What Marvel character are you hoping for? (post movesets)
Howard the Duck:
Criticize Yellow 5 AP: Steals 1 AP of every color from the opposing team.
Quack Red 8 AP: Deals 127 damage to the opposing player.0 -
MattPW96 wrote:
Moon Knight (Classic)
Fist of Konshu
(Passive) Multiple Personas
Golden Ankh
Fist of Konshu is really similar to Captain Marvel's Photonic Blasts. Maybe that's ok, but for 10 black you probably want a slightly less situational power. Especially since PB does a bit less damage but destroys all tiles for 3 fewer AP (and that power is generally acknowledged to be very weak). Against opponents that don't use defense tiles it's really bad. I think it needs a total redesign.
Multiple Personas is an interesting idea, and I think you've gotta get that personality trait in any Moon Knight build, but I'm not sure about this power. First, it does nothing good if your enemy has no strike tiles (but presumably would still make a bunch of enemy attack tiles--if it made strike tiles, at least it would combo with itself). And it's really unpredictable. I see that you were going for a MHawkeye-type lucky bonus passive, but this creates too much mechanics weirdness. Your alternate is even more situationally useless (only 4 characters now use trap tiles, 2 of those being 4*); I do like the idea of revealing traps though. How about this alternative:Multiple Personas (PASSIVE)
Moon Knight's shifting alter-egos give him the upper hand in battle, but keep him at risk of losing his true identity. When a chain of 3 or more matches are made, stuns the enemy team for 1 turn and Moon Knight loses 15% of his current health.
Level 2 - When triggered, also destroy one enemy Strike tile, dealing 100 damage per tile destroyed.
Level 3 - Also destroy one enemy Attack tile.
Level 4 - Also destroy one enemy Protect tile, and reveal one enemy Trap tile.
Level 5 - Deal 200 damage per tile destroyed, and reveal three enemy Trap tiles.
This power would likely be very strong. Cascading tile destruction and stunning your opponents for a turn might give you the chance to set up another 3-chain, which could lead to some uber destruction. That said I think it could work.
Golden Ankh isn't worded well, but could be really cool. Tiny Kitty would I love using that power against level 320 Ares in the current PvE. And it's pretty thematic as well since MK will often take a punch to return the favor. Maybe make it give a decent heal as well, to make up for the damage you have to take for it to be useful (as well as the Multiple Personas health drain)? A heal would also be something to increase over ranks 1-5 (along with AP cost)--If the CD timer increased you could have it "retaliate" every turn for a few turns, which would be pretty great too (and something fun to work around when MK is on the enemy team).
This power would be very, very satisfying to use. I like it a lot. It's one of the better specs I've read in a while and I think it would fit well in the game.0 -
MattPW96 wrote:
Moon Knight (Classic)
Golden Ankh 8AP
Drawing from the arsenal gifted to him by the Cult of Konshu, Moon Knight pulls out his Golden Ankh to detect an incoming attack and surprise the enemy. Creates a yellow countdown turn that deals half of the damage dealt by the enemy team in their last turn back at them.ErikPeter wrote:Golden Ankh isn't worded well, but could be really cool. Tiny Kitty would I love using that power against level 320 Ares in the current PvE. And it's pretty thematic as well since MK will often take a punch to return the favor. Maybe make it give a decent heal as well, to make up for the damage you have to take for it to be useful (as well as the Multiple Personas health drain)? A heal would also be something to increase over ranks 1-5 (along with AP cost)--If the CD timer increased you could have it "retaliate" every turn for a few turns, which would be pretty great too (and something fun to work around when MK is on the enemy team).
This power would be very, very satisfying to use. I like it a lot. It's one of the better specs I've read in a while and I think it would fit well in the game.
I kind of like the idea (and it would be easier to code/play with) if Golden Ankh absorbs damage only while the countdown tile is out. Then when the countdown resolves, it multiplies that absorbed damage by a factor. Perhaps include some damage reduction like Colossus and the partial heal at higher levels.0 -
Here's my Dormammu, He's mostly The Hood, with bits of LThor, the original CMags, OBW, Venom, and that one annoying goon that gets free countdowns.
Medium health
Red, 9 AP
Sprays fire at the enemies. Does team damage and turns 4 board tiles red.
2: 5 tiles and damage increase
3: 6 tiles and damage increase
4: 7 tiles and damage increase
5: 9 tiles and damage increase
Dormammu's Aide
Yellow, Passive
Calls in The Hood to shoot two team-up tiles when there are 11 or more on the board. (Gains AP)
2: 10 or more
3: 9 or more
4: 8 or more
5: If there are 7 or more team-up tiles on the board, shoot two and also steal up to two from the enemy team.
Dark Dimension
Purple, 8 AP
Active: Reduce up to one friendly countdown by 1 and increase up to one enemy countdown by 1.
Passive: At the start of the turn, if there are no Dark Dimension countdown tiles on the board, create one 16-turn countdown on a purple tile. When it goes off, the front enemy is pulled into the Dark Dimension, removing them from the battle.
2: 2 friendly tiles/2 enemy tiles, 14-turn
3: 3 friendly/3 enemy, 12-turn
4: 4 friendly/4 enemy, 10-turn. Active also turns one purple tile into a Charged tile.
5: All friendly/all enemy, 8-turn. Active also stuns front enemy for 1 turn.
(edited to make him a bit more powerful)0 -
Congratulations D3P, you have achieved what I once thought was impossible... I'm a devout marvel comic fan, avid gamer, and spent a lot of money on your game. I'm impressed that you successfully alienated me with your trend of ignoring fan requests for popular marvel characters in favor of more obscure character choices. You've exercised your right as developers of the game.
Now it's my turn to exercise my right as a paying customer to walk away...
I'm done with D3P and will be boycotting all of your games in the future.
MBG0 -
Probably the wrong place to put that, dude.0
virtue wrote:Congratulations D3P, you have achieved what I once thought was impossible... I'm a devout marvel comic fan, avid gamer, and spent a lot of money on your game. I'm impressed that you successfully alienated me with your trend of ignoring fan requests for popular marvel characters in favor of more obscure character choices. You've exercised your right as developers of the game.
Now it's my turn to exercise my right as a paying customer to walk away...
I'm done with D3P and will be boycotting all of your games in the future.
MBGErikPeter wrote:Probably the wrong place to put that, dude.
But it does give me a new idea for a character in the game!
Behold, my newest creation:
Paying CustomerYellow Passive:
Fanboy seems to have near limitless resources to spend on his hobbies and strives to collect everything he can. Each time Fanboy's team matches Yellow, he also gains 1 Red AP.
Level 2: Each time Fanboy's team matches Yellow, he also gains 1 Red & Purple AP.
Level 3: Each time Fanboy's team matches Yellow, he also gains 1 Red, Purple, & Blue AP.
Level 4: Each time Fanboy's team matches Yellow, he also gains 1 Red, Purple, Blue, & Black AP.
Level 5: Each time Fanboy's team matches Yellow, he also gains 1 AP for every other color including Team Up AP.
Rage QuitRed Passive:
At the start of a turn that Fanboy has more stored AP than is on the board for that color, Fanboy Rage Quits the game dealing damage to both teams as he leaves. During this time Fanboy is unaffected (much like when thrown by Colossus), but drains one AP of each color from his team's AP including Team Up AP at the end of each turn he has quit. At the start of any turn that Fanboy has quit, if conditions have changed to quell his rage, he will meekly return to battle draining 1 AP of each color from the opposing team.
Level 2: Fanboy only Rages over Green, Black, Blue, Red, & Yellow.
Level 3: Fanboy only Rages over Green, Black, Red, & Yellow.
Level 4: Fanboy only Rages over Green, Black, & Red.
Level 5: Fanboy only Rages over Red.
(Each level also increases his Rage damage to the opposing team, but still drains 1 AP for all colors while he is gone.)
Avid Gamer:Purple Passive:
Fanboy neglects what little social life he has for playing Marvel Puzzle Quest. Each time Fanboy's team matches 4 Purple tiles, Fanboy takes an extra turn.
Level 2: Fanboy takes an extra turn for Purple or Red match 4.
Level 3: Fanboy takes an extra turn for Purple, Red, or Yellow match 4.
Level 4: Fanboy takes an extra turn for Purple, Red, Yellow, or Blue match 4.
Level 5: Fanboy takes an extra turn for any match 4 including Team Ups.0 -
The President (Model 44)
Low health
Yellow, 6 AP
Create 3 yellow 4-turn CD tiles that do x damage when they go off.
2: more damage
3: 3-turn
4: more damage
5: 2-turn
Blue, 12 AP
Heals the party member with the least health to the level of the one with the most. (Not true-healing. Cannot revive.)
2: Heals all party members to the level of the one with the most.
3: Also converts all basic blue tiles into defense tiles.
4: Also converts all basic red tiles into attack tiles.
5: Also damages enemy team to the level of the one with the least health. If one is downed, they all are.
The Button
Red, 10 AP
The President has a briefcase that instances of your active powers (except The Button) can be placed inside, using their AP but never ending the turn.
Active: Cast all of the powers in the briefcase instantly. Ends the turn.
Passive: If The President is downed while his party has 10 red AP or more, all of the powers in the briefcase are cast.
2: Powers do 50% more damage.
3: Passive is cast if downed with 5 red AP or more.
4: Powers do 100% more damage.
5: Active does not end the turn, even if powers in the briefcase normally would.0 -
I think it will be interesting if there will be a move that able to stop enemy's passive power for a limited time. This moveset should be a active move given to character that can somehow stop people movement which at this moment I can think of is Professor X or Iceman.
Professor X
Mind Freeze
Create a countdown tile. While the countdown tile is on board, enemy can't use his/her passive power/move.
Create a countdown tile. While the countdown tile is on board, enemy can't use his/her passive power/move.
Characters thatr I hope for included:
Original X Men Team:
Professor X
Jean Grey
To complete Fantasic 4 Team:
Mr Fantastic
Ben Grimm ( The Thing)
To complete Original Avenger Team:
Antman (Hank Pym)
Venom (Eddie Brock)
Ghost Rider
Dr Strange
War Machine0 -
In honor of the newly revealed "3 Passives" Character
Jean Grey (Phoenix Force)
8,211 HP At Level 270Wrath of the Phoenix (Passive)
1 Cover : The Phoenix Force is uncontrollable - Jean rages against her attackers whenever a member of her team is damaged by a Black skill. This rage burns all those around her, damaging the enemy team for 850 and her allies for 210, then creates a Dark Phoenix 3 Turn Countdown Tile.
2 Cover : 1750 Damage ; 450 Ally Damage ; 2 3 Turn Countdown Tiles
3 Cover : Jean will also rage if a member of her team is damaged by a Red skill.
4 Cover : 2850 Damage ; 900 Ally Damage ; 4 4 Turn Countdown Tiles
5 Cover : Jean will rage if a member of her team is dealt over 1000 Damage, or if they are damaged by a Black Tile match. If a Dark Phoenix Countdown Tile expires, Jean's softer side returns, giving her allies a Burst of Health (650 per Tile).Telepathic Manipulation (Passive)
1 Cover : Jean attacks the one place most can't defend - she leaves traps within their psyche that bend to her will. When Jean's allies make a Blue match-4 or better, she places a trap on a random basic blue tile. If matched by the enemy, this tile steals 4 AP from the enemy's strongest color and gives it to Jean.
2 Cover : Also; if Jean's allies make a Red match-4 or better, she places a trap on a random basic red tile. If matched by the enemy, this tile deals 1200 damage to the target.
3 Cover : Also; if Jean's allies make a Black match-4 or better, she places a trap on a random basic Black tile. If matched by the enemy, this tile creates a Friendly strength 145 Strike Tile.
4 Cover : If the triggering match-4 bear Jean's mark and there is a Friendly Dark Phoenix Countdown tile on the board, all effects of the traps are doubled on enemy match.
5 Cover : If there is a Dark Phoenix Countdown tile on the board, the effects trigger on Match-3 or better ; If the triggering match bears Jean's mark and there is a Friendly Dark Phoenix Countdown tile on the board, you may choose where to place the trap(s).Psionic Matter Deconstruction (Passive)
1 Cover : If there is a friendly Dark Phoenix Countdown Tile on the board, Jean will take control of the Team's energy - She uses it better anyway. If you have at least 5 Red AP, Jean will destroy 1 Dark Phoenix Countdown Tile, reducing your Red Ap to 0 and dealing 845 Damage to the target for each AP consumed.
2 Cover : Jean also uses the Team's blue AP ; if you have at least 8 Blue AP, destroys a Dark Phoenix Countdown Tile, reduce Blue AP to 0 and stuns the Target for 2 turns.
3 Cover : Jean also uses the Team's Black AP ; if you have at least 16 Black AP, destroys a Dark Phoenix Countdown Tile, reduce Black AP to 0 and down the Target.
4 Cover : Jean is inexperienced with Purple Energy, but still a powerful foe ; if you have at least 9 Purple Ap, reduces Purple AP to 0 and steals 5 AP from every color except your enemy's strongest, then the enemy generates 5 AP in that color.
5 Cover : Jean is inexperienced with Green Energy, but is still a powerful foe ; if you have at least 6 Green AP, reduces Green AP to 0 and creates a powerful barrier of flame around her allies. 3 Friendly Strength 195 Strike Tiles are created and one Enemy Strength 250 Strike Tile is created.
(Note, if you have the AP for a Skill when Dark Phoenix is triggered, the skill will immediately be triggered. If you reach the AP during your turn, the skill will be triggered when the current collapse and cascade resolves entirely and before the enemy turn. If you reach the required AP during the enemy turn, the skill will trigger at the beginning of your own turn.)0 -
Here are some character design ideas that could add variations to current meta (good variety of balanced characters is always good IMO) instead of just being damage dealing types with different ability names.
Thanos (4*)
Summary: Ultra cheap purple ability that allows Thanos to have extreme board control. Thanos is physically all powerful, but his greatest strength lies in his intellect and how manipulative he is. His abilities should somewhat reflect that.
* Infinity Gauntlet - Thanos uses the power of the infinity gauntlet to gain full control of the universe. Drains 4 AP from each color, and activates different effects for different colors. Destroys a selected row and generate AP (red). All attack, protect tiles become friendly (purple). Heal all allies for some amount (yellow). Steals all of enemy's blue APs (blue). Stuns current target (black). Buffs a selected tile's effect to 2x (green). Cost: 12 yellow and 25% of Thanos' health.
* Deceit - Select a non-purple tile and consume it. The tile gets destroyed with a small match damage only. Cost: 4 purple
* Ripple Effect - Place a 3 turn countdown tile on a red tile. While it lasts, all match damages are dealt to all enemies. When the countdown reaches 0, the tile turns into a critical tile. Cost: 9 red
Apocalypse (4* for meta variation on high tier team composition)
Summary: High HP Tank that buffs lower rarity allies by huge amount. Could be interesting to have new meta surfacing by teams composed of Apocalypse + 2x low rarity such as Juggernaut + OBW.
* Horsemen - All teammates with rarity level of 2* or lower become the horsemen of Apocalypse and get their level raised equal to that of Apocalypse's current level and all damage/HP scales up temporarily. Cost: 4 black for a randomly placed 4 turn countdown tile
* Infect - Infect all enemies with technovirus stunning them for a turn and damaging. Creates a countdown tile that while it lasts, for each enemy, the ability with the lowest AP cost require 3 extra APs to use. Cost: 10 purple
* Survival of the Fittest - The character with the lowest HP (% of the character's full health) out of all alive (both enemies and teammates) takes some damage, and the one with the highest HP % is fully restored, not true heal. Cost: 12 yellow
Leech (2* character for meta variation)
Summary: Lowest HP character in 2*, that is situational and could be used as a counter to strong active ability team.
* Suppression - All ability costs require 4 extra APs for both teams. Leech takes half damage from all active abilities. Passive blue
* Power Negation - Place a countdown tile, which prevents characters from using active abilities. Cost: 3 green (7 with suppression)
* Temporal Opening - Place a countdown tile, which allows allies to use abilities ignoring suppression and power negation. Cost: 5 purple (9 with suppression)
Taskmaster (3*)
Summary: Medium HP 3* character with great board control. Does not add much to the current meta, but I'm just a big fan of Taskmaster.
* Photographic Reflexes - Place a long countdown tile. While in play, half of all damages dealt to Taskmaster are dealt back to the attacker. Cost: 7 purple
* Master Tactics - Randomly shuffles 10 tiles, and then place a red and a blue tile on selected locations. Cost: 8 red and optionally drains 3 blue to be able to place the blue
* Muscle Memory - Whenever your team matches an enemy attack or protect tile, a friendly tile that is a slightly inferior copy of it is randomly placed on the board. Passive blue0 -
Photographic Reflexes Passive
Level 1: If you have at least 5 Blue AP and if there is an enemy strike or protect tile on the board Taskmaster will convert a random basic tile into an strike or protect tile with the equivalent strength. Copies enemy tile with the highest strength.
Level 2: Converts tiles with at least 4 Blue AP
Level 3: Converts two tiles
Level 4: Converts tiles with at least 3 Blue AP
Level 5: Converts three tilesCountermeasures 12 AP
Level 1: Converts two random enemy strike, or protect tiles into allied strike or protect tiles. Deals 250 damage per tile.
Level 2: Deals 350 damage per tile. Costs 11 AP
Level 3: Converts three enemy strike or protect tiles. Costs 10 AP
Level 4: Converts four enemy strike or protect tiles. Deals 500 damage per tile.
Level 5: Converts up to six enemy special tile and converts countdown tiles into normal tiles as well.Watch the Birdie! 9 AP
Level 1: Taskmaster fires an arrow at the enemy! clear a 4x4 block of tile anywhere on the board. Deals 125 damage per tile.
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less
Level 3: Deals 150 damage per tile
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less1 -
It's a long shot...but I'd love to see one of my favorite characters down the road....
Foolkiller (Kurt Gerhardt) (2-star)
http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.co ... erber4.jpg
http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2008 ... ol_1_4.jpg
Movesets would be something like this:
Yellow- "e pluribus unum" - Foolkiller leaves his calling card as a warning to his enemies
1- two protect tiles of 20
2- protect tiles increase to 33
3- three protect tiles of 40
4- three protect tiles of 50
5- three protect tiles of 60
Red- "Actions Have Consequences" - Foolkiller's contempt for Fools sends him over the edge
1- turns three black tiles into red tiles
2- turns four black tiles into red tiles
3- turns four black tiles into 3 reds + one critical
4- turns five black tiles into 4 reds + one critical
5- turns six black tiles into 4 reds + two critical
Blue- "Purification Ray" - Foolkiller uses his Ray Gun to turn Fools into Carbon
1- 60 damage to all enemies
2- 85 damage to all enemies
3- 145 damage to target, 85 damage to all other enemies
4- 375 damage to target, 230 damage to all other enemies
5- 980 damage to target, 605 damage to all other enemies
It's my first time trying to figure out movesets so...if this looks off, feel free to come up with a better moveset that makes sense.
I'd also like to see Dr. Strange & Gambit in the game at some point too.0 -
Hoping for Domino and Cable. Well any more X-Force characters really
Not sure about movesets but with Domino you can do something with her probability altering power to avoid attacks if there are so many of one colour or something along them lines. Then have one that inflicts damage, similar to punisher's with the use of guns.1 -
The Lizard (The Amazing Spider-Man)
High health 3 or 4 star
Reptilian Regeneration (Green: Passive)
Powers of reptilian regeneration allow The lizard to mend injuries at a superhuman level
If there are more than 8 green tiles on the board, The Lizard regenerates 5% of his total health
Rank 2: increases amount healed by 2% (making it 7% of total health) decreases required green tiles by 1
Rank 3: increases amount healed by 2% (making it 9% of total health) decreases required green tiles by 1
Rank 4: increases amount healed by 2% (making it 11% of total health) decreases required green tiles by 1
Rank 5: increases amount healed by 2% (making it 13% of total health) decreases required green tiles by 1
Tail Swipe (Black: Cost 8AP)
The Lizard swipes his tail at his enemy dealing 180 damage to enemy team
Rank 2: increases damage dealt to 250
Rank 3: increases damage dealt to 500
Rank 4: increases damage dealt to 750
Rank 5: increases damage dealt to 1000, stuns targeted enemy for 1 turn
Ambush (Blue: Cost 12AP)
The Lizard bides his time, waiting bellow the waters surface for the perfect time to strike. Creates 3 turn countdown tile that deals 400 damage to enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 2 if the countdown is completed. If matched by player it deals 100 damage to enemy team and is moved. If matched by the enemy it deals 150 damage to enemy team, generates 3 blue AP and is removed from the board.
Rank 2: increases damage to 500
Rank 3: increases damage to 600
Rank 4: increases damage to 700
Rank 5:increases damage to 800 and stuns 2 random enemies1 -
Sabretooth (Victor Creed)
10,200 HPScent of Blood (Passive)
Victor unleashes his feral rage. If he makes a match against a target that is under 25% health, he creates a strike tile.
@ Max Level
3 Covers: Creates a Strength 78 Strike Tile if the target is under 50% health and you match tiles bearing Sabretooth's emblem.
4 Covers: Creates a Strength 95 Strike Tile if the target is under 65% health and you match tiles bearing Sabretooth's emblem. If the target is named "Wolverine", creates a second Strength 48 Strike Tile.
5 Covers: Creates 2 Strength 61 Strike Tiles if the target is under 70% health and you match tiles bearing Sabretooth's emblem. IF the target is named "Wolverine", creates 2 more Strength 35 Strike Tiles.Surprise Attack (5
Victor leaps at his target from behind, ripping at their vital spots. You can't block what you didn't see coming. Deals damage.
@ Max Level
3 Covers: 1455 Damage
4 Covers: 1675 Damage
5 Covers: 2210 Damage in 2 Hits (1105 per hit)Tiger by the Tail (Passive)
Like any other animal, Creed is most dangerous when cornered. If Victor is damaged by a skill, he lashes out damaging all enemies and allies.
@ Max Level
3 Covers: Deals 371 Damage to all enemies ; 122 to all allies.
4 Covers: Deals 405 Damage to all enemies ; 122 to all allies.
5 Covers: Deals 405 Damage to all enemies ; 122 to all allies. If the skill downs Sabretooth, deals 5x damage to enemies and allies alike.1 -
slantedandenchanted wrote:Taskmaster
Photographic Reflexes Passive
Level 1: If you have at least 5 Blue AP and if there is an enemy strike or protect tile on the board Taskmaster will convert a random basic tile into an strike or protect tile with the equivalent strength. Copies enemy tile with the highest strength.
Level 2: Converts tiles with at least 4 Blue AP
Level 3: Converts two tiles
Level 4: Converts tiles with at least 3 Blue AP
Level 5: Converts three tilesCountermeasures 12 AP
Level 1: Converts two random enemy strike, or protect tiles into allied strike or protect tiles. Deals 250 damage per tile.
Level 2: Deals 350 damage per tile. Costs 11 AP
Level 3: Converts three enemy strike or protect tiles. Costs 10 AP
Level 4: Converts four enemy strike or protect tiles. Deals 500 damage per tile.
Level 5: Converts up to six enemy special tile and converts countdown tiles into normal tiles as well.Watch the Birdie! 9 AP
Level 1: Taskmaster fires an arrow at the enemy! clear a 4x4 block of tile anywhere on the board. Deals 125 damage per tile.
Level 2: Costs 1 AP less
Level 3: Deals 150 damage per tile
Level 4: Costs 1 AP less
Level 5: Costs 1 AP less
This looks good, but Photographic reflexes seems a bit off. Perhaps making it consume AP when it procs would be good, and the total strength of all tiles can't exceed your opponent's tiles.
Personally, I would rework it as an active passive (given his photographic memory assists in dodging attacks he learned as well as mimicking them.) I could see it as an ability about 7 cost or more where after being struck by a power that deals damage to Taskmaster specifically when he has the required AP, he takes reduced damage from abilities of that same color until he activates Photographic reflexes, which deals the same damage as the strongest previous attack he received (before reduction). imagine him punishing spammed moves like chemical reaction (perhaps by like 80%), then wasting his opposition with anything that hits him over 7(variable) blue AP. It'll even come in super handy in PvE, like now in Enemy of the State. Imagine Gorgon and his waves of Hand ninjas being unable to fully tear down the big man Taskmaster as he tanks those devastating red (or black) moves like meteor hammer, Gorgon's sword, Adamantium Slash, Strength in numbers, etc, because Taskmaster has seen their tricks and tactics and might as well be dancing around them.1 -
Iceman 4*. 8500 hps
Ice Construct. Does torch-like dmg depleting Blue per turn. Converts one tile to blue per turn. Fully covered, the construct has a one-hit shield preventing it from disappearing due to a single cascade. The shield would be similar to Bagman or Baglady's "Tile lock".
Give him an uber Wind Storm that inspires his Constructs (ala Falcon) and restores the tile lock.
Groot-like (2 turn stun) ice cocoon that heals him to X. Damage done to him in this state converts one tile, per attack, to blue.
~ at level 4 means he's a glass cannon, but has a decent heal, mega blue generation, and high dmg output.
Edited for syntax and comic cover. It's not a great cover, but it's one of the few that features ONLY Iceman that isn't dorky or snowball-like.0 -
I would love to see 'The Void" - alter ego of Sentry:
4* character
Green: Atmokinesis - Deals damage to enemy team and 1/8 to allied team. If Night Augmentation is active destroys tiles 16 tiles, doing damage, and earning AP for each.
Black: Infini-Tendrils - Deals heavy damage. If Night Augmentation is active, stuns enemy team for 1 turn.
Purple: Night Augmentation - Creates a black 5 turn countdown tile. Each turn converts a two random basic green, black, or purple tiles into strike tiles.0 -
4 star(Passive) Sustenance: At the beginning of your turn if there are more than 8 black tiles in play, convert a single team-up tile into a red sustenance tile. The enemy team's lifeforce is absorbed for 100 damage per each sustenance tile in play and Dracula is healed equal to the total damage dealt this way.
Blood Fueled Strength: 14 ap, Dracula draws upon the strength of fresh blood and unleashes a furious Attack at blinding speed, saturating the battle field with blood. Dracula deals 1400 damage plus 100 damage for each sustenance tile in play to the target and converts 4 team up tiles into black sustenance tiles.
Crush free will: 16 ap, Dracula makes eye contact and hypnotizes a selected target completely then moves in to feed. Target enemy is stunned until Dracula is finished feeding . At the beginning of your turn Dracula drains from his target 100 life for each sustenance tile in play and is healed the same amount. Dracula can take no other action or be hit for 20% of his life while he is consuming his prey or the ability immediately ends.
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