*** Wolverine (Patch) ***



  • areacode212
    areacode212 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    BBTBob wrote:
    I find that there is great synergy with **Wolvie, Blade and classic Spider-Man. Their passives overlap perfectly! Maybe this is old news but I've only been playing for 60 days and the team seems solid as an attack or defense team. If I could get a damn yellow cover for Patch I would quickly switch him in! Is there already a consensus on this team?
    I use Patch/Blade/? (Either Spidey or Daken) for the DDQ Survival Nodes. The number of strike tiles from Blade & Daken can often pump up Blade's purple attack tiles to max even before hitting Berserker Rage. Those + Patch's strike tiles end up doing massive damage per round, and the Wave 2 guys fall quickly enough that the enemy purple strike tiles don't hurt you too bad. Patch's 5th Yellow helps a lot here too, and possibly the purple tiles being blocked by the 2 attack tiles and/or Spidey's protect tiles. By the time Wave 4 is out, you'll hopefully have built up enough green/red/blue/black to take them out quickly again, or just rely on the attack/strike tiles + Patch's healing. Works great!

    And yeah, I tend to use his red as a backup. I'll often match red just as a way to get Patch to tank. Then I'll end up with enough to use his move, and use it to finish someone off.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Kriegerbot wrote:
    Thanks for all the input guys. I've been mostly using patch/loki as a pvp climbing team, since thor/hood seems to be a better deterrent 550+.
    4/4/5 probably seemed better to me, since it's less risky and I spend less health packs. But I would need patch at 5/3/5 to hulkbomb well.

    I can take my time with the climb and find replacement teams. But no other combo will fill the niche, at high end of pvp, that 5/3/5 patch and hulk will.
    Thanks for sharing all your wisdoms icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I really can't speak to high end PVP, but my Hulk is at 5/2/5 and my Patch is at 3/1/5 and Hulk Bombing is already amazing for me. It basically got me through the end of the Gauntlet (PVE, I realize), but even at 3 Patch green covers I'm pretty happy.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've gotten used to playing with my 5/4/4 Patch, but now I have both Red and Yellow covers and I'm trying to figure out how to respec if at all. I do like having the backup red at 4 even though it's a relatively rare backup; I do like the idea of fewer enemy strike tiles and a faster BR if I went to 4; I'm kind of ambivalent about upgrading yellow to 5, because if an extra 400 health per turn is going to make a difference, I'm already in bad shape.

    That said, I'm leaning towards the crowd-sourced 5/3/5.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've gotten used to playing with my 5/4/4 Patch, but now I have both Red and Yellow covers and I'm trying to figure out how to respec if at all. I do like having the backup red at 4 even though it's a relatively rare backup; I do like the idea of fewer enemy strike tiles and a faster BR if I went to 4; I'm kind of ambivalent about upgrading yellow to 5, because if an extra 400 health per turn is going to make a difference, I'm already in bad shape.

    That said, I'm leaning towards the crowd-sourced 5/3/5.

    The great thing about 5 yellow is sustainability. Unless things go poorly, Patch is usually at max health at the end of a battle, which helps save on health pack consumption in a climb. I have a 4/4/5 Patch - green is slightly less risky, red still deals a pretty nasty punch, and yellow all but guarantees he's ready to rumble for the next match.
  • I finally got my Patch to max level at 166 with a 5-5-3 build. I'm seeing the polls and it looks like maxing out yellow is the preferable route so I'm still waiting for my yellow covers. I wanted to ask though, is there a reason why green is preferred over red, other than the 9 green casting cost? Green was the color I had the most covers for and maxed out the first, and I found that it hurt my team a lot when I wasn't preferred to counter with Daredevil purple or Loki black. Just wanted to see the reasons for keeping green over red, OR, for those who like red, red over green.

  • dw316 wrote:
    I finally got my Patch to max level at 166 with a 5-5-3 build. I'm seeing the polls and it looks like maxing out yellow is the preferable route so I'm still waiting for my yellow covers. I wanted to ask though, is there a reason why green is preferred over red, other than the 9 green casting cost? Green was the color I had the most covers for and maxed out the first, and I found that it hurt my team a lot when I wasn't preferred to counter with Daredevil purple or Loki black. Just wanted to see the reasons for keeping green over red, OR, for those who like red, red over green.


    This is an ongoing debate that is a big chunk of this thread. I'd recommending looking over it to make up your mind. In short, 5 green is a higher-damage, higher-risk build, because it doubles the strike tiles for both teams. If you're primarily pairing him with Loki or Hulk (or probably Doom), it probably makes more sense, but it also increases the chance the purple tiles will backfire on you. 5 Red is a "safer" build if you're mainly using Patch as a low- or no- damage climb team player in PVP, or someone who can be used endlessly in PVE. Does less damage, takes less damage.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    dw316 wrote:
    I finally got my Patch to max level at 166 with a 5-5-3 build. I'm seeing the polls and it looks like maxing out yellow is the preferable route so I'm still waiting for my yellow covers. I wanted to ask though, is there a reason why green is preferred over red, other than the 9 green casting cost? Green was the color I had the most covers for and maxed out the first, and I found that it hurt my team a lot when I wasn't preferred to counter with Daredevil purple or Loki black. Just wanted to see the reasons for keeping green over red, OR, for those who like red, red over green.


    This is an ongoing debate that is a big chunk of this thread. I'd recommending looking over it to make up your mind. In short, 5 green is a higher-damage, higher-risk build, because it doubles the strike tiles for both teams. If you're primarily pairing him with Loki or Hulk (or probably Doom), it probably makes more sense, but it also increases the chance the purple tiles will backfire on you. 5 Red is a "safer" build if you're mainly using Patch as a low- or no- damage climb team player in PVP, or someone who can be used endlessly in PVE. Does less damage, takes less damage.

    I concur with Ben. My first go with Patch was 3/5/5. I knew I wanted max yellow because it needed to be consistent since he was the second 3* I ever fully maxed and levled with Punisher being #2, these two were my main sources of damage with OBW as my go to for 3 (true healing rocked). It was not until I got my C.Mags in full working order did I switch Patch to 5/3/5, and at that point it wasn't so much red was bad, but moreso I had better uses for it. In addition, when Patch was my only maxed guy, almost every tile was his symbol, so TBTI hit hard, as others caught up he didn't have as many tiles and the damage started to go down it was hitting for 8-9K regularly before others started to reduce it. I also had no way to deal with giving the other team 6 tiles.

    In short, if Patch is a main stay in your lineup I would recomend going 3/5/5 until you can get others up to snuff. If Patch is consistently tanking 4 or more colors you are better served by 3/5/5. As your roster expands and you find Patch only tanking 2 to 3, you may wan to start switching, especially if you have a better red user. However 4/4/5 is also a very viable build for Patch, you get a bit more damage with matches out of his green, although you give up a lot on red, but if you aren't using red anymore but don't want to jump into 5 green yet, 4/4/5 is solid.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Good to know that 4/4/5 is solid as that's where I just happen to have landed as of today's DPD. I was planning on going 5/3/5 whenever the next Green drops, but I have to say that I was pretty happy Hulk bombing with only 3 green and 4 makes it better (and worse).

    Plus I've only got 4 Black on my Loki, so currently he will change all of the strike tiles I give the enemy team. Of course he's still generally under-covered and under-leveled so I haven't been using him as much with Patch, at least in PVP.
  • I strongly disagree. Now that everyone is getting more health, I think 5 green is stronger than ever.

    The trick is, you got to save up and use everything at once. 5 green Patch is BRUTALLY effective for Deadpool Daily, and many other nodes. The trick is to pair him with someone with a cheap ability that damages the entire other team. I prefer Punisher; once you hit 18 green ap, and 21 black ap, they're dead, no matter who it is.

    Now, sure, that's a long-game strategy, and it's extremely slow, but I think Patch is probably the single best character to get you through the 2 -> 3 star transition, just because he takes anyone with an AOE and turns it into a maxed BP RotP black.
  • woozy wrote:
    I strongly disagree. Now that everyone is getting more health, I think 5 green is stronger than ever.

    The trick is, you got to save up and use everything at once. 5 green Patch is BRUTALLY effective for Deadpool Daily, and many other nodes. The trick is to pair him with someone with a cheap ability that damages the entire other team. I prefer Punisher; once you hit 18 green ap, and 21 black ap, they're dead, no matter who it is.

    Now, sure, that's a long-game strategy, and it's extremely slow, but I think Patch is probably the single best character to get you through the 2 -> 3 star transition, just because he takes anyone with an AOE and turns it into a maxed BP RotP black.

    Assuming you have access to any 3* character you want there was never a reason to not have 5 in green because if you want to wimp out, Daken can fight the wimp out battle way better than Patch without any drawback. Of course Daken also has far less upside in doing damage but if you weren't maximizing your Berserker Rage, Patch didn't have much more offense since TBTI is a very difficult move to use both in terms of AP (5 matches) and team setup required to get it working.

    You don't necessarily have to win a game cleanly either. Berserker Rage can often straight up win in a messy brawl against a team that's much stronger than yours, which is generally more true in PvE but it's certainly possible to face a much stronger team than yours in PvP even if you had a level 166 Patch. For an obvious example, Berserker Rage is of no meaningful drawback when your opponent is The Hood + 2 Muscles.
  • Patch as 5/3/5 has worked amazing for me. If he gets green early, the matches end very fast.
  • My patch was 553, came ot this thread a long time ago and switched to 355, never looked back. Patch is IMO one of the best climbers around, especially paired with Daken, so that healing is a must. On top of that, I often find me pairing him with someone else who can use the green if need be. It's just never a big deal, I carry Patch around to OHK things and to survive whatever comes my way when climbing.
    - Unreall
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Wolverine (Patch) and Daken (Classic) should have received health buffs with every else.. It's stupid that other characters now have health limits sooo much higher. icon_mad.gif
  • Wolverine (Patch) and Daken (Classic) should have received health buffs with every else.. It's stupid that other characters now have health limits sooo much higher. icon_mad.gif
    D3 thinks that, because they can regenerate about 1k in two rounds its ok to have 1k less HP than Mohawk Storm. Both can easily be OHKOed by a lot of stuff now, that didnt existed when they were made like this (post-patch balance). One righteous uppercut and they are done, simple as that.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    I like my kamikaze patch 5/5/3. I typically pair with Daken + Loki and try to hit 9 green + 11 black as quick as possible. Saving up 14 in red means I can 1 shot most heroes.
  • Wolverine (Patch) and Daken (Classic) should have received health buffs with every else.. It's stupid that other characters now have health limits sooo much higher. icon_mad.gif
    It's perfectly fine. Their 'actual' health is pretty stupid when you factor in true healing. Sure they can be damn near one shot by some characters, not only are they few and far between, but already ranked higher typically (3hor), and usually require significant enough resources, that YOU can do the same to them. In the time it takes 3hor to get enough yellow and green to be scary, even at 166, he should be limping, between the ST dmg from Laken, the low AP needed for Laken to cleave off 2-3k at a time, while feeding into himself.

    So if someone can't do immense amount of consecutive damage, then you have a near infinte well of health with those two. I'll gladly take their low health over being big with no true healing.
    - Unreall
  • Am I the only one who pairs Patch with Dr. Doom? Doom's trap tiles block the purple strike tile placement for the enemy. I know exactly where the strike tiles are going, whether I can clear them, or whether they're going to be placed at all.

    Patch Green > Doom Blue for strike tile cascades > Doom Purple isn't uncommon as they're all fairly cheap and used in that order they're absolutely brutal. And they cover all 6 colors.
  • ShionSinX wrote:
    Wolverine (Patch) and Daken (Classic) should have received health buffs with every else.. It's stupid that other characters now have health limits sooo much higher. icon_mad.gif
    D3 thinks that, because they can regenerate about 1k in two rounds its ok to have 1k less HP than Mohawk Storm. Both can easily be OHKOed by a lot of stuff now, that didnt existed when they were made like this (post-patch balance). One righteous uppercut and they are done, simple as that.

    The problem with this thinking is that Patch and Daken are now effectively two-power characters. They are receiving a massive health penalty for having their third powers, with their true-healing effectively doing enough to get them up to baseline.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Jayko wrote:
    Doom's trap tiles block the purple strike tile placement for the enemy. I know exactly where the strike tiles are going, whether I can clear them, or whether they're going to be placed at all.

    Really? Because I know that when I've faced Doom with Patch, very often the Purple Strike tiles I place trigger "Trap Disarmed" messages. You're saying that this is not the case when you own the traps?
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Jayko wrote:
    Doom's trap tiles block the purple strike tile placement for the enemy. I know exactly where the strike tiles are going, whether I can clear them, or whether they're going to be placed at all.

    Really? Because I know that when I've faced Doom with Patch, very often the Purple Strike tiles I place trigger "Trap Disarmed" messages. You're saying that this is not the case when you own the traps?
    yep. Friendly specials don't overwrite friendly traps, but do overwrite enemy taps.