Reporting Cheaters



  • Victor Cre3d
    In my unstable iso-8 bracket the 2 place person "Imanj" doesn't have one maxed 3* or even 2*, is it possible to be this high ranking without any characters? Hope we can get him out if he is cheating before event ends. Thanks.
  • Unknown

    He's running players he doesn't even have in roster at levels that are forbidden. Please fix.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    In my unstable iso-8 bracket the 2 place person "Imanj" doesn't have one maxed 3* or even 2*, is it possible to be this high ranking without any characters? Hope we can get him out if he is cheating before event ends. Thanks.
    They probably have much lower scaling than you, and if they have at least one cover of the required character in an event, they can breeze through every node thanks to the 90 lvl buff. Anyway maxed characters matter most in PvP, not in PvE where the opposition never retaliates. What about the post-event scores? Did that person stay in top 10? Newer players usually have an easier time throughout the event (if they have the featured), but they don't know the system as well as older players and can't gain points in an optimal way, often falling out from top 10 in the last hours.

    He's running players he doesn't even have in roster at levels that are forbidden. Please fix.
    It's been fixed unless you still see that person in your Predator and Prey nodes.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    locked wrote:

    He's running players he doesn't even have in roster at levels that are forbidden. Please fix.
    It's been fixed unless you still see that person in your Predator and Prey nodes.
    One of my alliance mates reported seeing him pop up earlier today.

    Edit: Looks like that was in SHIELD Training not Predator & Prey so he could have just been queued a while ago.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    I played against a player in a pvp event, Predator and Prey in the last 24 hours or so with the nickname Benedictooi.
    He had an Ironman Model 40 that was level 165 but his roster had it at level 40.
    His Black Widow showed at level 15, but was level 20 on his roster. It makes me wonder if the exploit changes one characters level down to raise another chracters level dramatically.

    His team beat my team while I was away, and I beat him in a rematch.
    The fact that he was able to beat my team, while playing and the fact he had over 350 points in the event with his roster tells me he knew he was cheating/ exploiting.


    This was an in battle shot.


    This is his roster shot.


    This is the view of what I was facing in "Predator and Prey"
  • Haxis
    Haxis Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    How is something like this even possible? I would think the app coding would be more solid =/
  • stevenbrule
    stevenbrule Posts: 62 Match Maker
    Found a cheater: cbas22 is playing with a level 165 Spider-Man, despite only having covers of two different colors. This should be impossible, no? Weirdly, their Spider-Man is accompanied by a level 19 Hawkeye (original) and 60 Sentry.
  • Unknown
    Roadrunner2124 Single cover doom and cmags at lvl 140, 165 respectively.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are people still using insta-kill hacks? I just had someone take out my maxed, buffed 3's twice in under a minute, using a loaner Patch, lv 17 CStorm, and lv23 Torch
  • Is this really supposed to be a place where people report the thousands of cheaters in every pvp event one by one? Laughable.
  • ok..
    how about the cheating the game does anyway...
    like when i have a shield up but still lose points by the hundreds..
    or just simply by rearranging ppl so they suck and we need to spend money on lives cause all healing is non perminate now...
    how bout how the groups are set...

    right now im 5k in season 5 and im leading my alliance...
    two other ppl who started same day as me playing this game at my house on each 3 phones...
    same alliance were all in but im #200 something and they both 50+...
    my top ten leaders are at 13k while theres is 4k...
    i want to switch my group and if that cant be done then everyone should be rearranged into equal groups depending on daily supply count....

    why 3 wolverines and two daken?
    why 3 widows?:
    not one mr fantastic or are singel rouge or jubalie...
    no lets do 20 damn storms instead....
    this will 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% get over looked and nothing will get done....
    i know this just like i know how emailing the "support team" is useless and fruitless....
    you have done stuff to this game that can be very well concidered false advertisement...
    i spent money to lift ppl like obw...
    you destroyed her abily of health so ppl would need lives more....
    you can say what ever reason you want...
    still means nothing...when presented with a item and then pay for it you exspect that exact product...
    leave the ppl alone...
    you got no reason to change anyone...
    they to hard????make harder!!!!!!!!!!!!better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • over_clocked
    This player hit me twice and Beee of S.H.I.E.L.D during a GSBW Lightning Round yesterday. Me and Beee both have maxed LR characters, such as GSBW, Punisher, Hulk, Patch, etc. No way this roster could beat mine or Beee's legitimately.

  • Player name: Schmatt
    Alliance: GrtLkeAvengers

    Somehow he is now #1 on the leaderboards for Juggernaut Heroic.
    Best heroes are:
    IM35 5/5/3
    3* Thor 2 Green
    2* Wolverine 4/3/3
    oBW 5/3/3

    He/She hasn't been anywhere close to the top 100 the whole time but now this player is number 2 with this roster. I understand early on that they can get high in the beginning but with scaling should hit a brick wall way before now. This is just blatant cheating.
  • over_clocked
    What if their scaling is much lower than yours? And we already have a separate thread for reporting cheaters, no need to open new ones.
  • They may be facing very low-level enemies. There are always a handful of newbs at the top of the PVE charts who seem to avoid scaling.
  • I cannot post screenshots of this guy but if you check him out he is an obvious cheater.

    Name: chaosvoli
    Alliance: Lords Army

    LThor 1/2/3 lvl 78
    Hawkeye** 4/0/5 lvl 70
    Hawkeye* 5/5 lvl 40
    OBW 2/3/2 lvl 40
    IM40 1/0/0 lvl 40

    These are his heighest lvl characters and he has a COLOSSUS 1/2/0 at level 53!!!

    How on earth can he have 3 covers of Colossus with this roster?
    It is obvious that he has been cheating. Unless I am missing something.

    Oh and I forgot to mention... He is first on my PVE bracket with 22k+ points!!! HOW??

    EDIT: Added alliance to the info.
  • He has multiple people who were boosted for the PVE that introduced Colossus and was likely facing extremely low-level enemies. That also means he has an advantage in the current PVE, since he has colossus and is probably still facing very low-level enemies.

    Every single PVE, there is going to be a newbie who wins (or at least does very well in) a bracket. It's a direct result of scaling.
  • I am just wondering how he got the 2 red colossus covers? Unless he is in a top 100 alliance, but that is not the case because people don't just keep such rosters in their alliances. The yellow Colossus is from the PVE, but the 2 red? Did he place in top 150 in previous PVE along with his alliance in top 100? It is very rare for that to happen!
  • Okin107 wrote:
    I am just wondering how he got the 2 red colossus covers? Unless he is in a top 100 alliance, but that is not the case because people don't just keep such rosters in their alliances. The yellow Colossus is from the PVE, but the 2 red? Did he place in top 150 in previous PVE along with his alliance in top 100? It is very rare for that to happen!

    The second could have come from the event token for the Current PVE? He lucked into a top 100 alliance? There are a few ways he could legitimately have it.
  • over_clocked
    Okin107 wrote:
    I am just wondering how he got the 2 red colossus covers? Unless he is in a top 100 alliance, but that is not the case because people don't just keep such rosters in their alliances. The yellow Colossus is from the PVE, but the 2 red? Did he place in top 150 in previous PVE along with his alliance in top 100? It is very rare for that to happen!
    uh... token pulls? And no, I don't think it is impossible.
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