What Marvel character are you hoping for? (post movesets)



  • Well since the dispute is settled, definetly ANGELA! Spawn FTW!!!
  • Joker117
    Joker117 Posts: 124
    From the posts above I'd love to see some of them ASAP lol

    I'm big for carnage still and was saying DEADPOOL for awhile (yay ...figured eventually they'd do it) .

    Still green goblin should be in it

    Spawn would be cool for sure .

    Ghost rider and cyclops I'm surprised that cyclops isn't in and I'd bet ghost rider will come maybe they're hoping near Halloween ?

    Phantomex or is it fantomex ? (The white ninja ish crazy ish dude) .


    A new spider man more attack based maybe it'd be miles even idc ..

    Spider woman ?


    Some one said Polaris ..that would be cool and Wanda too so why not the whole mags family ? (Quicksilver , scarlet witch and Polaris ) but I bet that's a stretch .

    War machine ? No ?

    With all the wolverines ..no saber tooth?

    Ant man could be cool maybe ants cover certain tiles , stomp (grows big and stomps area or whipes the board ) .

    Yellow jacket or wasp?

    How about the first mutant ever ? Apocalypse ?

    Electro? Doc Ock ? One of the sinister 6 ? (I'm trying to stay with the popular characters who are in movies or have been as it would draw interest for this game and be a smart move for devs right?)

    Honestly I'd welcome any of the (sorry for the spelling ) symbiotes ? (Carnage, anti venom , toxin ?)

    Jean grey



    I'm forgetting so many of course .

    Ultron and galactus are toss ups as they could just be big bads we have to fight maybe a new story add on to the original game ?
  • Blink
    Blink Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Gambit! icon_e_smile.gif:):)
  • lleywen wrote:

    Bad intention - 7 black AP
    Mystique choose a tile and create a copy from a tile present on the board.
    Level 2 - cost 1 AP less
    Level 3 - cost 1 AP less
    Level 4 - cost 1 AP less
    Level 5 - cost 1 AP less

    Mirror protection - 2 purple AP
    Mystique create a random shield tile and a random attack tile.
    Level 2 - cost 1 AP more. Tile strentgh protection increased. Attack tile increased.
    Level 3 - cost 1 AP more. Tile strentgh protection increased. Attack tile increased.
    Level 4 - cost 1 AP more. Tile strentgh protection increased. Attack tile increased.
    Level 5 - cost 1 AP more. Tile strentgh protection increased. Attack tile increased.

    Silent infiltration - 10 yellow AP
    Mystique deals 212 damage and steal 3 yellow and 3 black AP.
    Level 2 - Raises damage
    Level 3 - Steal 4Y and 4B
    Level 4 - Raises damage
    Level 5 - cost 1 AP less

    Love it! I especially like the black skill - but perhaps renamed as "ulterior motive"? The above gets my vote. We need more female X-men (who aren't an iteration of storm) represented in the game!
  • Would love to see some of the Guardians of The Galaxy characters released. Thanos, Silver Surfer, Ultron, Luke Cage and Iron Fist would be next on my list. I've only been playing for about 2 months so idk how often they release more characters and if it is only 1 at a time.
  • Gambit. Passive- Sticky Fingers- Whenever 3 purple tiles are matched, gambit has a chance to steal 2 of any color ap from the enemy team

    Shuffle the deck- 7 purple required. Gambit shuffles 10 random tiles and generates 1 ap from every tile moved

    5 card stud- 9 black required. Gambit destroys 5 tiles in a row generating ap and damaging all enemies.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    owlflyer17 wrote:
    Gambit. Passive- Sticky Fingers- Whenever 3 purple tiles are matched, gambit has a chance to steal 2 of any color ap from the enemy team

    Shuffle the deck- 7 purple required. Gambit shuffles 10 random tiles and generates 1 ap from every tile moved

    5 card stud- 9 black required. Gambit destroys 5 tiles in a row generating ap and damaging all enemies.

    What about his staff and kinetic charge ability?? Here's how I'd do Gambit:

    Kinetic Charge Purple (passive)- Whenever you have 6AP in purple, all of Gambit's match 3 explode! Starts with a 3x3 explosion of tiles and increases to 5x5 at max level with damage increases at various levels. No AP generation.

    Staff to the Face! Yellow 9AP- Gambit brings out his staff for combat. Deals x damage and increases damage output per level.

    Ace Up the Sleeve Black 10AP- Gambit charges his cards and launches them at the enemy. Deals x damage and destroys a random 2x2 block. Damage increase at certain levels and max block destroyed at level 5 is 5x5. No AP generation
  • Joker117 wrote:
    From the posts above

    Spawn would be cool for sure ?

    he isnt a marvel character
  • Blink (***)
    Low HP

    Green/ Purple/ Black

    Green: Teleportation Portal – (Passive) – Blink casts a “portal” tile of a random color (hidden from the opponent’s view) onto the playing field at the start of a fight. All incoming attacks of the same color as the color tile are redirected toward the opposing team in varying capacity. If the tile is cleared, Blink re-opens a portal of the same color on the next turn.

    -- Level 1: A single “Portal” tile that redirects a single color’s attacks at 50% strength
    -- Level 2: A single “Portal” tile that redirects a single color’s attacks at 100% strength
    -- Level 3: “Portal tiles” of 2 colors that redirect attacks 75% strength
    -- Level 4: “Portal tiles” of 3 colors that redirect attacks at 75%
    -- Level 5: “Portal tiles” of 3 colors that redirect attacks at 100% strength.

    Purple: “Made ya Blink” - (Active) Blink focuses her ability into short, crystal-like javelins, which she hurls at the opposing team.

    -- Level 1: Costs 7 AP and deals 500 HP damage to a single target
    -- Level 2: Costs 7 AP and deals 750 HP damage to a single target
    -- Level 3: Costs 6 AP and deals 1000 HP damage to 1 target
    -- Level 4: Costs 5 AP and deals 1500 HP damage to 1 target
    -- Level 5: Costs 4 AP and deals 1500 HP damage to all 3 opponents

    Black: Blink Wave 7AP – (Active) Clarice goes into sympathetic overdrive and casts a teleportation field that shreds the opposing team’s entire AP stores. The opposing team struggles to evade the wave of destruction resulting in a single missed turn.

    -- Level 1: 90% chance of Blink being “out of phase” and getting caught in the aftermath of the destruction resulting in an instant drain of Blink’s entire health bar
    -- Level 2: 75% chance …”
    -- Level 3: 50% chance… “
    -- Level 4: 25% chance … “
    -- Level 5: 5%
  • A sincere question to the developers from an unenlightened fan of the game:

    How do you decide on which new characters to prioritize for including in the game's roster?

    One would think the popularity of the character in the comic reader fan base would influence that decision heavily. Attracting a loyal fan who identifies with a character might even encourage that fan to pay money for covers in an attempt to level up and play the character in the game. Attracting more loyal fans and encouraging them to pay more money to play their favorite characters translates to profit, no?

    I'm scratching my head to make sense of why obscure characters like Juggernaught, She-Hulk, Carol Danvers or Falcon are included before other longstanding fan-favorites like Cyclops, Jean Grey Emma Frost, Silver Surfer, Magik, Thanos, Thing, or Big Bertha?

    Hopefully we can both agree that one of the above does not belong and would likely fall flat with a loud "thud" with players if she were introduced... Then again, her introduction would be so apropos of America's obesity epidemic. Public health plug, anyone?

    Having been a comic fan for the past 3 decades, I'm underwhelmed with recent character releases. Perhaps I and others like me should just take our business back to the comic stands... alternatively, could you perhaps throw us a bone by polling for what characters a majority of customers actually want released?

    Thanks for reading.
  • Joker117
    Joker117 Posts: 124
    Joker117 wrote:
    From the posts above

    Spawn would be cool for sure ?

    he isnt a marvel character

    Sorta is ...he's also in marvel:avengers alliance (another good game ..but ended up a little annoying) .

    He's had story lines with avengers , in avengers , vs avengers , vs xmen , with xmen ..so on .
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    virtue wrote:
    One would think the popularity of the character in the comic reader fan base would influence that decision heavily. Attracting a loyal fan who identifies with a character might even encourage that fan to pay money for covers in an attempt to level up and play the character in the game. Attracting more loyal fans and encouraging them to pay more money to play their favorite characters translates to profit, no?

    I'm scratching my head to make sense of why obscure characters like Juggernaught, She-Hulk, Carol Danvers or Falcon are included before other longstanding fan-favorites like Cyclops, Jean Grey Emma Frost, Silver Surfer, Magik, Thanos, Thing, or Big Bertha?

    Having been a comic fan for the past 3 decades, I'm underwhelmed with recent character releases. Perhaps I and others like me should just take our business back to the comic stands... alternatively, could you perhaps throw us a bone by polling for what characters a majority of customers actually want released?

    Thanks for reading.

    I have to disagree with you a little bit on the recent character releases. Carol Danvers was a character people have been asking for. With the movie release of Captain America Winter Soldier Falcon was an obvious choice to release. Also they have now completely remade the cover to be Deadpool all the time. Deadpool was by far the #1 character people wanted released and they made him the face of MPQ. He even has special Deadpool points. Now are all the characters good and easily playable? No. The Dev's have planned releases for new X-men as well are going away from the Dark Reign story line so that will open up more characters to play with.
  • When colossus comes out he needs an ability called Russian Roulette. I don't care what it does, it just needs to happen.
  • wymtime wrote:
    virtue wrote:
    One would think the popularity of the character in the comic reader fan base would influence that decision heavily. Attracting a loyal fan who identifies with a character might even encourage that fan to pay money for covers in an attempt to level up and play the character in the game. Attracting more loyal fans and encouraging them to pay more money to play their favorite characters translates to profit, no?

    I'm scratching my head to make sense of why obscure characters like Juggernaught, She-Hulk, Carol Danvers or Falcon are included before other longstanding fan-favorites like Cyclops, Jean Grey Emma Frost, Silver Surfer, Magik, Thanos, Thing, or Big Bertha?

    Having been a comic fan for the past 3 decades, I'm underwhelmed with recent character releases. Perhaps I and others like me should just take our business back to the comic stands... alternatively, could you perhaps throw us a bone by polling for what characters a majority of customers actually want released?

    Thanks for reading.

    I have to disagree with you a little bit on the recent character releases. Carol Danvers was a character people have been asking for. With the movie release of Captain America Winter Soldier Falcon was an obvious choice to release. Also they have now completely remade the cover to be Deadpool all the time. Deadpool was by far the #1 character people wanted released and they made him the face of MPQ. He even has special Deadpool points. Now are all the characters good and easily playable? No. The Dev's have planned releases for new X-men as well are going away from the Dark Reign story line so that will open up more characters to play with.

    Sounds good. I'm okay with disagreement. My main concern isn't whether some players wanted Carol Danvers, Falcon, or Deadpool, rather it's that there seems to be a general lack of transparency about how characters are chosen, which are chosen when, and whether there is any data in the form of poll results to back it up?

    Question: If the devs are consistently releasing characters in line with Marvel's movies, then I must have missed the character released for X-men: Days of Future Passed or X-men: First Class. Which characters would those happen to be, again?
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    In all fairness to the devs: just having a movie tie in does not equate a well balanced character.

    While some may disagree with the amount of play-testing & balancing pre-release, I'm 100% positive that the developers have a quite a few characters they have not released because they are not happy with the character as a whole. Either as simple as one of the powers not being balanced or fitting the character, or even something as simple as the wording of the text used for the character description.

    I also wonder how much the devs actually CAN use this thread. If they took idea's straight from this thread, would their boss (or the players) accuse them of being lazy? Even if it's a brilliant idea.

    I'm honestly curious how many of our ideas from this thread (it's pretty old) actually were released in game.
  • Iceman

    Blue: ice wall
    Creates a 3x3 block of protect tiles around a chosen tile
    Level 2-4: increase protect strength
    Level 5: 5x5 block

    Yellow: freezer burn
    Deals x damage and stuns enemy for 2 turns
    Level 2-5: increase stun by 1 each

    Green: thin ice
    Sets a green trap tile that deals x damage and stuns the enemy for 1 turn when matched. When you match the tile,two more take its place for a maximum of 4 on the board at once.
    Level 2-5: increase damage, increase max traps by 1 each
  • Gambit

    Purple: card toss
    Destroys 5 chosen basic tiles
    Level 2: works on strike and protects
    Level 3: works on attack and webs
    Level 4: works on all
    Level 5: throws 5 random cards after the cascades from the chosen cards are finished

    Yellow: staff strike
    Deals x damage and destroys a 3x3 square around a chosen tile
    Level 2: more damage
    Level 3: 5x5 square
    Level 4: more damage
    Level 5: 7x7 square

    Black: kinetic charge
    Sets a trap on a chosen black, purple, or yellow tile that deals x damage and destroys the 3x3 square around the tile. If you match the tile it deals x damage to the enemy and gives you an additional 5 ap of the color of the trap and the trap moves to a new random black, purple, or yellow tile.
    Level 2-5: more damage, increase ap given by 1 each
  • Black cat

    Black: cat burglar
    Steals all ap of a random enemy color and steals 1 random enemy special tile.
    Level 2: 2 special tiles, 1 chosen
    Level 3: steals 2 ap colors
    Level 4: 4 special tiles, 2 chosen
    Level 5: steals 3 colors

    Yellow: bad luck
    Destroys a random enemy special tile and sets a random yellow trap that deals x damage and depletes a random color of the enemy's ap. If you match the trap it deals x damage and may you place another one on a chosen tile.
    Level 2-5: increase special tiles destroyed by 1 each, number of traps made = number of specials destroyed

    Purple passive: master thief
    Whenever you match an enemy special tile, you receive a 25% strength copy on a random tile
    Level 2: 50%
    Level 3: 75%
    Level 4: 100%
    Level 5: makes 2 at 75%, one on a chosen tile and one random
  • Blade

    Black: glaive throw
    Deals x damage and places a random black countdown tile. When the countdown reaches 0 it deals .5x damage to a random enemy and returns 5 black ap.
    level 2: increase damage
    Level 3: countdown deals .75x damage
    Level 4: increase damage
    Level 5: countdown deals x damage to a chosen enemy

    Red: vampire bite
    Deals x damage and heals .5x damage to blade
    Level 2: increase damage
    Level 3: heals .75x
    Level 4: increase damage
    Level 4: heals x damage

    Yellow passive: daywalker
    Every turn there are more than x yellow tiles on the board, a random yellow protect tile is created. Every turn there are more than x black tiles on the board, a random black strike tile is created
    Level 2-4: increase tile strength, decrease number of necessary tiles by 1 each
    Level 5: you may choose location of tiles
  • Lazy Venom/Carnage/Toxin