Reporting Cheaters




    I'm lazy to write a report for each on of them. As I checked everyone cheated except me and Sumilea.

    Don't know how to shorten the link on mobile.
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    edited January 2014
    Rijen -- at the top of the Thick as Thieves...apparently his team of 1 and 2 star heroes, best being modern storm(50) Ironman mk 35 (35) and the rest below 20 -- are enough to get alllll those points and bring down monster lvl 230 teams... icon_e_confused.gif
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    "Rijen" at the top of the Thick as Thieves...apparently his team of 1 and 2 star heroes are enough to get alllll those points and bring down monster lvl 230 teams... icon_e_confused.gif
    and chavopallin
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
  • HustyReaps
    Nindo. #1 in my bracket. Highest hero LV50 IM35. All other heroes below LV40. Other notables...OBW LV14 and Patch LV15!

    Krys500. #2 in my bracket. Highest hero LV48 IM35. All other heroes below LV40. They don't even own an OBW or Patch!

    Smells fishy to me...even with mega-rubberbanding, boosts, or while riding a unicorn.
  • bongo king wrote:
    It would be nice if you implamented a button in game to report cheaters/hackers making it easier for cheaters to be caught, obviously this shouldn't be abused to report fair players and players who consistantly give false accusations should be suspended. This would help to quickly weed out cheaters quickly.

    It would be nice if they implanted a button where you could vaporize the cheater icon_lol.gif
  • OMG!

    Player: ondaenergetica

  • JACOBPC wrote:

    Player: ondaenergetica


    How the heck is he doing that I do really well in PVP but cannot even play the latest Magia Mission. What the heck am I doing wrong lol?

    If this guy is cheating it wouldn't be the smartest cheat as it stands out too much
  • OMG x2!

    Player: gcohen81


    This is Impossible!
  • AdamMagus
    AdamMagus Posts: 363 Mover and Shaker
    HustyReaps wrote:
    Nindo. #1 in my bracket. Highest hero LV50 IM35. All other heroes below LV40. Other notables...OBW LV14 and Patch LV15!

    Krys500. #2 in my bracket. Highest hero LV48 IM35. All other heroes below LV40. They don't even own an OBW or Patch!

    Smells fishy to me...even with mega-rubberbanding, boosts, or while riding a unicorn.

    Am in the same bracket as you and I agree, I don't see how they can gather that many points with those rosters, even with rubberbanding and tanking nonstop
  • I'm not sure how the Thick as Thieves stuff is working out but half of the top 10 in my bracket barely have 1-2 lvl 50 covers.
    Unless there's something I'm missing, I don't get how they could generate this many points while fighting the 230 teams.
  • Current #1 rank in thick as thieves has max cover patch wolvie already? Wasnt patch wolvie just introduced? Doesnt seem fishy at all........
  • And yes, top 10 in thick as thieves with low level characters does seem like something is not right at all.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lazy to fill out form.

    Ironguy420, current OSCORP Heroic, 4208 points

    (edit: took the time to report it, please remove him from the top of the bracket, obvious cheat is obvious)
  • Mrazy
    Mrazy Posts: 46
    The link keeps asking for IOS and watever, would it be posible to add a Steam option for PC users, i had to *lie* on OS, device options to be able to send a report.
  • AdamMagus
    AdamMagus Posts: 363 Mover and Shaker
    Either this guy has spent a ton of money or he is cheating. Either way am jealous icon_eek.gif

  • AdamMagus wrote:
    Either this guy has spent a ton of money or he is cheating. Either way am jealous icon_eek.gif


    damn...that's a lot of moneyif he's not cheating [yeah,right]
    [max all 3s hero is fantastic need thousand dollar. but 4s too???]
    dev won't admit that lot of people have been cheating, this will encourage others to cheat too. why the hell u spend hundreds of dollars just to stay competitive, if u can hack ur way . if u google :marvel puzzle quest cheat
    that's app for cheat everywhere. good luck dev. if u don't prevent this. no one want to spend a dime
  • We should just let the cheaters do their thing until all of us just get sick and leave. Then only cheaters will remain who get everything for free.
  • AdamMagus wrote:
    Either this guy has spent a ton of money or he is cheating. Either way am jealous icon_eek.gif


    damn...that's a lot of moneyif he's not cheating [yeah,right]
    [max all 3s hero is fantastic need thousand dollar. but 4s too???]
    dev won't admit that lot of people have been cheating, this will encourage others to cheat too. why the hell u spend hundreds of dollars just to stay competitive, if u can hack ur way . if u google :marvel puzzle quest cheat
    that's app for cheat everywhere. good luck dev. if u don't prevent this. no one want to spend a dime

    Yup there is hack on the web where you can practically get unlimited coins and ISO 8 and all the heroes and covers needed to max them out the way you want them. Not to mention it has "anti-ban" system. Hell, even YouTube has a tutorial on how to do...

    With knowing all this that dude probably cheated... And least 369 others.
  • Is cheating really that prevalent? When I look at the top players in my bracket, almost all of them have rosters that are plainly inconpatible with the points they managed to gain.
    Are you sure, devs I mean, that the roster viewing feature is working properly? And if it is, is it really so hard to see that some people could not possibly not be cheating?
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