Reporting Cheaters



  • I think there may be a cheater in my current main bracket for the black panther event, a person named getsomenuts. This person has jumped between 20 and 30k at least and I suspect more in a 24 hour span, while others are also gaining points. This person would either have to be an extreme grinder with some sort of insane rubberbanding effect or something fishy is going on.
  • shuusin
    shuusin Posts: 27
    misfit1182 in the Fresh Cut Tournament, 3/2/2014 around 9:20 PM EST. I watched him climb to 889 points in around 2 minutes by spamming refresh.
  • Currently the top in predator ID Catalyst is leading by 500points. This possible?
  • Dranwin
    Dranwin Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I am currently looking at PVP Name1985

    who has a maxxed.....everything. Maxxed 4 stars. All maxxed 3 stars. All maxxed 2 stars. and mostly maxxed 1 stars.

    Either he spent a few thousand dollars...or its bogus. Has anyone seen this player before?
  • in juggernaut event a guy with only a couple lvl 40 1* characters is in first place which shouldn't be possible since the nodes have lvl 100-155s daken/magneto etc.
    his name is snowfly31
    i might be completely wrong to submit him because i dont know how you match people in this event.
    but im going for 1st place myself and find it weird that someone with such a weak roster is above me right now.
  • in juggernaut event a guy with only a couple lvl 40 1* characters is in first place which shouldn't be possible since the nodes have lvl 100-155s daken/magneto etc.
    The way scaling works, lower-level players see lower-level enemies. That doesn't necessarily indicate cheating.
  • Dayraven wrote:
    The way scaling works, lower-level players see lower-level enemies. That doesn't necessarily indicate cheating.

    ah that sucks, so people who only been playing a few days have better chance at rank 1 then people who have alot of high lvl characters.
    because daken/mag scale alot worse on higher lvl.
  • Theres a player named Byrthnoth, he has a couple lv 30 and he is number one in the Simulator tornement...
  • Fratello wrote:
    Theres a player named Byrthnoth, he has a couple lv 30 and he is number one in the Simulator tornement...

    so? where is the problem?
  • The problem is ... This guy got 6k points above me after i rip ed all the nodes again and again. And im in the top 3 in general ranking
    Previously the gap was believable. 1000ish. Believable, of course, if u can believe such a bad deck can beat all the higher nodes. Even if u keep scaling & rubber in perspective.
    Today his score sky rocked & no one can follow him.
  • I think i have a cheater on nr1 in my Fearless Defenders ranking.
    Both all the 3 & 4 stars on Max level and full covers. Also a lot of double characters.

    Name is: Slobofix
  • So who will get the rewards he normally would receivei if he is a cheater?.
  • I would like to report a cheater a came across in thw Hollowpoint event.

    His in game is kaosvagabunbus and this is his entire roster:
    IM35 21 3/3/1
    mnThor 8 1/0/1
    cStorm 7 1/0/1
    Ares 6 1/0/0
    Moonstone 6 0/1/0 and
    Bagman 6 0/1/0

    At the time he sarted beating my team he had 835pts in pvp, and he was using his Thor, Storm and basic Widow against my 85lvl aWolv, 65lvl Spiderman and 60lvl(buffed) BW. He got 6-7 wins and I know there is possibly no way he could have done that without cheating.
    PLease look it through.
    Thank you!
  • Valek wrote:
    I think i have a cheater on nr1 in my Fearless Defenders ranking.
    Both all the 3 & 4 stars on Max level and full covers. Also a lot of double characters.

    Name is: Slobofix

    Got Slobofix dominating my Hotshot bracket. He added a nice lvl 141 Human torch to his roster. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Spider-man 6234
    Spider-man 6234 Posts: 409
    edited April 2014
    Unfortunately I feel I need to report a possible cheater who was just added to my alliance. Name jay2zee. He has almost every single cover but has used barely any iso-8 to lvl only 3 or 4 characters up. Now I haven't talked to him but if he did it legitimately then fine. All I'm saying is it looks suspicious to me.

    Edit: he has since left my alliance so you won't be able to find him there.
  • Microtom wrote:
    Valek wrote:
    I think i have a cheater on nr1 in my Fearless Defenders ranking.
    Both all the 3 & 4 stars on Max level and full covers. Also a lot of double characters.

    Name is: Slobofix

    Got Slobofix dominating my Hotshot bracket. He added a nice lvl 141 Human torch to his roster. icon_rolleyes.gif

    So i guess he i still active and they did nothing about my message?! icon_e_confused.gif
    Why even bother then devs????
  • It's always better to contact CS directly by using the envelope on the opening screen.

    I used it this way to report cheaters and it was pretty fast.
  • Valek wrote:
    Microtom wrote:
    Valek wrote:
    I think i have a cheater on nr1 in my Fearless Defenders ranking.
    Both all the 3 & 4 stars on Max level and full covers. Also a lot of double characters.

    Name is: Slobofix

    Got Slobofix dominating my Hotshot bracket. He added a nice lvl 141 Human torch to his roster. icon_rolleyes.gif

    So i guess he i still active and they did nothing about my message?! icon_e_confused.gif
    Why even bother then devs????

    He might not be a cheater. It's suspicious but we can't know.
  • What are we supposed to do if mistakenly sandboxed? My buddy on here got sandboxed right at the end of the Hollowpoint Kiss pvp (which seemed to cause alot of different problems for different people to begin with), despite absolutely not being a cheater, and after his first email he was told "it wasn't a mistake" and all of his subsequent emails have been ignored so far.
  • theapropos wrote:
    Currently the top in predator ID Catalyst is leading by 500points. This possible?

    I assume you mean this one?


    entirely possible ^^ only 2 people attacked me, and both were successful defense.

    it's what happens when you combine a buffed 2/2/5 panther (when most have 2/2/2) with a grinder that wants MOAR PANTHER! i purchased a few black with HP. also have been playing since last november.

    you'll do better spotting cheaters by looking at rosters than by points. if i had 1800 pts then call me out icon_razz.gif
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