What Marvel character are you hoping for? (post movesets)
This game is addictive, and I easily see it lasting for awhile. It has its ups and downs but you can tell that the team is really doing a lot to refine the game as it goes.
Knowing this and from seeing new cast arrivals like Ares, Hulk, Patch Wolverine, and a few others I felt it'd be a fun idea to let folks just pop in, name a Marvel character they are hoping to see soon and what kind of powers they think would suit them. Im also posting this on the steam community Here so that the team can get all the fan feedback possible to help them poll interest in not only what cast is most anticipated but also what sort of abilities people are hoping for.
Me personally I gotta go with IRON FIST. Here are my hoped for abilities:
IRON FIST avg health 2-star
yellow cost (6)"Shou Lou the Undying"-heal team with the power of Chi by 100.
Green Cost 10 "Dragon Kick"- turn 3 tiles to red. ANY tiles. Normal damage. Generates AP. A good utility against effect tiles
Red Cost 12 "The Power of Chi"- turn 5 random tiles to yellow.normal damage. Generates AP. Good battery utility to help teammates and it turns him into the first dedicated healer as this fuels his yellow and his green would fuel this.
Knowing this and from seeing new cast arrivals like Ares, Hulk, Patch Wolverine, and a few others I felt it'd be a fun idea to let folks just pop in, name a Marvel character they are hoping to see soon and what kind of powers they think would suit them. Im also posting this on the steam community Here so that the team can get all the fan feedback possible to help them poll interest in not only what cast is most anticipated but also what sort of abilities people are hoping for.
Me personally I gotta go with IRON FIST. Here are my hoped for abilities:
IRON FIST avg health 2-star
yellow cost (6)"Shou Lou the Undying"-heal team with the power of Chi by 100.
Green Cost 10 "Dragon Kick"- turn 3 tiles to red. ANY tiles. Normal damage. Generates AP. A good utility against effect tiles
Red Cost 12 "The Power of Chi"- turn 5 random tiles to yellow.normal damage. Generates AP. Good battery utility to help teammates and it turns him into the first dedicated healer as this fuels his yellow and his green would fuel this.
Why is the last ability red instead of say purple?0
There's a whole thread about this in the General Discussion forum.0
Didn't see it and it makes more sense to be in Character IMO. So long as folks get to post though on this it'll be good. Love for them to see what we want in the game.0
Hulkbuster Iron Man (****)
Magno-Hydraulic Crater (14R, reduced to 10 by ranking it up) - Destroy the board. Deals damage, but does not generate AP.
Impact-Resistant Plating (Yellow Passive) - The Hulkbuster suit was designed with the strongest there is in mind - Tony cannot be damaged for more than 16% of his maximum health from a single strike. Reduces limit by 2% per rank
Repulsor-Barrage (9U) - Destroys 8 random tiles, then deals 900 damage, plus an additional 300 damage for every enemy-controlled special tile on the board (this is at max rank, max level). X damage increased per rank.
I really like the Hulk/Thorbuster suits, and even though it didn't see much use, it's so friggin' cool. I'd kill to see this in the game, and totally rework my team to shove him in there. It'd also nice to see a character with some method of clearing the board out more reliably - at the moment, we have to rely on luck, between Hulk and Juggernaut and Storm (and only one of these being higher than 1*). 2* Magneto also technically works with a max blue, but it's pretty hard to pull off given the huge countdown timer. I figure making it reliable is finally in order. I'd also like to see a character that can more reliably punish special tile abuse - god have mercy if this character were matched up against 1* Storm.0 -
Shadowcat - Uncanny X-Men (**)
Purple: Camouflage - Each time Shadowcat matches environmental tiles, she finds a weakness in enemy defenses, gaining an additional 2 environmental AP and stealing 1 AP of a random color.
-Lv2: +1 environmental AP
-Lv3: +1 AP stolen
-Lv4: +1 environmental AP
-Lv5: +1 AP stolen
Blue: Phase Shift - 10AP - Shadowcat creates a blue Phase tile at the chosen location. As long as there is a Phase tile on the board, any attack that would damage a team member for more than 25% of their max health is nullified. Shadowcat counterattacks, shattering the tile and dealing (N) damage to the attacker.
-Lv2: -1 AP
-Lv3: 20% max health
-Lv4: -1 AP
-Lv5: 15% max health
Green: Circuitry Overload - 12AP - Shadowcat infiltrates and destroys the enemies' electronics systems. Turns three random environmental tiles into critical tiles, and gains environmental AP for each.
Lv2: +1 AP, Four tiles
Lv3: +1 AP, Five tiles
Lv4: +1 AP, Six tiles
Lv5: +1 AP, Seven tiles1 -
Celerity wrote:Shadowcat
Green: Circuitry Overload - 12AP - Shadowcat infiltrates and destroys the enemies' electronics systems. Turns three random environmental tiles into critical tiles, and gains environmental AP for each.
Lv2: +1 AP, Four tiles
Lv3: +1 AP, Five tiles
Lv4: +1 AP, Six tiles
Lv5: +1 AP, Seven tiles
Bullseye's dream girl0 -
Blob. Passive. Immovable object. Any attack done to The Blob ends the opponent's turn.
Iceman. big freezes, stuns.
Gambit. Add counter tiles equal to the number of purple tiles in your ap reserves. minimum damage PER-TILE, but they'll call it something dorky like Fifty-Two pickup. People will squee.
T'challa / Black Panther. Vibranium claws. Maxed out, it bypasses enemy shields / protect tiles.
Cyclops. Flashy optic attack that stuns. BIG red damage. Squishy.
Nightcrawler. Passive dodge like Hawkeye. Teleport to attack (as a passive when maxed) as a riposte on opponent attack.
Ghost Rider. Spirit of Vengeance. ALL damage done to Ghost Rider is reflected on target of choice. Flaming chain. Similar to Punisher's Molotov Cocktail.
Daredevil. Passive dodge - radar. Expanding staff attacks all enemy. minimum damage and cost.
Emma Frost. Diamond skin. receive 1dmg per normal attack ala Bullseye.
We also need Electro, Sandman, and others who would obviously use yellow tiles.
Mr Fantastic would have a bouncy ball attack, or a entangle he and another player ability.0 -
Gambit (Classic)
2 star
Health: Medium, Tiles: Red, Black, Purple
Ace up the Sleeve- 8 Red ap
Gambit never goes anywhere without his trusty deck of cards, and always has that Ace when he needs it the most.. Does base damage plus additional damage for each destroyed Charge tile.
Rank 2: Increase base damage by 25%.
Rank 3: Increase Charge tile damage by 25%, and hits an additional target.
Rank 4: Increase base damage by 25%.
Rank 5: Increase Charge tile damage by 25%, and hits a third additional target.
Staff Strike- 9 Black ap
With practice everyday, Remy has become a master at using the staff as a weapon. Does damage to the current target.
Rank 2: Increase ability damage by 20%.
Rank 3: Destroy one select row of tiles, not dealing damage or gaining AP for tiles destroyed.
Rank 4: Increase ability damage by 20%
Rank 5: Destroy two rows of tiles of your choosing, not dealing damage or gaining AP from destroyed tiles.
Kinetic Charge- 6 Purple ap
Gambit imbues any object he touches with kinetic energy. Creates a random Charge tile and stuns the current target for one turn.
Rank 2: Creates 2 Charge tiles.
Rank 3: Stuns an additional target.
Rank 4: Creates 3 Charge tiles.
Rank 5: Stuns the entire enemy team.0 -
Human torch(3*)
Flame on - consume red ap every turn. Burn/ damage attacker. Red ap reduce to zero. Flame off. Others two ability damage increase tremendously whenever flame on ability is on. Drawing display appear in both flame on and flame off.
Drawback- depend / consume red ap a lot. Low health
Hope summers(4*)
Can direct team or opponent passive ability0 -
I pretty much live for this kind of game crafting, so I love this thread! I'll probably have a lot to contribute, but why not start big with a 4* and one of Marvel's most unlikely (and awesome) heroes?
SQUIRREL GIRL (****) – Great Lakes Avengers / Avengers
Yellow / Blue / Black
Yellow: Scuirine Agility – 12 AP – If her yellow gauge is full, Squirrel Girl’s speed and readiness allows her to automatically dodge the next Special Ability that would affect her. Doing so resets the team’s Yellow AP to 0.
-Level 2: Doreen uses the enemy’s opening to her advantage. Whenever she successfully dodges a Special Ability, she creates a random Critical Tile at the beginning of her team’s next turn.
-Level 3: Choose the location of the Critical Tile.
-Level 4: While her yellow gauge is full, Doreen evades all damage done by tile matching. This does not deplete the gauge.
-Level 5: Yellow AP resets to 6 after dodging a Special Ability.
Blue: Squirrel Swarm – 9 AP – A wave of squirrels surges against the target, biting, scratching, and stunning them for 2 rounds. All blue matches made during this period increase the stun timer by an additional round.
-Level 2: The affected team loses -1 AP of each color for each round of stun.
-Level 3: Initial stun duration increases to 3.
-Level 4: The affected team loses -2 AP of each color for each round of stun.
-Level 5: Stun other enemies for 1 turn. This stun also increases with subsequent blue matches.
Black: Squirrels In the Works - 6 AP – Doreen’s squirrels hijack 5 environment tiles causing them to behave as Attack Tiles, each with a Rating of 10
-Level 2: When an affected tile is matched, it deals 25 damage to Squirrel Girl’s rival team (even if that team made the match).
-Level 3: Affects up to 10 environment tiles. AP Cost increases by 2.
-Level 4: When an affected tile is matched, it deals 50 damage to Squirrel Girl’s rival team.
-Level 5: Any match with an affected tile counts as Blue for purposes of sustaining Squirrel Swarm (does not generate blue AP).
Max Level: 200 match damage, 50 damage per Environmental Attack Tile
As a 4* character, I wanted to make Squirrel Girl the powerhouse she is in the comics, but letting her earn victory through tactics and annoyance rather than simple brute strength. I also wanted to make it difficult to decide which skill/s not to bring to Level 5, as most of the current characters seem to have at least one ability not worth the investment.
Her stun is powerful and priced similar to Black Widow, though in practice you'll want to wait until there are additional blue tiles on the board before triggering it, effectively upping its casting demand. And while her Yellow is powerful, it does tie up all Yellow AP not in excess of its requisite cost, and eliminates all Yellow AP when triggered…whether that’s 12 tiles’ worth, or 40.
Also note, I don’t have a grasp of the scaling algorithms to judge damage values, so I’m hoping the spirit of “Squirrels In the Works” is obvious even if the numbers are off-base.0 -
And one for Emma. Just noticed that I used the same colors as for Squirrel Girl...oh well.
She's a squishy controller with the ability to temporarily turn tank. All in all, she seems very interesting to me, though Diamond Form is definitely a double-edged sword (and requires a wall-of-text to explain).
EMMA FROST (***) – X-Men / Mutants
Yellow / Blue / Black
Yellow: Share the Pain - 8 AP – Emma links the minds of her enemies with those of her teammates, forcing them to experience the pain that they inflict. An Empathy tile is added randomly to the board, reflecting 10% of damage dealt back onto the rival attacker.
-Level 2: 2 Empathy tiles are created. This does not increase damage.
-Level 3: 20% of damage dealt is inflicted back upon the rival attacker.
-Level 4: 3 Empathy tiles are created.
-Level 5: Damage inflicted by Share the Pain affects the entire enemy team. AP cost increases by 3.
Blue: Mental Block – 10 AP – Emma enters her opponent’s minds, blocking access to their most powerful abilities. A Block tile is created at a chosen location, preventing the opposing team from using non-passive Special Attacks. Matching the tile or using a Special Ability with a cost of 5 AP or more destroys it, though this is the only effect the ability will have.
-Level 2: An ability cost of 8 AP or more is needed to destroy the Block tile without matching.
-Level 3: The Block tile becomes Locked. A match or Special Ability of any cost will break the Lock, allowing the tile to be destroyed normally. Mental Block now costs an additional +2 AP.
-Level 4: An ability cost of 10 AP or more is needed to destroy an unlocked Block tile without matching.
-Level 5: If the Block tile is not destroyed, broken Locks regenerate at the end of your team’s next turn.
Black: Diamond Form – 9 AP – Emma’s body hardens into organic diamond, greatly increasing her Strength and Toughness for 3 rounds, plus an additional round for every 4 Black AP above the activation cost. While in Diamond Form, damage received is reduced by 60% and her match damage increases by x1.5. However, while active, two Flaw tiles are placed randomly on the board. If matched, Diamond Form shatters, injuring Emma for 90% of her current maximum HP and ending the ability. Emma may not use other Special Attacks while in Diamond Form and activating Diamond Form ends the effects of her other abilities. Diamond Form may be canceled early by reselecting its activation option.
-Level 2: Incoming damage reduced by 70%. Match damage increased by x2.
-Level 3: Choose the location of the Flaw tiles.
-Level 4: Incoming damage reduced by 80%. Match damage increased by x2.5.
-Level 5: Only one Flaw tile is created.0 -
Ms. marvel & psylocke would be nice
Yellow, black and red for ms.marvel
Psylocke for purple, black, red0 -
No character, just a passive skill I'd really like to see:
See All Ends
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
Level 1: If tile arrangement allows creating either a 5-match or a 4-match, the defending team will pick the former instead of the latter.
Level 2: If several match options exits, the defending team will take into account which AP it needs instead of picking at random.
Level 3: If several match options exits, the defending team will also take into account which AP the opponent needs.
Level 4: Allows the defending team to activate an ability more than once during the same turn in case enough AP is available.
Level 5: Allows the defending team to stockpile AP for devastating chain activations.
Professor X maybe?0 -
5 star ^^ hp 24000 Red 99 Yellow 99 Black99
at level 50
RED: 12 AP Ultra Energy Beam damage and stun enemy for 999 damage and add a strike tiles with strength of 99
Yellow: Invincible Armor [passive] heal every turn for 10% of his health and generate each of every AP, everytime he's attacked by the enemy
Black: 20 AP the Void: Stun all of other character both enemy team and allies for 5 turn. sapping all ap form both team. and doing damage to all character around sentry for 9999 damage0 -
MissMarvelBoobs wrote:SENTRY
5 star ^^ hp 24000 Red 99 Yellow 99 Black99
at level 50
RED: 12 AP Ultra Energy Beam damage and stun enemy for 999 damage and add a strike tiles with strength of 99
Yellow: Invincible Armor [passive] heal every turn for 10% of his health and generate each of every AP, everytime he's attacked by the enemy
Black: 20 AP the Void: Stun all of other character both enemy team and allies for 5 turn. sapping all ap form both team. and doing damage to all character around sentry for 9999 damage
I know your trolling but . . .
1. A 5* , would be impossible to get, and if gotten it would be impossible to level up and train. Adding Sentry is like adding Phoenix or Franklin Richards to the game. They would be unstoppable.
2. I can see him being solo ( like ragnok in prologue) but if you pair him with a team, he could take your team down in 3-5 move. I would prefer him teamed with hammer guys. Especially if he has ap boost and stuff.
3. You would have to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars to even make him usable.0 -
Classic Rogue [X-Men]
Green [14 AP] - Absorb Ability
Rogue absorbs an enemy's ability, replacing her skillset with theirs at a Rank 3 equivalent for 5 turns, and stuns the enemy for 1 turn.
Rank 1 - 14 AP, Stuns enemy for 1 turn.
Rank 2 - AP reduced to 13, stuns enemy for 2 turns.
Rank 3 - Rank 4 skills.
Rank 4 - AP reduced to 12, stuns enemy for 3 turns.
Rank 5 - Rank 5 skills.
Yellow [12 AP] - Power Drain
Rogue taps an enemy's strength while increasing her own. Lasts 5 Turns.
Rank 1 - Reduces enemy's damage by 10%, boosts Rogue's damage by 10%.
Rank 2 - Reduces enemy's damage by 20%, boosts Rogue's damage by 20%.
Rank 3 - Reduces enemy's damage by 30%, boosts Rogue's damage by 30%.
Rank 4 - Reduces enemy's damage by 40%, boosts Rogue's damage by 40%.
Rank 5 - Reduces enemy's damage by 50%, boosts Rogue's damage by 50%.
Black [Passive] - Seventh Sense
Rogue uses Ms. Marvel's Seventh Sense to avoid incoming damage and potentially counterattack [insert reasonable calculation for damage here]. This becomes inactive while Absorb Ability is in effect.
Rank 1 - Dodges if there are 9 or more Black tiles, Counterattacks if there are 7 or more Red tiles.
Rank 2 - Dodges if there are 8 or more Black tiles, Counterattacks if there are 6 or more Red tiles.
Rank 3 - Dodges if there are 7 or more Black tiles, Counterattacks if there are 5 or more Red tiles.
Rank 4 - Dodges if there are 6 or more Black tiles, Counterattacks if there are 4 or more Red tiles.
Rank 5 - Dodges if there are 5 or more Black tiles, Counterattacks if there are 3 or more Red tiles.
Due to Rogue's super strength, her match damage stats are also above average for a 3-star character.0 -
4 star
Red 14 ap concussion blasters
Ultron fires highly destructive plasma beams at the target, draining his team's red
ap and doing 30+y damage for each red ap consumed.
level 2-4: costs 1 ap less
level 5: replaces a random basic color tile with a count down tile for every 3 red ap consumed that generates
2 red ap every 2 turns
Purple passive adamantium shell
Ultron's shell is made of the strongest metal on earth. Every time
A purple match is made, Ultron creates a purple countdown tile that
creates a strength x protect tile every 4 turns
Level 2: decreases countdown to 3
level 3: increases protect tile strength by 25%
Level 4: decreases countdown to 2
level 5: creates protect tile along with countdown tile
Black 30 ap thermonuclear radiation blast
Ultron creates an utterly annihilating blast of thermonuclear energy
destroying all friendly countdown tiles, doing 60+y damage and generating
ap for each. If there are no friendly countdown tiles, does 50x damage to enemy
team and stunning them for two turns.
Level 2: also switches control of up to two enemy countdown tiles
level 3: always does 50x damage to enemy team
Level 4: costs 4 ap less
Level 5: also switches control of all enemy countdown tiles
X is 1/2 Ultron level
y is Ultron level -30
please tell me if you think this build is overpowered and if so how to fix0 -
2 star
Red 10 ap
Carnage tangles the target in his tentacles. Creates 1 red web tile and stuns
the target for one turn for each web tile on the board (max 4)
Level 2: increases maximum stun to 5
level 3: creates 2 web tiles. Cost 13 ap
level 4 reduces ap cost to 12
Level 5: stuns other enemies for 1 turn
Black 8 ap devour
If there are at least 6 Web tiles on the board, Carnage grabs his target and eats them whole, destroying all Web tiles. Otherwise, he bites for 30+Level damage.
Level 2: +50% damage.
Level 3: +100% damage.
Level 4: +150% damage.
Level 5: requires 5 web tiles
Yellow passive hungry lashings
whenever a match is made with a web tile, the enemy takes level/2 damage
Level 2:+10% damage
level 3:+20% damage
Level 4:+30%damage
Level 5: matching web tiles also creates a new web tile0 -
Celerity wrote:Shadowcat - Uncanny X-Men (**)
Green: Circuitry Overload - 12AP - Shadowcat infiltrates and destroys the enemies' electronics systems. Turns three random environmental tiles into critical tiles, and gains environmental AP for each.
Lv2: +1 AP, Four tiles
Lv3: +1 AP, Five tiles
Lv4: +1 AP, Six tiles
Lv5: +1 AP, Seven tiles
This is really powerful. It is still reasonable, however. First shadowcat would have to
be 3 or 4 stars. Ap cost would have to be higher, and upgrades not just add
more tiles. Maybe generate double environmental ap?0 -
Ultron279 wrote:Celerity wrote:Shadowcat - Uncanny X-Men (**)
Green: Circuitry Overload - 12AP - Shadowcat infiltrates and destroys the enemies' electronics systems. Turns three random environmental tiles into critical tiles, and gains environmental AP for each.
Lv2: +1 AP, Four tiles
Lv3: +1 AP, Five tiles
Lv4: +1 AP, Six tiles
Lv5: +1 AP, Seven tiles
This is really powerful. It is still reasonable, however. First shadowcat would have to
be 3 or 4 stars. Ap cost would have to be higher, and upgrades not just add
more tiles. Maybe generate double environmental ap?
Maybe. I don't like the upgrades just adding more crits either, but I couldn't think of anything. I didn't think it would be overpowered, because while 3-4 crit tiles is usually good for you, 7 becomes a bit more double-edged since the enemy will get to use at least a couple of them.0
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