*** Wolverine (Patch) ***



  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Jayko wrote:
    Doom's trap tiles block the purple strike tile placement for the enemy. I know exactly where the strike tiles are going, whether I can clear them, or whether they're going to be placed at all.

    Really? Because I know that when I've faced Doom with Patch, very often the Purple Strike tiles I place trigger "Trap Disarmed" messages. You're saying that this is not the case when you own the traps?
    yep. Friendly specials don't overwrite friendly traps, but do overwrite enemy taps.

    That is a valuable tip. Thank you sir!
  • Just got my 4th yellow cover and I'm still not sure what to do with my current 553 build, haha... Lovin' both the green and red, my Loki is almost 5 max black covers so the green won't hurt me no more, but that red does insane amounts of damage sometimes.... can't decide with one to drop down to 4 so that I can get his healing better..
  • dw316 wrote:
    Just got my 4th yellow cover and I'm still not sure what to do with my current 553 build, haha... Lovin' both the green and red, my Loki is almost 5 max black covers so the green won't hurt me no more, but that red does insane amounts of damage sometimes.... can't decide with one to drop down to 4 so that I can get his healing better..

    The answer to this depends on how much play time Patch sees. If he is your main guy, then you need that 5 yellow to keep him healthy. Because Hulk exists, 5 green is typically the answer. Plus there are ways to limit the damage on the purple enemy strike tiles, not the least of which is to just regen it with 5 yellow. Green is also faster which is usually good.

    If Patch is NOT your main guy, as in you have a decent XF or you use him only sparingly, 5/5/3 is actually not that bad of a choice. He becomes a boosted murder hobo, killing things when he has that red crystal and using more health packs than he should.
  • Isay_Isay
    Isay_Isay Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    A bit late on this, but after Sharp Dressed, Best There Is has really lost a lot of it's luster due the overall health shift (even when he was boosted). 5 greenflag.png 3 redflag.png 5 yellowflag.png seems like the only build at this point
  • I'm just curious where things are trending with him. I'm 355, but for a while it seemed like everyone here called you an idiot for not running 535. I typically use his green in 'burst', when I feel it's safe, and prefer the hard hitting nature of his red, but with the health shift and red becoming a more used color, he's dealing fewer fatal blows due to HP, and he has his claws on fewer tiles. Not really sure which way to go, had a chance to lean back towards green, but preferred the ISO at the time.

    I think Laken slowly falling out of favor with me for climbing has lessened my interest in Patch (who plays so well with my shiny new Cage). Maybe I just need some new partner ideas.

    What teams are you guys running with Patch now? No Loki, that's not fun, overdone, and he dies in one hit...not enough HP between the two heh.
    - Unreall
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I'm just curious where things are trending with him. I'm 355, but for a while it seemed like everyone here called you an idiot for not running 535. I typically use his green in 'burst', when I feel it's safe, and prefer the hard hitting nature of his red, but with the health shift and red becoming a more used color, he's dealing fewer fatal blows due to HP, and he has his claws on fewer tiles. Not really sure which way to go, had a chance to lean back towards green, but preferred the ISO at the time.

    I think Laken slowly falling out of favor with me for climbing has lessened my interest in Patch (who plays so well with my shiny new Cage). Maybe I just need some new partner ideas.

    What teams are you guys running with Patch now? No Loki, that's not fun, overdone, and he dies in one hit...not enough HP between the two heh.
    - Unreall

    I still run Patch/loki/Cmag in sim, lots of cheap abilities, defense, board shifting and burst. Build was 3/5/5 for the longest time because of drops and then I got my last 2 green covers and its just better, the build pumps out waaaaay more damage for the AP spent. Also if you look at it like this, straight damage wise you're spending 9 AP to do 3131 or more damage to a target because of the initial damage plus whatever match you make which is pretty good for finishing characters off too.

    Max zerk rage is really just fun because sometimes the damage it adds can spiral wildly out of control in cascades and suddenly you find yourself with the match quickly over or 1-2 enemies suddenly wiped out from constant smacks of 1.2k+ damage. Flip side, it really is one of those abilities where you need to read the board and make a good judgement call but its just soooooo rewarding when you know when to use it.
  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Everyone talks about running Loki with Patch and I can see the benefits of him converting enemy strike tiles to protect tiles but I've just never been a fan of Loki personally. Please no hate mail from the Loki fans. icon_e_smile.gif

    But I've been running him with She-Hulk and loving it. Her blueflag.png does a great job of converting the tiles and improving them significantly for even more damage. Then I can hopefully match the others away...or toss in star.pngstar.pngstar.png Bullseye to blow up the other two for nice damage. If all else fails, She-Hulk can use her redflag.png and get rid of any strike tiles at the bottom.
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Patch's true best friend is Antman. Green to blue and you have 12 strike tiles or purple to green and you have attack tiles and strikes for double dipping.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like running Patch with Loki and Doc Ock in the DDQ. icon_e_smile.gif Elektra is a good partner too...
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also loved to use Doom, you need to wait a bit until it converts most of the purples to traps, but you don't even need to get AP for other colors. Its is very easy to get the 6 green strikes and just one or two purples. And they are rainbow.

    Daredevil is also a nice teammate, fueling his purple with the tiles you create icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus wrote:
    I'll top 10 in the ongoing PVE event which will land me 2 additional Patch covers. That makes a total of 13 and it's time to level this dude up.
    Some questions. I don't yet have a useable Loki to team him up with. How is he together with Bullseye ***? Thinking he could take care of the nasty attack tiles Wolvie create?
    Also, as I am eager to get Patch going, I'm thinking about ditching my champed Wolverine ** to get some additional ISO-8. I might or might not rebuild him. (so far I haven't rebuild any ditched ** characters as I really don't miss them yet)
    Good idea or bad idea?
    Patch is very good on his own, it's not like he needs to be played with Loki to be effective. Bullseye could probably work just fine - I know Patch works well with Doc Ock from experience. Moonstone is Another option. Dr Doom is Another effective pairing since Patch won't put strike tiles over friendly traps. Or just wait until there isn't much (and/or easily matched) Purple on the board Before firing his green. icon_e_smile.gif
    As for 2** Wolverine, I'd only ditch him if you desperately needed the roster spot. The champion rewards you can get from farming him far outweighs the ISO you get from just Selling him, and you never know when he'll be a PvE essential.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    mexus wrote:
    I'll top 10 in the ongoing PVE event which will land me 2 additional Patch covers. That makes a total of 13 and it's time to level this dude up.
    Some questions. I don't yet have a useable Loki to team him up with. How is he together with Bullseye ***? Thinking he could take care of the nasty attack tiles Wolvie create?
    Also, as I am eager to get Patch going, I'm thinking about ditching my champed Wolverine ** to get some additional ISO-8. I might or might not rebuild him. (so far I haven't rebuild any ditched ** characters as I really don't miss them yet)
    Good idea or bad idea?
    Patch is very good on his own, it's not like he needs to be played with Loki to be effective. Bullseye could probably work just fine - I know Patch works well with Doc Ock from experience. Moonstone is Another option. Dr Doom is Another effective pairing since Patch won't put strike tiles over friendly traps. Or just wait until there isn't much (and/or easily matched) Purple on the board Before firing his green. icon_e_smile.gif
    As for 2** Wolverine, I'd only ditch him if you desperately needed the roster spot. The champion rewards you can get from farming him far outweighs the ISO you get from just Selling him, and you never know when he'll be a PvE essential.

    i have Doctor Doom at level 167 and is eager to try him + Patch (and maybe Bullseye). That could be my next winning team!
    I'm in the process of spending all my ISO-8 on Colossos now; i got his 13:th cover yesterday. Seeing, though, that I might get my 13 Patch covers tomorrow made me put Colossos on wait,
    Patch goes before. I'll (or not!) reconsider about selling 2* Wolvie. icon_cool.gif
    As much as I love Colossus' flavor, he's not very good unfortunately. icon_e_sad.gif Save your ISO for Patch, he's an excellent investment. When he tanks all his colors you will see a significant decrease in Health pack usage.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    I run Patch with my 2/2/2 Medusa and a good blue power user who makes special tiles (Doc Ock, War Machine, Daken, Beast, Antman are good) and it's super fun. Medusa gets your health back if your tiles are matched and you gain green or blue or purple AP if the enemy tiles are matched. You get some special tiles on the screen, and you're gonna get some AP. And if you get 10 purple you can steal those enemy strikes you put out with Medusa's Hair Meddle and get some cascades with the board shake.

    Also..... her red passive may seem low in damage, but it adds up with strikes and the more on the field, the better chance of matching and keeping the circle of health and AP going.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tiger Wong wrote:
    I run Patch with my 2/2/2 Medusa and a good blue power user who makes special tiles (Doc Ock, War Machine, Daken, Beast, Antman are good) and it's super fun. Medusa gets your health back if your tiles are matched and you gain green or blue or purple AP if the enemy tiles are matched. You get some special tiles on the screen, and you're gonna get some AP. And if you get 10 purple you can steal those enemy strikes you put out with Medusa's Hair Meddle and get some cascades with the board shake.

    Also..... her red passive may seem low in damage, but it adds up with strikes and the more on the field, the better chance of matching and keeping the circle of health and AP going.

    Medusa is a great pair for patch if you are still in 3* land!

    And as for her passive damage seeming low, that's no problem. (1) it will grow if you continue to match the CD away and make more attack tiles, and (2) when paired with patch, all you really want from her passive is to double dip on all the beefy strike tiles that he will make. After you cast green a few times followed by purple to steal the enemy strikes, the actual damage from her attack tiles will be trivial compared to the mountain of strike tile damage anyway.