*** Wolverine (Patch) ***



  • I already have a maxed Punisher, and I have a 5/5/3 Mags, so I'm kinda leaning towards 5 green. I feel like 5 in red for me is wasted since Punisher's red doesn't require any team setup or certain characters to be buffed/unbuffed. 5/3/5 is what it's looking like...
  • what were the developers thinking when they made patch wolverine? I'm honestly curious and wish I could have been in the room during the meeting.

    Idiot Dev 1:Let's make the new wolverine have a green ability that hits sort of hard, but not really.

    Idiot Dev 2:Good idea, but let's also make it create evenly strengthed strike tiles for each team.

    Idiot Dev 1:Nice! Let's make also make strike tiles effect the strength of attack tiles. That way if the team wolverine attacks puts one weak attack tile on the board, the ability will actually end up benefiting them more than wovlerines own team.

    Idiot Dev 2:Wow!!!!! you are a freaking genius. You think the players will like this?

    Idiot Dev 1: Who cares, it's all about our creativity to come up with this stuff. It's art and they will just enjoy what we give them.

    So obviously I don't like patch wolverines ability setup. It's already stupid to have abilities create weaker stike tiles like his red ability does, but even strength ones??? I have literally been on the ropes so many times against Patch and came back because he used his green ability. I'll have someone like punisher or Psylock and have a couple of weak attack tiles on the board. They'll do a couple hundred damage per turn and it's normal. All of a sudden I'll have the strike tiles from wolverine on the board and my regular hit will do 500 plus damage, but 2 attack tiles will do another 800 because they each get a bonus. 2 turns later I've kill all 3 guys on the other team with one guy.

    Someone please tell the good idea behind this ability because I can't figure it out. So annoying!
  • GreekNinja wrote:
    what were the developers thinking when they made patch Clawguybub? I'm honestly curious and wish I could have been in the room during the meeting.

    Idiot Dev 1:Let's make the new Clawguybub have a green ability that hits sort of hard, but not really.

    Idiot Dev 2:Good idea, but let's also make it create evenly strengthed strike tiles for each team.

    Idiot Dev 1:Nice! Let's make also make strike tiles effect the strength of attack tiles. That way if the team Clawguybub attacks puts one weak attack tile on the board, the ability will actually end up benefiting them more than wovlerines own team.

    Idiot Dev 2:Wow!!!!! you are a freaking genius. You think the players will like this?

    Idiot Dev 1: Who cares, it's all about our creativity to come up with this stuff. It's art and they will just enjoy what we give them.

    So obviously I don't like patch wolverines ability setup. It's already stupid to have abilities create weaker stike tiles like his red ability does, but even strength ones??? I have literally been on the ropes so many times against Patch and came back because he used his green ability. I'll have someone like Littlebunnypunpun or Psylock and have a couple of weak attack tiles on the board. They'll do a couple hundred damage per turn and it's normal. All of a sudden I'll have the strike tiles from Clawguybub on the board and my regular hit will do 500 plus damage, but 2 attack tiles will do another 800 because they each get a bonus. 2 turns later I've kill all 3 guys on the other team with one guy.

    Someone please tell the good idea behind this ability because I can't figure it out. So annoying!

    1) Wait until a purple match is lined up
    2) Clawguy
    3) You get first attack on any further attack abilities you have stored, or your attack tiles
    4) match the purple
    5) laugh maniacally
  • Also, Patch's Berserker Rage is just insane combined with Loki's Trickery. You keep your strike tiles, and you get your opponent's strike tiles as defense tiles.
  • I love your optimize, but there are tympically 6 or 7 purples on the board.

    I just had an instance where I used him against psylock. She did her black ability, which is cheap. Every attack after that, she hit me for over 1K damage on a single match. It was insane.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I absolutely love it when the AI uses Patch's Berserker Rage on my lvl 141 Hulk. Between that and the match it makes afterwards, it generates two Anger countdowns. My turn begins, and Anger triggers twice with AoE damage modified by the strike tiles while generating 10 green to match away most of the enemy green strike tiles, again, with pink strike tile damage. I then simply mop up anybody still standing.

    Go on, put Patch in your defensive lineup. Please.
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    You have to play your strategy to his strength. He's my bread and butter right now. Basically in every team where he's available.

    Gather up green for his Berzerker's Rage, but don't cast it until you've hit a number of good conditions:
    [*] Only cast if there are 6 green tiles on board (in relatively safe areas, but they don't have to be)
    [*] There are very few purples on board (only 3 or so) OR
    [*] There is at least 1 purple match (good chance of getting rid of 2 or 3 purples on your next match)
    [*] You see a 2-match combo
    [*] You have other attack skills (preferably multi target or one that drops Attack tiles).

    When you get 2 or 3 of those conditions available, cast BR and hope the strike tiles land in favorable positions. In most cases, you can drop Berzerker's Rage and finish the battle before the enemy gets a turn.
  • I don't get why people always have these stories about how they overcome Patch on defense. Until Thor came around he was the best green defender in the game by a wide margin. By the time you see fully covered Patch you ought to have Spiderman or comparable characters to deal with him, and that puts the defensive at a crippling disadvantage. If instead of a Berserker Rage you got 2 Judgments, which is probably a stronger ability overall, it's still not enough because all that happens is the other guy takes about 1-2K damage, and then next turn Spiderman throws a bag over your head next turn and then he easily outheals whatever damage you did while you never get another turn again.

    Berserker Rage is different. In the turn it is used, there's a high chance someone is going to die. If you're lucky, it might even be Spiderman, who generally has to tank at least 2 colors (blue/purple). It's also cheap enough that it potentially can be used before Spiderman could have a complete stunlock. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter because it's just a matter of time before your team dies horribly to Spiderman, who should be assumed as a common opponent for anybody high enough to have a fully covered Patch.

    Patch won't cause you to lose any more game than you wouldn't have lost anyway, and before Call the Storm emerged as the premier green defensive (or offensive, for that matter) ability, that was about as good a shot as you get from the color green. He's offensive value is still unparalleled and he gives you a small chance of actually winning from the color green, and the only superior option is Thor.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes we get it already phantron, bagofepicness trivializes everything, etc etc etc

    Sure 2 judgements is better, but 1 of them only costs 1 green AP less than 1 berserker rage.

    He's really the best there is at doing matches quickly, especially if you're not wasting a team slot on bagofepicness. Combine him with cmag spam, or a relatively cheap team attack like punisher's black, and you can easily set stuff up to take the enemy down in only a couple minutes
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The main post reeks of poor manners/immaturity. To answer your question: Going off of Punisher/Psylocke, you would normally expect 200-300 damage worth of strike tiles for 8AP. Patch gives 750 damage worth of strike tiles for 9 green AP. The idea behind Patch is that if you can deal with his drawbacks, you get significantly more damage on your strike tiles than you would otherwise. He's a high risk, high reward character that depends on having his drawbacks mitigated with support characters such as Spidey, Loki, C. Mags, etc.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    ^ While I agree completely, cMags is a support character?? I got mine 5 in purple today and boy is he a one man army. Well he does require support of his own, but still, I think he's primarily an offensive character just like Patch (does anybody use blue for defense?).
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    ^ While I agree completely, cMags is a support character?? I got mine 5 in purple today and boy is he a one man army. Well he does require support of his own, but still, I think he's primarily an offensive character just like Patch (does anybody use blue for defense?).

    I just meant that Patch needs characters that synergize well with him. C. Mags can match 4 blues to clear a lot of the strike tiles that you give your opponent (or just override 2 of them as well). C. Mags can also just spam strike-tile powered red/blue until the opposing team dies: he works significantly better with Patch than most characters.
  • locked wrote:
    ^ While I agree completely, cMags is a support character?? I got mine 5 in purple today and boy is he a one man army. Well he does require support of his own, but still, I think he's primarily an offensive character just like Patch (does anybody use blue for defense?).

    I think he is more of a hybrid between offense and defense. His purple is without a doubt an offensive move, his blue is a defensive, and his red is in between, due to it not being meant for damage and mostly for changing the board a bit while having a small chance of destroying special enemy tiles, but having a low enough AP cost to make it an effective damage dealer as well.
  • Magneto's classification should be 'one man army'.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Magneto's classification should be 'one man army'.


    Magneto is perfectly capable of winning whole battles by himself. He is an offensive machine, and in my opinion, the strongest character in the game, easily. When you combine him with Patch (or even Punisher) the game is over once you get 8 or 9 green. I mean like literally over - it will probably end that turn. While his blue power could technically be considered defensive, no one uses it that way, it is just a method for creating critical tiles and near endless turns. His red at 5 covers is spammable 5-10 times (depending on how many red cascades you get) by the time you get strike tiles out, each one causing 1000 damage or more. His purple can one-shot many characters, and will certain reduce even tanks well below half health.

    He's crazy on his own, but with Patch? Let's just say, "Fast Clears".
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    This pve event is pretty fun, now that OBW is boosted so she takes purple/black/sometimes blue again, combined with buffed patch.
  • Anybody think - with his abilities - Patch should have been Weapon X, or some sort of savage Wolverine? The tuxedo seems like the least appropriate choice for the "raging so insanely he damages his own team" abilities.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    ^ Don't be silly, he wears an eyepatch, everyone knows that eyepatches are badass and dangeresque.

  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    Wow. I just used The Best There Is on a 6000+hp Magneto. Downed.

    That was awesome!!!
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    What's ur build?