What Marvel character are you hoping for? (post movesets)
Hi all. New to the boards here. I have been playing MPQ for quite some time now and I finally decided to hop onto the boards. This is my favorite topic to discuss, so I will start here. I feel like everyone can agree with what I want for a character, and can obviously see why when imagined with Wolverine and Daken, Weapon X-23.
Weapon X-23 (Laura Kinney) 2-star Max-LevelBlack (passive): "Healing Factor/Specialized Training" Every time a team member matches a set of black tiles Weapon X-23 heals 15% of health for 3 matches, 20% for 4 matches, and 25% for five matches. Adds one black strike tile with a strength of 50 for any black tile match.
Yellow (12/passive): "Protective Slash" Cornered, Laura lashes out at her opponent, dealing 750 base damage plus 100 for every black AP the enemy possesses. (If paired with Wolverine) Being protective of her closest thing to family, Laura automatically does 1,000 additional damage to opponent if Wolverine uses Adamantium slash; does not use AP.
Purple (20/passive): "Trigger Scent": As a last resort, a team member breaks a vial of trigger scent. Laura goes into a blind rage, dealing 2,000 damage to the enemy team and 750 to herself and team members. Consumes all strike tiles on the board and Laura is then stunned to recover for 3 turns.
Weapon X-23 (X-Force X-23) 3-star Max-LevelBlack (passive): "Healing Factor/Animal Instincts" Heals 250 health per turn/X-23's enhanced senses allow her greater awareness on the battlefield, allowing her 15% chance to completely dodge an oncoming enemy attack each turn or a 25% chance of reducing damage by 50%.
Yellow (12/passive): "All Grown Up" X-23 holds nothing back. Dives at the opponent and digs in her claws, holding on to do the most damage possible. Does 1,500 damage and places a 2-turn yellow countdown tile that has X-23 slash into the opponent for an additional 1,500 per turn. Moves to next opponent if target is downed. X-23 can still be targeted, and all other abilities still active while countdown tile is on the board.
Purple (21/passive): Trigger Scent: X-23's rage builds adding one 75-strength purple strike tile and gaining one purple AP for every time a purple match is made on the board. For a final blow, the team shatters a vial of trigger scent to lay down the enemy team. Deals 3,300 damage to the enemy team and 1,100 to herself and team members. Consumes any and all strike tiles on the board, stuns X-24 for 4 turns, and negates healing factors by 35% for 5 turns due to immense injury.
I'm sure you guys will have some great suggestions for this character makeup. I obviously want a skill-set to go with Wolverine and Daken, and have written D3P frequently whining for more members of the Wolverine "family" (including rogues). Ideas, suggestions, additions are all greatly welcome. I long for the day when I can have X-23 on my team.0 -
So ... I obviously love the Wolverine family. And contrary to me whining to MPQ about less mutants and more mutates/cosmic/galactic characters, this is one mutant I would really, really like to someday see in the MPQ universe.
Weapon X-23 (Marvel Next)
2-star Max-Level(passive): "Healing Factor/Specialized Training" | X-23's lifetime of relentless training and combat shows itself on the battlefield. Laura lashes at the enemy's weak points, adding one black strike tile and healing herself for every black tile match made on the board.
Lvl 1: 19 strength strike tile and heals for 10%.
Lvl 2: 27 strength strike tile and heals for 12%.
Lvl 3: 35 strength strike tile and heals for 15%.
Lvl 4: 43 strength strike tile and heals for 19%.
Lvl 5: 51 strength strike tile and heals for 24%.(12/passive): "Protective Slash" | Cornered, Laura lashes out at her opponent, damaging the opponent and damaging for every yellow AP the enemy possesses. If paired with Wolverine, she automatically attacks the enemy if he is damaged for 33% or more of his health (does not consume AP).
Lvl 1: Deals 1,000 base damage and 50 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/400 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 2: Deals 1,000 base damage and 75 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/550 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 3: Deals 1,000 base damage and 100 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/700 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 4: Deals 1,000 base damage and 125 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/850 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 5: Deals 1,000 base damage and 150 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/1,000 damage if Wolverine is harmed.(22): "Trigger Scent" | The enemy unknowingly shatters a vial of trigger scent, sending Laura into a blind rage and leaving her teammates to deal with her. X-23 savagely attacks friend and foe alike, damaging both teams.
Lvl 1: 1,500 damage to enemy team/the team is inexperienced with trigger scent and takes 100% damage.
Lvl 2: 1,500 damage to enemy team/the team is learning to handle trigger scent and takes 75% damage.
Lvl 3: 1,500 damage to the enemy team/the team is getting proficient and handling trigger scent and takes 50% damage.
Lvl 4: 1,500 damage to the enemy team/adapted to trigger scent, the team takes only 25% damage.
Lvl 5: 1,700 damage to enemy team/the team has mastered combat with X-23 and avoids all damage of trigger scent.
Weapon X-23 (X-Force)
3-star Max-Level(passive): "Healing Factor/Animal Instincts" | X-23 heals damage done every turn/her enhanced senses allow her greater awareness on the battlefield, allowing her a chance to completely dodge an enemy attack or deflect some of the damage.
Lvl 1: Heals 150 per turn/5% chance of dodging an enemy attack/10% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 2: Heals 150 per turn/10% chance of dodging an enemy attack/20% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 3: Healsh 200 per turn/15% chance of dodging an enemy attack/30% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 4: Heals 250 health per turn/20% chance of dodging an enemy attack/40% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 5: Heals 250 per turn/25% chance of dodging an enemy attack/50% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.(12/passive): "Expert Strategist/All Grown Up" | X-23 analyzes the enemy defenses for weaknesses, creating one yellow strike tile for every yellow tile match/X-23 dives at the opponent, latching onto the enemy. Places three 3-turn countdown tiles that, while active, has X-23 slashing into the enemy. While countdown tiles are on the board, X-23 cannot make tile matches but can still be targeted and use her passive abilities.
Lvl 1: 400 damage per turn, 24 strength strike tile.
Lvl 2: 550 damage per turn, 29 strength strike tile.
Lvl 3: 700 damage per turn, 34 strength strike tile.
Lvl 4: 850 damage per turn, 39 strength strike tile.
Lvl 5: 1,000 damage per turn, 44 strength strike tile.(21/passive): "Trigger Scent/Preparation" | X-23 prepares for the worst and gains one purple AP every time the enemy makes a purple match. A team member (or X-23if all other team members are downed) breaks a vial of trigger scent, sending X-23 into a murderous rage. Places three purple 3-turn countdown tiles that, while any are active, have X-23 attack the enemy team or her teammates, dealing damage each turn. When all the countdown tiles are destroyed, X-23 is stunned for 5 turns.
Lvl 1: 500 damage per turn/the team has a 30% chance of avoiding damage.
Lvl 2: 750 damage/the team has a 45% chance of avoiding damage.
Lvl 3: 1, 000 damage/the team has a 60% chance of avoiding damage.
Lvl 4: 1,250 damage/the team has a 75% chance of avoiding damage.
Lvl 5: 1,500 damage/the team has a 90% chance of avoiding damage.
**After reading through the forums and the very detailed contributions here, I wanted to go ahead and make a very detailed breakdown of my dream character of X-23. Please let me know your thoughts, especially if you think the abilities are balanced for 2- and 3-star power levels.
Thanks a bunch, all.
-TheNewCaptain0 -
Iron Patriot
Dark Reign; 15 ap
Osbornes in charge now, and his reign will be a bloody one with nowhere for his enemies to hide! Osborne attacks, dealing x damage to the enemy team and destroying 2 enemy protect tiles.
level 2; deals x more damage
level 3; destroys up to 3 enemy protect tiles
level 4; deals x more damage
level 5; destroys up to 5 enemy protect tiles
Modeled after the dark reign story arc with the new avengers, Osborne basically goes all out with his hunt to track down the new avengers. Meant to be a pretty decent damaging AoE attack that can remove any defenses in your way. For damage i was thinking somewhat higher then Ballistic Salvo but lower then RotPEnergy Shield; 8 ap
Osborne surrounds himself with a sphere of energy, protecting himself and allies from enemy attacks. Creates 2 blue protect tiles with strength x and a 3 turn blue countdown tile. As long as the countdown tile is on the board, Osborne leaps infront of enemy attacks at 30 percent reduced damage. Shields eventually are depleted,forcing Osborne on the offensive. When the countdown tile reaches 0 destroy all blue protect tiles and deal x damage per protect tile.
level 2; creates 3 protect tiles
level 3; increases protect tile strength to x
level 4; creates 4 protect tiles
level 5; increases damage done by destroyed tiles to x
The idea for this attack though is modeled after the shield osborne usually uses in the dark avengers issues. At level cap you get 4 strength 150-200 protect tiles and deal 2000 total damage when shattering. The defensive benefits are meant to be really great on this one because 1. you only get it for 3 turns and 2. the end of the ability destroys blue tiles, making it near impossible to use this consecutively without a character like imm40 or mnm to fuel you with blue. Defense tiles/percent of damage reduced could be increased if deemed overall too weak.Dark Avengers Assemble; 12ap
Osborne calls in the dark avengers. Sentry is the first on the scene, sacrificing himself to create an opening for his teammates. Requires but does not consume 5 yellow ap
level 2; Ares performs his duties, assaulting the team with an unending onslaught. Requires but does not consume 5 or more green ap
level 3; Moonstone is ready to manipulate her enemies any way she can. Requires but does not consume 5 red ap
level 4; Daken reacts, springing into action. Requires but does not consume 5 blue ap
level 5; Bullseye arraives, overflowing with murderous intent. Requires but does not consume 5 purple ap
sentry creates a strike tile, ares does x damage per green ap the team has and grants half of it to your opponent, moonstone stuns the current target for 2 turns and takes control of 1-2 countdown tiles, daken transfoms 2 blue tiles to green and inflicts x amount of damage, and bullseye creates 2 critical tiles.
SongbirdSonic Blast; 11 ap
Songbird unleashes a powerful blast of sonic energy, damaging the enemy and disrupting their eardrums. Does x damage and stuns the current target for 2 turns
level 2; damage increases to x amount
level 3; stuns the target for 3 turns
level 4; damage increases to x amount
level 5; also stuns all enemies for 1 turn
After the spider man nerf, there arent a whole lot of decent stun abilities out there. Although the nerf was totally necessary, I think its time D3 started messing around with stun again. Damage for this attack should be average for a 3 star character if not slightly less due to the nice stun bonus.Sonic Energy Shield; 10 ap
Songbird can also use her abilities to create solid constructs of sound. This defensive shield creates 3 defense tiles on any basic color tile of your choosing with a strength of x.
level 2; creates 4 defense tiles
level 3; increases defense tile strength by x amount
level 4; creates 5 defense tiles
level 5; creates 6 defense tiles.
Meant to also be a halfway decent defensive ability, allowing you to strategically place your defensive tiles so they dont get destroyed easily. Im not sure about the ap cost for this one or how much the defense tiles should decrease damage by but it should be enough to negate match damage while also offering some solid protection from enemy attacks.Teamwork!; 9 ap
Songbird is a natural leader, having been in charge of the Thuderbolts for years. She creates a path out of sonic energy for a teammate to run on and charge the opponents team, past the leading opponents and attacking the enemy farthest in the back for x damage. Stuck in the enemies midst, the chosen character takes x damage as well.
level 2; decreases ally damage to x
level 3; increases enemy damage to x
level 4; also damages 2nd to last opponent for x damage
level 5; increases damage done to 2nd opponent by x damage
Songbird has always been in charge of the thunderbolts and combos with her teammates all the time. I structured this one kind of like collossus's fastball special, but there is no wait and you dont get to use one of the chosen characters attacks. This is an ability meant mostly for defense, as it can really throw of peoples strategies of having characters tank by attacking characters in the backfield that are more fragile and arent supposed to be taking hits. Damage done to 2nd opponent is meant to be less then the original attack damage done to the last person.
TaskmasterPhotographic Memory; Passive
Taskmaster can mimic any opponents attack that he sees. Any time the opponent makes a yellow match, he mimics and retaliates, inflicting 1/4 that damage back to the opponent.
leve 2; inflicts 1/3 of the damage
level 3; also activates on blue matches
level 4; inflicts 1/2 of the damage
level 5; also activates on black
meant to be kind of like espionage. not sure how the damage would play out, you guys are welcome to edit it.Training; 4 ap
Taskmaster can teach even the most unskilled henchman how to fight like captain america, for a price! Increases 2 selected friendly strike, attack, or protect tiles by x amount.
level 2; increases tiles by x amount
level 3; increases 3 tiles. Costs 2 more ap
level 4; increases tiles by x amount
level 5; increases 4 tiles. Costs 2 more ap
Taskmaster is famous for training goons. Increases special tiles like falcon does, but since its taskmaster it has to have a cost. The more tiles you want to increase the more his fee goes up.Weapons Master; 11 ap
Taskmaster is capable of wielding any weapon with expert proficiency, even ones hes taken from the enemy themselves! Converts 2 enemy special tiles to friendly special tiles.
level 2; Converts 3 enemy tiles
level 3; Converts 4 enemy tiles
level 4; Converts 5 enemy tiles
level 5; Can also convert 1 enemy countdown tile. Plus 2 to ap cost
Not 100 percent sure on this one. Open to critic as always.
Im not sure about health or tile damage on any of these guys either. Feel free to contribute everyone.0 -
ErikPeter wrote:HAWKEYE (Ultimate) ***
This version of Hawkeye has some similarities to his 1- and 2-star versions. He is a solid single-target damage dealer, with the regular caveat that countdown tiles happen over time and can be matched away. They should be placed randomly. His self-preserving and support abilities are also really potent in concert and so I tried to make them cost a decent amount without going overboard.Longshot 12 Red AP
Hawkeye fires on his opponents from a protected position. Creates red countdown tiles of 1-, 2-, and 3-turn duration that each deal 667 damage when activated. While these tiles are on the board, Hawkeye moves to the back of the team and takes no damage from attacks that target his allies.
Level 2: Also creates a 4-turn countdown tile.
Level 3: Also creates a 5-turn countdown tile.
Level 4: Increases countdown tile damage to 820.
Level 5: Increases countdown tile damage to 1001.
He sets up a barrage that just keeps coming. It should be fun to play against him when he pops this power, as you'd have to scramble to take down the CDs you could, and pay attention to who is getting hit by the ones you let through. 5k damage is actually a bit weak for a power of this cost at rank 5, since it hits over the next 5 turns and is potentially somewhat avoidable. However, blocking many of the red tiles is desirable against Daken and Doom especially. In fact, this power would be so good at clearing out red tiles, it might even make sense in a different color.Preparation 9 Yellow AP
Hawkeye identifies a weak point in his foes' defenses, exploiting it before they get a chance to respond. Creates a 2-turn countdown tile which, while it remains on the board, acts as a strength 380 Strike tile. If the Countdown tile is matched, generate 3 Yellow AP.
Level 2: Countdown tile acts as a strength 418 Strike tile.
Level 3: Increases countdown to 3 turns.
Level 4: Countdown tile acts as a strength 499 Strike tile.
Level 5: Increases countdown to 4 turns, and generate 5 Yellow AP if matched.
This power is Sentry-reminiscent and can be abused in many of the same ways (see: Longshot), but in this case the drawback is that it doesn't stick around. If you match it on the last turn you'll get it out again sooner. I am waffling on 2/3/4 turns or 3/4/5. Or whether Yellow is the best color fit. I also considered a power that pumps out strike tiles each turn, then destroys all strikes (of that color) when activated, but I think that fits a different character better.Perfect Aim 11 Purple AP
Hawkeye can hit any target at any distance. Transform 1 selected basic tile or friendly special tile into a Critical tile.
Level 2: Also transforms enemy Strike tiles.
Level 3: Also transforms enemy Attack and Web tiles.
Level 4: Also transforms enemy Defense tiles.
Level 5: Transforms any tile.
The updated, 3-star version of his 1-star power. Even that version has incredible utility, and this one can hit anything when maxed out. I put Defense tiles near the end of the progression instead of the beginning out of personal taste. In comics, it's usually easier to slow down or hamper an enemy than breach their defenses. And I think this spec is pretty powerful, even at 11 AP.
Tell me what you think.
I would start Red skill countdowns from 2 turns up. To leave more chance for the opponent to match some of them away. Reduce the cost to 9-10. Add extra countdowns on levels 3 and 5, and extra damage on levels 2 and 4.
Yellow power. I simply don't like strike tiles and Hawkeye together. Maybe a concussion arrow, 1-2 turn countdown, that stuns all team similar to mWidow or Venom. It would synergyze with his countdowns. Maybe 1 turn stun per cover on a random enemy, with max 2 then 3 turns with more covers, and min 1 turn at level 5 (so 3/1/1 or 2/2/1 all team guaranteed).
Purple is too strong if it can target and destroy enemy tiles directly. I would make it place 1 turn countdown on basic (or maybe even friendly) tile, that makes a crit tile. If you can place it to destroy enemy tiles or make other matches, great! But, if it's a great place that the AI can match away, too bad. Unless you feel lucky.Also should be a tad less costly then, I'd say 7-8.
0 -
Bygix wrote:Iron Patriot
Dark Reign; 15 ap
Osbornes in charge now, and his reign will be a bloody one with nowhere for his enemies to hide! Osborne attacks, dealing x damage to the enemy team and destroying 2 enemy protect tiles.
level 2; deals x more damage
level 3; destroys up to 3 enemy protect tiles
level 4; deals x more damage
level 5; destroys up to 5 enemy protect tiles
Modeled after the dark reign story arc with the new avengers, Osborne basically goes all out with his hunt to track down the new avengers. Meant to be a pretty decent damaging AoE attack that can remove any defenses in your way. For damage i was thinking somewhat higher then Ballistic Salvo but lower then RotPEnergy Shield; 8 ap
Osborne surrounds himself with a sphere of energy, protecting himself and allies from enemy attacks. Creates 2 blue protect tiles with strength x and a 3 turn blue countdown tile. As long as the countdown tile is on the board, Osborne leaps infront of enemy attacks at 30 percent reduced damage. Shields eventually are depleted,forcing Osborne on the offensive. When the countdown tile reaches 0 destroy all blue protect tiles and deal x damage per protect tile.
level 2; creates 3 protect tiles
level 3; increases protect tile strength to x
level 4; creates 4 protect tiles
level 5; increases damage done by destroyed tiles to x
The idea for this attack though is modeled after the shield osborne usually uses in the dark avengers issues. At level cap you get 4 strength 150-200 protect tiles and deal 2000 total damage when shattering. The defensive benefits are meant to be really great on this one because 1. you only get it for 3 turns and 2. the end of the ability destroys blue tiles, making it near impossible to use this consecutively without a character like imm40 or mnm to fuel you with blue. Defense tiles/percent of damage reduced could be increased if deemed overall too weak.Dark Avengers Assemble; 12ap
Osborne calls in the dark avengers. Sentry is the first on the scene, sacrificing himself to create an opening for his teammates. Requires but does not consume 5 yellow ap
level 2; Ares performs his duties, assaulting the team with an unending onslaught. Requires but does not consume 5 or more green ap
level 3; Moonstone is ready to manipulate her enemies any way she can. Requires but does not consume 5 red ap
level 4; Daken reacts, springing into action. Requires but does not consume 5 blue ap
level 5; Bullseye arraives, overflowing with murderous intent. Requires but does not consume 5 purple ap
sentry creates a strike tile, ares does x damage per green ap the team has and grants half of it to your opponent, moonstone stuns the current target for 2 turns and takes control of 1-2 countdown tiles, daken transfoms 2 blue tiles to green and inflicts x amount of damage, and bullseye creates 2 critical tiles.
Pretty awesome work up for the Oz man, but 2 points.
#1: Ozzy should be
#2: The description of Energy Shield made me think of a circle of protect tiles (sorta like HT's Inferno). What if it created a circle of protect tiles and a random countdown tile. When the count down reaches Zero, either destroy all protect tiles OR destroy all the blue tiles & change protect tiles back to basic (like Chemical Reaction.) I do mean either as in the move should always do one or the other of these, not that it sometimes does one and other times does the other.0 -
TheNewCaptain wrote:Weapon X-23 (Laura Kinney) 2-star Max-Level
Black (passive): "Healing Factor/Specialized Training" | Every time a team member matches a set of black tiles Weapon X-23 heals 15% of health for 3 matches, 20% for 4 matches, and 25% for five matches. Adds one black strike tile with a strength of 50 for any black tile match. Laura's special training kicks in, dealing 500 damage to the enemy if damaged for more than 20% of her health.
Yellow (12/passive): "Protective Slash" | Cornered, Laura lashes out at her opponent, dealing 750 base damage plus 100 for every yellow AP the enemy possesses. (If paired with Wolverine) Being protective of the closest thing to family she has, Laura automatically does 1,000 additional damage to opponent if Wolverine is damaged for more than 33% or more of his health; does not use AP.
Purple (20/passive): "Trigger Scent" | As a last resort, a team member breaks a vial of trigger scent. Laura goes into a blind rage, dealing 2,000 damage to the enemy team and 750 to herself and team members. Consumes all strike tiles on the board and Laura is then stunned to recover for 3 turns. (Laura breaks it herself if all team members are KO'd.)
Weapon X-23 (X-Force X-23) 3-star Max-LevelBlack (passive): "Healing Factor/Animal Instincts" | Heals 250 health per turn/X-23's enhanced senses allow her greater awareness on the battlefield, allowing her a 15% chance to completely dodge an oncoming enemy attack each turn or a 25% chance of reducing damage by 50%.
Yellow (12/passive): "All Grown Up" | X-23 holds nothing back. Dives at the opponent and digs in her claws, holding on to do the most damage possible. Does 1,500 damage and places a 2-turn yellow countdown tile that has X-23 slash into the opponent for an additional 1,500 per turn. Moves to next opponent if target is downed. X-23 can still be targeted, and all other abilities still active while countdown tile is on the board.
Purple (21/passive): Trigger Scent | X-23's rage builds, gaining one purple AP and placing one strength-75 strike tile for every purple match on the board. For a final blow, the team shatters a vial of trigger scent to lay down the enemy team. Deals 3,300 damage to the enemy team and 1,100 to herself and team members. Consumes any and all strike tiles on the board, stuns X-24 for 4 turns, and negates team healing abilities by 35% for 5 turns. (X-23 breaks it herself if all team members are KO'd.)
Bygix wrote:Iron PatriotEnergy Shield; 8 ap
Osborne surrounds himself with a sphere of energy, protecting himself and allies from enemy attacks. Creates 2 blue protect tiles with strength x and a 3 turn blue countdown tile. As long as the countdown tile is on the board, Osborne leaps infront of enemy attacks at 30 percent reduced damage. Shields eventually are depleted,forcing Osborne on the offensive. When the countdown tile reaches 0 destroy all blue protect tiles and deal x damage per protect tile.
level 2; creates 3 protect tiles
level 3; increases protect tile strength to x
level 4; creates 4 protect tiles
level 5; increases damage done by destroyed tiles to xSongbirdTeamwork!; 9 ap
Songbird is a natural leader, having been in charge of the Thuderbolts for years. She creates a path out of sonic energy for a teammate to run on and charge the opponents team, past the leading opponents and attacking the enemy farthest in the back for x damage. Stuck in the enemies midst, the chosen character takes x damage as well.
level 2; decreases ally damage to x
level 3; increases enemy damage to x
level 4; also damages 2nd to last opponent for x damage
level 5; increases damage done to 2nd opponent by x damageTaskmaster0 -
Kolence wrote:ErikPeter wrote:HAWKEYE (Ultimate) ***
I would start Red skill countdowns from 2 turns up. To leave more chance for the opponent to match some of them away. Reduce the cost to 9-10. Add extra countdowns on levels 3 and 5, and extra damage on levels 2 and 4.
Yellow power. I simply don't like strike tiles and Hawkeye together. Maybe a concussion arrow, 1-2 turn countdown, that stuns all team similar to mWidow or Venom. It would synergyze with his countdowns. Maybe 1 turn stun per cover on a random enemy, with max 2 then 3 turns with more covers, and min 1 turn at level 5 (so 3/1/1 or 2/2/1 all team guaranteed).
Purple is too strong if it can target and destroy enemy tiles directly. I would make it place 1 turn countdown on basic (or maybe even friendly) tile, that makes a crit tile. If you can place it to destroy enemy tiles or make other matches, great! But, if it's a great place that the AI can match away, too bad. Unless you feel lucky.Also should be a tad less costly then, I'd say 7-8.
I don't know... I specifically had his Red power gain extra duration at rank 2-3, damage at 4-5, to really make the choice between 3/4/5 ranks worthwhile. 3 ranks is an annoying swarm, 5 is a brutal barrage. Your way makes 4 ranks easy to settle for. The CDs are strong but increasing the timers only weakens him on defense in PvP, since the AI just matches randomly anyway. Making them cheaper might be an okay balance, but then lucky placements would hose people.
His yellow is the one I'd be most willing to compromise on. Maybe if it was much stronger, but only a one-turn CD, dishing out a ton of damage when used with other powers? It doesn't really synergize with Longshot then, but would still be pretty good. And oddly OP with Bag Man. I don't want to give him a stun, I just don't think it fits this version of the character.
I'll give you that his purple is good, but come on, nerfing it to worse than the 1* version? Turning a tile into a CD would make it incredibly unreliable; even if it doesn't get matched away, based on the changing board configuration, you might end up critting a useless color for no benefit (besides wiping an enemy tile). Captain America has two powers that get rid of any enemy tile, which can return almost their full AP cost after a couple turns. Relying on more CDs would be frustrating, almost as bad as Daredevil. The change you suggested would be just decent if it cost 4-5 AP at most, and the imprecise nature of it doesn't fit Hawkguy at all.0 -
Eh, it's OK. I quite like your idea of red skill. You asked what others thought, and I offered feedback. Here is some more.
About red, I got an impression that extra tiles would be more valuable than extra damage. That's why I suggested to make level 5 needed for the 5th CD. As you said, you could use the skill to spam the opponent. Overwrite most or all basic red tiles available for Daken or Doom, for instance. And keep the other side busy, trying to match as many CDs before they activate. Extra damage is easy to provide with someone else's strike tiles, which would then double dip with every CD that activates. But at 12 AP, it's too expensive to be able to spam. Lowering cost from 12 to 9 while adding 1 to starting CDs would probably make it more reliable overall. But that's just a feeling, no math done at all.
Just to be sure there was not a misunderstanding about purple. Whether it placed crit directly or with a 1 turn CD, I still counted on choosing the spot. It would still be very possible to place the CD where it can't be matched away, but will make a match in a strong color (and possibly a cascade) at the beginning of next turn. That is still quite a powerful ability in my mind. It would be vulnerable to any kind of board shake-up or anti-CD powers though. But that's why the cost is lowered.
Anyway, both powers were meant to be much stronger when combined with the third, stun power.0 -
ErikPeter wrote:Bygix wrote:Iron Patriot
Energy Shield; 8 ap
Osborne surrounds himself with a sphere of energy, protecting himself and allies from enemy attacks. Creates 2 blue protect tiles with strength x and a 3 turn blue countdown tile. As long as the countdown tile is on the board, Osborne leaps infront of enemy attacks at 30 percent reduced damage. Shields eventually are depleted,forcing Osborne on the offensive. When the countdown tile reaches 0 destroy all blue protect tiles and deal x damage per protect tile.
level 2; creates 3 protect tiles
level 3; increases protect tile strength to x
level 4; creates 4 protect tiles
level 5; increases damage done by destroyed tiles to xSongbirdTeamwork!; 9 ap
Songbird is a natural leader, having been in charge of the Thuderbolts for years. She creates a path out of sonic energy for a teammate to run on and charge the opponents team, past the leading opponents and attacking the enemy farthest in the back for x damage. Stuck in the enemies midst, the chosen character takes x damage as well.
level 2; decreases ally damage to x
level 3; increases enemy damage to x
level 4; also damages 2nd to last opponent for x damage
level 5; increases damage done to 2nd opponent by x damageTaskmaster
the idea of a circle of protect tiles would be pretty good, my only concern is that sometimes the ht tiles are easy to match. Of course sometimes theyre a pain in the **** to get rid of, haha. And of course if the protect tiles thatre created are all blue they might be easy to match too. The point of it is for the protect tiles to stay alive until the timer goes off though so the circle of random colored protect tiles may be better.
The colossus clause is there because the protect tiles arent around for more then 3 turns, so you wanna be negating as much damage as possible. The colossus clause makes it so that the only attacks your opponents launch are gonna be hitting osborne for very minimal damage until the countdown tile goes off and he attacks. This also creates an interesting dilemna for the opponent. Do you destroy the countdown tile so you can hit other opponents, thus leaving the defense tiles around to negate some damage still, or do deal with reduced damage for 3 turns and take the damage.
I see what your saying about the songbird part. It wouldnt make much sense though if it took away the team member fastball special. The AoE part would probably make it a lot better. The idea behind it was if the Ai had 9 yellow you had to be careful with the matches you made. This can really screw a team up, especially when deciding whats worse, going for ap you need and leaving a vulnerable character in the backfield, or making a match you dont need just to keep them safe. sure aoe screws all characters but this keeps things a little more interesting and keeps the opponent on their toes0 -
ErikPeter wrote:TheNewCaptain wrote:Weapon X-23 (Laura Kinney) 2-star Max-Level
Black (passive): "Healing Factor/Specialized Training" | Every time a team member matches a set of black tiles Weapon X-23 heals 15% of health for 3 matches, 20% for 4 matches, and 25% for five matches. Adds one black strike tile with a strength of 50 for any black tile match. Laura's special training kicks in, dealing 500 damage to the enemy if damaged for more than 20% of her health.
Yellow (12/passive): "Protective Slash" | Cornered, Laura lashes out at her opponent, dealing 750 base damage plus 100 for every yellow AP the enemy possesses. (If paired with Wolverine) Being protective of the closest thing to family she has, Laura automatically does 1,000 additional damage to opponent if Wolverine is damaged for more than 33% or more of his health; does not use AP.
Purple (20/passive): "Trigger Scent" | As a last resort, a team member breaks a vial of trigger scent. Laura goes into a blind rage, dealing 2,000 damage to the enemy team and 750 to herself and team members. Consumes all strike tiles on the board and Laura is then stunned to recover for 3 turns. (Laura breaks it herself if all team members are KO'd.)
Weapon X-23 (X-Force X-23) 3-star Max-LevelBlack (passive): "Healing Factor/Animal Instincts" | Heals 250 health per turn/X-23's enhanced senses allow her greater awareness on the battlefield, allowing her a 15% chance to completely dodge an oncoming enemy attack each turn or a 25% chance of reducing damage by 50%.
Yellow (12/passive): "All Grown Up" | X-23 holds nothing back. Dives at the opponent and digs in her claws, holding on to do the most damage possible. Does 1,500 damage and places a 2-turn yellow countdown tile that has X-23 slash into the opponent for an additional 1,500 per turn. Moves to next opponent if target is downed. X-23 can still be targeted, and all other abilities still active while countdown tile is on the board.
Purple (21/passive): Trigger Scent | X-23's rage builds, gaining one purple AP and placing one strength-75 strike tile for every purple match on the board. For a final blow, the team shatters a vial of trigger scent to lay down the enemy team. Deals 3,300 damage to the enemy team and 1,100 to herself and team members. Consumes any and all strike tiles on the board, stuns X-24 for 4 turns, and negates team healing abilities by 35% for 5 turns. (X-23 breaks it herself if all team members are KO'd.)
Thank you for your feedback. After reviewing your comment and doing a little more digging into X-23's history and skill set, I think I found a balance of power while keeping true to the character's personality and abilities. Still somewhat complicated, but interesting--and also curious to imagine how some of skill elements fit into combat. I also wanted to redefine the purple and make it more worthwhile to the user--I may still lower the purple AP to 15 or maybe 18. Yeah, 15 and 18 sound all right for 2- and 3-star skill sets, respectively.
Weapon X-23 (Marvel Next)
2-star Max-Level(passive): "Healing Factor/Specialized Training" | X-23's lifetime of relentless training and combat shows itself on the battlefield. Laura lashes at the enemy's weak points, adding one black strike tile and healing herself for every black tile match made on the board.
Lvl 1: 19 strength strike tile and heals for 10%.
Lvl 2: 27 strength strike tile and heals for 12%.
Lvl 3: 35 strength strike tile and heals for 15%.
Lvl 4: 43 strength strike tile and heals for 19%.
Lvl 5: 51 strength strike tile and heals for 24%.(12/passive): "Protective Slash" | Cornered, Laura lashes out at her opponent, damaging the opponent and damaging for every yellow AP the enemy possesses. If paired with Wolverine, she protects the closest thing she has to family, automatically attacking the enemy if he is damaged for 33% or more of his health (does not consume AP).
Lvl 1: Deals 1,000 base damage and 25 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/400 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 2: Deals 1,000 base damage and 50 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/550 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 3: Deals 1,000 base damage and 75 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/700 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 4: Deals 1,000 base damage and 100 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/850 damage if Wolverine is harmed.
Lvl 5: Deals 1,000 base damage and 125 damage for every one yellow AP the enemy team has/1,000 damage if Wolverine is harmed.(15): "Trigger Scent" | The enemy unknowingly shatters a vial of trigger scent, sending Laura into a blind rage and leaving her teammates to deal with her. X-23 savagely attacks friend and foe alike, damaging both teams.
Lvl 1: 1,500 damage to enemy team/the team is inexperienced with trigger scent and takes 100% damage.
Lvl 2: 1,500 damage to enemy team/the team is learning to handle trigger scent and takes 75% damage.
Lvl 3: 1,500 damage to the enemy team/the team is getting proficient and handling trigger scent and takes 50% damage.
Lvl 4: 1,500 damage to the enemy team/adapted to trigger scent, the team takes only 25% damage.
Lvl 5: 1,700 damage to enemy team/the team has mastered combat with X-23 and avoids all damage of trigger scent.
Weapon X-23 (X-Force)
3-star Max-Level(passive): "Healing Factor/Animal Instincts" | X-23 heals damage done every turn/her enhanced senses allow her greater awareness on the battlefield, allowing her a chance to completely dodge an enemy attack or deflect some of the damage.
Lvl 1: Heals 150 per turn/5% chance of dodging an enemy attack/10% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 2: Heals 150 per turn/10% chance of dodging an enemy attack/20% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 3: Heals 200 per turn/15% chance of dodging an enemy attack/30% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 4: Heals 250 health per turn/20% chance of dodging an enemy attack/40% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.
Lvl 5: Heals 250 per turn/25% chance of dodging an enemy attack/50% chance of reducing enemy damage by half.(12/passive): "Expert Strategist/All Grown Up" | X-23 analyzes the enemy defenses for weaknesses, creating one yellow strike tile for every yellow tile match/X-23 dives at the opponent, latching onto the enemy. Places three 3-turn countdown tiles that, while active, has X-23 slashing into the enemy. While countdown tiles are on the board, X-23 cannot make tile matches but can still be targeted and use her passive abilities.
Lvl 1: 400 damage per turn, 24 strength strike tile.
Lvl 2: 550 damage per turn, 29 strength strike tile.
Lvl 3: 700 damage per turn, 34 strength strike tile.
Lvl 4: 850 damage per turn, 39 strength strike tile.
Lvl 5: 1,000 damage per turn, 44 strength strike tile.(18/passive): "Trigger Scent/Preparation" | X-23 prepares for the worst and gains one purple AP every time the enemy makes a purple match. With permission from the team, X-23 breaks a vial of trigger scent, sending herself on a warpath. Places five 5-turn purple countdown tiles working in unison. X-23 deals damage to enemy team and half to team members. When all the countdown tiles are destroyed, X-23 ceases her attack and is stunned for 3 turns (then consumes all friendly strike tiles, X-23 cannot be used while countdown tiles are on the board, passive abilities still active).
Lvl 1: 300 damage per turn/the team has a 25% chance of avoiding damage per turn.
Lvl 2: 550 damage/the team has a 50% chance of avoiding damage per turn.
Lvl 3: 700 damage/the team has a 75% chance of avoiding damage per turn.
Lvl 4: 700 damage/the team has a 100% chance of avoiding damage per turn.
Lvl 5: 1,000 damage/the team has a 90% chance of avoiding damage per turn.
Looks and feels about right now. Seems like an interesting and accurate take on X-23. A little extreme, but balanced and counterable. Not infinitely strong, but certainly with the right luck, well ... does everything the X-Force is supposed to do.0 -
After losing some battles due to ridiculous cascades, I wouldn't mind a power like this.
Loki has trapped the battlefield. When the enemy team is lured into collecting more than 15 AP during their turn, Loki's team gets the excess power instead.
Level 2: After 15 AP, the enemy attacks illusions. No damage to Loki's team.
Level 3: Loki's trap activates at 13 AP.
Level 4: Loki's trap activates at 11 AP. Subsequent harmful effects are reflected.
Level 5: Loki's trap activates at 9 AP.
0 -
Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler
Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler
Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler0 -
Lvl 94 - 4980 HP (53 HP/LVL -> LVL 15 793 HP)
Carnage uses his extreme senses to locate his target. It creates randomly on the board a special countdown of 4 turns that you have to match to find your prey. If the ennemy team matches the countdown, Carnage fails and is ambushed by the ennemy team, just creating a single enemy strike tile randomly on the board. If the countdown isn't destroyed, 2are going back to the player and the tile comes back to her usual tile.
Level 1 : if you match the countdown, deals damage 700 (base damages) / ennemy's strike tile has a basic power of 25 / cost 9
Level 2 : deals 780 damage (base damages) / cost 8
Level 3 : deals 860 damage (base damages) / ennemy's strike tile has a basic power of 35 / Up the countdown to 5 turns / cost 8
Level 4 : deals 950 damage (base damages) / cost 7
Level 5 : deals 1100 damage (base damages) / ennemy's strike tile has a basic power of 55 / Up the countdown to 6 turns / cost 7
(at lvl 94 and level 5, it deals a maximum of 1650 damages to the prey / the ennemy's tile has a maximum power of 120)Counter Attack cost 8
Desc: Carnage creates a weapon which counters the enemy's attack and is based on the last match done by the enemy team. (the one they did first if they did more than 1 in the previous turn)
If the enemy did aor
match, it creates a
protect tile of a tile already on the board.
If the enemy did aor
match, it creates a
strike tile of a tile already on the board.
If the enemy did aor
match, it creates a
attack tile of a tile already on the board.
If the enemy did amatch, it creates 1 random
Level 1 : Creates a symbol of a power of 55 (basic)
Level 2 : Creates a symbol of a power of 61 (basic)
Level 3 : Creates a symbol of a power of 67 (basic)
Level 4 : Creates a symbol of a power of 73 (basic)
Level 5 : Creates 2 symbols of a power of 43 (86/2 ; basic) or 2.
(at lvl 94 and level 4, it creates a symbol of a maximum power of 120 ; on level 5, it creates two symbols of a maximum power of 75 each)Fading Shape (Passive)
His shape's adaptation gives an additionnal power to the fury of Carnage.
Level 1 : Adds 30 basic damages to everymatch.
Level 2 : Adds 45 basic damages to everymatch.
Level 3 : Adds 55 basic damages to everymatch and fears the enemy which is stunned for 1 turn. (Can't be stunned more than 2 turns)
Level 4 : Adds 70 basic damages to everymatch and fears the enemy which is stunned for 1 turn. (Can't be stunned more than 2 turns)
Level 5 : Adds 80 basic damages to everyand
match and fear the enemy which is stunned for 1 turn. (Can't be stunned more than 2 turns)
Lvl 94 and level 5 : adds an additionnal power of a maximum of 200)
If an enemy dies after being stunned in the same enemy turn, it will reset the amount of stuns for the next char.)
Example :
1°match -> first enemy is stunned for 1 turn.
2° another match (blue p.e.) -> first enemy dies.
3° :red match: -> damage on the second enemy and he's stunned for 1 turn
4°:red match: (end of the cascade) -> add one more stun turn which sets the amount to 2 stun turns to the second enemy.
Explanation :
Carnage is considered as the "son" of Venom, which is a being like a virus. He's more linked to Venom than Spiderman, which explains what we should not use web tiles here. However the black power is, as it is for Venom, his most interesting power. Therefore I thought of this black system of damage which offers a possibility of counter but deals enough damages to consider him useful (but not ultimate) with a good mate.
Color choice : Deadpool and Carnage are strong ennemies, which explains why I chose those colors (same for both of them). However,is the main power of Carnage and
is the main power of Deadpool, and that explains why the color focus will be different for both of them.
The possibilities are different and have to be adapted following the state of the board.
The main tactical way to win would be the get as much black (for himself) and/or red (for a mate) AP as possible to deal damages (5/3/5 build) that would be fine for PVP events, but you can consider playing him differently (with a 3/5/5) so you can stun the enemies with one more color, that would offer you to sustain for some more turns and prepare your attack with red or black before seeing enemy damages if you use it well, could be useful in Story Events. It also allows you to choose which way you use the purple skill, for both builds.
I would not think of 5/5/3 as a good build.
Why not a 3* ?
He has to be a 2* 'cause there is one another char, which is related to him, that would be 3* : Toxin.
And as you can see, 2* using REALLY black and purple on active skills... don't exist yet. And those colors suit him really well !
How to use him well ?
- Select mate(s) generating black (Dr Doom? But could also be Old Black Widow, Storm... ), destroys tiles on the board or swap them (Juggernaut? Dr Octopus?! ...) or use colors he doesn't use himself (every green/red/yellow/blue color based char, which offers you a lot of possibilities).
A mate using red, that he doesn't use himself but help to get, would of course be the most useful choice to do, and that's really not hard to find.0 -
kitkiller8732 wrote:
Carnage uses his extreme senses to locate his target. It creates randomly on the board a special countdown of 4 turns that you have to match to find your prey. If the ennemy team matches the countdown, Carnage fails and is ambushed by the ennemy team, just creating a single ennemy strike tile randomly on the board.
Level 1 : if you match the countdown, deals damage 700 (base damages) / ennemy's strike tile has a basic power of 25 / cost 9
Level 2 : deals 780 damage (base damages) / cost 8
Level 3 : deals 860 damage (base damages) / ennemy's strike tile has a basic power of 35 / Up the countdown to 5 turns / cost 8
Level 4 : deals 950 damage (base damages) / cost 7
Level 5 : deals 1100 damage (base damages) / ennemy's strike tile has a basic power of 55 / Up the countdown to 6 turns / cost 7
(at lvl 94 and level 5, it deals a maximum of 1650 damages to the prey / the ennemy's tile has a maximum power of 120)Counter Attack cost 8
Desc: Carnage creates a weapon which counters the ennemy attack and is based on the last match done by the ennemy team.
If the ennemy did aor
match, it creates a
protect tile of a tile already on the board.
If the ennemy did aor
match, it creates a
strike tile of a tile already on the board.
If the ennemy did aor
match, it creates a
attack tile of a tile already on the board.
If the ennemy did amatch, it creates 1 random
Level 1 : Creates a symbol of a power of 55 (basic)
Level 2 : Creates a symbol of a power of 61 (basic)
Level 3 : Creates a symbol of a power of 67 (basic)
Level 4 : Creates a symbol of a power of 73 (basic)
Level 5 : Creates 2 symbols of a power of 43 (86/2 ; basic) or 2.
(at lvl 94 and level 4, it creates a symbol of a maximum power of 120 ; on level 5, it creates two symbols of a maximum power of 75 each)
I like how matching:which can heal/stun would make
which work while stunned,
which Spidey uses for
to counter it,
which Daken/Psylocke use for
to counter it.
0 -
Here are my comments
1° If the countdown isn't destroyed, the tile is back to a normal tile. No reason to be destroyed ^^. So yeah, it's supposed to be a "nothing happens" case.
But we could imagine that p.e. 2AP would go back to the player. It wasn't my first plan, but it could be nice. I would consider it this way.
2° In my way of thinking, only the "first one" would be considered since it makes the first char moves in front of the team and since the others matches are not important here (but for the red skill, they are !).
It can't be a passive 'cause it has to be an active skill, otherwize the player can't choose what will appear on the board and when, which are the most important choice in this tactical skill. ^^
Since red is already a passive, I don't think a single char can have 2 passives in the actual method of creating chars.
BTW, I didn't set a maximum of stun turns on the red about the cascades, I'll fix that.
EDIT : Previous post edited ^^. Thanks for your comments
I plan to do Iceman 3* tomorrow, since I already have 2 good ideas for him and a third one that I have to fix.
I also plan to do a Gambit 3* in the few days (2 good ideas too, but I still need a third one)0 -
Lvl 166 - 6200 HP (35 HP/LVL -> LVL 40 1790 HP)
Ice Beam
Desc : Iceman freezes the air between his hands and throw it on his enemies, dealing damages and freezing all the enemy team if he has enough power.
Level 1 : dealing 130 damages and freeze them (stun?) all for two turns if you owns 16/ cost 14
Level 2 : dealing 165 damages and freeze them (stun?) all for two turns if you owns 15/ cost 13
Level 3 : dealing 175 damages and freeze them (stun?) all for two turns if you owns 15/ cost 12
Level 4 : dealing 185 damages and freeze them (stun?) all for two turns if you owns 14/ cost 11
Level 5 : dealing 200 damages and freeze them (stun?) all for three turns if you owns 16/ cost 10
(at lvl 166 and level 5, it deals a maximum of 3400 damages to all enemies)
"Frozen" status would here be a status which allowed the enemies to play, but doesn't give them any AP for the time they're frost.Ice Ace
Desc : Iceman keeps an eye carefully on the previous enemy move and uses his ability to counter it.
Iceman uses a maximum ofAP to steal the enemy AP color of the previous enemy match and forces them to change their plan.
Level 1 : use 2to steal 4 AP and deal 130 damages. / Cost 6
Level 2 : use 2to steal 4 AP and deal 150 damages. / Cost 6
Level 3 : use 3to steal 5 AP and deal 160 damages. / Cost 5
Level 4 : use 3to steal 6 AP and deal 170 damages. / Cost 5
Level 5 : use 4to steal 7 AP and deal 185 damages. / Cost 5
If Iceman doesn't have at least the necessary amount ofwhen he uses the skill, then the skill steals the same amount than the amount of
Means that if he uses it level 1 with 1, he will steal only 1 AP.
Since every color can be stealed, you will easily understand thatis a color you will HAVE TO steal in the enemy team, but you can also consider stealing one another color to avoid a strong attack on yourself and counterattack if you can use the AP you just stole.
AnotherIce wall
Desc : Iceman creates an ice wall to protect his mates. He chooses a tile and converts the whole horizontal line into shield tiles.
Level 1 : creates shield tiles, power of 11. / Cost 11
Level 2 : creates shield tiles, power of 13. / Cost 10
Level 3 : creates shield tiles, power of 15. / Cost 9
Level 4 : creates shield tiles, power of 18. / Cost 9
Level 5 : creates shield tiles, power of 22. / Cost 8
Level 166 :
Level 3 : shield tiles have a power of 32
Level 4 : shield tiles have a power of 40
Level 5 : shield tiles have a power of 52.
But : he can only convert basic tiles, which means he can't convert teamups tiles, countdowns, enemy shields/strike/attack, bubbles...Avalanche cost 5 AP
Desc : Iceman creates a huge ice ball over the head of the target, consuming all hisAP to deal a maximum of damages to the enemy.
Level 1 : deals 65 damages for eachused
Level 2 : deals 80 damages for eachused
Level 3 : deals 110 damages for eachused
Level 4 : deals 130 damages for eachused
Level 5 : deals 150 damages for eachused
Level max :
Level 3 : deals 210 for eachused (maximum of 210 x 30
: 6300 damages
Level 4 : deals 230 for eachused (maximum of 230 x 30
: 6900 damages)
Level 5 : deals 250 for eachused (maximum of 250 x 30
: 7500 damages)
Fatal Blow : if the enemy is stunned, the damages are doubled. (which means the real maximum of damages is 15000 !)
BUT : 0? No ice ball ! No damages !
Explanation :
Iceman exists with his two abilities "Ice Beam" and "Avalanche" in the fighting games like Marvel Vs Capcom or else ; Therefore I tried to make those abilities useful in MPQ in the ways you can read above.
I did "Ice Beam" in the logic of countering Storm, which has an almost similar skill, but far stronger at high level, which means that when they will fight each other at the same level, the first who will have enough blue will probably win the duel... but not the game. As they are both of them low HP, Iceman has a strong advantage when his level is superior.
However, I also wanted to avoid the obvious fact that people will use him paired with Magneto 2* cause he can generate blue AP.
Here, it will be possible if you focus on "Ice Beam", but difficult if you want to use "Avalanche" cause then you will need 3 colors, and most of the stunning skills are using blue (Black widow 1*, Storm 2*, Iron man 1*, Captain America 2*, Daredevil, ... ), purple (Venom) or sometimes black (captain marvel... and we won't talk about the moonstone's black which is a pure joke) or green (Dr Octopus).
Using Avalanche ascould be possible but would make it even more difficult to play in team in early game.
I wanted to create a combo between those two skills, which allows you to stun a target and then to deal damages if you still have some blue, then purple was not a color that was supposed to make him good, so(which is mostly used for supports) was, I think, the best choice.
That's only my personnal idea of this char.
Build ?
Whatever you want, there's no "good" or "bad" build, since it depends only of what you want him to be good at and with which chars you want to play him.
5/3/5 for pure damage dealers ; 5/5/3 if you want damages and stealing ; 3/5/5 if you want to save your blue to a single target strong attack.
Teams ?
p.e. a team like Venom - Iceman - Magneto 2* would be stupid cause you need purple to get blue, and then purple again to stun targets. That's too much of purple needed.
Captain marvel - Iceman - Magneto would be a very good team, cause you can stun with captain or steal enemy APs usingand
, which offers you a tactical choice.
Your Magneto is dead ? Then use Iron Man 40 to provide blue to your iceman with his yellow, Old Black Widow would also be useful to team with cause two thieves can definitely make you the winner of the game if you succeed getting the necessary colors. The Hood would probably be a good choice, but Iceman uses the same colors than him, so he would just be a support or taking damages for him if his level is superior.
A lot of teams can be done with those colors anyway.0 -
Whoa, whoa, I can just bring a Symbiote Snare TUp which I can *easily* farm in Prologue, stun the entire enemy team and blow them up with my MMN/Iceman.0
I don't think that if you have to farm to get a lot of those teamups it will be easier, since you have to get a lot of
to make it useful that way
Could help, of course, but wouldn't be ultimate at all since you have no guarantee to collect enough blue or else to do quick damages, in my opinion.
And if it's right that this team can deal damages, I'm not sure they would be tanky enough against Pyro, Grenadier, Assassins... cause you can't avoid strong or quick damages, enemy countdowns, ...
If you have p.e. to face Thor, who has 5000HP, you would then need the stun (6for the one of Venom), then 5
and then collect 8-10
directly or collecting 9
to create them with Magneto 2*, which means you need 7 perfect turns to make this strategy possible.
Possible then, but difficult and no guarantee that you will succeed. And also, you only defeated 1 char.0 -
Mr Sinister and Omega Red would be sweet. Also, Bishop.1
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