*** Wolverine (Patch) ***



  • Unknown
    thecapnjoe wrote:
    So is 5/4/4 just something that nobody should ever do?

    This is the build I was planning, but it's not an option on either poll, and I haven't seen anyone mention it. Am I a fool for thinking green is most important to max but yellow is good enough at 4?

    There's no reason to go with any 4 skill builds, sacrificing too much power bump 4->5.
  • Unknown
    mcheath wrote:

    There's no reason to go with any 4 skill builds, sacrificing too much power bump 4->5.

    While this is usually the case, what you are saying isn't true. Ares at 4 red and green/ 5 yellow is a very reasonable build. He gains almost nothing from green or red 5.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon 17 wrote:
    mcheath wrote:

    There's no reason to go with any 4 skill builds, sacrificing too much power bump 4->5.

    While this is usually the case, what you are saying isn't true. Ares at 4 red and green/ 5 yellow is a very reasonable build. He gains almost nothing from green or red 5.

    And look at Falcon, lvl 4 blue to lvl 5 blue doesn't make sense, the CD timer goes down by 1 which you can destroy anyway at anytime. FYI I got in a hilarious Redwing battle, I created an attack tile that got overlaid by other teams redwing into CD tile, my turn came, turned it into my CD tile, there turn came turned it into their CD tile, and back and forth and back and forth for like 8 turns, it was kinda funny.
  • Unknown
    I look forward to seeing that happen. Should be an entertaining mirror.
  • Unknown
    mcheath wrote:
    There's no reason to go with any 4 skill builds, sacrificing too much power bump 4->5.

    And I digress this with Patch's case. With Berserk at 5 you have to carefully consider when to use it (preferably when you can destroy enemy strike tiles or you have Loki) otherwise it highly likely will eventually backfire on you. That means it might stay as a one time only ability in a match, probably even ending move. On the other hand using Berserk at level 4 gives out only 4 enemy purple strike tiles and it's easily more manageable than those 6 strike tiles. Who knows, you might be bold and lucky enough to cast it again in the same match.

    One might argue that there's really not that much difference between Berserk skill at 3 or 4... Well, there is. That one strike tile. icon_razz.gif Some are willing to give up "sure" healing at 3/5/5 build to boost up their green skill just a bit and go 454. I'm there with my Patch at the moment. Although to be honest as soon as Falcon pvp is over and I get some Patch covers I'll consider if I go back to 355, stay at 454 or convert to 553. Don't know yet, but 454 Patch works also just swell in this PVP, so no complaints if I'm "stuck". Luckily Patch is very usable with most of his cover-maxed builds. Especially if you max two of the skills to 5 and leave one at 3. Then it's only question of how and where you're gonna use him.

    Any build with 4's in it is just kinky flavoring. icon_twisted.gif
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    during this terrible run Daken Heroic I am very glad my Patch is 3/5/5 and nothing else
  • Unknown
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Generally thought on Patch build. Assume C.Mags and Spiderman are out of the game, is 5/5/3 the build of choice or something else?

    I think regardless of who you pair him with 5 green is something thats a play style choice. Its not only useful with those 2 characters but you need to make sure you can do more than just 1 match when you use it. You will likely want other spells ready to cast before you use it as strike tiles buff those as well. Generally if you run 5 green you need to pair him with someone thats mana cost is low or at minimum average.

    It seems like most people in this thread seem to think 5 red is his best option. I am using 5 green 3 red and while it is a play style choice his damage options are very extreme if you pair him with the right characters. There are a few options in the game that do high damage like his red at 5 covers. But there is nothing in the game that does the damage potential of his 5 green in the right situation.

    IMO patch really comes down to his green and yellow covers. Do you want to heal every turn? Do you have a plan for giving the enemy 6 strike tiles? The answer to both of those questions gives you your spec.
  • Unknown
    bonebreak wrote:
    IMO patch really comes down to his green and yellow covers. Do you want to heal every turn? Do you have a plan for giving the enemy 6 strike tiles? The answer to both of those questions gives you your spec.

    Heh, I kind of feel like it comes down to his red. Do you plan on having him tank at least 3 colors and your team has no better red user? The answer gives you your spec icon_e_wink.gif
  • Unknown
    gamar wrote:
    bonebreak wrote:
    IMO patch really comes down to his green and yellow covers. Do you want to heal every turn? Do you have a plan for giving the enemy 6 strike tiles? The answer to both of those questions gives you your spec.

    Heh, I kind of feel like it comes down to his red. Do you plan on having him tank at least 3 colors and your team has no better red user? The answer gives you your spec icon_e_wink.gif

    "no better red user" is I think the more important question to answer. Him tanking multiple colors works in all his builds due to the regen with yellow. I have him tanking 3-4 and I still have red at 3.

    Thats the staple of a good character though. When a community cant decide on a spec that's a great thing.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I have Patch at 4-5-4 (I think I threw out a yellow once, but not sure) and I'm really torn. I won't ever go 5-5-3 and most definitely not 5-3-5 so the question is whether I stay 4-5-4 or respec to 3-5-5 if I get another yellow? I heard often enough that Patch builds shouldn't have any abilities at level 4.
  • Unknown
    locked wrote:
    I have Patch at 4-5-4 (I think I threw out a yellow once, but not sure) and I'm really torn. I won't ever go 5-5-3 and most definitely not 5-3-5 so the question is whether I stay 4-5-4 or respec to 3-5-5 if I get another yellow? I heard often enough that Patch builds shouldn't have any abilities at level 4.

    Personally I run a 3/5/5 patch. I like the additional 371 health every turn. The way I see it is 371 x Number of turns (lets just say 15 per game) = 5,565 additional health. Looking at it this way gives patch more health than the Hulk. I love 5 in red as well. I tank with patch in 3-4 colors (and he typically heals any match damage + he can recover from ability damage over a few turns). If there are 9 of each of those colors on the board he deals 216 x 36 = 7,776 damage for 14 red. Plus the tiles he drops for the enemy are only half the damage as the ones he drops for you. 3 in green is manageable on multiple levels. I typically put hulk in with patch. Once I drop a green ability it allows the enemy to hit for over 5% of hulks total life. I hit with green, then match black to put hulk out front. Not only does hulk place 5 green tiles, but he instantly damages the enemy for 148 + any strike tiles on the board (and that is if the enemy only got one match and did not use any abilities). The draw back to this is that the green that hulk drops will easily wipe out your green strike tiles, thus I only want three out.

    That's my two cents.
  • Unknown
    Daken regen seems better for all practical purposes, so I think it'd be better to run 5/5/3 in general now and run Daken as your regen guy, unless you want to run Patch + Daken together. That'd be pretty fun too.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    KLoganR wrote:
    Personally I run a 3/5/5 patch. I like the additional 371 health every turn. The way I see it is 371 x Number of turns (lets just say 15 per game) = 5,565 additional health. Looking at it this way gives patch more health than the Hulk. I love 5 in red as well. I tank with patch in 3-4 colors (and he typically heals any match damage + he can recover from ability damage over a few turns). If there are 9 of each of those colors on the board he deals 216 x 36 = 7,776 damage for 14 red. Plus the tiles he drops for the enemy are only half the damage as the ones he drops for you. 3 in green is manageable on multiple levels. I typically put hulk in with patch. Once I drop a green ability it allows the enemy to hit for over 5% of hulks total life. I hit with green, then match black to put hulk out front. Not only does hulk place 5 green tiles, but he instantly damages the enemy for 148 + any strike tiles on the board (and that is if the enemy only got one match and did not use any abilities). The draw back to this is that the green that hulk drops will easily wipe out your green strike tiles, thus I only want three out.

    That's my two cents.
    Yeah 4 in green is a bit too suicidal - tried to run Hulk/Patch today against other Hulks and failed, do you always put Hulk on the right so that Patch collects red and green? Thanks for the input!

    Phantron, I already have a maxed Patch - why would I want to run Clawkid, ever? Only if to have decent match damage on purple/black. Same way you didn't need Daken** much if you already had a maxed A.Wolverine, even post-Thorverine funbalance.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2014
    locked wrote:
    I have Patch at 4-5-4 (I think I threw out a yellow once, but not sure) and I'm really torn. I won't ever go 5-5-3 and most definitely not 5-3-5 so the question is whether I stay 4-5-4 or respec to 3-5-5 if I get another yellow? I heard often enough that Patch builds shouldn't have any abilities at level 4.

    Nah, it's his red you shouldn't have 4 in. going 4/5/4 you are saying, "I am willing to give up some of my guarenteed healing, for an extra strike tile" At worst you heal for 97 health, and at best 371. However the odds of you having 10 tiles on the board is pretty slim all the time, lets say 3 out of 10 times you heal at 371. That avgs 179 per turn vs. 371 and you get an extra strike tile, so in short no 4/5/4 isn't bad. Before Thor 5/5/3 was the bomb, but now that we have more characters using yellow, having only 3 in yellow basically says, "I don't care about healing"
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Daken regen seems better for all practical purposes, so I think it'd be better to run 5/5/3 in general now and run Daken as your regen guy, unless you want to run Patch + Daken together. That'd be pretty fun too.
    Might be fun to run them with sentry. Their regens can absorb the team damage, meaning he'd be the only one who needs healing. And he'd only tank red, so you'd be able to keep him relatively safe.

    Doesn't have rainbow coverage, but IMO that's overrated anyway
  • Unknown
    locked wrote:
    Yeah 4 in green is a bit too suicidal - tried to run Hulk/Patch today against other Hulks and failed, do you always put Hulk on the right so that Patch collects red and green? Thanks for the input!

    Yes I run patch on the right (the center character's right) so he collects and tanks. With the current Daken, Patch, Hulk tournament Wolvie tanks in red, green, yellow, and blue. Daken tanks in purple (because his level is only at 96) and Hulk tanks black. I usually just keep patch and Daken out front until I've gathered 9+ green (but typically 18 at this point), 14 red, 10+ blue, and then wipe out the remaining two opponents. Works well and I've won a few defense games as well (not many, but hey any is great). I'm sure no one really passes me up but with a 141 Hulk, 141 Wolvie with full regeneration and a 96 Daken, that's a lot of health people have to cut through.

    I just wish the AI would not use Hulks stupid abilities. I absolutely detest both his red and green skills, it's a waste of AP.

    Plus you can get a few more matches out of these three without using health packs. Hulk at 50% health is still a viable character, especially since he's only tanking black, and Wolvie and Daken heal so... yep yep.

    Edit: Hulk will also tank environmental tiles with this line up, so if no black are available after strike tile placements, there you go. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Thanks a lot. I just find it difficult sometimes to have any matches for Hulk with him only having black/environment. Should try it out more with your order (Patch over Hulk).
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    When C.Mags gets nerfed, what other charcters can cause crazy cascades to make Patch still insane with lvl 5 Beserker Rage? All I can come up with is M.Storm, cast Beserker Rage, then cast Mistress of Elements to hopefully get a cascade going. Thor maybe as you could cast Red or Yellow to create cascades, but Lightning Strikes could destroy the Green strike tiles you created. The only other option would be the nerfed C.Mags or possible MN.Mags as his purple can create decent cascades of blue.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    GSBW creates cascades... Daken kinda.
  • Unknown
    I had him at 3/5/5 and then switched to 5/5/3

    5/3/5 - you change patch to only one skill character - green skill, red is not usable
    3/5/5 - defensive build but if you want such defensive build character - don't use him, there are better defensive characters
    5/5/3 - I must admit that he did ot heal every turn and this is kind of minus of this build but I think this is the best offensive and defensive build (maybe 5/3/5 is better defense). When patch trigger his green rage he guarante 1700 damage plus one move so almost 3k damage. With cascades he can kill one character with one move.

    And one more thing about healing, when you guys fight with patch did you are afraid of his healling ? I am not, I kill him always with one round.

    But maybe if I will really like sentry I will change my patch to 5/3/5