*** Wolverine (Patch) ***



  • Killjoy00 wrote:
    Vis a vis the arguments for 3 yellow being ok because most things won't kill you - I've been running 4/5/4 just because that's the covers I've gotten, but I've found it to work very well. 4 in yellow does mean you always heal, just not always the full amount. Either way, it is plenty to cover normal match damage (even moreso than when I was at 3 yellow). 5 red is needed because otherwise it is barely worth the slot. And 4 green is nice because it is a boost over 3 green, but not the near suicide that 5 green can be. Basically at 4 green I don't have to think nearly as much about using it where with 5 green you really have to make sure (or be using Spidey). 4 green just seems more versatile.

    Currently running 5/5/3 but you make very good points. You may have just convinced me to switch to 4/5/4. I loved my pre-fun time 5/4/4 astonishing wolvie back in the day (a month ago or whatever).
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using a Patch 4/4/5 build with spidey to great use, but now I have tried to use it without him and green is really dangerous (specially when Hulk, Thor or Ragnarok are around). I am thinking to respec him to 3/5/5 but I am not sure, maybe 4/5/4 would be better. I think 5 in red is a must, with 4 it is just an ok ability but it is not exellent. I love 5 in yellow but maybe 4 would be enough... I suppose I will go for 3/5/5 no brain Patch icon_razz.gif
  • I think I had my second death in a long time on Patch that was not a one hit kill or a total wipeout, and that was against Daken on desert where regen really doesn't help you much (Daken's strike tiles easily overpowers regen).

    The rest of your team simply takes way more damage than Patch that it's almost never going to matter in terms of limiting your team's speed because the rest of your team will need to be healed 5 times before Patch needs to be healed even once almost all the time. Patch loses yellow to Spiderman, so it's very hard to come up with a team where Patch tanks even 3 colors where Patch isn't the only high level character. If any character are boosted, they're almost guaranteed to tank 4 colors. For example a level 51 Black Panther tanks 4 color over Patch (blue/yellow/black/purple) in The Hulk event.

    What people overlook is that because yellow is an extremely weak color, if the enemy is matching yellow, then you're not taking significant damage because Ares is the only character who can do significant damage with yellow right now. And if yellows are not matched, your regen is obviously fine.
  • I just maxed my Patch at 141, and I can't decide if I like him better at 5/5/3 or 4/5/4. I've played him at both for a while now. I love the damage boost from six attack tiles versus four, but the guaranteed heal every turn I'm enjoying as well. Five red is a given and as long as Spidey remains viable as a stunner, I'm tempted to switch back to 5/5/3 after this lord of thunder tourney guarantees me another green cover, since the small heal doesn't seem to be as much as a game changer as the green damage. What do you all think?
  • The emergence of Thor greatly weakens Patch since Thunder Strike completely hoses Berserker Rage, and having 3y is no longer safe because Thor makes good use of yellow AP (prior to that you basically have nothing to fear if the opponent matched yellow so you don't care if it shut off your regen). 5/5/3 is fine against anyone but Thor, but I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of Thors shortly, so make your adjustment based on the who your opponents are fielding.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been rocking patch for a while and for the longest time I was 535. I made a whole post about how to use it and why it was fine. I feel like it's no longer fine. Enough to where I've re spec's to 355.

    I agree with the post above. Any AOE damage against you after 5 green hurts like the dickens. As you get to max lvl you face enemies that don't go down after rage and one or 2 matches. That means your obw is dead and you have to wait/health pack if that's your go to team

    It got to the point where I stopped using green bc the backlash was way too much and I'd start consistently getting enough reds. Now with 5 red I can do massive single target damage and I can throw berserker rage out almost indiscriminantly.

    5 green is still faster but once you start facing better opponents it becomes detrimental. For going against buffed characters, tanks, or high lvl pve 5 red is way more useful
  • Phantron wrote:
    The emergence of Thor greatly weakens Patch since Thunder Strike completely hoses Berserker Rage, and having 3y is no longer safe because Thor makes good use of yellow AP (prior to that you basically have nothing to fear if the opponent matched yellow so you don't care if it shut off your regen). 5/5/3 is fine against anyone but Thor, but I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of Thors shortly, so make your adjustment based on the who your opponents are fielding.
    Yep this is smart, gotta think meta. I've only managed a couple lazy Thor covers myself, unfortunately.
  • I like 5 r n 3 g, so that he tanks most of the damage.
    Then red one shots 1st guy and after rage c.mag's blues takes care of the other 2.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    The emergence of Thor greatly weakens Patch since Thunder Strike completely hoses Berserker Rage, and having 3y is no longer safe because Thor makes good use of yellow AP (prior to that you basically have nothing to fear if the opponent matched yellow so you don't care if it shut off your regen). 5/5/3 is fine against anyone but Thor, but I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of Thors shortly, so make your adjustment based on the who your opponents are fielding.

    I went 3/5/5 from the getgo. The reason was that I got all the initial damage from Berserker Rage at lvl 3 vs. lvl 5, I was just missing Strike Tiles, the big issue was I didn not like giving the opposing team 4 or 6 strike tiles, so I would rather give them less even if it mean I get less. The other reason is a 3/5/5 build actually gives you almost 3 skills especially with Thor, BP, and soon to be 3* Cap around, it actually gives you a reason to match yellow, Thor really pushed this over the edge. I see the merits of 5/5/3 but I would much rather give up strike tiles for both myself and the opposing team to have an always working heal. 5/3/5 is probably the worst build for Patch as you essentially just created a 1 skill character
  • I have a 3/1/3 Patch and a green cover waiting. 3/5/5 seems like one of the best builds but I wonder- why even play Patch over Punisher if you aren't making more strike tiles than him?
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    I have a 3/1/3 Patch and a green cover waiting. 3/5/5 seems like one of the best builds but I wonder- why even play Patch over Punisher if you aren't making more strike tiles than him?

    Regen is a nice perk, from my perspective.
  • PorkBelly wrote:
    I have a 3/1/3 Patch and a green cover waiting. 3/5/5 seems like one of the best builds but I wonder- why even play Patch over Punisher if you aren't making more strike tiles than him?

    Regen is a nice perk, from my perspective.
    It's easy to forget, but Berserker Rage also does 1700ish damage, too. That's kinda nice, too! Plus, the regen is great for grinding & PVE
  • The regen is only useful in PvE if your boosted characters are significantly lower than Patch.

    For example in Simulator Basic, Thor pretty much tanks every color over Patch, so his regen is actually pretty meaningless there. Though at least for PvE you usually get to choose your team so you can often work around that. In PvP this is even more limiting. If you've a powerful featured character, that guy is guaranteed to tank at least 3 colors (whatever 3 color he's good at), and if he overlaps any color with Patch he'd take those colors too. For example in Unholy Outlaw I got The Hood tanking yellow, blue, purple, and black. It doesn't matter what level of regen is on Patch, because The Hood will need all 5 of your health packs if you're going without a healer long before Patch, and you can't get around that unless you purposely have a weak featured character, which can jepoardize your overall chances.

    I'd say regen is good while you're still working on your roster, but when you get to a point where you can usually field a level 100 boosted character, Patch's regen is simply a lot less relevent because whoever is featured will be doing all the tanking whether you want to or not.
  • WesFaram wrote:
    PorkBelly wrote:
    I have a 3/1/3 Patch and a green cover waiting. 3/5/5 seems like one of the best builds but I wonder- why even play Patch over Punisher if you aren't making more strike tiles than him?

    Regen is a nice perk, from my perspective.
    It's easy to forget, but Berserker Rage also does 1700ish damage, too. That's kinda nice, too! Plus, the regen is great for grinding & PVE

    Yeah, and you always get the first hit with the strike tiles. I was fighting the level 230 Patch in Simulator Basic, and I decided to let them use Berserker Rage to speed things up since I lack the firepower to win that game quickly (can stunlock but would take forever), and Patch went through all 8000 health of Black Panther on the turn he used Berserker Rage (damage + 3 cascades). Good thing I didn't need BP for that. Even if there are some drawbacks, the ability to wipe out a guy in one turn generally is worth the risk. Remember, you don't need a totally ideal situation. If you see a good cascade or a match 4, you should go for the Berserker Rage unless the game is totally in your control. If you see a match 5, that pretty much guaranteeds Berserker Rage will take out one guy.

    I also had one game where there are only 3 purple tiles left on the board that are matchable. Not even sure how it happened, but that was a totally safe Berserker Rage too.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Are we at least agreed that 5/3/5 is the worst possible build, or not? Is there no wrong build as long as you avoid level 4 skills? This guy leaves me wondering, not that mine is usable yet, but I like having 'perfect' builds.
  • I run 3/5/5 and what you have to keep in mind is the regen is still good even if his tiles are being overtaken. I can't tell you how many times I have won battles I would have lost because of that constant heal. I would say the regen is nice for when you end up losing your tank or support characters. Also for defense because unless they wanna stun you or stack up on a ton of abilities they are going to have to mess with the rest of your team first and then patches red is a one hit KO for them.
  • locked wrote:
    Are we at least agreed that 5/3/5 is the worst possible build, or not? Is there no wrong build as long as you avoid level 4 skills? This guy leaves me wondering, not that mine is usable yet, but I like having 'perfect' builds.

    You want to avoid 4 in green and/or red because mathematically speaking it's silly to leave them at 4 considering the considerable boost you get from going to 5.

    But that's really the only reason. Mine is at 5/5/3 and I love him but I could make an argument for every build. A lot of it just depends on how often you use him, who you use him with, what position of the team you put him at depending on who you use him with, etc...

    EDIT: Ugh, I've edited this post a bunch of times already and the more I think about it the more I could really justify every build. For me I think 5/4/4 would probably be best. But just last week I was thinking 4/5/4 would be an upgrade for my team.
  • locked wrote:
    Are we at least agreed that 5/3/5 is the worst possible build, or not? Is there no wrong build as long as you avoid level 4 skills? This guy leaves me wondering, not that mine is usable yet, but I like having 'perfect' builds.
    Definitely not the worst possible build. It jives too well with 5/5/3 CMags.

    Devs released 3 really awesome chars in a row (Punisher, Hulk, Patch) in terms of not having one clear-cut best build
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    Are we at least agreed that 5/3/5 is the worst possible build, or not? Is there no wrong build as long as you avoid level 4 skills? This guy leaves me wondering, not that mine is usable yet, but I like having 'perfect' builds.

    After playing the simulator with a buffed Thor, I watched my 3/5/5 Patch only be able to do damage with Green, because he had no tiles with Wolvie symbo on them, meaning Red did no damage, so in those rare situations, 5/3/5 is actually the better build.
  • Didn't level thor at all so patch was still tanking all the damage.
    In regards to builds, I still like 3 g overall as its just nice with c.mags blue.
    You get a match 3 pink then do rage and protect tile the other 2 enemy strike tiles.
    Essentially making yourself harder to be killed as well as dishing out a boatload of damage.
    I think they same can be said for c.mags, 5 blue is a given but what to do with red and purple?
    They both have their merits, I went purple just so I can have a one shot along with patch but what would you pick?