can tell you that looking at her roster on her tablet and looking at it on my tablet using the roster viewing feature, they are exactly the same, so it seems to be working perfectly
  • It's actually not really a cheating issue.
    It's more of a completely broken enemy scaling calculation that seems to be catering to new players with weaker characters with lower lvls.
    I am not sure how the enemy lvls are calculated but it has something to do with number of characters you have in your roster as well as how many skills the chances have and how many lvls they have and i think how many stars too. The more you have of those, the greater of a calculation issue. At least that how I have been seeing it with people in the brackets and amongst my friends playing. Our newest friend playing is killing it and wining great prizes. Lol I'm happy for him getting a nice boost to start but at the same time I want to drown him in a bucket lol
  • eMAN711 wrote:
    It's actually not really a cheating issue.
    It's more of a completely broken enemy scaling calculation that seems to be catering to new players with weaker characters with lower lvls.
    I am not sure how the enemy lvls are calculated but it has something to do with number of characters you have in your roster as well as how many skills the chances have and how many lvls they have and i think how many stars too. The more you have of those, the greater of a calculation issue. At least that how I have been seeing it with people in the brackets and amongst my friends playing. Our newest friend playing is killing it and wining great prizes. Lol I'm happy for him getting a nice boost to start but at the same time I want to drown him in a bucket lol

    So slowly it seems to me, that want to advertise many new players, but be drained out the old players.
  • I'm currently sitting in #2 on Big Thunder and I saw the the guy ahead of me had 120 point lead. I checked his roster and I see the following:

    59 Thor
    40 Modern Storm
    25 Doom
    22 Astonishing Wolvie
    21 Modern Widow
    ..and the rest 10 and under.

    I think to myself, "this person must be cheater for sure!". I fought countless difficult battles with level 100+ teams to get to this spot -- not to mention the constant retaliations. Sure, there is a 1.25 days left on the event, but this can't be right.... can it?

    I went back and looked at the top 10, and save 2 people (myself included), most are sporting teams with average levels >40 . Can someone explain this to me? Is MMR matching me with difficult players from other brackets while the folks in mine are getting matched with ~50 level teams?
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    I figured I'd bump this as I couldn't find a stickied URL for reporting Cheaters.

    Top player in my Hard mode with 11k points has an 85 Wolvie, 70 Thor, 69 Daken and its a long slippery slope after that.

    I don't know if he is cheating, or if Demiurge are rolling out a red carpet of level 40 opponents for him.
  • I report suspicious players regularly. This is a guy from yesterday in the Simulator Normal mode event. The shots were taken about 2 hours before the end of the event.

    Addendum: I reported this guy when he appeared in the top 10. He stayed there for the whole duration (days). Oh and one more thing: I kept watch on this guys, since he was always in the top 10. He didn't level up any of his characters, they were at the same level during the event.

    The guy on the #9 sot has only a 50 IW35, the rest is 20ish, and doesn't even have a Loki. He appeared in the top 10 a few hours before the end.

    I finished the event in the top 10 and I wonder how many of these exceptionally talented players got ahead of me in the last 2 hours. It would be really good to see the final lists. I expected KINGsucram23 to get ahead of me since he has lot better lineups than me, but I definitely didn't expect to fall to the top 10 only.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Eddiemon wrote:
    I figured I'd bump this as I couldn't find a stickied URL for reporting Cheaters.

    Top player in my Hard mode with 11k points has an 85 Wolvie, 70 Thor, 69 Daken and its a long slippery slope after that.

    I don't know if he is cheating, or if Demiurge are rolling out a red carpet of level 40 opponents for him.

    Sounds like a perfectly viable roster for doing well in Simulator Hard mode, as long as the person is willing to grind each node out all the way down to one point, repeating as often as possible, and using lots of AP boosts.

    I ran through hard mode with 85 Thor, 45 OBW and 50 M Storm (for every mission that didn't require someone else), and came in third in my bracket with way more than 11K points. I used a lot of AP boosts, and had a couple of catastrophic defeats. But I was facing the same level 230 Daken as everyone else, and beat him about a dozen times over the course of the event.
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    I saw a gamer that has a lvl140 Ragnarok, I tried to view their roster list but this message appears: "The S.H.I.E.L.D servers cannot access [User ID] roster at this time. Please try again later." as I can view others rosters. Not sure whether to report about this gamer or not as it seems suspicious.
  • Eddiemon wrote:
    I figured I'd bump this as I couldn't find a stickied URL for reporting Cheaters.

    Top player in my Hard mode with 11k points has an 85 Wolvie, 70 Thor, 69 Daken and its a long slippery slope after that.

    I don't know if he is cheating, or if Demiurge are rolling out a red carpet of level 40 opponents for him.
    That's nothing compared to the guy in my main. Yesterday he was at 20k+ with entirely unleveled 1* rosters + unleveled Thor. During the end of the Hard sub he was gaining 100-1k points every 15-30 seconds with that roster. Breezing through matches combined with the fact that he wasn't even leveling any of his heroes seems to point to cheating to me.

    Today he is 3rd in main with 35k. Now his MStorm and IM35 are both Level 2, and he's got a Level 30 Thor. The rest of his entirely 1*/2* roster sits unleveled. Either the scaling is nonexistent when you have an entirely vanilla roster or this is incredibly blatant hacking.
  • My guess is alot of established players are just creating new accounts to take advantage of the terrible scaling that's going on.

    lvl 6 players vs lvl 6 enemies can blow through all of these almost instantly and gain a ton more points than anyone else because the higher leveled people are at a complete impasse.

    enemies scale exponentially to the point where the game is broken. It was fun while it worked but basically everything in the last month destroyed a great potential
  • Marty17 wrote:
    I saw a gamer that has a lvl140 Ragnarok, I tried to view their roster list but this message appears: "The S.H.I.E.L.D servers cannot access [User ID] roster at this time. Please try again later." as I can view others rosters. Not sure whether to report about this gamer or not as it seems suspicious.

    Seed team; not a real player.
  • D3PCS wrote:
    Hey All,

    Just a repost of a note in the 'News and Announcements' section regarding cheaters:

    By now, I am sure many of you have had the opportunity to make use of (and hopefully enjoy) the ability to look at the current rosters for your fellow community members in-game. In addition to being a feature we hope improves the overall experience for players, it can also be a tool in the ongoing war with cheaters.

    If you spot someone on the leaderboards that you suspect may be cheating please feel free to contact us with your concerns. While your concerns can be submitted using the in-game reporting feature, please also make note of the following link, as it may give you a more direct line to our support group: ... quests/new

    We know it can be difficult to keep ahead of those that run outside of the law, so any help we can get from the community to weed these individuals out is appreciated.


    Why am I only able to upload one picture from my device, an ipad4? When I try to upload more than one image it says that "this image has already been uploaded." There has got to be a better way to allow us to send you what you need. Please fix this so that we can continue to do your job and notify you of cheaters.
  • I reported two questionable people two days ago and received a response today:

    "Your issue has been solved"

    That was the content the response and with all due respect, that is a **** reply. THIS IS THE EXACT SAME COOKIE CUTTER REPLY I RECEIVED TO SEPARATE ISSSUE BACK IN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. Every response I've received from d3 has been unhelpful and was sometimes just plain wrong.

    So..... What happened?
    Were those people cheating or not?
    Did those two people receive their top 10 rewards from the first round of the simulator event?

    Please clarify how this issue was "solved" and what d3 is doing to stop and prevent cheating.
  • Looks like winner in my bracket is a cheater...
  • Every single event I find cheaters in the top 10. **** IS D3 DOING ABOUT THIS???

    Simulation (easy) round3..... #3 in my my bracket doesn't even have the required dr. doom or iron man40!
    Player = chaii has 10 total characters with iron man35 level 42 as his top one.

    In my email correspondence about cheating and cheaters, I asked d3 what they're doing to stop and prevent cheating and they ignored those questions.
  • 4 out of the top 10 in the blind justice event don't even have the required daredevil cover. Seeing so many cheaters is downright ridiculous at this point.

    This is a very serious issue for your game, d3. Step it up.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    MikeHock wrote:
    4 out of the top 10 in the blind justice event don't even have the required daredevil cover. Seeing so many cheaters is downright ridiculous at this point.

    This is a very serious issue for your game, d3. Step it up.

    Um... Every battle provides a lvl 15 Daredevil. It doesn't lock you out if you don't have your own. I have a lvl 18 DD but I usually use the lvl 15. Running an 85 OBW and Wolverine team, I've managed to get to #4 by joining late. I think now you're just looking for stuff to complain about.
  • jojeda654 wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    4 out of the top 10 in the blind justice event don't even have the required daredevil cover. Seeing so many cheaters is downright ridiculous at this point.

    This is a very serious issue for your game, d3. Step it up.

    Um... Every battle provides a lvl 15 Daredevil. It doesn't lock you out if you don't have your own. I have a lvl 18 DD but I usually use the lvl 15. Running an 85 OBW and Wolverine team, I've managed to get to #4 by joining late. I think now you're just looking for stuff to complain about.

    You are correct and I was wrong. Someone else had point that out to me yesterday. Been sick over the last 4 days and wasn't thinking straight. Still, I'm seeing people in the top 10s of PvE events who don't have required covers.
  • Still, I'm seeing people in the top 10s of PvE events who don't have required covers.
    I think that's doable in the Simulator, if you grind heavily on all the other missions. I didn't have a Classic Magneto cover, but only just missed the top 10 in Simulator Easy Mode Round 2. Low-level players will also have the advantage that the enemies on the missions that are available to them won't scale up so far.
This discussion has been closed.