Coming Soon: Character Updates!



  • The 3*s that are too close to the 4*s in power incidentally are all the guys who are not getting any HP increase. I don't know if that's sufficient, but it'll definitely matter.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    Just in case the dev's only read and respond to this one thread on Monday:
    Phumade wrote:
    I actually like Kamala Khan and thought that she was a lot of fun to play. However, I never thought I would use her because of the green color conflict. These changes really alter game dynamics and allow for some fun new synergies.

    I feel really bad for the people that don't know how to adapt and adjust their strategies to fit the new dynamics.

    I remember when lots of people thought Gypsy Danger was a blatant out and out cheater because he could score at will blah blah blah. Now everyone shield hops and uses out of game coordination. I for one would say that Gypsy and his team mates were just smarter than everyone else and recognized a legitimate strategy that no one else including developers for saw.

    It makes me sad to see how narrow minded the forum players are and not recognize that this is a great opportunity to change up the dynamics of the game and improve their personal and alliance rankings.

    I for one will focus my energies on helping my team mates grow and adjust to the new dynamics. I'm sure that just like in the last nerf, alliances rankings will shuffle some alliances will merge and fold and we will slide up another tier in the season standings.

    It's less about adapting strategy, which we will do eventually, even if those who just go with the meta wind up copying those who lead the charge, and more about the integrity of a character.

    Here is how I feel right now: Them, "Hey you know this character that's really hard to get but not very good, we made him awesome now!" Us, "Shut up and take my money!" Them, "Yea, and we are going to relase more awesome characters too, here's Nick Fury and Thor!" Us, "Cool! Shut up and take more money!" Them, "And here's Elektra, Star Lord, and Professor X" Us, "Meh... not as good as XF, plus we have XF/Thor already" Them, "Oh we see you like XF and Thor, well we can't have you playing the same characters all the time so we are gutting them" Us, "... ****?"

    And that is completely a problem of gut punching your customers with popular character nerfs rather than balance shifting buffs. There are more ways to affect strategy than "kill the top guy".

    But seriously, how else would you solve the problem of every single green ability created since X-Force's buff being dismissed for being inferior? (and the character in question being sent directly to the bench) Giving them green abilities even more OP than X-Force? The only way to fix that was nerfing it, and they went in with all to make sure to discourage players to make it the one get go green ability.
  • You know, I think the next nerf is soon to come for all of the veterans' rosters. I suspect that d3 will increase shielding costs by 500%, all of Your 3*/4* characters will be reduced to one hit point and they will start healing your oppnents' teams. However all newbies teams will be able to decimate yours. Just remember, they took your money and did this to you, now they want to benefit the newbies so that they can take their's instead. Out with the old (us), in with the newbies. Way to treat loyal customers like garbage! You will NEVER see another penny from me.
  • Corwin400 wrote:
    You know, I think the next nerf is soon to come for all of the veterans' rosters. I suspect that d3 will increase shielding costs by 500%, all of Your 3*/4* characters will be reduced to one hit point and they will start healing your oppnents' teams. However all newbies teams will be able to decimate yours. Just remember, they took your money and did this to you, now they want to benefit the newbies so that they can take their's instead. Out with the old (us), in with the newbies. Way to treat loyal customers like garbage! You will NEVER see another penny from me.

    You know instead of doing that, they can just put scaling on PvP and then you'd find Kicksthatkick consist of 3 level 395 guys. Wouldn't even need new code to do that.
  • Other people have said it, I'll say it, it'll remain true, other people will say it, no one in charge will listen...

    4* characters should be better than 3* characters. After these changes, the only ones you'll be able to seriously make a case for are Fury and Chuck. That's 2 out of 9. Amazing.

    Also--correct me if I'm wrong--IW no longer collects AP on green. Collecting AP might really upset the developers, but it's fun. I wish they didn't hate fun so much.
  • Moon 17 wrote:
    Other people have said it, I'll say it, it'll remain true, other people will say it, no one in charge will listen...

    4* characters should be better than 3* characters. After these changes, the only ones you'll be able to seriously make a case for are Fury and Chuck. That's 2 out of 9. Amazing.

    Also--correct me if I'm wrong--IW no longer collects AP on green. Collecting AP might really upset the developers, but it's fun. I wish they didn't hate fun so much.

    The 4*s are in a much better position for anyone not named X Force versus 3* after this patch. The 3*s that encroach on the 4* level power would likely be Thor (3*), Iron Fist, The Hood, Loki, Patch, and Daken (the latter two mostly due to their insane durability for climbing, not necessarily because they're that overpowered). All 4*s not named X Force is getting a significant health increase and a sizeable damage increase in some cases, while none of those 6 characters are getting anything. Yes a lot of other 3*s are getting a big boost in health but it's not like you were seriously having to decide between Psylocke or Star-Lord. The most powerful 3* that still have a health boost might be Black Panther, but even he is sort of nerfed by the health change as now it is actually quite possible for a team to survive ROTP which allows them to counter attack from ROTP's negative effect. Prior to this, most teams simply didn't have enough HP to survive ROTP by the time it hits so the -5 AP penalty, while significant, usually turns out to be irrelevent. It is not clear to me if this is enough but it's not like the guys who believe 4* should be way better than 3* actually believed that held true for anyone that isn't named X Force. Everyone knows if you're not X Force you're not that much better, if at all, compared to a 3* currently. It's only going to be more in favor of 4*s after this patch by the virtue of their massive health increase while all the closest competitor 3*s got nothing.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Moon 17 wrote:
    Other people have said it, I'll say it, it'll remain true, other people will say it, no one in charge will listen...

    4* characters should be better than 3* characters. After these changes, the only ones you'll be able to seriously make a case for are Fury and Chuck. That's 2 out of 9. Amazing.

    Also--correct me if I'm wrong--IW no longer collects AP on green. Collecting AP might really upset the developers, but it's fun. I wish they didn't hate fun so much.

    The 4*s are in a much better position for anyone not named X Force versus 3* after this patch. The 3*s that encroach on the 4* level power would likely be Thor (3*), Iron Fist, The Hood, Loki, Patch, and Daken (the latter two mostly due to their insane durability for climbing, not necessarily because they're that overpowered). All 4*s not named X Force is getting a significant health increase and a sizeable damage increase in some cases, while none of those 6 characters are getting anything. Yes a lot of other 3*s are getting a big boost in health but it's not like you were seriously having to decide between Psylocke or Star-Lord. The most powerful 3* that still have a health boost might be Black Panther, but even he is sort of nerfed by the health change as now it is actually quite possible for a team to survive ROTP which allows them to counter attack from ROTP's negative effect. Prior to this, most teams simply didn't have enough HP to survive ROTP by the time it hits so the -5 AP penalty, while significant, usually turns out to be irrelevent. It is not clear to me if this is enough but it's not like the guys who believe 4* should be way better than 3* actually believed that held true for anyone that isn't named X Force. Everyone knows if you're not X Force you're not that much better, if at all, compared to a 3* currently. It's only going to be more in favor of 4*s after this patch by the virtue of their massive health increase while all the closest competitor 3*s got nothing.

    Your case might be why Moon 17 mentioned "no one will listen." Just because we think 4* should mean something doesn't mean the Dev's do.

    Also solid cases could be made for Thor, Fury, Prof X, Kingpin, and even Star Lord as being at least 3*+, if not 4* band material. XF just went from outside the band on the OP side to outside the band on the under powered side, aka 'Basically a 3* now'.
  • Lerysh wrote:

    Your case might be why Moon 17 mentioned "no one will listen." Just because we think 4* should mean something doesn't mean the Dev's do.

    Also solid cases could be made for Thor, Fury, Prof X, Kingpin, and even Star Lord as being at least 3*+, if not 4* band material. XF just went from outside the band on the OP side to outside the band on the under powered side, aka 'Basically a 3* now'.

    But the 4*s not named X Force are in a much better position than before, so how can you say they're not listening? Even if you think all 4*s should be as powerful as X Force, the only character that currently fits this description is X Force. Even if he was not nerfed, do people really think they'd just bring every 4* up to his power level? That's a rather um... optimistic view of the world. All 4*s minus X Force are now stronger relative to the 3*s after this patch, especially against the ones that are heavily used (who happen to be all the guys who got no HP increase). X Force is still plenty powerful but he got a double whammy due to having true heal (see lack of HP increase in Daken/Patch, who are nowhere near as powerful as X Force but received the same treatment). It's difficult to predict how the PvP meta will change since players seem to significantly overvalue HPs so only having 10K HP might invite more attacks compared to the standard 13K now found on most 4*s. He might be weaker due to perception but he'd still be good in PvE, as long as they remember to put in a strongest color indicator at some point.
  • konannfriends
    konannfriends Posts: 246 Tile Toppler
    so could care less about elektra or beast or doc oc....... but SHE HULK FTW. 6ap too deplete 2 ap colors thats the best buff since never!!!!!!!!!! i mean the ai can just auto pilot on defense... too bad i have nun of her covers... but i will be selling my xforce for either her or invisible woman. well i may keep xforce. he isnt bad now hes juust balanced.. my thing is does invisible womans green and xforces black generate ap? if not then they both lost a wow factor.. and they will hurt the hype for invisible woman.

    over all thought they did a great job ... but now the question is how will any one score in pvp since we cant xforce our way up the progress rewards?
  • Hello,I don't have a maxed xf,and I get the argument made about being angry at lost time and money into building the xf you wanted. I guess just looking at the changes from a purely unbiased point, it looks like he gained a roughly equal amount of damage with his max yellow as was lost from maxed green. In light of this, is the nerf to his green ability really so extreme?
  • konannfriends
    konannfriends Posts: 246 Tile Toppler
    MacCheese wrote:
    Hello,I don't have a maxed xf,and I get the argument made about being angry at lost time and money into building the xf you wanted. I guess just looking at the changes from a purely unbiased point, it looks like he gained a roughly equal amount of damage with his max yellow as was lost from maxed green. In light of this, is the nerf to his green ability really so extreme?

    anyone will agree xforce needed a nerf. he was sper scummy and the ai could beat your @ss with ease with him. i think the nerf to xforce was fine because 4k for 8ap, plus board destruction and cascades, that is just unacceptable. but now it can destroy that board and possible cascades but doesnt deal a crippling blow.

    but for surgical strike..... yeah it got a good damage buff but still taking away it ability to gain ap kinda sucks... in my opinion they could have reversed there nerfs. and left xforce as the damage desaler and completly nerfed the damage of surgical strike... either way i think nerfeing both powers was over kill. they should have done one and left in at that.

    i guess we can say atleast he didnt get into a fatal car accident like Sentry
  • ayatorahxephon
    ayatorahxephon Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Oh devs, while you are it please nerf Quicksilver, Kingpin, Kamala and Prof X cause they are really overpowered!! Oh wait, I've forgotten they are still new and need some data to proof what I've said and that you need to milk the whales 1st before nerfing and introducing even newer overpowered characters
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh devs, while you are it please nerf Quicksilver, Kingpin, Kamala and Prof X cause they are really overpowered!! Oh wait, I've forgotten they are still new and need some data to proof what I've said and that you need to milk the whales 1st before nerfing and introducing even newer overpowered characters

    They're way ahead of you, since both prof X and Quicksilver were nerfed right before release.
  • Oh devs, while you are it please nerf Quicksilver, Kingpin, Kamala and Prof X cause they are really overpowered!! Oh wait, I've forgotten they are still new and need some data to proof what I've said and that you need to milk the whales 1st before nerfing and introducing even newer overpowered characters

    It's the league of legends strategy - don't balance things until they're released
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    The Hood, Loki, Patch, and Daken (the latter two mostly due to their insane durability for climbing
    Why would anyone use the word "climbing" anymore?? There's no such thing!!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    The Hood, Loki, Patch, and Daken (the latter two mostly due to their insane durability for climbing
    Why would anyone use the word "climbing" anymore?? There's no such thing!!
    I now prefer the term slogging personally.
  • Wanted to point out something I noticed. In the mention of what health buffs characters are getting they refer to Cyclops as 'Cyclops 3*'. They only put '3*' when there's the same character also as a 2*. I suspect this means we're getting a 2* Cyclops at some point. Not that anyone really cares but hey ho!

    Also, Hulk's health isn't improving so he'll have roughly the same health as characters like Black Panther. He was once a bit of a tank but can't imagine anyone using him except when paired with Patch.
  • Wanted to point out something I noticed. In the mention of what health buffs characters are getting they refer to Cyclops as 'Cyclops 3*'. They only put '3*' when there's the same character also as a 2*. I suspect this means we're getting a 2* Cyclops at some point. Not that anyone really cares but hey ho!

    Also, Hulk's health isn't improving so he'll have roughly the same health as characters like Black Panther. He was once a bit of a tank but can't imagine anyone using him except when paired with Patch.
    go to the top secret thread we way ahead of u
  • Link me up!
  • Link me up!
    viewtopic.php?f=21&t=21727 D3 can't see this....I know how to divert their attention

    raisinbman wrote:
    Oh devs, while you are it please nerf Quicksilver, Kingpin, Kamala and Prof X cause they are really overpowered!! Oh wait, I've forgotten they are still new and need some data to proof what I've said and that you need to milk the whales 1st before nerfing and introducing even newer overpowered characters

    It's the league of legends strategy - don't balance things until they're released

    Haven't played LoL ... do they allow players to respec rebalanced toons, like Marvel Heroes does (hint, hint) ?

    Well I was more referring to the fact they release heroes without them being balanced(as opposed to putting them in a beta or something where players could test them) they end up OverPowered, and have to nerf them next patch. I haven't played LoL in a long time, but this happened for like 6-7 straight characters. The new character would ALWAYS be OP and it'd be fairly obvious once players started playing with them. They're too concerned with getting new characters instead of balancing them. Really similar to what D3 is doing.

    This is problematic. The solution is to Release characters through a beta system or(like D3 is doing) tell us how they work as "Unknown" so we can show why they're broken/perfect/balanced/etc.