Reporting Cheaters



  • I fail to believe slobofix is legit. I know multiple people have reported him already but I just did too. Maybe the devs were just busy with pax. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Microtom wrote:
    Valek wrote:
    I think i have a cheater on nr1 in my Fearless Defenders ranking.
    Both all the 3 & 4 stars on Max level and full covers. Also a lot of double characters.

    Name is: Slobofix

    Got Slobofix dominating my Hotshot bracket. He added a nice lvl 141 Human torch to his roster. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Slobofix is in my subracket of hunt, but now he has only a lvl 75 human torch, 5/3/5. You cant level characters down, so how is that possible... Or he sold the 141 to have a smaller one... And no doubles this time. Hmm, suspicious.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    A level 20ish roster beat my defense team. Seems like a cheater to me.
    There were more than 1 of these type of teams that took me down.


    His roster:

    The team he used:

    My team:
  • Guys, report both him and Slobofix (explain the HT stuff!) via the in-game email to CS. Best and fastest way.
  • Neuromancer
    Neuromancer Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    I think it would be helpful if you displayed "Days Played" totals in a player's roster.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    Guys, report both him and Slobofix (explain the HT stuff!) via the in-game email to CS. Best and fastest way.

    Slobofix has max IW and Xforce! Plus a ton of 141, super cheater. And hiding in plainsight at 1 of shield training.
  • Also reporting Slobofix. Just hit me in Top Gun PVP with 230 IW and 230 X-Force Wolvie.
  • Unknown
    Seriously people, either Slobofix has a massive amount of free time and/or money on his hands, or he is a huge cheater. Both a level 230 IW and x-force Wolverine?? I am ok with the fact he has multiple max level 3 Star/rares, because I see other users as such.
    Multiple people have reported him, and I did the same today in good faith as we are asked to do when we see supposed cheating. If he is not a cheater and in fact he is a legitimate user, please someone from the dev team post on here letting us know so that we don't think our requests are going unanswered.
    Thank you
  • Unknown
    I've never reported anyone before but I must admit I'm slightly dubious about MissConstruct2, who is currently 8th in the SHIELD Season Simulator.

    While having every character max covered is fine, it's the levels that strike me as suspicious.
    Basically, all the useful 3 stars are max leveled, but none of the 1 star and 2 star characters have been leveled at all.
    This strikes me as odd, meaning that this player has spent a ton of money and not played any of the Prologue at all.

    So by deduction I'm left to believe that this player basically started an account and just began spending money until they got every single cover, then only leveled a bunch of 3 stars and started competing at the top end, having never played any of the 1 and 2 star characters or Prologue.
    What makes me even more suspicious is that this player is the only commander of a 20 player public alliance, meaning they also bought and opened all the slots of the Top 20s alliance.

    Might be legit but it would certainly be strange if it was.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've never reported anyone before but I must admit I'm slightly dubious about MissConstruct2, who is currently 8th in the SHIELD Season Simulator.

    While having every character max covered is fine, it's the levels that strike me as suspicious.
    Basically, all the useful 3 stars are max leveled, but none of the 1 star and 2 star characters have been leveled at all.
    This strikes me as odd, meaning that this player has spent a ton of money and not played any of the Prologue at all.

    So by deduction I'm left to believe that this player basically started an account and just began spending money until they got every single cover, then only leveled a bunch of 3 stars and started competing at the top end, having never played any of the 1 and 2 star characters or Prologue.
    What makes me even more suspicious is that this player is the only commander of a 20 player public alliance, meaning they also bought and opened all the slots of the Top 20s alliance.

    Might be legit but it would certainly be strange if it was.
    Or they could have just sold off their leveled 1* and 2* characters as they went to buff their 3* characters and then replaced said 1* characters but never bothered to level them. Why would you unless you needed them?
  • Unknown
    Or they could have just sold off their leveled 1* and 2* characters as they went to buff their 3* characters and then replaced said 1* characters but never bothered to level them. Why would you unless you needed them?
    This is a possibility but it doesn't seem logical to have sold off every single 2 star during this process.
    Surely, keeping a few would be useful for certain PVE instances.
    Also, if this person had enough HP to open every slot for their alliance, I would highly doubt them wanting for ISO.

    But you're right, it's possible. Improbable, but possible.
  • Unknown
    What about players that have been falsely accused and banned? Kravren in my alliance just started playing has spent money on the game and was removed. Probably reported by someone and the Admins removed him. He has emailed for weeks now with no response. He has lost out on many weeks of alliance prizes. From what I'm guessing it was easier to flag him as a cheater the actually prove that he wasn't. Personally until someone from this get contacts him and apologizes I will not spend another dime on this game.
  • RikTa
    RikTa Posts: 2 Just Dropped In

    can you please verify the account of "king0569", he making me very curious because the maximum level of his cards are 42 for Storm 1 star, and 37 for Black Widow 1 star.
    And this person can be 5th or 6th on last "Thunderbolts Mountain" event where first group to fought with over level 100 heroes.
    How can he do that ? It feels like it is not normal.

  • Unknown
    Valek wrote:
    I think i have a cheater on nr1 in my Fearless Defenders ranking.
    Both all the 3 & 4 stars on Max level and full covers. Also a lot of double characters.

    Name is: Slobofix

    Slobofix is a maniac (compliment by the way).

    SHE has severe OCD, worse than mine. She may be a lot of things, good and bad (open to interpretation), but far from being a cheater...


    She has since been sandboxed. Let me tell you the story of MPQ in case some you were not around.

    1- When alliances first came out, TOP (1st place alliances) in events were receiving HUGE rewards. 500 - 1500 HP and massive amounts of ISO. Sometimes, they were receiving multiple covers as well.
    2- There was a "glitch" at one point that caused all tokens to mutate into Heroics. Guaranteed 250 ISO minimum (for a 2*)
    3- Before a switch in the game system, a 2* or better could be sold for both ISO and Hero Points.

    Alliances like S.H.I.E.L.D who were the original dominators, and by a far, were reaping rewards like noone's business. Those "original" players, have since developped massive rosters.

    Have you guys looked at Nekek's roster? What about Bee? Reckless?

    Those are all names you should know, and they have been here since the beginning (on steam or Android - varying start times). So to call them cheaters is a little absurd. And some of them spent LOTs of money on this game as well. I ma not saying, others are not cheating. A new player that omes in with a decked roster or a terrible roster flying through everyone, that is suspicious.

    I would like to now point out that I have no relations to any of the players mentionne herein. They are not in my alliance, friends or even personal acquaintances. I know them, because I admire their rosters. I am envious of the "Original Alliances" and the way they reaped rewards. But, to punish someone, because you think they are cheating is completely unfair and they have no way to defend themselves.

    Worse off, because some of them play on Steam (where the worst hacks are known to come from), they are automatically treated as being guilty, sandboxxed or banned.

    Just my 2 cents...

    I am not proclaiming HER innocence. But in MPQ you are guilty and that's that.

    We had an alliance member, good chap, sandboxxed and banned, and he was not a cheater (at least that's what we want to believe). Tried to protest and nothing...
  • Unknown
    I wonder how may ppl will have to report Watercat before something is done about him/her. Weak as hell roster, keeps getting wins against much stronger teams without ever losing (must be cascade proof) and gains points at a literally impossible rate. Best bit is when he gains hundreds of points in 10 minutes whilst well over 700 and therefore being visible to everyone who's fielding their much stronger teams yet still keeps gaining at an insane rate. The very BEST team he can put out is all sub 100, people would be tearing that roster apart in attacks were he playing remotely legit.

    Last time he was in my bracket I saw him doing about 300 points in 11 minutes from a score of just over 900. Someone posted, in a now locked thread, that he did 500 points up to over 1300 in 15 minutes. Remember someone saying in sentry event that their team of 141 sentry (buffed 212) and 2x141 getting hit 3 times in 5 minutes by his garbage roster. Wonder how impossible his actions need to be to get someone at D3 to do something about it.... icon_evil.gif
  • Unknown
    Seriously, how does D3p catch cheaters? There is so many hacks around and I hope D3p looks into them. And they patch their game to prevent this from happening. Protecting their servers like Steam does. Most of us spend $ on this game and I would to find out if D3p is doing anything to protect legitimate players from hackers. icon_question.gificon_question.gif

    Can a developer please give us some assurance? Thanks.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Tonzil wrote:
    Slobofix is a maniac (compliment by the way).

    SHE has severe OCD, worse than mine. She may be a lot of things, good and bad (open to interpretation), but far from being a cheater...


    She has since been sandboxed.
    I'm sorry, aren't you confusing someone else with Slobofix? I don't remeber them being sandboxed, ever - they were always visible recently.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    bonfire01 wrote:
    I wonder how may ppl will have to report Watercat before something is done about him/her. Weak as hell roster, keeps getting wins against much stronger teams without ever losing (must be cascade proof) and gains points at a literally impossible rate. Best bit is when he gains hundreds of points in 10 minutes whilst well over 700 and therefore being visible to everyone who's fielding their much stronger teams yet still keeps gaining at an insane rate. The very BEST team he can put out is all sub 100, people would be tearing that roster apart in attacks were he playing remotely legit.

    Last time he was in my bracket I saw him doing about 300 points in 11 minutes from a score of just over 900. Someone posted, in a now locked thread, that he did 500 points up to over 1300 in 15 minutes. Remember someone saying in sentry event that their team of 141 sentry (buffed 212) and 2x141 getting hit 3 times in 5 minutes by his garbage roster. Wonder how impossible his actions need to be to get someone at D3 to do something about it.... icon_evil.gif
    Just had a discussion about this one today. He's got over 1k points and his best character is lvl 93 CMags. Other two are lvl 85 MHawk and (buffed to) lvl 77 BP.
  • Unknown
    I have the joy of being in Watercat's bracket again, still blatantly cheating, still not been sandboxed..... please hurry the hell up and deal with it....
  • Unknown
    It is clear that D3 has no interest in stopping hackers. There have been multiple cries for improvements in this area and it never seems to get any better. Something needs to be done about the players who are hacking profiles in the game. I know a guy at work who is constantly hacking his account to give him unlimited gold. I feel like it has reached a point where I cant even play a VS tourney without finding pages of impossibly maxed out characters scoring imposible point spreads.
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