Lightning rounds (will they ever rotate again?)



  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anyone else not getting any of their rewards from the Lighting rounds? I don't think I've gotten any. This is definitely odd, though I'll wait 24 before filing a ticket or anything.
  • GrimSkald wrote:
    Anyone else not getting any of their rewards from the Lighting rounds? I don't think I've gotten any. This is definitely odd, though I'll wait 24 before filing a ticket or anything.
    Sometimes they're really really delayed. I still havent gotten any either
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    My rewards for the early rounds have come in now.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    GrimSkald wrote:
    Anyone else not getting any of their rewards from the Lighting rounds? I don't think I've gotten any. This is definitely odd, though I'll wait 24 before filing a ticket or anything.
    I did not get the rewards for the Gamora Lightning Round for which I finished Top 25 but I got all the other rewards for the Lightning Rounds after that right away at the end of each event (I barely played those & got the 500 Iso-8 reward for each of them).

    Murphy's Law at it's best that the only event I earned tokens for is the only one that I am still waiting for the rewards... icon_e_wink.gif

    EDIT: I've now got all my rewards... icon_cool.gif
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Season XIII:

    Rotating In: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Hulk (Indestructible), Iron Man (Model 40), Professor X (Charles Xavier), Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) and Unknown Character (Coming Soon).

    Rotating Out: Blade (Daywalker), Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted), Storm (Mohawk), The Hood (Classic) and Wolverine (Patch).

    Hood, Grocket, and Blade were all in LR's, so a few changes will be coming. Rags probably in for Hood, not sure about heroes. killerkoala has been giving us updates often before the official rotations are here.

    Bummer to see Blade go, he was only in for a couple seasons.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Season XIII:

    Rotating In: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Hulk (Indestructible), Iron Man (Model 40), Professor X (Charles Xavier), Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) and Unknown Character (Coming Soon).

    Rotating Out: Blade (Daywalker), Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted), Storm (Mohawk), The Hood (Classic) and Wolverine (Patch).

    Hood, Grocket, and Blade were all in LR's, so a few changes will be coming. Rags probably in for Hood, not sure about heroes. killerkoala has been giving us updates often before the official rotations are here.

    Bummer to see Blade go, he was only in for a couple seasons.
    Just one I think. The big question now is if Hulk, Steve or Iron man comes back to the lightning rounds or if it's someone new.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:

    Bummer to see Blade go, he was only in for a couple seasons.

    blade got in this season; when spidy got rotated out. he was fun to have in LR.

    as for villians most likely it'll be rags, but would rather have daken back into it.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:

    Bummer to see Blade go, he was only in for a couple seasons.

    blade got in this season; when spidy got rotated out. he was fun to have in LR.

    as for villians most likely it'll be rags, but would rather have daken back into it.
    I want Rags back, otherwise there will be no active green powers among the boosted villains.
  • Quebbster wrote:
    I want Rags back, otherwise there will be no active green powers among the boosted villains.

    Agreed. I've been bringing Loki along but he really slows down the match. Rags's Red was my #1 LR power back when he was in them.
  • You know, as much as I dislike the change from Rag's redflag.png generating green to generating blue instead, it will make for a fun combo with Mags in LRs.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Season 13 Lightning Rounds Rotation

    Hood Out - Rags in
    Blade Out - IM40 In

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Rags, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, IM40, Daredevil, Groot & Rocket Racoon, Punisher

    I don't know what order they are in.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Season 13 Lightning Rounds Rotation

    Hood Out - Rags in
    Blade Out - IM40 In

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Rags, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, IM40, Daredevil, Groot & Rocket Racoon, Punisher

    I don't know what order they are in.
    So for the villains, Rags and Mags are the must plays if you want full color coverage. Either one of the other three work in that perspective though.
    For the heroes, it's Daredevil and Iron man and either Gamora or Punisher.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    Season 13 Lightning Rounds Rotation

    Hood Out - Rags in
    Blade Out - IM40 In

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Rags, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, IM40, Daredevil, Groot & Rocket Racoon, Punisher

    I don't know what order they are in.
    So for the villains, Rags and Mags are the must plays if you want full color coverage. Either one of the other three work in that perspective though.
    For the heroes, it's Daredevil and Iron man and either Gamora or Punisher.

    What you almost want is still Rags without blue, to push the blue to CMags. Probably loki as the 3rd, as Hood is now gone.

    I'll still be running CMags/Doom when possible, likely won't be using Rags except when he is featured. In hero's I've been using Grocket for the "huge health, don't bother" reason - but he is backed with a decent O, unlike Rags. IM/Grocket might make a decent pair.

    Edit - wait, Grocket still in? He's rotating out of packs though. This would be the first time a rotated out character would be in the new LR's.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Season 13 Lightning Rounds Rotation

    Hood Out - Rags in
    Blade and Groot & Rocket Racoon Out - IM40 and Rogers in

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Rags, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, IM40, Daredevil, Rogers, Punisher

    I don't know what order they are in.

    Didn't see rogers hiding, lol
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Season 13 Lightning Rounds Rotation

    Hood Out - Rags in
    Blade and Groot & Rocket Racoon Out - IM40 and Rogers in

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Rags, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, IM40, Daredevil, Rogers, Punisher

    I don't know what order they are in.

    Didn't see rogers hiding, lol
    So there's two green/black/red heroes, two red/blue/yellow and the fifth is also strong in red? Nice variety there...
  • Didn't I see hulk on the list too
  • Anyone else notice that during the Iron Man lightning rounds, some of the feeder teams have both IM35 and IM40? Did they remove the same character restriction on Iron Man?
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    I had noticed that, and figured it was the just the AI 'cheating' again icon_e_smile.gif More likely it's that the seed teams are fixed pairs of chars, no checks/etc are done prior to that seed team being added to the 'powered-up char' so it probably never registers anywhere they've just paired IM35 with IM40.

  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    No more characters in rotations, so harder to guess who will be in/out?

    Loki, Doctor Doom, Ragnarok, Mystique, Magneto - no villain change.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    I just took 1st in lightning round - my first time ever!

    The rewards are kind of **** for 90 minutes of grinding, but I'm still proud of myself. icon_e_biggrin.gif